2016-10-12 17:08:52 -07:00

51 lines
2.2 KiB

// See LICENSE for license details.
package uncore.axi4
import Chisel._
import chisel3.internal.sourceinfo.SourceInfo
import diplomacy._
import scala.math.max
// pipe is only used if a queue has depth = 1
class AXI4Buffer(aw: Int = 2, w: Int = 2, b: Int = 2, ar: Int = 2, r: Int = 2, pipe: Boolean = true) extends LazyModule
require (aw >= 0)
require (w >= 0)
require (b >= 0)
require (ar >= 0)
require (r >= 0)
val node = AXI4IdentityNode()
lazy val module = new LazyModuleImp(this) {
val io = new Bundle {
val in = node.bundleIn
val out = node.bundleOut
((io.in zip io.out) zip (node.edgesIn zip node.edgesOut)) foreach { case ((in, out), (edgeIn, edgeOut)) =>
if (aw>0) { out.aw <> Queue(in .aw, aw, pipe && aw<2) } else { out.aw <> in .aw }
if (w >0) { out.w <> Queue(in .w, w, pipe && w <2) } else { out.w <> in .w }
if (b >0) { in .b <> Queue(out.b, b, pipe && b <2) } else { in .b <> out.b }
if (ar>0) { out.ar <> Queue(in .ar, ar, pipe && ar<2) } else { out.ar <> in .ar }
if (r >0) { in .r <> Queue(out.r, r, pipe && r <2) } else { in .r <> out.r }
object AXI4Buffer
// applied to the AXI4 source node; y.node := AXI4Buffer(x.node)
def apply() (x: AXI4OutwardNode)(implicit sourceInfo: SourceInfo): AXI4OutwardNode = apply(2)(x)
def apply(entries: Int) (x: AXI4OutwardNode)(implicit sourceInfo: SourceInfo): AXI4OutwardNode = apply(entries, true)(x)
def apply(entries: Int, pipe: Boolean) (x: AXI4OutwardNode)(implicit sourceInfo: SourceInfo): AXI4OutwardNode = apply(entries, entries, pipe)(x)
def apply(aw: Int, br: Int) (x: AXI4OutwardNode)(implicit sourceInfo: SourceInfo): AXI4OutwardNode = apply(aw, br, true)(x)
def apply(aw: Int, br: Int, pipe: Boolean)(x: AXI4OutwardNode)(implicit sourceInfo: SourceInfo): AXI4OutwardNode = apply(aw, aw, br, aw, br, pipe)(x)
def apply(aw: Int, w: Int, b: Int, ar: Int, r: Int, pipe: Boolean = true)(x: AXI4OutwardNode)(implicit sourceInfo: SourceInfo): AXI4OutwardNode = {
val buffer = LazyModule(new AXI4Buffer(aw, w, b, ar, r, pipe))
buffer.node := x