package rocket import Chisel._ object Util { implicit def intToUFix(x: Int): UFix = UFix(x) implicit def intToBoolean(x: Int): Boolean = if (x != 0) true else false implicit def booleanToInt(x: Boolean): Int = if (x) 1 else 0 implicit def wcToUFix(c: WideCounter): UFix = c.value } object AVec { def apply[T <: Data](elts: Seq[T]): Vec[T] = { require(elts.tail.forall(elts.head.getClass == _.getClass)) Vec(elts) { elts.head.clone } } def apply[T <: Data](elt0: T, elts: T*): Vec[T] = apply(elt0 :: elts.toList) } // a counter that clock gates most of its MSBs using the LSB carry-out case class WideCounter(width: Int, inc: Bool = Bool(true)) { private val isWide = width >= 4 private val smallWidth = if (isWide) log2Up(width) else width private val small = Reg(resetVal = UFix(0, smallWidth)) private val nextSmall = small + UFix(1, smallWidth+1) when (inc) { small := nextSmall(smallWidth-1,0) } private val large = if (isWide) { val r = Reg(resetVal = UFix(0, width - smallWidth)) when (inc && nextSmall(smallWidth)) { r := r + UFix(1) } r } else null val value = Cat(large, small) def := (x: UFix) = { val w = x.getWidth small := x(w.min(smallWidth)-1,0) if (isWide) large := (if (w < smallWidth) UFix(0) else x(w.min(width)-1,smallWidth)) } }