2016-09-12 22:13:39 -07:00

223 lines
6.8 KiB

// See LICENSE for license details.
package uncore.tilelink2
import Chisel._
object LFSR16Seed
def apply(seed: Int): UInt =
val width = 16
val lfsr = Reg(init=UInt((seed*0x7231) % 65536, width))
lfsr := Cat(lfsr(0)^lfsr(2)^lfsr(3)^lfsr(5), lfsr(width-1,1))
class RRTestCombinational(val bits: Int, rvalid: Bool => Bool, wready: Bool => Bool) extends Module
val io = new Bundle {
val rvalid = Bool(OUTPUT)
val rready = Bool(INPUT)
val rdata = UInt(OUTPUT, width = bits)
val wvalid = Bool(INPUT)
val wready = Bool(OUTPUT)
val wdata = UInt(INPUT, width = bits)
val rfire = io.rvalid && io.rready
val wfire = io.wvalid && io.wready
val reg = Reg(UInt(width = bits))
io.rvalid := rvalid(rfire)
io.wready := wready(wfire)
io.rdata := Mux(rfire, reg, UInt(0))
when (wfire) { reg := io.wdata }
object RRTestCombinational
private var seed = 42
def always: Bool => Bool = _ => Bool(true)
def random: Bool => Bool = {
seed = seed + 1
_ => LFSR16Seed(seed)(0)
def delay(x: Int): Bool => Bool = { fire =>
val reg = RegInit(UInt(0, width = log2Ceil(x+1)))
val ready = reg === UInt(0)
reg := Mux(fire, UInt(x), Mux(ready, UInt(0), reg - UInt(1)))
def combo(bits: Int, rvalid: Bool => Bool, wready: Bool => Bool): RegField = {
val combo = Module(new RRTestCombinational(bits, rvalid, wready))
RegReadFn { ready => combo.io.rready := ready; (combo.io.rvalid, combo.io.rdata) },
RegWriteFn { (valid, data) => combo.io.wvalid := valid; combo.io.wdata := data; combo.io.wready })
class RRTestRequest(val bits: Int,
rflow: (Bool, Bool, UInt) => (Bool, Bool, UInt),
wflow: (Bool, Bool, UInt) => (Bool, Bool, UInt)) extends Module
val io = new Bundle {
val rivalid = Bool(INPUT)
val riready = Bool(OUTPUT)
val rovalid = Bool(OUTPUT)
val roready = Bool(INPUT)
val rdata = UInt(OUTPUT, width = bits)
val wivalid = Bool(INPUT)
val wiready = Bool(OUTPUT)
val wovalid = Bool(OUTPUT)
val woready = Bool(INPUT)
val wdata = UInt(INPUT, width = bits)
val (riready, rovalid, _) = rflow(io.rivalid, io.roready, UInt(0, width = 1))
val (wiready, wovalid, wdata) = wflow(io.wivalid, io.woready, io.wdata)
val reg = Reg(UInt(width = bits))
io.riready := riready
io.rovalid := rovalid
io.wiready := wiready
io.wovalid := wovalid
val rofire = io.roready && rovalid
val wofire = io.woready && wovalid
io.rdata := Mux(rofire, reg, UInt(0))
when (wofire) { reg := wdata }
object RRTestRequest
private var seed = 1231
def pipe(x: Int): (Bool, Bool, UInt) => (Bool, Bool, UInt) = { (ivalid, oready, idata) =>
val full = RegInit(Vec.fill(x)(Bool(false)))
val ready = Wire(Vec(x, Bool()))
val data = Reg(Vec(x, UInt(width = idata.getWidth)))
// Construct a classic bubble-filling pipeline
ready(x-1) := oready || !full(x-1)
when (ready(0)) { data(0) := idata }
when (ready(0)) { full(0) := ivalid }
((ready.init zip ready.tail) zip full.init) foreach { case ((self, next), full) =>
self := next || !full
((data.init zip data.tail) zip ready.tail) foreach { case ((prev, self), ready) =>
when (ready) { self := prev }
((full.init zip full.tail) zip ready.tail) foreach { case ((prev, self), ready) =>
when (ready) { self := prev }
