Wesley W. Terpstra 020fbe8be9 diplomacy: make config.Parameters available in bundle connect()
This makes it posisble to use Parameters to control Monitors.
However, we need to make all LazyModules carry Parameters.
2016-12-07 12:24:01 -08:00

305 lines
12 KiB

// See LICENSE.SiFive for license details.
package uncore.tilelink2
import Chisel._
import config._
import diplomacy._
import scala.math.{min,max}
class TLBroadcast(lineBytes: Int, numTrackers: Int = 4, bufferless: Boolean = false)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule
require (lineBytes > 0 && isPow2(lineBytes))
require (numTrackers > 0)
val node = TLAdapterNode(
clientFn = { case Seq(cp) =>
cp.copy(clients = Seq(TLClientParameters(
sourceId = IdRange(0, 1 << log2Ceil(cp.endSourceId*4)))))
managerFn = { case Seq(mp) =>
endSinkId = numTrackers,
managers = mp.managers.map { m =>
// We are the last level manager
require (m.regionType != RegionType.CACHED)
require (m.regionType != RegionType.TRACKED)
require (!m.supportsAcquire)
// We only manage addresses which are uncached
if (m.regionType == RegionType.UNCACHED && m.supportsGet) {
// The device had better support line transfers
val lowerBound = max(m.supportsPutFull.min, m.supportsGet.min)
require (!m.supportsPutFull || m.supportsPutFull.contains(lineBytes))
require (!m.supportsGet || m.supportsGet .contains(lineBytes))
regionType = RegionType.TRACKED,
supportsAcquire = TransferSizes(lowerBound, lineBytes),
// truncate supported accesses to lineBytes (we only ever probe for one line)
supportsPutFull = TransferSizes(m.supportsPutFull .min, min(m.supportsPutFull .max, lineBytes)),
supportsPutPartial = TransferSizes(m.supportsPutPartial.min, min(m.supportsPutPartial.max, lineBytes)),
supportsGet = TransferSizes(m.supportsGet .min, min(m.supportsGet .max, lineBytes)),
fifoId = None // trackers do not respond in FIFO order!
} else {
lazy val module = new LazyModuleImp(this) {
val io = new Bundle {
val in = node.bundleIn
val out = node.bundleOut
val in = io.in(0)
val out = io.out(0)
val edgeIn = node.edgesIn(0)
val edgeOut = node.edgesOut(0)
val clients = edgeIn.client.clients
val managers = edgeOut.manager.managers
val lineShift = log2Ceil(lineBytes)
import TLBroadcastConstants._
require (lineBytes >= edgeOut.manager.beatBytes)
// For the probe walker, we need to identify all the caches
val caches = clients.filter(_.supportsProbe).map(_.sourceId)
val cache_targets = caches.map(c => UInt(c.start))
// Create the request tracker queues
val trackers = Seq.tabulate(numTrackers) { id =>
Module(new TLBroadcastTracker(id, lineBytes, log2Up(caches.size+1), bufferless, edgeIn, edgeOut)).io
// We always accept E
in.e.ready := Bool(true)
(trackers zip UIntToOH(in.e.bits.sink).toBools) foreach { case (tracker, select) =>
tracker.e_last := select && in.e.fire()
// Depending on the high source bits, we might transform D
val d_high = log2Ceil(edgeIn.client.endSourceId)
val d_what = out.d.bits.source(d_high+1, d_high)
val d_drop = d_what === DROP
val d_hasData = edgeOut.hasData(out.d.bits)
val d_normal = Wire(in.d)
val d_trackerOH = Vec(trackers.map { t => !t.idle && t.source === d_normal.bits.source }).asUInt
assert (!out.d.valid || !d_drop || out.d.bits.opcode === TLMessages.AccessAck)
out.d.ready := d_normal.ready || d_drop
d_normal.valid := out.d.valid && !d_drop
d_normal.bits := out.d.bits // truncates source
when (d_what(1)) { // TRANSFORM_*
d_normal.bits.opcode := Mux(d_hasData, TLMessages.GrantData, TLMessages.ReleaseAck)
d_normal.bits.param := Mux(d_hasData, Mux(d_what(0), TLPermissions.toT, TLPermissions.toB), UInt(0))
d_normal.bits.sink := OHToUInt(d_trackerOH)
assert (!d_normal.valid || (d_trackerOH.orR() || d_normal.bits.opcode === TLMessages.ReleaseAck))
