Andrew Waterman ed827678ac Write test harness in Chisel
This is an unavoidably invasive commit, because it affects the unit tests
(which formerly exited using stop()), the test harness Verilog generator
(since it is no longer necessary), and the DRAM model (since it is no
longer connected).  However, this should substantially reduce the effort
of building test harnesses in the future, since manual or semi-automatic
Verilog writing should no longer be necessary.  Furthermore, there is now
very little duplication of effort between the Verilator and VCS test

This commit removes support for DRAMsim, which is a bit of an unfortunate
consequence.  The main blocker is the lack of Verilog parameterization for
BlackBox.  It would be straightforward to revive DRAMsim once support for
that feature is added to Chisel and FIRRTL.  But that might not even be
necessary, as we move towards synthesizable DRAM models and FAME-1
2016-08-15 23:27:27 -07:00

137 lines
4.7 KiB

// See LICENSE for license details.
package rocket
import Chisel._
import uncore.tilelink._
import uncore.agents._
import uncore.devices._
import Util._
import cde.{Parameters, Field}
case object BuildRoCC extends Field[Seq[RoccParameters]]
case object NCachedTileLinkPorts extends Field[Int]
case object NUncachedTileLinkPorts extends Field[Int]
case class RoccParameters(
opcodes: OpcodeSet,
generator: Parameters => RoCC,
nMemChannels: Int = 0,
nPTWPorts : Int = 0,
useFPU: Boolean = false)
abstract class Tile(clockSignal: Clock = null, resetSignal: Bool = null)
(implicit p: Parameters) extends Module(Option(clockSignal), Option(resetSignal)) {
val nCachedTileLinkPorts = p(NCachedTileLinkPorts)
val nUncachedTileLinkPorts = p(NUncachedTileLinkPorts)
val dcacheParams = p.alterPartial({ case CacheName => "L1D" })
class TileIO extends Bundle {
val cached = Vec(nCachedTileLinkPorts, new ClientTileLinkIO)
val uncached = Vec(nUncachedTileLinkPorts, new ClientUncachedTileLinkIO)
val prci = new PRCITileIO().flip
val io = new TileIO
class RocketTile(clockSignal: Clock = null, resetSignal: Bool = null)
(implicit p: Parameters) extends Tile(clockSignal, resetSignal)(p) {
val buildRocc = p(BuildRoCC)
val usingRocc = !buildRocc.isEmpty
val nRocc = buildRocc.size
val nFPUPorts = buildRocc.filter(_.useFPU).size
val core = Module(new Rocket)
val icache = Module(new Frontend()(p.alterPartial({ case CacheName => "L1I" })))
val dcache =
if (p(NMSHRs) == 0) Module(new DCache()(dcacheParams)).io
else Module(new HellaCache()(dcacheParams)).io
val ptwPorts = collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer(icache.io.ptw, dcache.ptw)
val dcPorts = collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer(core.io.dmem)
val uncachedArbPorts = collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer(icache.io.mem)
val uncachedPorts = collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[ClientUncachedTileLinkIO]()
val cachedPorts = collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer(dcache.mem)
core.io.prci <> io.prci
icache.io.cpu <> core.io.imem
val fpuOpt = if (p(UseFPU)) Some(Module(new FPU)) else None
fpuOpt.foreach(fpu => core.io.fpu <> fpu.io)
if (usingRocc) {
val respArb = Module(new RRArbiter(new RoCCResponse, nRocc))
core.io.rocc.resp <> respArb.io.out
val roccOpcodes = buildRocc.map(_.opcodes)
val cmdRouter = Module(new RoccCommandRouter(roccOpcodes))
cmdRouter.io.in <> core.io.rocc.cmd
val roccs = buildRocc.zipWithIndex.map { case (accelParams, i) =>
val rocc = accelParams.generator(p.alterPartial({
case RoccNMemChannels => accelParams.nMemChannels
case RoccNPTWPorts => accelParams.nPTWPorts
val dcIF = Module(new SimpleHellaCacheIF()(dcacheParams))
rocc.io.cmd <> cmdRouter.io.out(i)
rocc.io.exception := core.io.rocc.exception
dcIF.io.requestor <> rocc.io.mem
dcPorts += dcIF.io.cache
uncachedArbPorts += rocc.io.autl
if (nFPUPorts > 0) {
fpuOpt.foreach { fpu =>
val fpArb = Module(new InOrderArbiter(new FPInput, new FPResult, nFPUPorts))
val fp_roccs = roccs.zip(buildRocc)
.filter { case (_, params) => params.useFPU }
.map { case (rocc, _) => rocc.io }
fpArb.io.in_req <> fp_roccs.map(_.fpu_req)
fp_roccs.zip(fpArb.io.in_resp).foreach {
case (rocc, fpu_resp) => rocc.fpu_resp <> fpu_resp
fpu.io.cp_req <> fpArb.io.out_req
fpArb.io.out_resp <> fpu.io.cp_resp
core.io.rocc.busy := cmdRouter.io.busy || roccs.map(_.io.busy).reduce(_ || _)
core.io.rocc.interrupt := roccs.map(_.io.interrupt).reduce(_ || _)
respArb.io.in <> roccs.map(rocc => Queue(rocc.io.resp))
ptwPorts ++= roccs.flatMap(_.io.ptw)
uncachedPorts ++= roccs.flatMap(_.io.utl)
val uncachedArb = Module(new ClientUncachedTileLinkIOArbiter(uncachedArbPorts.size))
uncachedArb.io.in <> uncachedArbPorts
uncachedArb.io.out +=: uncachedPorts
// Connect the caches and RoCC to the outer memory system
io.uncached <> uncachedPorts
io.cached <> cachedPorts
// TODO remove nCached/nUncachedTileLinkPorts parameters and these assertions
require(uncachedPorts.size == nUncachedTileLinkPorts)
require(cachedPorts.size == nCachedTileLinkPorts)
if (p(UseVM)) {
val ptw = Module(new PTW(ptwPorts.size)(dcacheParams))
ptw.io.requestor <> ptwPorts
ptw.io.mem +=: dcPorts
core.io.ptw <> ptw.io.dpath
require(dcPorts.size == core.dcacheArbPorts)
val dcArb = Module(new HellaCacheArbiter(dcPorts.size)(dcacheParams))
dcArb.io.requestor <> dcPorts
dcache.cpu <> dcArb.io.mem
if (!usingRocc || nFPUPorts == 0) {
fpuOpt.foreach { fpu =>
fpu.io.cp_req.valid := Bool(false)
fpu.io.cp_resp.ready := Bool(false)