// See LICENSE.SiFive for license details. package freechips.rocketchip.tile import Chisel._ import freechips.rocketchip.config._ import freechips.rocketchip.coreplex._ import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._ import freechips.rocketchip.interrupts._ import freechips.rocketchip.rocket._ import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink._ import freechips.rocketchip.util._ case object SharedMemoryTLEdge extends Field[TLEdgeOut] case object TileKey extends Field[TileParams] case object ResetVectorBits extends Field[Int] case object MaxHartIdBits extends Field[Int] trait TileParams { val core: CoreParams val icache: Option[ICacheParams] val dcache: Option[DCacheParams] val rocc: Seq[RoCCParams] val btb: Option[BTBParams] val trace: Boolean val hartId: Int val blockerCtrlAddr: Option[BigInt] } trait HasTileParameters { implicit val p: Parameters def tileParams: TileParams = p(TileKey) def usingVM: Boolean = tileParams.core.useVM def usingUser: Boolean = tileParams.core.useUser || usingVM def usingDebug: Boolean = tileParams.core.useDebug def usingRoCC: Boolean = !tileParams.rocc.isEmpty def usingBTB: Boolean = tileParams.btb.isDefined && tileParams.btb.get.nEntries > 0 def usingPTW: Boolean = usingVM def usingDataScratchpad: Boolean = tileParams.dcache.flatMap(_.scratch).isDefined def xLen: Int = p(XLen) def xBytes: Int = xLen / 8 def iLen: Int = 32 def pgIdxBits: Int = 12 def pgLevelBits: Int = 10 - log2Ceil(xLen / 32) def vaddrBits: Int = if (usingVM) { val v = pgIdxBits + pgLevels * pgLevelBits require(v == xLen || xLen > v && v > paddrBits) v } else { // since virtual addresses sign-extend but physical addresses // zero-extend, make room for a zero sign bit for physical addresses (paddrBits + 1) min xLen } def paddrBits: Int = p(SharedMemoryTLEdge).bundle.addressBits def vpnBits: Int = vaddrBits - pgIdxBits def ppnBits: Int = paddrBits - pgIdxBits def pgLevels: Int = p(PgLevels) def asIdBits: Int = p(ASIdBits) def vpnBitsExtended: Int = vpnBits + (vaddrBits < xLen).toInt def vaddrBitsExtended: Int = vpnBitsExtended + pgIdxBits def maxPAddrBits: Int = xLen match { case 32 => 34; case 64 => 56 } def hartId: Int = tileParams.hartId def hartIdLen: Int = p(MaxHartIdBits) def resetVectorLen: Int = paddrBits def cacheBlockBytes = p(CacheBlockBytes) def lgCacheBlockBytes = log2Up(cacheBlockBytes) def masterPortBeatBytes = p(SystemBusKey).beatBytes def dcacheArbPorts = 1 + usingVM.toInt + usingDataScratchpad.toInt + tileParams.rocc.size // TODO merge with isaString in CSR.scala def isaDTS: String = { val m = if (tileParams.core.mulDiv.nonEmpty) "m" else "" val a = if (tileParams.core.useAtomics) "a" else "" val f = if (tileParams.core.fpu.nonEmpty) "f" else "" val d = if (tileParams.core.fpu.nonEmpty && p(XLen) > 32) "d" else "" val c = if (tileParams.core.useCompressed) "c" else "" s"rv${p(XLen)}i$m$a$f$d$c" } def tileProperties: PropertyMap = { val dcache = tileParams.dcache.filter(!