
388 lines
14 KiB

package groundtest
import Chisel._
import uncore.tilelink._
import uncore.constants._
import junctions._
import rocket._
import scala.util.Random
import cde.{Parameters, Field}
case class ComparatorParameters(
targets: Seq[Long],
width: Int,
operations: Int,
atomics: Boolean,
prefetches: Boolean)
case object ComparatorKey extends Field[ComparatorParameters]
trait HasComparatorParameters {
implicit val p: Parameters
val comparatorParams = p(ComparatorKey)
val targets = comparatorParams.targets
val nTargets = targets.size
val targetWidth = comparatorParams.width
val nOperations = comparatorParams.operations
val atomics = comparatorParams.atomics
val prefetches = comparatorParams.prefetches
object LFSR64
private var counter = 0
private def next: Int = {
counter += 1
def apply(increment: Bool = Bool(true), seed: Int = next): UInt =
val wide = 64
val lfsr = RegInit(UInt((seed * 0xDEADBEEFCAFEBAB1L) >>> 1, width = wide))
val xor = lfsr(0) ^ lfsr(1) ^ lfsr(3) ^ lfsr(4)
when (increment) { lfsr := Cat(xor, lfsr(wide-1,1)) }
object NoiseMaker
def apply(wide: Int, increment: Bool = Bool(true)): UInt = {
val lfsrs = Seq.fill((wide+63)/64) { LFSR64(increment) }
object MaskMaker
def apply(wide: Int, bits: UInt): UInt =
Vec.tabulate(wide) {UInt(_) < bits} .asUInt
class ComparatorSource(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Module
with HasComparatorParameters
with HasTileLinkParameters
val io = new Bundle {
val out = Decoupled(new Acquire)
val finished = Bool(OUTPUT)
// Output exactly nOperations of Acquires
val finished = RegInit(Bool(false))
val valid = RegInit(Bool(false))
valid := Bool(true)
io.finished := finished
io.out.valid := !finished && valid
// Generate random operand sizes
val inc = io.out.fire()
val raw_operand_size = NoiseMaker(2, inc) | UInt(0, M_SZ)
val max_operand_size = UInt(log2Up(tlDataBytes))
val get_operand_size = Mux(raw_operand_size > max_operand_size, max_operand_size, raw_operand_size)
val atomic_operand_size = UInt(2) + NoiseMaker(1, inc) // word or dword
// Generate random, but valid addr_bytes
val raw_addr_byte = NoiseMaker(tlByteAddrBits, inc)
val get_addr_byte = raw_addr_byte & ~MaskMaker(tlByteAddrBits, get_operand_size)
val atomic_addr_byte = raw_addr_byte & ~MaskMaker(tlByteAddrBits, atomic_operand_size)
// Only allow some of the possible choices (M_XA_MAXU untested)
val atomic_opcode = MuxLookup(NoiseMaker(3, inc), M_XA_SWAP, Array(
UInt("b000") -> M_XA_ADD,
UInt("b001") -> M_XA_XOR,
UInt("b010") -> M_XA_OR,
UInt("b011") -> M_XA_AND,
UInt("b100") -> M_XA_MIN,
UInt("b101") -> M_XA_MAX,
UInt("b110") -> M_XA_MINU,
UInt("b111") -> M_XA_SWAP))
// Addr_block range
val addr_block_mask = MaskMaker(tlBlockAddrBits, UInt(targetWidth-tlBeatAddrBits-tlByteAddrBits))
// Generate some random values
val addr_block = NoiseMaker(tlBlockAddrBits, inc) & addr_block_mask
val addr_beat = NoiseMaker(tlBeatAddrBits, inc)
val wmask = NoiseMaker(tlDataBytes, inc)
val data = NoiseMaker(tlDataBits, inc)
val client_xact_id = UInt(0) // filled by Client
// Random transactions
val get = Get(client_xact_id, addr_block, addr_beat, get_addr_byte, get_operand_size, Bool(false))
val getBlock = GetBlock(client_xact_id, addr_block)
val put = Put(client_xact_id, addr_block, addr_beat, data, Some(wmask))
val putBlock = PutBlock(client_xact_id, addr_block, UInt(0), data)
val putAtomic = if (atomics)
PutAtomic(client_xact_id, addr_block, addr_beat,
atomic_addr_byte, atomic_opcode, atomic_operand_size, data)
else put
val putPrefetch = if (prefetches)
PutPrefetch(client_xact_id, addr_block)
else put
val getPrefetch = if (prefetches)
GetPrefetch(client_xact_id, addr_block)
else get
val a_type_sel = NoiseMaker(3, inc)
// We must initially putBlock all of memory to have a consistent starting state
val final_addr_block = addr_block_mask + UInt(1)
val wipe_addr_block = RegInit(UInt(0, width = tlBlockAddrBits))
val done_wipe = wipe_addr_block === final_addr_block
io.out.bits := Mux(!done_wipe,
// Override whatever else we were going to do if we are wiping
PutBlock(client_xact_id, wipe_addr_block, UInt(0), data),
// Generate a random a_type
MuxLookup(a_type_sel, get, Array(
UInt("b000") -> get,
UInt("b001") -> getBlock,
UInt("b010") -> put,
UInt("b011") -> putBlock,
UInt("b100") -> putAtomic,
UInt("b101") -> getPrefetch,
UInt("b110") -> putPrefetch)))
val idx = Reg(init = UInt(0, log2Up(nOperations)))
