package uncore import Chisel._ import scala.math._ case object PAddrBits extends Field[Int] case object VAddrBits extends Field[Int] case object PgIdxBits extends Field[Int] case object ASIdBits extends Field[Int] case object PermBits extends Field[Int] case object PPNBits extends Field[Int] case object VPNBits extends Field[Int] case object MIFAddrBits extends Field[Int] case object MIFDataBits extends Field[Int] case object MIFTagBits extends Field[Int] case object MIFDataBeats extends Field[Int] trait HasMemData extends Bundle { val data = Bits(width = params(MIFDataBits)) } trait HasMemAddr extends Bundle { val addr = UInt(width = params(MIFAddrBits)) } trait HasMemTag extends Bundle { val tag = UInt(width = params(MIFTagBits)) } class MemReqCmd extends HasMemAddr with HasMemTag { val rw = Bool() } class MemResp extends HasMemData with HasMemTag class MemData extends HasMemData class MemIO extends Bundle { val req_cmd = Decoupled(new MemReqCmd) val req_data = Decoupled(new MemData) val resp = Decoupled(new MemResp).flip } class MemPipeIO extends Bundle { val req_cmd = Decoupled(new MemReqCmd) val req_data = Decoupled(new MemData) val resp = Valid(new MemResp).flip } class MemSerializedIO(w: Int) extends Bundle { val req = Decoupled(Bits(width = w)) val resp = Valid(Bits(width = w)).flip } class MemSerdes(w: Int) extends Module { val io = new Bundle { val wide = new MemIO().flip val narrow = new MemSerializedIO(w) } val abits = io.wide.req_cmd.bits.toBits.getWidth val dbits = io.wide.req_data.bits.toBits.getWidth val rbits = io.wide.resp.bits.getWidth val dbeats = params(MIFDataBeats) val out_buf = Reg(Bits()) val in_buf = Reg(Bits()) val s_idle :: s_read_addr :: s_write_addr :: s_write_idle :: s_write_data :: Nil = Enum(UInt(), 5) val state = Reg(init=s_idle) val send_cnt = Reg(init=UInt(0, log2Up((max(abits, dbits)+w-1)/w))) val data_send_cnt = Reg(init=UInt(0, log2Up(dbeats))) val adone = io.narrow.req.ready && send_cnt === UInt((abits-1)/w) val ddone = io.narrow.req.ready && send_cnt === UInt((dbits-1)/w) when (io.narrow.req.valid && io.narrow.req.ready) { send_cnt := send_cnt + UInt(1) out_buf := out_buf >> UInt(w) } when (io.wide.req_cmd.valid && io.wide.req_cmd.ready) { out_buf := io.wide.req_cmd.bits.toBits } when (io.wide.req_data.valid && io.wide.req_data.ready) { out_buf := io.wide.req_data.bits.toBits } io.wide.req_cmd.ready := state === s_idle io.wide.req_data.ready := state === s_write_idle io.narrow.req.valid := state === s_read_addr || state === s_write_addr || state === s_write_data io.narrow.req.bits := out_buf when (state === s_idle && io.wide.req_cmd.valid) { state := Mux(, s_write_addr, s_read_addr) } when (state === s_read_addr && adone) { state := s_idle send_cnt := UInt(0) } when (state === s_write_addr && adone) { state := s_write_idle send_cnt := UInt(0) } when (state === s_write_idle && io.wide.req_data.valid) { state := s_write_data } when (state === s_write_data && ddone) { data_send_cnt := data_send_cnt + UInt(1) state := Mux(data_send_cnt === UInt(dbeats-1), s_idle, s_write_idle) send_cnt := UInt(0) } val recv_cnt = Reg(init=UInt(0, log2Up((rbits+w-1)/w))) val data_recv_cnt = Reg(init=UInt(0, log2Up(dbeats))) val resp_val = Reg(init=Bool(false)) resp_val := Bool(false) when (io.narrow.resp.valid) { recv_cnt := recv_cnt + UInt(1) when (recv_cnt === UInt((rbits-1)/w)) { recv_cnt := UInt(0) data_recv_cnt := data_recv_cnt + UInt(1) resp_val := Bool(true) } in_buf := Cat(io.narrow.resp.bits, in_buf((rbits+w-1)/w*w-1,w)) } io.wide.resp.valid := resp_val io.wide.resp.bits := io.wide.resp.bits.fromBits(in_buf) } class MemDesserIO(w: Int) extends Bundle { val narrow = new MemSerializedIO(w).flip val wide = new MemIO } class MemDesser(w: Int) extends Module // test rig side { val io = new MemDesserIO(w) val abits = io.wide.req_cmd.bits.toBits.getWidth val dbits = io.wide.req_data.bits.toBits.getWidth val rbits = io.wide.resp.bits.getWidth val dbeats = params(MIFDataBeats) require(dbits >= abits && rbits >= dbits) val recv_cnt = Reg(init=UInt(0, log2Up((rbits+w-1)/w))) val data_recv_cnt = Reg(init=UInt(0, log2Up(dbeats))) val adone = io.narrow.req.valid && recv_cnt === UInt((abits-1)/w) val ddone = io.narrow.req.valid && recv_cnt === UInt((dbits-1)/w) val rdone = io.narrow.resp.valid && recv_cnt === UInt((rbits-1)/w) val s_cmd_recv :: s_cmd :: s_data_recv :: s_data :: s_reply :: Nil = Enum(UInt(), 5) val state = Reg(init=s_cmd_recv) val in_buf = Reg(Bits()) when (io.narrow.req.valid && io.narrow.req.ready || io.narrow.resp.valid) { recv_cnt := recv_cnt + UInt(1) in_buf := Cat(io.narrow.req.bits, in_buf((rbits+w-1)/w*w-1,w)) } io.narrow.req.ready := state === s_cmd_recv || state === s_data_recv when (state === s_cmd_recv && adone) { state := s_cmd recv_cnt := UInt(0) } when (state === s_cmd && io.wide.req_cmd.ready) { state := Mux(, s_data_recv, s_reply) } when (state === s_data_recv && ddone) { state := s_data recv_cnt := UInt(0) } when (state === s_data && io.wide.req_data.ready) { state := s_data_recv when (data_recv_cnt === UInt(dbeats-1)) { state := s_cmd_recv } data_recv_cnt := data_recv_cnt + UInt(1) } when (rdone) { // state === s_reply when (data_recv_cnt === UInt(dbeats-1)) { state := s_cmd_recv } recv_cnt := UInt(0) data_recv_cnt := data_recv_cnt + UInt(1) } val req_cmd = in_buf >> UInt(((rbits+w-1)/w - (abits+w-1)/w)*w) io.wide.req_cmd.valid := state === s_cmd io.wide.req_cmd.bits := io.wide.req_cmd.bits.fromBits(req_cmd) io.wide.req_data.valid := state === s_data := in_buf >> UInt(((rbits+w-1)/w - (dbits+w-1)/w)*w) val dataq = Module(new Queue(new MemResp, dbeats)) <> io.wide.resp := recv_cnt === UInt((rbits-1)/w) io.narrow.resp.valid := io.narrow.resp.bits := >> (recv_cnt * UInt(w)) } //Adapter betweewn an UncachedTileLinkIO and a mem controller MemIO class MemIOUncachedTileLinkIOConverter(qDepth: Int) extends Module { val io = new Bundle { val uncached = new UncachedTileLinkIO().flip val mem = new MemIO } val co = params(TLCoherence) val tbits = params(MIFTagBits) val dbits = params(MIFDataBits) val dbeats = params(MIFDataBits) require(params(TLDataBits) == dbits*dbeats) //require(params(TLClientXactIdBits) <= params(MIFTagBits)) val mem_cmd_q = Module(new Queue(new MemReqCmd, qDepth)) val mem_data_q = Module(new Queue(new MemData, qDepth)) val cnt_max = dbeats val cnt_out = Reg(UInt(width = log2Up(cnt_max+1))) val active_out = Reg(init=Bool(false)) val cmd_sent_out = Reg(init=Bool(false)) val buf_out = Reg(Bits()) val tag_out = Reg(Bits()) val addr_out = Reg(Bits()) val has_data = Reg(init=Bool(false)) val cnt_in = Reg(UInt(width = log2Up(cnt_max+1))) val active_in = Reg(init=Bool(false)) val buf_in = Reg(Bits()) val tag_in = Reg(UInt(width = tbits)) // Decompose outgoing TL Acquires into MemIO cmd and data when(!active_out && io.uncached.acquire.valid) { active_out := Bool(true) cmd_sent_out := Bool(false) cnt_out := UInt(0) buf_out := tag_out := io.uncached.acquire.bits.payload.client_xact_id addr_out := io.uncached.acquire.bits.payload.addr has_data := co.messageHasData(io.uncached.acquire.bits.payload) } when(active_out) { when( { cmd_sent_out := Bool(true) } when( { cnt_out := cnt_out + UInt(1) buf_out := buf_out >> UInt(dbits) } when(cmd_sent_out && (!has_data || cnt_out === UInt(cnt_max))) { active_out := Bool(false) } } io.uncached.acquire.ready := !active_out := active_out && !cmd_sent_out := has_data := tag_out := addr_out := active_out && has_data && cnt_out < UInt(cnt_max) := buf_out io.mem.req_cmd <> io.mem.req_data <> // Aggregate incoming MemIO responses into TL Grants io.mem.resp.ready := !active_in || cnt_in < UInt(cnt_max) io.uncached.grant.valid := active_in && (cnt_in === UInt(cnt_max)) io.uncached.grant.bits.payload := Grant(UInt(0), tag_in, UInt(0), buf_in) when(!active_in && io.mem.resp.valid) { active_in := Bool(true) cnt_in := UInt(1) buf_in := << UInt(dbits*(cnt_max-1)) tag_in := io.mem.resp.bits.tag } when(active_in) { when( { active_in := Bool(false) } when( { buf_in := Cat(, buf_in(cnt_max*dbits-1,dbits)) cnt_in := cnt_in + UInt(1) } } }