Unfortunately, I had to touch a lot of code, which weren't quite possible to split up into multiple commits. This commit gets rid of the "extra" infrastructure to add periphery devices into Top.
630 lines
19 KiB
630 lines
19 KiB
// This file was originally written by Matthew Naylor, University of
// Cambridge, based on code already present in the groundtest repo.
// This software was partly developed by the University of Cambridge
// Computer Laboratory under DARPA/AFRL contract FA8750-10-C-0237
// ("CTSRD"), as part of the DARPA CRASH research programme.
// This software was partly developed by the University of Cambridge
// Computer Laboratory under DARPA/AFRL contract FA8750-11-C-0249
// ("MRC2"), as part of the DARPA MRC research programme.
// This software was partly developed by the University of Cambridge
// Computer Laboratory as part of the Rigorous Engineering of
// Mainstream Systems (REMS) project, funded by EPSRC grant
// EP/K008528/1.
package groundtest
import Chisel._
import uncore.tilelink._
import uncore.constants._
import uncore.devices.NTiles
import junctions._
import rocket._
import scala.util.Random
import cde.{Parameters, Field}
// =======
// Outline
// =======
// Generate memory traces that result from random sequences of memory
// operations. These traces can then be validated by an external
// tool. A trace is a simply sequence of memory requests and
// responses.
// ==========================
// Trace-generator parameters
// ==========================
// Compile-time parameters:
// * The id of the generator (there may be more than one in a
// multi-core system).
// * The total number of generators present in the system.
// * The desired number of requests to be sent by each generator.
// * A bag of physical addresses, shared by all cores, from which an
// address can be drawn when generating a fresh request.
// * A number of random 'extra addresses', local to each core, from
// which an address can be drawn when generating a fresh request.
// (This is a way to generate a wider range of addresses without having
// to repeatedly recompile with a different address bag.)
case object AddressBag extends Field[List[BigInt]]
trait HasTraceGenParams {
implicit val p: Parameters
val numGens = p(NTiles)
val numBitsInId = log2Up(numGens)
val numReqsPerGen = p(GeneratorKey).maxRequests
val memRespTimeout = 8192
val numBitsInWord = p(XLen)
val numBytesInWord = numBitsInWord / 8
val numBitsInWordOffset = log2Up(numBytesInWord)
val addressBag = p(AddressBag)
val addressBagLen = addressBag.length
val logAddressBagLen = log2Up(addressBagLen)
val genExtraAddrs = false
val logNumExtraAddrs = 1
val numExtraAddrs = 1 << logNumExtraAddrs
val maxTags = 8
require(numBytesInWord * 8 == numBitsInWord)
require((1 << logAddressBagLen) == addressBagLen)
// ============
// Trace format
// ============
// Let <id> denote a generator id;
// <addr> denote an address (in hex);
// <data> denote a value that is stored at an address;
// <tag> denote a unique request/response id;
// and <time> denote an integer representing a cycle-count.
// Each line in the trace takes one of the following formats.
// <id>: load-req <addr> #<tag> @<time>
// <id>: load-reserve-req <addr> #<tag> @<time>
// <id>: store-req <data> <addr> #<tag> @<time>
// <id>: store-cond-req <data> <addr> #<tag> @<time>
// <id>: swap-req <data> <addr> #<tag> @<time>
// <id>: resp <data> #<tag> @<time>
// <id>: fence-req @<time>
// <id>: fence-resp @<time>
// NOTE: The (address, value) pair of every generated store is unique,
// i.e. the same value is never written to the same address twice.
// This aids trace validation.
// ============
// Random seeds
// ============
// The generator employs "unitialised registers" to seed its PRNGs;
// these are randomly initialised by the C++ backend. This means that
// the "-s" command-line argument to the Rocket emulator can be used
// to generate new traces, or to replay specific ones.
// ===========
// Tag manager
// ===========
// This is used to obtain unique tags for memory requests: each
// request must carry a unique tag since responses can come back
// out-of-order.
// The tag manager can be viewed as a set of tags. The user can take
// a tag out of the set (if there is one available) and later put it
// back.
class TagMan(val logNumTags : Int) extends Module {
val io = new Bundle {
// Is there a tag available?
val available = Bool(OUTPUT)
// If so, which one?
val tagOut = UInt(OUTPUT, logNumTags)
// User pulses this to take the currently available tag
val take = Bool(INPUT)
// User pulses this to put a tag back
val put = Bool(INPUT)
// And the tag put back is
val tagIn = UInt(INPUT, logNumTags)
// Total number of tags available
val numTags = 1 << logNumTags
// For each tag, record whether or not it is in use
val inUse = List.fill(numTags)(Reg(init = Bool(false)))
// Mapping from each tag to its 'inUse' bit
val inUseMap = (0 to numTags-1).map(i => UInt(i)).zip(inUse)
// Next tag to offer
val nextTag = Reg(init = UInt(0, logNumTags))
io.tagOut := nextTag
// Is the next tag available?
