// See LICENSE for license details. package util import Chisel._ object GrayCounter { def apply(bits: Int, increment: Bool = Bool(true), name: String = "binary"): UInt = { val incremented = Wire(UInt(width=bits)) val binary = AsyncResetReg(incremented, name) incremented := binary + increment.asUInt() incremented ^ (incremented >> UInt(1)) } } object AsyncGrayCounter { def apply(in: UInt, sync: Int, name: String = "gray"): UInt = { val syncv = List.tabulate(sync)(i => Module (new AsyncResetRegVec(w = in.getWidth, 0)).suggestName(s"${name}_sync_${i}") ) syncv.last.io.d := in syncv.last.io.en := Bool(true) (syncv.init zip syncv.tail).foreach { case (sink, source) => sink.io.d := source.io.q sink.io.en := Bool(true) } syncv.head.io.q } } class AsyncQueueSource[T <: Data](gen: T, depth: Int, sync: Int) extends Module { val bits = log2Ceil(depth) val io = new Bundle { // These come from the source domain val enq = Decoupled(gen).flip() // These cross to the sink clock domain val ridx = UInt(INPUT, width = bits+1) val widx = UInt(OUTPUT, width = bits+1) val mem = Vec(depth, gen).asOutput } val mem = Reg(Vec(depth, gen)) //This does NOT need to be asynchronously reset. val widx = GrayCounter(bits+1, io.enq.fire(), "widx_bin") val ridx = AsyncGrayCounter(io.ridx, sync, "ridx_gray") val ready = widx =/= (ridx ^ UInt(depth | depth >> 1)) val index = if (depth == 1) UInt(0) else io.widx(bits-1, 0) ^ (io.widx(bits, bits) << (bits-1)) when (io.enq.fire()) { mem(index) := io.enq.bits } val ready_reg = AsyncResetReg(ready, "ready") io.enq.ready := ready_reg val widx_reg = AsyncResetReg(widx, "widx_gray") io.widx := widx_reg io.mem := mem } class AsyncQueueSink[T <: Data](gen: T, depth: Int, sync: Int) extends Module { val bits = log2Ceil(depth) val io = new Bundle { // These come from the sink domain val deq = Decoupled(gen) // These cross to the source clock domain val ridx = UInt(OUTPUT, width = bits+1) val widx = UInt(INPUT, width = bits+1) val mem = Vec(depth, gen).asInput } val ridx = GrayCounter(bits+1, io.deq.fire(), "ridx_bin") val widx = AsyncGrayCounter(io.widx, sync, "widx_gray") val valid = ridx =/= widx // The mux is safe because timing analysis ensures ridx has reached the register // On an ASIC, changes to the unread location cannot affect the selected value // On an FPGA, only one input changes at a time => mem updates don't cause glitches // The register only latches when the selected valued is not being written val index = if (depth == 1) UInt(0) else ridx(bits-1, 0) ^ (ridx(bits, bits) << (bits-1)) // This register does not NEED to be reset, as its contents will not // be considered unless the asynchronously reset deq valid register is set. val data = RegEnable(io.mem(index), valid) io.deq.bits := data io.deq.valid := AsyncResetReg(valid, "valid_reg") io.ridx := AsyncResetReg(ridx, "ridx_gray") } class AsyncQueue[T <: Data](gen: T, depth: Int = 8, sync: Int = 3) extends Crossing[T] { require (sync >= 2) require (depth > 0 && isPow2(depth)) val io = new CrossingIO(gen) val source = Module(new AsyncQueueSource(gen, depth, sync)) val sink = Module(new AsyncQueueSink (gen, depth, sync)) source.clock := io.enq_clock source.reset := io.enq_reset sink.clock := io.deq_clock sink.reset := io.deq_reset source.io.enq <> io.enq io.deq <> sink.io.deq sink.io.mem := source.io.mem sink.io.widx := source.io.widx source.io.ridx := sink.io.ridx }