package groundtest import Chisel._ import uncore.tilelink._ import uncore.constants._ import uncore.agents._ import junctions.{ParameterizedBundle, HasAddrMapParameters} import rocket.HellaCacheIO import groundtest.common._ import cde.{Parameters, Field} class RegressionIO(implicit val p: Parameters) extends ParameterizedBundle()(p) { val start = Bool(INPUT) val cache = new HellaCacheIO val mem = new ClientUncachedTileLinkIO val finished = Bool(OUTPUT) val errored = Bool(OUTPUT) } abstract class Regression(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Module with HasTileLinkParameters with HasAddrMapParameters { val memStart = addrMap("mem").start val memStartBlock = memStart >> p(CacheBlockOffsetBits) val io = new RegressionIO def disableCache() { io.cache.req.valid := Bool(false) io.cache.req.bits.addr := UInt(memStart) io.cache.req.bits.typ := MT_D io.cache.req.bits.cmd := M_XRD io.cache.req.bits.tag := UInt(0) := Bits(0) io.cache.req.bits.phys := Bool(true) io.cache.invalidate_lr := Bool(false) } def disableMem() { io.mem.acquire.valid := Bool(false) io.mem.grant.ready := Bool(false) } } /** * This was a bug in which the TileLinkIONarrower logic screwed up * when a PutBlock request and a narrow Get request are sent to it at the * same time. Repeating this sequence enough times will cause a queue to * get filled up and deadlock the system. */ class IOGetAfterPutBlockRegression(implicit p: Parameters) extends Regression()(p) { val nRuns = 7 val run = Reg(init = UInt(0, log2Up(nRuns + 1))) val (put_beat, put_done) = Counter( && io.mem.acquire.bits.hasData(), tlDataBeats) val started = Reg(init = Bool(false)) val put_sent = Reg(init = Bool(false)) val get_sent = Reg(init = Bool(false)) val put_acked = Reg(init = Bool(false)) val get_acked = Reg(init = Bool(false)) val both_acked = put_acked && get_acked when (!started && io.start) { started := Bool(true) } io.mem.acquire.valid := !put_sent && started io.mem.acquire.bits := PutBlock( client_xact_id = UInt(0), addr_block = UInt(memStartBlock), addr_beat = put_beat, data = UInt(0)) io.mem.grant.ready := Bool(true) io.cache.req.valid := !get_sent && started io.cache.req.bits.addr := UInt(addrMap("io:int:bootrom").start) io.cache.req.bits.typ := MT_W io.cache.req.bits.cmd := M_XRD io.cache.req.bits.tag := UInt(0) io.cache.invalidate_lr := Bool(false) when (put_done) { put_sent := Bool(true) } when ( { get_sent := Bool(true) } when ( { put_acked := Bool(true) } when (io.cache.resp.valid) { get_acked := Bool(true) } when (both_acked) { when (run < UInt(nRuns - 1)) { put_sent := Bool(false) get_sent := Bool(false) } put_acked := Bool(false) get_acked := Bool(false) run := run + UInt(1) } io.finished := (run === UInt(nRuns)) } /* This was a bug with merging two PutBlocks to the same address in the L2. * The transactor would start accepting beats of the second transaction but * acknowledge both of them when the first one finished. * This caused the state to go funky since the next time around it would * start the put in the middle */ class PutBlockMergeRegression(implicit p: Parameters) extends Regression()(p) with HasTileLinkParameters { val s_idle :: s_put :: s_wait :: s_done :: Nil = Enum(Bits(), 4) val state = Reg(init = s_idle) disableCache() val l2params = p.alterPartial({ case CacheName => "L2Bank" }) val nSets = l2params(NSets) val addr_blocks = Vec(Seq(0, 0, nSets).map(num => UInt(num + memStartBlock))) val nSteps = addr_blocks.size val (acq_beat, acq_done) = Counter(, tlDataBeats) val (send_cnt, send_done) = Counter(acq_done, nSteps) val (ack_cnt, ack_done) = Counter(, nSteps) io.mem.acquire.valid := (state === s_put) io.mem.acquire.bits := PutBlock( client_xact_id = send_cnt, addr_block = addr_blocks(send_cnt), addr_beat = acq_beat, data = Cat(send_cnt, acq_beat)) io.mem.grant.ready := Bool(true) when (state === s_idle && io.start) { state := s_put } when (send_done) { state := s_wait } when (ack_done) { state := s_done } io.finished := (state === s_done) } /* Make sure the L2 does "the right thing" when a put is sent no-alloc but * the block is already in cache. It should just treat the request as a * regular allocating put */ class