// See LICENSE.SiFive for license details. package freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy import freechips.rocketchip.config.Field import sys.process._ import java.io.{ByteArrayInputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream} case object DTSModel extends Field[String] case object DTSCompat extends Field[Seq[String]] // -dev, -soc case object DTSTimebase extends Field[BigInt] // Clock frequency of clint RTC (use 0 if you don't know it) object DTS { def apply(res: ResourceValue): String = "/dts-v1/;\n\n" + helper(res, "", defaultCells).mkString("") private val nodeStartChars = (('a' to 'z') ++ ('A' to 'Z')).toSet private val nodeChars = (('a' to 'z') ++ ('A' to 'Z') ++ ('0' to '9') ++ Seq(',', '.', '_', '+', '-', '@')).toSet def legalNode(x: String): Boolean = x == "/" || (!x.isEmpty && x.size < 32 && nodeStartChars.contains(x(0)) && x.forall(nodeChars.contains(_))) // the DTS spec does not list '-', but uses it everywhere ... private val propChars = (('a' to 'z') ++ ('A' to 'Z') ++ ('0' to '9') ++ Seq(',', '.', '_', '+', '?', '#', '-')).toSet def legalProperty(x: String): Boolean = x == "/" || (!x.isEmpty && x.size < 32 && x.forall(propChars.contains(_))) // The DTS spec doesn't say what is allowed in a string, so just use our own judgement private val strChars = (('#' to '[') ++ (']' to '~') ++ Seq(' ', '!')).toSet def legalString(x: String): Boolean = x.forall(strChars.contains(_)) private case class Cells( parentAddress: Int, parentSize: Int, selfAddress: Int, selfSize: Int) private val defaultCells = Cells(2, 1, 2, 1) private def fmtCell(x: BigInt, cells: Int): Seq[String] = { val cellbits = 32 val mask = (BigInt(1) << cellbits) - 1 (0 until cells).reverse map { case i => "0x%x".format((x >> (i*cellbits)) & mask) } } private def fmtAddress(x: ResourceAddress, cells: Cells): Seq[String] = { val ranges = AddressRange.fromSets(x.address) ranges.flatMap { case AddressRange(base, size) => fmtCell(base, cells.parentAddress) ++ fmtCell(size, cells.parentSize) } } private def fmtMapping(x: ResourceMapping, cells: Cells): Seq[String] = { val ranges = AddressRange.fromSets(x.address) ranges.flatMap { case AddressRange(base, size) => fmtCell(base+x.offset, cells.selfAddress) ++ fmtCell(base, cells.parentAddress) ++ fmtCell(size, cells.selfSize) } } private def fmtString(x: ResourceString): Seq[String] = { require (legalString(x.value), s"The string '${x.value}' contains chars probably unwise for use in a DTS string") Seq("\"" + x.value + "\"") } private def fmtMap(x: ResourceMap, indent: String, cells: Cells): Seq[String] = { val (nodes, props) = x.value.partition(_ match { case (_, Seq(ResourceMap(_, _))) => true case _ => false }) def getInt(x: ResourceValue) = x match { case ResourceInt(value) => Some(value.toInt) case _ => None } val selfAddress = x.value.getOrElse("#address-cells", Nil).headOption.flatMap(getInt) val selfSize = x.value.getOrElse("#size-cells", Nil).headOption.flatMap(getInt) val myCells = Cells( parentAddress = cells.selfAddress, parentSize = cells.selfSize, selfAddress = selfAddress.getOrElse(defaultCells.selfAddress), selfSize = selfSize .getOrElse(defaultCells.selfSize)) props.flatMap { case (k, seq) => require (legalProperty(k), s"The string '${k}' is not a legal DTS property name") seq.headOption match { case None => Seq(indent, k, ";\n") case Some(ResourceString(_)) => { seq.foreach { r => r match { case ResourceString(_) => Unit case _ => require(false, s"The property '${k}' has values of conflicting type: ${seq}") } } Seq(indent, k, " = ", seq.flatMap(z => helper(z, "", myCells)).mkString(", "), ";\n") } case Some(_) => { seq.foreach { r => r match { case ResourceMap(_, _) => require(false, s"The property '${k}' has values of conflicting type: ${seq}") case ResourceString(_) => require(false, s"The property '${k}' has values of conflicting type: ${seq}") case _ => Unit } } Seq(indent, k, " = <", seq.flatMap(z => helper(z, "", myCells)).mkString(" "), ">;\n") } } }.toList ++ nodes.flatMap { case (k, Seq(s: ResourceMap)) => require (legalNode(k), s"The string '${k}' is not a legal DTS node name") Seq(indent) ++ s.labels.map(_ + ": ").filter(_ => !indent.isEmpty) ++ // labels on root not allowed Seq(k, " {\n") ++ helper(s, indent + "\t", myCells) ++ Seq(indent, "};\n") } } private def helper(res: ResourceValue, indent: String, cells: Cells): Seq[String] = res match { case x: ResourceAddress => fmtAddress(x, cells) case x: ResourceMapping => fmtMapping(x, cells) case x: ResourceInt => Seq(x.value.toString) case x: ResourceString => fmtString(x) case x: ResourceReference => Seq("&" + x.value) case x: ResourceMap => fmtMap(x, indent, cells) } } case class DTB(contents: Seq[Byte]) object DTB { def apply(dts: String): DTB = { val instream = new ByteArrayInputStream(dts.getBytes("UTF-8")) val outstream = new ByteArrayOutputStream val proc = "dtc -O dtb" #< instream #> outstream require (proc.! == 0, "Failed to run dtc; is it in your path?") instream.close outstream.close DTB(outstream.toByteArray) } }