// See LICENSE.SiFive for license details. // See LICENSE.Berkeley for license details. package groundtest import Chisel._ // ============ // LCG16 module // ============ // A 16-bit psuedo-random generator based on a linear conguential // generator (LCG). The state is stored in an unitialised register. // When using the C++ backend, it is straigtforward to arrange a // random initial value for each uninitialised register, effectively // seeding each LCG16 instance with a different seed. class LCG16 extends Module { val io = new Bundle { val out = UInt(OUTPUT, 16) val inc = Bool(INPUT) } val state = Reg(UInt(width = 32)) when (io.inc) { state := state * UInt(1103515245, 32) + UInt(12345, 32) } io.out := state(30, 15) } // ========== // LCG module // ========== // An n-bit psuedo-random generator made from many instances of a // 16-bit LCG. Parameter 'width' must be larger than 0. class LCG(val w: Int) extends Module { val io = new Bundle { val out = UInt(OUTPUT, w) val inc = Bool(INPUT) } require(w > 0) val numLCG16s : Int = (w+15)/16 val outs = Seq.fill(numLCG16s) { LCG16(io.inc) } io.out := Cat(outs) } object LCG16 { def apply(inc: Bool = Bool(true)): UInt = { val lcg = Module(new LCG16) lcg.io.inc := inc lcg.io.out } } object LCG { def apply(w: Int, inc: Bool = Bool(true)): UInt = { val lcg = Module(new LCG(w)) lcg.io.inc := inc lcg.io.out } } // ====================== // Frequency distribution // ====================== // Given a list of (frequency, value) pairs, return a random value // according to the frequency distribution. The sum of the // frequencies in the distribution must be a power of two. object Frequency { def apply(dist : List[(Int, Bits)]) : Bits = { // Distribution must be non-empty require(dist.length > 0) // Require that the frequencies sum to a power of two val (freqs, vals) = dist.unzip val total = freqs.sum require(isPow2(total)) // First item in the distribution val (firstFreq, firstVal) = dist.head // Result wire val result = Wire(Bits(width = firstVal.getWidth)) result := UInt(0) // Random value val randVal = LCG(log2Up(total)) // Pick return value var count = firstFreq var select = when (randVal < UInt(firstFreq)) { result := firstVal } for (p <- dist.drop(1)) { count = count + p._1 select = select.elsewhen(randVal < UInt(count)) { result := p._2 } } return result } } object ValidMux { def apply[T <: Data](v1: ValidIO[T], v2: ValidIO[T]*): ValidIO[T] = { apply(v1 +: v2.toSeq) } def apply[T <: Data](valids: Seq[ValidIO[T]]): ValidIO[T] = { val out = Wire(Valid(valids.head.bits)) out.valid := valids.map(_.valid).reduce(_ || _) out.bits := MuxCase(valids.head.bits, valids.map(v => (v.valid -> v.bits))) out } } object DebugCombiner { def apply(debugs: Seq[GroundTestStatus]): GroundTestStatus = { val out = Wire(new GroundTestStatus) out.finished := debugs.map(_.finished).reduce(_ && _) out.timeout := ValidMux(debugs.map(_.timeout)) out.error := ValidMux(debugs.map(_.error)) out } } /** * Takes in data on one decoupled interface and broadcasts it to * N decoupled output interfaces */ class Broadcaster[T <: Data](typ: T, n: Int) extends Module { val io = new Bundle { val in = Decoupled(typ).flip val out = Vec(n, Decoupled(typ)) } require (n > 0) if (n == 1) { io.out.head <> io.in } else { val idx = Reg(init = UInt(0, log2Up(n))) val save = Reg(typ) io.out.head.valid := idx === UInt(0) && io.in.valid io.out.head.bits := io.in.bits for (i <- 1 until n) { io.out(i).valid := idx === UInt(i) io.out(i).bits := save } io.in.ready := io.out.head.ready && idx === UInt(0) when (io.in.fire()) { save := io.in.bits } when (io.out(idx).fire()) { when (idx === UInt(n - 1)) { idx := UInt(0) } .otherwise { idx := idx + UInt(1) } } } } object Broadcaster { def apply[T <: Data](in: DecoupledIO[T], n: Int): Vec[DecoupledIO[T]] = { val split = Module(new Broadcaster(in.bits, n)) split.io.in <> in split.io.out } }