package Top { import Chisel._ import Node._; import scala.math._; class ioPriorityDecoder(in_width: Int, out_width: Int) extends Bundle { val in = UFix(in_width, 'input); val out = Bits(out_width, 'output); } class priorityDecoder(width: Int) extends Component { val in_width = ceil(log10(width)/log10(2)).toInt; val io = new ioPriorityEncoder(in_width, width); val l_out = Wire() { Bits() }; for (i <- 0 to width-1) { when ( === UFix(i, in_width)) { l_out <== Bits(1,1) << UFix(i); } } l_out <== Bits(0, width); io.out := l_out; } class ioPriorityEncoder(in_width: Int, out_width: Int) extends Bundle { val in = Bits(in_width, 'input); val out = UFix(out_width, 'output); } class priorityEncoder(width: Int) extends Component { val out_width = ceil(log10(width)/log10(2)).toInt; val io = new ioPriorityDecoder(width, out_width); val l_out = Wire() { UFix() }; for (i <- 0 to width-1) { when ( { l_out <== UFix(i, out_width); } } l_out <== UFix(0, out_width); io.out := l_out; } }