// See LICENSE for license details. package uncore.tilelink2 import Chisel._ import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer import chisel3.internal.sourceinfo.SourceInfo // DI = Downwards flowing Parameters received on the inner side of the node // UI = Upwards flowing Parameters generated by the inner side of the node // EI = Edge Parameters describing a connection on the inner side of the node // BI = Bundle type used when connecting to the inner side of the node trait InwardNodeImp[DI, UI, EI, BI <: Data] { def edgeI(pd: DI, pu: UI): EI def bundleI(ei: Seq[EI]): Vec[BI] def mixI(pu: UI, node: InwardNode[DI, UI, BI]): UI = pu def connect(bo: => BI, bi: => BI, e: => EI)(implicit sourceInfo: SourceInfo): (Option[LazyModule], () => Unit) } // DO = Downwards flowing Parameters generated by the outner side of the node // UO = Upwards flowing Parameters received on the outner side of the node // EO = Edge Parameters describing a connection on the outer side of the node // BO = Bundle type used when connecting to the outer side of the node trait OutwardNodeImp[DO, UO, EO, BO <: Data] { def edgeO(pd: DO, pu: UO): EO def bundleO(eo: Seq[EO]): Vec[BO] def mixO(pd: DO, node: OutwardNode[DO, UO, BO]): DO = pd } abstract class NodeImp[D, U, EO, EI, B <: Data] extends Object with InwardNodeImp[D, U, EI, B] with OutwardNodeImp[D, U, EO, B] abstract class BaseNode { // You cannot create a Node outside a LazyModule! require (!LazyModule.stack.isEmpty) val lazyModule = LazyModule.stack.head val index = lazyModule.nodes.size lazyModule.nodes = this :: lazyModule.nodes def name = lazyModule.name + "." + getClass.getName.split('.').last def colour = "blue" def omitGraphML = outputs.isEmpty && inputs.isEmpty protected[tilelink2] def outputs: Seq[BaseNode] protected[tilelink2] def inputs: Seq[BaseNode] } trait InwardNode[DI, UI, BI <: Data] extends BaseNode { protected[tilelink2] val numPI: Range.Inclusive require (!numPI.isEmpty, s"No number of inputs would be acceptable to ${name}${lazyModule.line}") require (numPI.start >= 0, s"${name} accepts a negative number of inputs${lazyModule.line}") private val accPI = ListBuffer[(Int, OutwardNode[DI, UI, BI])]() private var iRealized = false protected[tilelink2] def iPushed = accPI.size protected[tilelink2] def iPush(index: Int, node: OutwardNode[DI, UI, BI])(implicit sourceInfo: SourceInfo) { val info = sourceLine(sourceInfo, " at ", "") val noIs = numPI.size == 1 && numPI.contains(0) require (!noIs, s"${name}${lazyModule.line} was incorrectly connected as a sink" + info) require (!iRealized, s"${name}${lazyModule.line} was incorrectly connected as a sink after it's .module was used" + info) accPI += ((index, node)) } private def reqI() = require(numPI.contains(accPI.size), s"${name} has ${accPI.size} inputs, expected ${numPI}${lazyModule.line}") protected[tilelink2] lazy val iPorts = { iRealized = true; reqI(); accPI.result() } protected[tilelink2] val iParams: Seq[UI] protected[tilelink2] def iConnect: Vec[BI] } trait OutwardNode[DO, UO, BO <: Data] extends BaseNode { protected[tilelink2] val numPO: Range.Inclusive require (!numPO.isEmpty, s"No number of outputs would be acceptable to ${name}${lazyModule.line}") require (numPO.start >= 0, s"${name} accepts a negative number of outputs${lazyModule.line}") private val accPO = ListBuffer[(Int, InwardNode [DO, UO, BO])]() private var oRealized = false protected[tilelink2] def oPushed = accPO.size protected[tilelink2] def oPush(index: Int, node: InwardNode [DO, UO, BO])(implicit sourceInfo: SourceInfo) { val info = sourceLine(sourceInfo, " at ", "") val noOs = numPO.size == 1 && numPO.contains(0) require (!noOs, s"${name}${lazyModule.line} was incorrectly connected as a source" + info) require (!oRealized, s"${name}${lazyModule.line} was incorrectly connected as a source after it's .module was used" + info) accPO += ((index, node)) } private def reqO() = require(numPO.contains(accPO.size), s"${name} has ${accPO.size} outputs, expected ${numPO}${lazyModule.line}") protected[tilelink2] lazy val oPorts = { oRealized = true; reqO(); accPO.result() } protected[tilelink2] val oParams: Seq[DO] protected[tilelink2] def oConnect: Vec[BO] } class MixedNode[DI, UI, EI, BI <: Data, DO, UO, EO, BO <: Data]( inner: InwardNodeImp [DI, UI, EI, BI], outer: OutwardNodeImp[DO, UO, EO, BO])( private val dFn: (Int, Seq[DI]) => Seq[DO], private val uFn: (Int, Seq[UO]) => Seq[UI], protected[tilelink2] val numPO: Range.Inclusive, protected[tilelink2] val numPI: Range.Inclusive) extends BaseNode with InwardNode[DI, UI, BI] with OutwardNode[DO, UO, BO] { // meta-data for printing the node graph protected[tilelink2] def outputs = oPorts.map(_._2) protected[tilelink2] def inputs = iPorts.map(_._2) private def reqE(o: Int, i: Int) = require(i == o, s"${name} has ${i} inputs and ${o} outputs; they must match${lazyModule.line}") protected[tilelink2] lazy val oParams: Seq[DO] = { val o = dFn(oPorts.size, iPorts.map { case (i, n) => n.oParams(i) }) reqE(oPorts.size, o.size) o.map(outer.mixO(_, this)) } protected[tilelink2] lazy val iParams: Seq[UI] = { val i = uFn(iPorts.size, oPorts.map { case (o, n) => n.iParams(o) }) reqE(i.size, iPorts.size) i.map(inner.mixI(_, this)) } lazy val edgesOut = (oPorts zip oParams).map { case ((i, n), o) => outer.edgeO(o, n.iParams(i)) } lazy val edgesIn = (iPorts zip iParams).map { case ((o, n), i) => inner.edgeI(n.oParams(o), i) } lazy val bundleOut = outer.bundleO(edgesOut) lazy val bundleIn = inner.bundleI(edgesIn) def oConnect = bundleOut def iConnect = bundleIn // connects the outward part of a node with the inward part of this node def := (y: OutwardNode[DI, UI, BI])(implicit sourceInfo: SourceInfo): Option[LazyModule] = { val x = this // x := y val info = sourceLine(sourceInfo, " at ", "") require (!LazyModule.stack.isEmpty, s"${y.name} cannot be connected to ${x.name} outside of LazyModule scope" + info) val i = x.iPushed val o = y.oPushed y.oPush(i, x) x.iPush(o, y) val (out, binding) = inner.connect(y.oConnect(o), x.iConnect(i), x.edgesIn(i)) LazyModule.stack.head.bindings = binding :: LazyModule.stack.head.bindings out } } class SimpleNode[D, U, EO, EI, B <: Data](imp: NodeImp[D, U, EO, EI, B])( oFn: (Int, Seq[D]) => Seq[D], iFn: (Int, Seq[U]) => Seq[U], numPO: Range.Inclusive, numPI: Range.Inclusive) extends MixedNode[D, U, EI, B, D, U, EO, B](imp, imp)(oFn, iFn, numPO, numPI) class IdentityNode[PO, PI, EO, EI, B <: Data](imp: NodeImp[PO, PI, EO, EI, B]) extends SimpleNode(imp)({case (_, s) => s}, {case (_, s) => s}, 0 to 999, 0 to 999) class OutputNode[PO, PI, EO, EI, B <: Data](imp: NodeImp[PO, PI, EO, EI, B]) extends IdentityNode(imp) { override def oConnect = bundleOut override def iConnect = bundleOut } class InputNode[PO, PI, EO, EI, B <: Data](imp: NodeImp[PO, PI, EO, EI, B]) extends IdentityNode(imp) { override def oConnect = bundleIn override def iConnect = bundleIn } class SourceNode[PO, PI, EO, EI, B <: Data](imp: NodeImp[PO, PI, EO, EI, B])(po: PO, num: Range.Inclusive = 1 to 1) extends SimpleNode(imp)({case (n, Seq()) => Seq.fill(n)(po)}, {case (0, _) => Seq()}, num, 0 to 0) { require (num.end >= 1, s"${name} is a source which does not accept outputs${lazyModule.line}") } class SinkNode[PO, PI, EO, EI, B <: Data](imp: NodeImp[PO, PI, EO, EI, B])(pi: PI, num: Range.Inclusive = 1 to 1) extends SimpleNode(imp)({case (0, _) => Seq()}, {case (n, Seq()) => Seq.fill(n)(pi)}, 0 to 0, num) { require (num.end >= 1, s"${name} is a sink which does not accept inputs${lazyModule.line}") } class InteriorNode[PO, PI, EO, EI, B <: Data](imp: NodeImp[PO, PI, EO, EI, B]) (oFn: Seq[PO] => PO, iFn: Seq[PI] => PI, numPO: Range.Inclusive, numPI: Range.Inclusive) extends SimpleNode(imp)({case (n,s) => Seq.fill(n)(oFn(s))}, {case (n,s) => Seq.fill(n)(iFn(s))}, numPO, numPI) { require (numPO.end >= 1, s"${name} is an adapter which does not accept outputs${lazyModule.line}") require (numPI.end >= 1, s"${name} is an adapter which does not accept inputs${lazyModule.line}") }