// See LICENSE.SiFive for license details. // See LICENSE.Berkeley for license details. package freechips.rocketchip.coreplex import Chisel._ import freechips.rocketchip.config._ import freechips.rocketchip.devices.debug._ import freechips.rocketchip.devices.tilelink._ import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._ import freechips.rocketchip.rocket._ import freechips.rocketchip.tile._ import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink._ import freechips.rocketchip.util._ class BaseCoreplexConfig extends Config ((site, here, up) => { // Tile parameters case PgLevels => if (site(XLen) == 64) 3 /* Sv39 */ else 2 /* Sv32 */ case XLen => 64 // Applies to all cores case MaxHartIdBits => log2Up(site(RocketTilesKey).size) case BuildCore => (p: Parameters) => new Rocket()(p) // Interconnect parameters case SystemBusKey => SystemBusParams(beatBytes = site(XLen)/8, blockBytes = site(CacheBlockBytes)) case PeripheryBusKey => PeripheryBusParams(beatBytes = site(XLen)/8, blockBytes = site(CacheBlockBytes)) case MemoryBusKey => MemoryBusParams(beatBytes = site(XLen)/8, blockBytes = site(CacheBlockBytes)) // Additional device Parameters case ErrorParams => ErrorParams(Seq(AddressSet(0x3000, 0xfff)), maxAtomic=site(XLen)/8, maxTransfer=4096) case BootROMParams => BootROMParams(contentFileName = "./bootrom/bootrom.img") case DebugModuleParams => DefaultDebugModuleParams(site(XLen)) }) /* Composable partial function Configs to set individual parameters */ class WithNBigCores(n: Int) extends Config((site, here, up) => { case RocketTilesKey => { val big = RocketTileParams( core = RocketCoreParams(mulDiv = Some(MulDivParams( mulUnroll = 8, mulEarlyOut = true, divEarlyOut = true))), dcache = Some(DCacheParams( rowBits = site(SystemBusKey).beatBits, nMSHRs = 0, blockBytes = site(CacheBlockBytes))), icache = Some(ICacheParams( rowBits = site(SystemBusKey).beatBits, blockBytes = site(CacheBlockBytes)))) List.tabulate(n)(i => big.copy(hartid = i)) } }) class WithNSmallCores(n: Int) extends Config((site, here, up) => { case RocketTilesKey => { val small = RocketTileParams( core = RocketCoreParams(useVM = false, fpu = None), btb = None, dcache = Some(DCacheParams( rowBits = site(SystemBusKey).beatBits, nSets = 64, nWays = 1, nTLBEntries = 4, nMSHRs = 0, blockBytes = site(CacheBlockBytes))), icache = Some(ICacheParams( rowBits = site(SystemBusKey).beatBits, nSets = 64, nWays = 1, nTLBEntries = 4, blockBytes = site(CacheBlockBytes)))) List.tabulate(n)(i => small.copy(hartid = i)) } }) class With1TinyCore extends Config((site, here, up) => { case XLen => 32 case RocketTilesKey => List(RocketTileParams( core = RocketCoreParams( useVM = false, fpu = None, mulDiv = Some(MulDivParams(mulUnroll = 8))), btb = None, dcache = Some(DCacheParams( rowBits = site(SystemBusKey).beatBits, nSets = 256, // 16Kb scratchpad nWays = 1, nTLBEntries = 4, nMSHRs = 0, blockBytes = site(CacheBlockBytes), scratch = Some(0x80000000L))), icache = Some(ICacheParams( rowBits = site(SystemBusKey).beatBits, nSets = 64, nWays = 1, nTLBEntries = 4, blockBytes = site(CacheBlockBytes))))) case RocketCrossingKey => List(RocketCrossingParams( crossingType = SynchronousCrossing(), master = TileMasterPortParams(cork = Some(true)) )) }) class WithNBanksPerMemChannel(n: Int) extends Config((site, here, up) => { case BankedL2Key => up(BankedL2Key, site).copy(nBanksPerChannel = n) }) class WithNTrackersPerBank(n: Int) extends Config((site, here, up) => { case BroadcastKey => up(BroadcastKey, site).copy(nTrackers = n) }) // This is the number of icache sets for all Rocket tiles class WithL1ICacheSets(sets: Int) extends Config((site, here, up) => { case RocketTilesKey => up(RocketTilesKey, site) map { r => r.copy(icache = r.icache.map(_.copy(nSets = sets))) } }) // This is the number of icache sets for all Rocket tiles class WithL1DCacheSets(sets: Int) extends Config((site, here, up) => { case RocketTilesKey => up(RocketTilesKey, site) map { r => r.copy(dcache = r.dcache.map(_.copy(nSets = sets))) } }) class WithL1ICacheWays(ways: Int) extends Config((site, here, up) => { case RocketTilesKey => up(RocketTilesKey, site) map { r => r.copy(icache = r.icache.map(_.copy(nWays = ways))) } }) class WithL1DCacheWays(ways: Int) extends Config((site, here, up) => { case RocketTilesKey => up(RocketTilesKey, site) map { r => r.copy(dcache = r.dcache.map(_.copy(nWays = ways))) } }) class WithCacheBlockBytes(linesize: Int) extends Config((site, here, up) => { case CacheBlockBytes => linesize }) class WithBufferlessBroadcastHub extends Config((site, here, up) => { case BroadcastKey => up(BroadcastKey, site).copy(bufferless = true) }) /** * WARNING!!! IGNORE AT YOUR OWN PERIL!!! * * There is a very restrictive set of conditions under which the stateless * bridge will function properly. There can only be a single tile. This tile * MUST use the