// A tracker response is anything neither dropped nor a ReleaseAck
val d_response = d_hasData || !d_what(1)
val d_last = edgeIn.last(d_normal)
(trackers zip d_trackerOH.toBools) foreach { case (tracker, select) =>
tracker.d_last := select && d_normal.fire() && d_response && d_last
tracker.probedack := select && out.d.fire() && d_drop
// Incoming C can be:
// ProbeAck => decrement tracker, drop
// ProbeAckData => decrement tracker, send out A as PutFull(DROP)
// ReleaseData => send out A as PutFull(TRANSFORM)
// Release => send out D as ReleaseAck
val c_probeack = in.c.bits.opcode === TLMessages.ProbeAck
val c_probeackdata = in.c.bits.opcode === TLMessages.ProbeAckData
val c_releasedata = in.c.bits.opcode === TLMessages.ReleaseData
val c_release = in.c.bits.opcode === TLMessages.Release
val c_trackerOH = trackers.map { t => t.line === (in.c.bits.address >> lineShift) }
val c_trackerSrc = Mux1H(c_trackerOH, trackers.map { _.source })
// Decrement the tracker's outstanding probe counter
(trackers zip c_trackerOH) foreach { case (tracker, select) =>
tracker.probenack := in.c.fire() && c_probeack && select
val releaseack = Wire(in.d)
val putfull = Wire(out.a)
in.c.ready := c_probeack || Mux(c_release, releaseack.ready, putfull.ready)
releaseack.valid := in.c.valid && c_release
releaseack.bits := edgeIn.ReleaseAck(in.c.bits.address, UInt(0), in.c.bits.source, in.c.bits.size)
val put_what = Mux(c_releasedata, TRANSFORM_B, DROP)
val put_who = Mux(c_releasedata, in.c.bits.source, c_trackerSrc)
putfull.valid := in.c.valid && (c_probeackdata || c_releasedata)
putfull.bits := edgeOut.Put(Cat(put_what, put_who), in.c.bits.address, in.c.bits.size, in.c.bits.data)._2
// Combine ReleaseAck or the modified D
TLArbiter.lowest(edgeOut, in.d, releaseack, d_normal)
// Combine the PutFull with the trackers
TLArbiter.lowestFromSeq(edgeOut, out.a, putfull +: trackers.map(_.out_a))
// The Probe FSM walks all caches and probes them
val probe_todo = RegInit(UInt(0, width = max(1, caches.size)))
val probe_line = Reg(UInt())
val probe_perms = Reg(UInt(width = 2))
val probe_next = probe_todo & ~(leftOR(probe_todo) << 1)
val probe_busy = probe_todo.orR()
val probe_target = if (caches.size == 0) UInt(0) else Mux1H(probe_next, cache_targets)
// Probe whatever the FSM wants to do next
in.b.valid := probe_busy
if (caches.size != 0) {
in.b.bits := edgeIn.Probe(probe_line << lineShift, probe_target, UInt(lineShift), probe_perms)._2
when (in.b.fire()) { probe_todo := probe_todo & ~probe_next }
// Which cache does a request come from?
val a_cache = if (caches.size == 0) UInt(1) else Vec(caches.map(_.contains(in.a.bits.source))).asUInt
val a_first = edgeIn.first(in.a)
// To accept a request from A, the probe FSM must be idle and there must be a matching tracker
val freeTrackers = Vec(trackers.map { t => t.idle }).asUInt
val freeTracker = freeTrackers.orR()
val matchTrackers = Vec(trackers.map { t => t.line === in.a.bits.address >> lineShift }).asUInt
val matchTracker = matchTrackers.orR()
val allocTracker = freeTrackers & ~(leftOR(freeTrackers) << 1)
val selectTracker = Mux(matchTracker, matchTrackers, allocTracker)
val trackerReady = Vec(trackers.map(_.in_a.ready)).asUInt
in.a.ready := (!a_first || !probe_busy) && (selectTracker & trackerReady).orR()
(trackers zip selectTracker.toBools) foreach { case (t, select) =>
t.in_a.valid := in.a.valid && select && (!a_first || !probe_busy)
t.in_a.bits := in.a.bits
t.in_a_first := a_first
t.probe := (if (caches.size == 0) UInt(0) else Mux(a_cache.orR(), UInt(caches.size-1), UInt(caches.size)))
when (in.a.fire() && a_first) {
probe_todo := ~a_cache // probe all but the cache who poked us
probe_line := in.a.bits.address >> lineShift
probe_perms := MuxLookup(in.a.bits.opcode, Wire(UInt(width = 2)), Array(