when (io.out.fire()) {
when (idx === UInt(nOperations - 1)) { finished := Bool(true) }
when (!done_wipe) {
printf("[acq %d]: PutBlock(addr_block = %x, data = %x)\n",
idx, wipe_addr_block, data)
wipe_addr_block := wipe_addr_block + UInt(1)
} .otherwise {
switch (a_type_sel) {
is (UInt("b000")) {
printf("[acq %d]: Get(addr_block = %x, addr_beat = %x, addr_byte = %x, op_size = %x)\n",
idx, addr_block, addr_beat, get_addr_byte, get_operand_size)
is (UInt("b001")) {
printf("[acq %d]: GetBlock(addr_block = %x)\n", idx, addr_block)
is (UInt("b010")) {
printf("[acq %d]: Put(addr_block = %x, addr_beat = %x, data = %x, wmask = %x)\n",
idx, addr_block, addr_beat, data, wmask)
is (UInt("b011")) {
printf("[acq %d]: PutBlock(addr_block = %x, data = %x)\n", idx, addr_block, data)
is (UInt("b100")) {
if (atomics) {
printf("[acq %d]: PutAtomic(addr_block = %x, addr_beat = %x, addr_byte = %x, " +
"opcode = %x, op_size = %x, data = %x)\n",
idx, addr_block, addr_beat, atomic_addr_byte,
atomic_opcode, atomic_operand_size, data)
} else {
printf("[acq %d]: Put(addr_block = %x, addr_beat = %x, data = %x, wmask = %x)\n",
idx, addr_block, addr_beat, data, wmask)
is (UInt("b101")) {
if (prefetches) {
printf("[acq %d]: GetPrefetch(addr_block = %x)\n", idx, addr_block)
} else {
printf("[acq %d]: Get(addr_block = %x, addr_beat = %x, addr_byte = %x, op_size = %x)\n",
idx, addr_block, addr_beat, get_addr_byte, get_operand_size)
is (UInt("b110")) {
if (prefetches) {
printf("[acq %d]: PutPrefetch(addr_block = %x)\n", idx, addr_block)
} else {
printf("[acq %d]: Put(addr_block = %x, addr_beat = %x, data = %x, wmask = %x)\n",
idx, addr_block, addr_beat, data, wmask)
is (UInt("b111")) {
printf("[acq %d]: Get(addr_block = %x, addr_beat = %x, addr_byte = %x, op_size = %x)\n",
idx, addr_block, addr_beat, get_addr_byte, get_operand_size)
idx := idx + UInt(1)
class ComparatorClient(val target: Long)(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Module
with HasComparatorParameters
with HasTileLinkParameters
val io = new Bundle {
val in = Decoupled(new Acquire).flip
val tl = new ClientUncachedTileLinkIO()
val out = Decoupled(new Grant)
val finished = Bool(OUTPUT)
val timeout = Bool(OUTPUT)
val xacts = tlMaxClientXacts
val offset = (UInt(target) >> UInt(tlBeatAddrBits+tlByteAddrBits))
// Track the status of inflight requests
val issued = RegInit(Vec.fill(xacts) {Bool(false)})
val ready = RegInit(Vec.fill(xacts) {Bool(false)})
val result = Reg(Vec(xacts, new Grant))
val buffer = Queue(io.in, xacts)
val queue = Module(new Queue(io.tl.acquire.bits.client_xact_id, xacts))
val isMultiOut = buffer.bits.hasMultibeatData()
val isMultiIn = io.tl.grant.bits.hasMultibeatData()
val beatOut = RegInit(UInt(0, width = tlBeatAddrBits))
val lastBeat = UInt(tlDataBeats-1)
val isFirstBeatOut= Mux(isMultiOut, beatOut === UInt(0), Bool(true))
val isLastBeatOut = Mux(isMultiOut, beatOut === lastBeat, Bool(true))
val isLastBeatIn = Mux(isMultiIn, io.tl.grant.bits.addr_beat === lastBeat, Bool(true))
// Remove this once HoldUnless is in chisel3
def holdUnless[T <: Data](in : T, enable: Bool): T = Mux(!enable, RegEnable(in, enable), in)
// Potentially issue a request, using a free xact id
// NOTE: we may retract valid and change xact_id on a !ready (allowed by spec)
val allow_acq = NoiseMaker(1)(0) && issued.map(!_).reduce(_ || _)
val xact_id = holdUnless(PriorityEncoder(issued.map(!_)), isFirstBeatOut)
buffer.ready := allow_acq && io.tl.acquire.ready && isLastBeatOut
io.tl.acquire.valid := allow_acq && buffer.valid
io.tl.acquire.bits := buffer.bits
io.tl.acquire.bits.addr_block := buffer.bits.addr_block + offset
io.tl.acquire.bits.client_xact_id := xact_id
when (isMultiOut) {
val dataOut = (buffer.bits.data << beatOut) + buffer.bits.data // mix the data up a bit
io.tl.acquire.bits.addr_beat := beatOut
io.tl.acquire.bits.data := dataOut
when (io.tl.acquire.fire()) {
issued(xact_id) := isLastBeatOut
when (isMultiOut) { beatOut := beatOut + UInt(1) }
// Remember the xact ID so we can return results in-order
queue.io.enq.valid := io.tl.acquire.fire() && isLastBeatOut
queue.io.enq.bits := xact_id
assert (queue.io.enq.ready || !queue.io.enq.valid) // should be big enough
// Capture the results from the manager
io.tl.grant.ready := NoiseMaker(1)(0)
when (io.tl.grant.fire()) {
val id = io.tl.grant.bits.client_xact_id
assert (!ready(id)) // got same xact_id twice?