blocking data cache (L1D_MSHRS == 0) and MUST NOT have an * uncached channel capable of writes (i.e. a RoCC accelerator). * * This is because the stateless bridge CANNOT generate probes, so if your * system depends on coherence between channels in any way, * DO NOT use this configuration. */ class WithIncoherentTiles extends Config((site, here, up) => { case RocketCrossingKey => up(RocketCrossingKey, site) map { r => r.copy(master = r.master.copy(cork = Some(true))) } case BankedL2Key => up(BankedL2Key, site).copy(coherenceManager = { coreplex => val ww = LazyModule(new TLWidthWidget(coreplex.sbusBeatBytes)(coreplex.p)) (ww.node, ww.node, () => None) }) }) class WithRV32 extends Config((site, here, up) => { case XLen => 32 case RocketTilesKey => up(RocketTilesKey, site) map { r => r.copy(core = r.core.copy( mulDiv = Some(MulDivParams(mulUnroll = 8)), fpu = r.core.fpu.map(_.copy(divSqrt = false)))) } }) class WithNonblockingL1(nMSHRs: Int) extends Config((site, here, up) => { case RocketTilesKey => up(RocketTilesKey, site) map { r => r.copy(dcache = r.dcache.map(_.copy(nMSHRs = nMSHRs))) } }) class WithNBreakpoints(hwbp: Int) extends Config ((site, here, up) => { case RocketTilesKey => up(RocketTilesKey, site) map { r => r.copy(core = r.core.copy(nBreakpoints = hwbp)) } }) class WithRoccExample extends Config((site, here, up) => { case RocketTilesKey => up(RocketTilesKey, site) map { r => r.copy(rocc = Seq( RoCCParams( opcodes = OpcodeSet.custom0, generator = (p: Parameters) => { val accumulator = LazyModule(new AccumulatorExample()(p)) accumulator}), RoCCParams( opcodes = OpcodeSet.custom1, generator = (p: Parameters) => { val translator = LazyModule(new TranslatorExample()(p)) translator}, nPTWPorts = 1), RoCCParams( opcodes = OpcodeSet.custom2, generator = (p: Parameters) => { val counter = LazyModule(new CharacterCountExample()(p)) counter }) )) } }) class WithDefaultBtb extends Config((site, here, up) => { case RocketTilesKey => up(RocketTilesKey, site) map { r => r.copy(btb = Some(BTBParams())) } }) class WithFastMulDiv extends Config((site, here, up) => { case RocketTilesKey => up(RocketTilesKey, site) map { r => r.copy(core = r.core.copy(mulDiv = Some( MulDivParams(mulUnroll = 8, mulEarlyOut = (site(XLen) > 32), divEarlyOut = true) )))} }) class WithoutMulDiv extends Config((site, here, up) => { case RocketTilesKey => up(RocketTilesKey, site) map { r => r.copy(core = r.core.copy(mulDiv = None)) } }) class WithoutFPU extends Config((site, here, up) => { case RocketTilesKey => up(RocketTilesKey, site) map { r => r.copy(core = r.core.copy(fpu = None)) } }) class WithFPUWithoutDivSqrt extends Config((site, here, up) => { case RocketTilesKey => up(RocketTilesKey, site) map { r => r.copy(core = r.core.copy(fpu = r.core.fpu.map(_.copy(divSqrt = false)))) } }) class WithBootROMFile(bootROMFile: String) extends Config((site, here, up) => { case BootROMParams => up(BootROMParams, site).copy(contentFileName = bootROMFile) }) class WithSynchronousRocketTiles extends Config((site, here, up) => { case RocketCrossingKey => up(RocketCrossingKey, site) map { r => r.copy(crossingType = SynchronousCrossing()) } }) class WithAsynchronousRocketTiles(depth: Int, sync: Int) extends Config((site, here, up) => { case RocketCrossingKey => up(RocketCrossingKey, site) map { r => r.copy(crossingType = AsynchronousCrossing(depth, sync)) } }) class WithRationalRocketTiles extends Config((site, here, up) => { case RocketCrossingKey => up(RocketCrossingKey, site) map { r => r.copy(crossingType = RationalCrossing()) } }) class WithEdgeDataBits(dataBits: Int) extends Config((site, here, up) => { case MemoryBusKey => up(MemoryBusKey, site).copy(beatBytes = dataBits/8) case ExtIn => up(ExtIn, site).copy(beatBytes = dataBits/8) }) class WithJtagDTM extends Config ((site, here, up) => { case IncludeJtagDTM => true }) class WithNoPeripheryArithAMO extends Config ((site, here, up) => { case PeripheryBusKey => up(PeripheryBusKey, site).copy(arithmetic = false) }) class WithNBitPeripheryBus(nBits: Int) extends Config ((site, here, up) => { case PeripheryBusKey => up(PeripheryBusKey, site).copy(beatBytes = nBits/8) }) class WithoutTLMonitors extends Config ((site, here, up) => { case MonitorsEnabled => false }) class WithNExtTopInterrupts(nExtInts: Int) extends Config((site, here, up) => { case NExtTopInterrupts => nExtInts }) class WithNMemoryChannels(n: Int) extends Config((site, here, up) => { case BankedL2Key => up(BankedL2Key, site).copy(nMemoryChannels = n) }) class WithExtMemSize(n: Long) extends Config((site, here, up) => { case ExtMem => up(ExtMem, site).copy(size = n) }) class WithDTS(model: String, compat: Seq[String]) extends Config((site, here, up) => { case DTSModel => model case DTSCompat => compat }) class WithTimebase(hertz: BigInt) extends Config((site, here, up) => { case DTSTimebase => hertz })