TLMessages.PutFullData -> TLPermissions.toN,
TLMessages.PutPartialData -> TLPermissions.toN,
TLMessages.ArithmeticData -> TLPermissions.toN,
TLMessages.LogicalData -> TLPermissions.toN,
TLMessages.Get -> TLPermissions.toB,
TLMessages.Hint -> MuxLookup(in.a.bits.param, Wire(UInt(width = 2)), Array(
TLHints.PREFETCH_READ -> TLPermissions.toB,
TLHints.PREFETCH_WRITE -> TLPermissions.toN)),
TLMessages.Acquire -> MuxLookup(in.a.bits.param, Wire(UInt(width = 2)), Array(
TLPermissions.NtoB -> TLPermissions.toB,
TLPermissions.NtoT -> TLPermissions.toN,
TLPermissions.BtoT -> TLPermissions.toN))))
// The outer TL connections may not be cached
out.b.ready := Bool(true)
out.c.valid := Bool(false)
out.e.valid := Bool(false)
class TLBroadcastTracker(id: Int, lineBytes: Int, probeCountBits: Int, bufferless: Boolean, edgeIn: TLEdgeIn, edgeOut: TLEdgeOut) extends Module
val io = new Bundle {
val in_a_first = Bool(INPUT)
val in_a = Decoupled(new TLBundleA(edgeIn.bundle)).flip
val out_a = Decoupled(new TLBundleA(edgeOut.bundle))
val probe = UInt(INPUT, width = probeCountBits)
val probenack = Bool(INPUT)
val probedack = Bool(INPUT)
val d_last = Bool(INPUT)
val e_last = Bool(INPUT)
val source = UInt(OUTPUT) // the source awaiting D response
val line = UInt(OUTPUT) // the line waiting for probes
val idle = Bool(OUTPUT)
val lineShift = log2Ceil(lineBytes)
import TLBroadcastConstants._
// Only one operation can be inflight per line, because we need to be sure
// we send the request after all the probes we sent and before all the next probes
val idle = RegInit(Bool(true))
val opcode = Reg(io.in_a.bits.opcode)
val param = Reg(io.in_a.bits.param)
val size = Reg(io.in_a.bits.size)
val source = Reg(io.in_a.bits.source)
val address = RegInit(UInt(id << lineShift, width = io.in_a.bits.address.getWidth))
val count = Reg(UInt(width = probeCountBits))
when (io.in_a.fire() && io.in_a_first) {
assert (idle)
idle := Bool(false)
opcode := io.in_a.bits.opcode
param := io.in_a.bits.param
size := io.in_a.bits.size
source := io.in_a.bits.source
address := io.in_a.bits.address
count := io.probe
when (io.d_last) {
assert (!idle)
idle := opcode =/= TLMessages.Acquire
when (io.e_last) {
assert (!idle)
idle := Bool(true)
when (io.probenack || io.probedack) {
assert (count > UInt(0))
count := count - Mux(io.probenack && io.probedack, UInt(2), UInt(1))
io.idle := idle
io.source := source
io.line := address >> lineShift
val i_data = Wire(Decoupled(new TLBroadcastData(edgeIn.bundle)))
val o_data = Queue(i_data, if (bufferless) 1 else (lineBytes / edgeIn.manager.beatBytes), pipe=bufferless)
io.in_a.ready := (idle || !io.in_a_first) && i_data.ready
i_data.valid := (idle || !io.in_a_first) && io.in_a.valid
i_data.bits.mask := io.in_a.bits.mask
i_data.bits.data := io.in_a.bits.data
val probe_done = count === UInt(0)
val acquire = opcode === TLMessages.Acquire
val transform = MuxLookup(param, Wire(UInt(width = 2)), Array(
TLPermissions.NtoB -> TRANSFORM_B,
TLPermissions.NtoT -> TRANSFORM_T,
TLPermissions.BtoT -> TRANSFORM_T))
o_data.ready := io.out_a.ready && probe_done
io.out_a.valid := o_data.valid && probe_done
io.out_a.bits.opcode := Mux(acquire, TLMessages.Get, opcode)
io.out_a.bits.param := Mux(acquire, UInt(0), param)
io.out_a.bits.size := size
io.out_a.bits.source := Cat(Mux(acquire, transform, PASS), source)
io.out_a.bits.address := address
io.out_a.bits.mask := o_data.bits.mask
io.out_a.bits.data := o_data.bits.data
object TLBroadcastConstants
val TRANSFORM_T = UInt(3)
val TRANSFORM_B = UInt(2)
val DROP = UInt(1)
val PASS = UInt(0)
class TLBroadcastData(params: TLBundleParameters) extends TLBundleBase(params)
val mask = UInt(width = params.dataBits/8)
val data = UInt(width = params.dataBits)