(ready(0), full(x-1), data(x-1))
def busy: (Bool, Bool, UInt) => (Bool, Bool, UInt) = {
seed = seed + 1
(ivalid, oready, idata) => {
val lfsr = LFSR16Seed(seed)
val busy = RegInit(Bool(false))
val data = Reg(UInt(width = idata.getWidth))
val progress = lfsr(0)
when (progress) {
busy := Mux(busy, !oready, ivalid)
val iready = progress && !busy
val ovalid = progress && busy
when (ivalid && iready) { data := idata }
(iready, ovalid, data)
def request(bits: Int,
rflow: (Bool, Bool, UInt) => (Bool, Bool, UInt),
wflow: (Bool, Bool, UInt) => (Bool, Bool, UInt)): RegField = {
val request = Module(new RRTestRequest(bits, rflow, wflow))
RegReadFn { (rivalid, roready) =>
request.io.rivalid := rivalid
request.io.roready := roready
(request.io.riready, request.io.rovalid, request.io.rdata) },
RegWriteFn { (wivalid, woready, wdata) =>
request.io.wivalid := wivalid
request.io.woready := woready
request.io.wdata := wdata
(request.io.wiready, request.io.wovalid) })
object RRTest0Map
import RRTestCombinational._
def aa(bits: Int) = combo(bits, always, always)
def ar(bits: Int) = combo(bits, always, random)
def ad(bits: Int) = combo(bits, always, delay(11))
def ae(bits: Int) = combo(bits, always, delay(5))
def ra(bits: Int) = combo(bits, random, always)
def rr(bits: Int) = combo(bits, random, random)
def rd(bits: Int) = combo(bits, random, delay(11))
def re(bits: Int) = combo(bits, random, delay(5))
def da(bits: Int) = combo(bits, delay(5), always)
def dr(bits: Int) = combo(bits, delay(5), random)
def dd(bits: Int) = combo(bits, delay(5), delay(5))
def de(bits: Int) = combo(bits, delay(5), delay(11))
def ea(bits: Int) = combo(bits, delay(11), always)
def er(bits: Int) = combo(bits, delay(11), random)
def ed(bits: Int) = combo(bits, delay(11), delay(5))
def ee(bits: Int) = combo(bits, delay(11), delay(11))
// All fields must respect byte alignment, or else it won't behave like an SRAM
val map = Seq(
0 -> Seq(aa(8), ar(8), ad(8), ae(8)),
1 -> Seq(ra(8), rr(8), rd(8), re(8)),
2 -> Seq(da(8), dr(8), dd(8), de(8)),
3 -> Seq(ea(8), er(8), ed(8), ee(8)),
4 -> Seq(aa(3), ar(5), ad(1), ae(7), ra(2), rr(6), rd(4), re(4)),
5 -> Seq(da(3), dr(5), dd(1), de(7), ea(2), er(6), ed(4), ee(4)),
6 -> Seq(aa(8), rr(8), dd(8), ee(8)),
7 -> Seq(ar(8), rd(8), de(8), ea(8)))
object RRTest1Map
import RRTestRequest._
def pp(bits: Int) = request(bits, pipe(3), pipe(3))
def pb(bits: Int) = request(bits, pipe(3), busy)
def bp(bits: Int) = request(bits, busy, pipe(3))
def bb(bits: Int) = request(bits, busy, busy)
val map = RRTest0Map.map.take(6) ++ Seq(
6 -> Seq(pp(8), pb(8), bp(8), bb(8)),
7 -> Seq(pp(3), pb(5), bp(1), bb(7), pb(5), bp(3), pp(4), bb(4)))
trait RRTest0Bundle
trait RRTest0Module extends HasRegMap
class RRTest0(address: BigInt) extends TLRegisterRouter(address, 0, 32, Some(0), 4)(
new TLRegBundle((), _) with RRTest0Bundle)(
new TLRegModule((), _, _) with RRTest0Module)
trait RRTest1Bundle
trait RRTest1Module extends HasRegMap
class RRTest1(address: BigInt) extends TLRegisterRouter(address, 0, 32, Some(6), 4)(
new TLRegBundle((), _) with RRTest1Bundle)(
new TLRegModule((), _, _) with RRTest1Module)