; COPY THIS FILE AND MODIFY IT TO SUIT YOUR NEEDS NUM_CHANS=1 ; number of *logically independent* channels (i.e. each with a separate memory controller); should be a power of 2 JEDEC_DATA_BUS_BITS=64 ; Always 64 for DDRx; if you want multiple *ganged* channels, set this to N*64 TRANS_QUEUE_DEPTH=32 ; transaction queue, i.e., CPU-level commands such as: READ 0xbeef CMD_QUEUE_DEPTH=32 ; command queue, i.e., DRAM-level commands such as: CAS 544, RAS 4 EPOCH_LENGTH=100000 ; length of an epoch in cycles (granularity of simulation) ROW_BUFFER_POLICY=open_page ; close_page or open_page ADDRESS_MAPPING_SCHEME=scheme2 ;valid schemes 1-7; For multiple independent channels, use scheme7 since it has the most parallelism SCHEDULING_POLICY=rank_then_bank_round_robin ; bank_then_rank_round_robin or rank_then_bank_round_robin QUEUING_STRUCTURE=per_rank ;per_rank or per_rank_per_bank ;for true/false, please use all lowercase DEBUG_TRANS_Q=false DEBUG_CMD_Q=false DEBUG_ADDR_MAP=false DEBUG_BUS=false DEBUG_BANKSTATE=false DEBUG_BANKS=false DEBUG_POWER=false VIS_FILE_OUTPUT=false USE_LOW_POWER=true ; go into low power mode when idle? VERIFICATION_OUTPUT=false ; should be false for normal operation TOTAL_ROW_ACCESSES=4 ; maximum number of open page requests to send to the same row before forcing a row close (to prevent starvation)