io.available := ~MuxLookup(nextTag, Bool(true), inUseMap)
// When user takes a tag
when (io.take) {
for ((i, b) <- inUseMap) {
when (i === nextTag) { b := Bool(true) }
nextTag := nextTag + UInt(1)
// When user puts a tag back
when (io.put) {
for ((i, b) <- inUseMap) {
when (i === io.tagIn) { b := Bool(false) }
// ===============
// Trace generator
// ===============
class TraceGenerator(id: Int)
(implicit p: Parameters) extends L1HellaCacheModule()(p)
with HasAddrMapParameters
with HasTraceGenParams {
val io = new Bundle {
val finished = Bool(OUTPUT)
val timeout = Bool(OUTPUT)
val mem = new HellaCacheIO
val reqTimer = Module(new Timer(8192, maxTags))
reqTimer.io.start.valid := io.mem.req.fire()
reqTimer.io.start.bits := io.mem.req.bits.tag
reqTimer.io.stop.valid := io.mem.resp.valid
reqTimer.io.stop.bits := io.mem.resp.bits.tag
assert(!reqTimer.io.timeout.valid, s"TraceGen core ${id}: request timed out")
// Random addresses
// ----------------
// Address bag, shared by all cores, taken from module parameters.
// In addition, there is a per-core random selection of extra addresses.
val baseAddr = addrMap("mem").start + 0x01000000
val bagOfAddrs = addressBag.map(x => UInt(x, numBitsInWord))
val extraAddrs = (0 to numExtraAddrs-1).
map(i => Reg(UInt(width = 16)))
// A random index into the address bag.
val randAddrBagIndex = LCG(logAddressBagLen)
// A random address from the address bag.
val addrBagIndices = (0 to addressBagLen-1).
map(i => UInt(i, logAddressBagLen))
val randAddrFromBag = MuxLookup(randAddrBagIndex, UInt(0),
// Random address from the address bag or the extra addresses.
val randAddr =
if (! genExtraAddrs) {
else {
// A random index into the extra addresses.
val randExtraAddrIndex = LCG(logNumExtraAddrs)
// A random address from the extra addresses.
val extraAddrIndices = (0 to numExtraAddrs-1).
map(i => UInt(i, logNumExtraAddrs))
val randAddrFromExtra = Cat(UInt(0),
MuxLookup(randExtraAddrIndex, UInt(0),
extraAddrIndices.zip(extraAddrs)), UInt(0, 3))
(1, randAddrFromBag),
(1, randAddrFromExtra)))
// Random opcodes
// --------------
// Generate random opcodes for memory operations according to the
// given frequency distribution.
// Opcodes
val (opNop :: opLoad :: opStore ::
opFence :: opLRSC :: opSwap ::
opDelay :: Nil) = Enum(Bits(), 7)
// Distribution specified as a list of (frequency,value) pairs.
// NOTE: frequencies must sum to a power of two.
val randOp = Frequency(List(
(10, opLoad),
(10, opStore),
(4, opFence),
(3, opLRSC),
(3, opSwap),
(2, opDelay)))
// Request/response tags
// ---------------------
// Responses may come back out-of-order. Each request and response
// therefore contains a unique 7-bit identifier, referred to as a
// "tag", used to match each response with its corresponding request.
// Create a tag manager giving out unique 3-bit tags
val tagMan = Module(new TagMan(log2Ceil(maxTags)))
// Default inputs
tagMan.io.take := Bool(false);
tagMan.io.put := Bool(false);
tagMan.io.tagIn := UInt(0);
// Cycle counter
// -------------
// 32-bit cycle count used to record send-times of requests and
// receive-times of respones.
val cycleCount = Reg(init = UInt(0, 32))
cycleCount := cycleCount + UInt(1);
// Delay timer
// -----------
// Used to implement the delay operation and to insert random
// delays between load-reserve and store-conditional commands.
// A 16-bit timer is plenty
val delayTimer = Module(new DynamicTimer(16))
// Used to generate a random delay period
val randDelayBase = LCG16()
// Random delay period: usually small, occasionally big
val randDelay = Frequency(List(
(14, UInt(0, 13) ## randDelayBase(2, 0)),
(2, UInt(0, 11) ## randDelayBase(5, 0))))
// Default inputs
delayTimer.io.start := Bool(false)
delayTimer.io.period := randDelay
delayTimer.io.stop := Bool(false)
// Operation dispatch
// ------------------
// Hardware thread id
val tid = UInt(id, numBitsInId)
// Request & response count
val reqCount = Reg(init = UInt(0, 32))
val respCount = Reg(init = UInt(0, 32))
// Current operation being executed
val currentOp = Reg(init = opNop)
// If larger than 0, a multi-cycle operation is in progress.