_.scratch.isDefined).map(d => Map( "d-cache-block-size" -> cacheBlockBytes.asProperty, "d-cache-sets" -> d.nSets.asProperty, "d-cache-size" -> (d.nSets * d.nWays * cacheBlockBytes).asProperty) ).getOrElse(Nil) val incoherent = if (!tileParams.core.useAtomicsOnlyForIO) Nil else Map( "sifive,d-cache-incoherent" -> Nil) val icache = tileParams.icache.map(i => Map( "i-cache-block-size" -> cacheBlockBytes.asProperty, "i-cache-sets" -> i.nSets.asProperty, "i-cache-size" -> (i.nSets * i.nWays * cacheBlockBytes).asProperty) ).getOrElse(Nil) val dtlb = tileParams.dcache.filter(_ => tileParams.core.useVM).map(d => Map( "d-tlb-size" -> d.nTLBEntries.asProperty, "d-tlb-sets" -> 1.asProperty)).getOrElse(Nil) val itlb = tileParams.icache.filter(_ => tileParams.core.useVM).map(i => Map( "i-tlb-size" -> i.nTLBEntries.asProperty, "i-tlb-sets" -> 1.asProperty)).getOrElse(Nil) val mmu = if (!tileParams.core.useVM) Nil else Map( "tlb-split" -> Nil, "mmu-type" -> (p(PgLevels) match { case 2 => "riscv,sv32" case 3 => "riscv,sv39" case 4 => "riscv,sv48" }).asProperty) dcache ++ icache ++ dtlb ++ itlb ++ mmu ++ incoherent } } /** Base class for all Tiles that use TileLink */ abstract class BaseTile(tileParams: TileParams, val crossing: CoreplexClockCrossing) (implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule with HasTileParameters with HasCrossing { def module: BaseTileModule[BaseTile] def masterNode: TLOutwardNode def slaveNode: TLInwardNode def intInwardNode: IntInwardNode def intOutwardNode: IntOutwardNode protected val tlOtherMastersNode = TLIdentityNode() protected val tlMasterXbar = LazyModule(new TLXbar) protected val tlSlaveXbar = LazyModule(new TLXbar) protected val intXbar = LazyModule(new IntXbar) protected val intSinkNode = IntSinkNode(IntSinkPortSimple()) def connectTLSlave(node: TLNode, bytes: Int) { DisableMonitors { implicit p => (Seq(node, TLFragmenter(bytes, cacheBlockBytes, earlyAck=EarlyAck.PutFulls)) ++ (xBytes != bytes).option(TLWidthWidget(xBytes))) .foldRight(tlSlaveXbar.node:TLOutwardNode)(_ :*= _) } } // Find resource labels for all the outward caches def nextLevelCacheProperty: PropertyOption = { val outer = tlMasterXbar.node.edges.out .flatMap(_.manager.managers) .filter(_.supportsAcquireB) .flatMap(_.resources.headOption) .map(_.owner.label) .distinct if (outer.isEmpty) None else Some("next-level-cache" -> outer.map(l => ResourceReference(l)).toList) } def toDescription(resources: ResourceBindings)(compat: String, extraProperties: PropertyMap = Nil): Description = { val cpuProperties: PropertyMap = Map( "reg" -> resources("reg").map(_.value), "device_type" -> "cpu".asProperty, "compatible" -> Seq(ResourceString(compat), ResourceString("riscv")), "status" -> "okay".asProperty, "clock-frequency" -> tileParams.core.bootFreqHz.asProperty, "riscv,isa" -> isaDTS.asProperty, "timebase-frequency" -> p(DTSTimebase).asProperty) Description(s"cpus/cpu@${hartId}", (cpuProperties ++ nextLevelCacheProperty ++ tileProperties ++ extraProperties).toMap) } } class BaseTileModule[+L <: BaseTile](val outer: L) extends LazyModuleImp(outer) with HasTileParameters { require(xLen == 32 || xLen == 64) require(paddrBits <= maxPAddrBits) require(resetVectorLen <= xLen) require(resetVectorLen <= vaddrBitsExtended) require (log2Up(hartId + 1) <= hartIdLen, s"p(MaxHartIdBits) of $hartIdLen is not enough for hartid $hartId") val trace = tileParams.trace.option(IO(Vec(tileParams.core.retireWidth, new TracedInstruction).asOutput)) val constants = IO(new TileInputConstants) val fpuOpt = outer.tileParams.core.fpu.map(params => Module(new FPU(params)(outer.p))) } /** Some other non-tilelink but still standard inputs */ trait HasExternallyDrivenTileConstants extends Bundle with HasTileParameters { val hartid = UInt(INPUT, hartIdLen) val reset_vector = UInt(INPUT, resetVectorLen) } class TileInputConstants(implicit val p: Parameters) extends ParameterizedBundle with HasExternallyDrivenTileConstants