ready(id) := isLastBeatIn
result(id) := io.tl.grant.bits
// Bad xact_id returned if ready but not issued!
assert ((ready zip issued) map {case (r,i) => i || !r} reduce (_ && _))
// When we have the next grant result, send it to the sink
val next_id = queue.io.deq.bits
queue.io.deq.ready := io.out.ready && ready(next_id) // TODO: only compares last getBlock
io.out.valid := queue.io.deq.valid && ready(next_id)
io.out.bits := result(queue.io.deq.bits)
when (io.out.fire()) {
ready(next_id) := Bool(false)
issued(next_id) := Bool(false)
io.finished := !buffer.valid && !issued.reduce(_ || _)
val (idx, acq_done) = Counter(
io.tl.acquire.fire() && io.tl.acquire.bits.last(), nOperations)
val timer = Module(new Timer(8192, xacts))
timer.io.start.valid := io.tl.acquire.fire() && io.tl.acquire.bits.first()
timer.io.start.bits := xact_id
timer.io.stop.valid := io.tl.grant.fire() && io.tl.grant.bits.first()
timer.io.stop.bits := io.tl.grant.bits.client_xact_id
assert(!timer.io.timeout.valid, "Comparator TL client timed out")
io.timeout := timer.io.timeout.valid
class ComparatorSink(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Module
with HasComparatorParameters
with HasTileLinkParameters
with HasGroundTestConstants
val io = new Bundle {
val in = Vec(nTargets, Decoupled(new Grant)).flip
val finished = Bool(OUTPUT)
val error = Valid(UInt(width = errorCodeBits))
// could use a smaller Queue here, but would couple targets flow controls together
val queues = io.in.map(Queue(_, nOperations))
io.finished := queues.map(!_.valid).reduce(_ && _)
val all_valid = queues.map(_.valid).reduce(_ && _)
queues.foreach(_.ready := all_valid)
val base = queues(0).bits
val idx = Reg(init = UInt(0, log2Up(nOperations)))
def check(g: Grant) = {
when (g.hasData() && base.data =/= g.data) {
printf("%d: %x =/= %x, g_type = %x\n", idx, base.data, g.data, g.g_type)
val assert_conds = Seq(
base.g_type === g.g_type,
base.addr_beat === g.addr_beat || !g.hasData(),
base.data === g.data || !g.hasData())
assert (g.is_builtin_type, "grant not builtin")
assert (base.g_type === g.g_type, "g_type mismatch")
assert (base.addr_beat === g.addr_beat || !g.hasData(), "addr_beat mismatch")
assert (base.data === g.data || !g.hasData(), "data mismatch")
assert_conds.zipWithIndex.foreach { case (cond, i) =>
when (!cond) {
io.error.valid := Bool(true)
io.error.bits := UInt(i)
when (all_valid) {
when (base.hasData()) {
printf("[gnt %d]: g_type = %x, addr_beat = %x, data = %x\n",
idx, base.g_type, base.addr_beat, base.data)
} .otherwise {
printf("[gnt %d]: g_type = %x\n", idx, base.g_type)
idx := idx + UInt(1)
class ComparatorCore(implicit p: Parameters) extends GroundTest()(p)
with HasComparatorParameters
with HasTileLinkParameters {
require (io.mem.size == nTargets)
val source = Module(new ComparatorSource)
val sink = Module(new ComparatorSink)
val broadcast = Broadcaster(source.io.out, nTargets)
val clients = targets.zipWithIndex.map { case (target, index) =>
val client = Module(new ComparatorClient(target))
client.io.in <> broadcast(index)
io.mem(index) <> client.io.tl
sink.io.in(index) <> client.io.out
val client_timeouts = clients.map(_.io.timeout)
io.status.finished := source.io.finished && sink.io.finished && clients.map(_.io.finished).reduce(_ && _)
io.status.timeout.valid := client_timeouts.reduce(_ || _)
io.status.timeout.bits := MuxCase(UInt(0),
client_timeouts.zipWithIndex.map {
case (timeout, i) => (timeout -> UInt(i))
io.status.error := sink.io.error