// Value indicates stage of progress.
val opInProgress = Reg(init = UInt(0, 2))
// Indicate when a fresh request is to be sent
val sendFreshReq = Wire(Bool())
sendFreshReq := Bool(false)
// Used to generate unique data values
val nextData = Reg(init = UInt(1, numBitsInWord-numBitsInId))
// Registers for all the interesting parts of a request
val reqValid = Reg(init = Bool(false))
val reqAddr = Reg(init = UInt(0, numBitsInWord))
val reqData = Reg(init = UInt(0, numBitsInWord))
val reqCmd = Reg(init = UInt(0, 5))
val reqTag = Reg(init = UInt(0, 7))
// Condition on being allowed to send a fresh request
val canSendFreshReq = (!reqValid || io.mem.req.fire()) &&
// Operation dispatch
when (reqCount < UInt(numReqsPerGen)) {
// No-op
when (currentOp === opNop) {
// Move on to a new operation
currentOp := randOp
// Fence
when (currentOp === opFence) {
when (opInProgress === UInt(0) && !reqValid) {
// Emit fence request
printf("%d: fence-req @%d\n", tid, cycleCount)
// Multi-cycle operation now in progress
opInProgress := UInt(1)
// Wait until all requests have had a response
.elsewhen (reqCount === respCount) {
// Emit fence response
printf("%d: fence-resp @%d\n", tid, cycleCount)
// Move on to a new operation
currentOp := randOp
// Operation finished
opInProgress := UInt(0)
// Delay
when (currentOp === opDelay) {
when (opInProgress === UInt(0)) {
// Start timer
delayTimer.io.start := Bool(true)
// Multi-cycle operation now in progress
opInProgress := UInt(1)
.elsewhen (delayTimer.io.timeout) {
// Move on to a new operation
currentOp := randOp
// Operation finished
opInProgress := UInt(0)
// Load, store, or atomic swap
when (currentOp === opLoad ||
currentOp === opStore ||
currentOp === opSwap) {
when (canSendFreshReq) {
// Set address
reqAddr := randAddr
// Set command
when (currentOp === opLoad) {
reqCmd := M_XRD
} .elsewhen (currentOp === opStore) {
reqCmd := M_XWR
} .elsewhen (currentOp === opSwap) {
reqCmd := M_XA_SWAP
// Send request
sendFreshReq := Bool(true)
// Move on to a new operation
currentOp := randOp
// Load-reserve and store-conditional
// First issue an LR, then delay, then issue an SC
when (currentOp === opLRSC) {
// LR request has not yet been sent
when (opInProgress === UInt(0)) {
when (canSendFreshReq) {
// Set address and command
reqAddr := randAddr
reqCmd := M_XLR
// Send request
sendFreshReq := Bool(true)
// Multi-cycle operation now in progress
opInProgress := UInt(1)
// LR request has been sent, start delay timer
when (opInProgress === UInt(1)) {
// Start timer
delayTimer.io.start := Bool(true)
// Indicate that delay has started
opInProgress := UInt(2)
// Delay in progress
when (opInProgress === UInt(2)) {
when (delayTimer.io.timeout) {
// Delay finished
opInProgress := UInt(3)
// Delay finished, send SC request
when (opInProgress === UInt(3)) {
when (canSendFreshReq) {
// Set command, but leave address
// i.e. use same address as LR did
reqCmd := M_XSC
// Send request
sendFreshReq := Bool(true)
// Multi-cycle operation finished
opInProgress := UInt(0)
// Move on to a new operation
currentOp := randOp
// Sending of requests
// -------------------
when (sendFreshReq) {
// Grab a unique tag for the request
reqTag := tagMan.io.tagOut
tagMan.io.take := Bool(true)
// Fill in unique data
reqData := Cat(nextData, tid)
nextData := nextData + UInt(1)
// Request is good to go!
reqValid := Bool(true)
// Increment request count
reqCount := reqCount + UInt(1)
.elsewhen (io.mem.req.fire()) {
// Request has been sent and there is no new request ready
reqValid := Bool(false)
// Wire up interface to memory
io.mem.req.valid := reqValid
io.mem.req.bits.addr := reqAddr
io.mem.req.bits.data := reqData
io.mem.req.bits.typ := UInt(log2Ceil(numBytesInWord))
io.mem.req.bits.cmd := reqCmd
io.mem.req.bits.tag := reqTag
// On cycle when request is actually sent, print it
when (io.mem.req.fire()) {
// Short-hand for address
val addr = io.mem.req.bits.addr
// Print thread id
printf("%d:", tid)
// Print command
when (reqCmd === M_XRD) {
printf(" load-req 0x%x", addr)
when (reqCmd === M_XLR) {
printf(" load-reserve-req 0x%x", addr)
when (reqCmd === M_XWR) {
printf(" store-req %d 0x%x", reqData, addr)
when (reqCmd === M_XSC) {
printf(" store-cond-req %d 0x%x", reqData, addr)
when (reqCmd === M_XA_SWAP) {
printf(" swap-req %d 0x%x", reqData, addr)
// Print tag
printf(" #%d", reqTag)
// Print time
printf(" @%d\n", cycleCount)
// Handling of responses
// ---------------------
// When a response is received
when (io.mem.resp.valid) {
// Put tag back in tag set
tagMan.io.tagIn := io.mem.resp.bits.tag
tagMan.io.put := Bool(true)
// Print response
printf("%d: resp %d #%d @%d\n", tid,
io.mem.resp.bits.data, io.mem.resp.bits.tag, cycleCount)
// Increment response count
respCount := respCount + UInt(1)
// Termination condition
// ---------------------
val done = reqCount === UInt(numReqsPerGen) &&
respCount === UInt(numReqsPerGen)
val donePulse = done && !Reg(init = Bool(false), next = done)
// Emit that this thread has completed
when (donePulse) {
printf(s"FINISHED ${numGens}\n")
io.finished := Bool(false)
io.timeout := reqTimer.io.timeout.valid
class NoiseGenerator(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Module
with HasTraceGenParams
with HasTileLinkParameters {
val io = new Bundle {
val mem = new ClientUncachedTileLinkIO
val finished = Bool(INPUT)
val idBits = tlClientXactIdBits
val xact_id_free = Reg(UInt(width = idBits), init = ~UInt(0, idBits))
val xact_id_onehot = PriorityEncoderOH(xact_id_free)
val timer = Module(new DynamicTimer(8))
timer.io.start := io.mem.acquire.fire()
timer.io.period := LCG(8, io.mem.acquire.fire())
timer.io.stop := Bool(false)
val s_start :: s_send :: s_wait :: s_done :: Nil = Enum(Bits(), 4)
val state = Reg(init = s_start)
when (state === s_start) { state := s_send }
when (io.mem.acquire.fire()) { state := s_wait }
when (state === s_wait) {
when (timer.io.timeout) { state := s_send }
when (io.finished) { state := s_done }
val acq_id = OHToUInt(xact_id_onehot)
val gnt_id = io.mem.grant.bits.client_xact_id
xact_id_free := (xact_id_free &
~Mux(io.mem.acquire.fire(), xact_id_onehot, UInt(0))) |
Mux(io.mem.grant.fire(), UIntToOH(gnt_id), UInt(0))
val tlBlockOffset = tlBeatAddrBits + tlByteAddrBits
val addr_idx = LCG(logAddressBagLen, io.mem.acquire.fire())
val addr_bag = Vec(addressBag.map(
addr => UInt(addr >> tlBlockOffset, tlBlockAddrBits)))
val addr_block = addr_bag(addr_idx)
val addr_beat = LCG(tlBeatAddrBits, io.mem.acquire.fire())
val acq_select = LCG(1, io.mem.acquire.fire())
val get_acquire = Get(
client_xact_id = acq_id,
addr_block = addr_block,
addr_beat = addr_beat)
val put_acquire = Put(
client_xact_id = acq_id,
addr_block = addr_block,
addr_beat = addr_beat,
data = UInt(0),
wmask = Some(UInt(0)))
io.mem.acquire.valid := (state === s_send) && xact_id_free.orR
io.mem.acquire.bits := Mux(acq_select(0), get_acquire, put_acquire)
io.mem.grant.ready := !xact_id_free(gnt_id)
// =======================
// Trace-generator wrapper
// =======================
class GroundTestTraceGenerator(implicit p: Parameters)
extends GroundTest()(p) with HasTraceGenParams {
require(io.mem.size <= 1)
require(io.cache.size == 1)
val traceGen = Module(new TraceGenerator(p(TileId)))
io.cache.head <> traceGen.io.mem
if (io.mem.size == 1) {
val noiseGen = Module(new NoiseGenerator)
io.mem.head <> noiseGen.io.mem
noiseGen.io.finished := traceGen.io.finished
io.status.finished := traceGen.io.finished
io.status.timeout.valid := traceGen.io.timeout
io.status.timeout.bits := UInt(0)
io.status.error.valid := Bool(false)