NoAllocPutHitRegression(implicit p: Parameters) extends Regression()(p) { val (s_idle :: s_prefetch :: s_put :: s_get :: s_wait :: s_done :: Nil) = Enum(Bits(), 6) val state = Reg(init = s_idle) val acq = io.mem.acquire.bits val gnt = io.mem.grant.bits val (put_beat, put_done) = Counter( && acq.hasData(), tlDataBeats) val acked = Reg(init = UInt(0, tlDataBeats + 2)) val addr_block = UInt(memStartBlock + 2) val test_data = UInt(0x3446) val prefetch_acq = GetPrefetch( client_xact_id = UInt(0), addr_block = addr_block) val put_acq = PutBlock( client_xact_id = UInt(1), addr_block = addr_block, addr_beat = put_beat, data = test_data, alloc = Bool(false)) val get_acq = GetBlock( client_xact_id = UInt(2), addr_block = addr_block) io.mem.acquire.valid := (state === s_prefetch) || (state === s_get) || (state === s_put) io.mem.acquire.bits := MuxCase(get_acq, Seq( (state === s_prefetch) -> prefetch_acq, (state === s_put) -> put_acq)) io.mem.grant.ready := Bool(true) when (state === s_idle && io.start) { state := s_prefetch } when (state === s_prefetch && io.mem.acquire.ready) { state := s_put } when (put_done) { state := s_get } when (state === s_get && io.mem.acquire.ready) { state := s_wait } when (state === s_wait && acked.andR) { state := s_done } when ( { switch (gnt.client_xact_id) { is (UInt(0)) { acked := acked | UInt(1 << tlDataBeats) } is (UInt(1)) { acked := acked | UInt(1 << (tlDataBeats + 1)) } is (UInt(2)) { acked := acked | UIntToOH(gnt.addr_beat) } } } val data_mismatch = && gnt.hasData() && =/= test_data assert(!data_mismatch, "NoAllocPutHitRegression: data does not match") io.finished := (state === s_done) io.errored := data_mismatch disableCache() } /** Make sure L2 does the right thing when multiple puts are sent for the * same block, but only the first one has the alloc bit set. */ class MixedAllocPutRegression(implicit p: Parameters) extends Regression()(p) { val (s_idle :: s_pf_send :: s_pf_wait :: s_put_send :: s_put_wait :: s_get_send :: s_get_wait :: s_done :: Nil) = Enum(Bits(), 8) val state = Reg(init = s_idle) /** We have to test two cases: one when the block is already cached * and one when the block is not yet cached. * We use prefetching to assure the first case. */ val test_data = Vec( UInt("h2222222211111111"), UInt("h3333333333333333"), UInt("h4444444444444444"), UInt("h5555555555555555")) val test_alloc = Vec(Bool(false), Bool(false), Bool(true), Bool(false)) val test_block = Vec( Seq.fill(2) { UInt(memStartBlock + 15) } ++ Seq.fill(2) { UInt(memStartBlock + 16) }) val test_beat = Vec(UInt(0), UInt(2), UInt(1), UInt(2)) val (put_acq_id, put_acq_done) = Counter( state === s_put_send && io.mem.acquire.ready, test_data.size) val (put_gnt_cnt, put_gnt_done) = Counter( state === s_put_wait && io.mem.grant.valid, test_data.size) val (get_acq_id, get_acq_done) = Counter( state === s_get_send && io.mem.acquire.ready, test_data.size) val (get_gnt_cnt, get_gnt_done) = Counter( state === s_get_wait && io.mem.grant.valid, test_data.size) val pf_acquire = PutPrefetch( client_xact_id = UInt(0), addr_block = UInt(memStartBlock + 15)) val put_acquire = Put( client_xact_id = put_acq_id, addr_block = test_block(put_acq_id), addr_beat = test_beat(put_acq_id), data = test_data(put_acq_id), alloc = test_alloc(put_acq_id)) val get_acquire = Get( client_xact_id = get_acq_id, addr_block = test_block(get_acq_id), addr_beat = test_beat(get_acq_id)) io.mem.acquire.valid := (state === s_pf_send) || (state === s_put_send) || (state === s_get_send) io.mem.acquire.bits := MuxLookup(state, pf_acquire, Seq( s_put_send -> put_acquire, s_get_send -> get_acquire)) io.mem.grant.ready := (state === s_pf_wait) || (state === s_put_wait) || (state === s_get_wait) when (state === s_idle && io.start) { state := s_pf_send } when (state === s_pf_send && io.mem.acquire.ready) { state := s_pf_wait } when (state === s_pf_wait && io.mem.grant.valid) { state := s_put_send } when (put_acq_done) { state := s_put_wait } when (put_gnt_done) { state := s_get_send } when (get_acq_done) { state := s_get_wait } when (get_gnt_done) { state := s_done } io.finished := (state === s_done) val data_mismatch = state === s_get_wait && && =/= test_data(io.mem.grant.bits.client_xact_id) assert(!data_mismatch, "MixedAllocPutRegression: data mismatch") io.errored := data_mismatch disableCache() } /* Make sure each no-alloc put triggers a request to outer memory. * Unfortunately, there's no way to verify that this works except by looking * at the waveform */ class RepeatedNoAllocPutRegression(implicit p: Parameters) extends Regression()(p) { disableCache() val nPuts = 2 val (put_beat, put_done) = Counter(, tlDataBeats) val (req_cnt, req_done) = Counter(put_done, nPuts) val sending = Reg(init = Bool(false)) val acked = Reg(init = UInt(0, nPuts)) when (!sending && io.start) { sending := Bool(true) } when (sending && req_done) { sending := Bool(false) } io.mem.acquire.valid := sending io.mem.acquire.bits := PutBlock( client_xact_id = req_cnt, addr_block = UInt(memStartBlock + 5), addr_beat = put_beat, data = Cat(req_cnt, UInt(0, 8)), alloc = Bool(false)) io.mem.grant.ready := Bool(true) when ( { acked := acked | UIntToOH(io.mem.grant.bits.client_xact_id) } io.finished := acked.andR } /* Make sure write masking works properly by writing a block of data * piece by piece */ class WriteMaskedPutBlockRegression(implicit p: Parameters) extends Regression()(p) { disableCache() val (s_idle :: s_put_send :: s_put_ack :: s_stall :: s_get_send :: s_get_ack :: s_done :: Nil) = Enum(Bits(), 7) val state = Reg(init = s_idle) val post_stall_state = Reg(init = s_idle) val gnt = io.mem.grant.bits val acq = io.mem.acquire.bits val stage = Reg(init = UInt(0, 1)) val (put_beat, put_block_done) = Counter( && acq.hasData(), tlDataBeats) val put_data = UInt(0x30010040, tlDataBits) + (put_beat << UInt(2)) val put_acq = PutBlock( client_xact_id = UInt(0), addr_block = UInt(memStartBlock + 7), addr_beat = put_beat, data = Mux(put_beat(0) === stage, put_data, UInt(0)), wmask = Some(Mux(put_beat(0) === stage, Acquire.fullWriteMask, Bits(0)))) val get_acq = GetBlock( client_xact_id = UInt(0), addr_block = UInt(memStartBlock + 6) + stage) io.mem.acquire.valid := (state === s_put_send || state === s_get_send) io.mem.acquire.bits := Mux(state === s_get_send, get_acq, put_acq) io.mem.grant.ready := (state === s_put_ack || state === s_get_ack) val (get_cnt, get_done) = Counter( && gnt.hasData(), tlDataBeats) val get_data = UInt(0x30010040, tlDataBits) + (get_cnt << UInt(2)) val (stall_cnt, stall_done) = Counter(state === s_stall, 16) when (state === s_idle && io.start) { state := s_put_send } when (put_block_done) { state := s_put_ack } when (state === s_put_ack && io.mem.grant.valid) { post_stall_state := s_get_send state := s_stall } when (stall_done) { state := post_stall_state } when (state === s_get_send && io.mem.acquire.ready) { state := s_get_ack } when (get_done) { // do a read in-between the two put-blocks to overwrite the data buffer when (stage === UInt(0)) { stage := stage + UInt(1) post_stall_state := s_put_send state := s_stall } .otherwise { state := s_done } } io.finished := (state === s_done) val data_mismatch = && io.mem.grant.bits.hasData() && stage =/= UInt(0) && =/= get_data assert(!data_mismatch, "WriteMaskedPutBlockRegression: data does not match") io.errored := data_mismatch } /* Make sure a prefetch that hits returns immediately. */ class PrefetchHitRegression(implicit p: Parameters) extends Regression()(p) { disableCache() val sending = Reg(init = Bool(false)) val nPrefetches = 2 val (pf_cnt, pf_done) = Counter(, nPrefetches) val acked = Reg(init = UInt(0, nPrefetches)) val acq_bits = Vec( PutPrefetch(client_xact_id = UInt(0), addr_block = UInt(memStartBlock + 12)), GetPrefetch(client_xact_id = UInt(1), addr_block = UInt(memStartBlock + 12))) io.mem.acquire.valid := sending io.mem.acquire.bits := acq_bits(pf_cnt) io.mem.grant.ready := Bool(true) when ( { acked := acked | UIntToOH(io.mem.grant.bits.client_xact_id) } when (!sending && io.start) { sending := Bool(true) } when (sending && pf_done) { sending := Bool(false) } io.finished := acked.andR io.errored := Bool(false) } /* This tests the sort of access the pattern that Hwacha uses. * Instead of using PutBlock/GetBlock, it uses word-sized puts and gets * to the same block. * Each request has the same client_xact_id, but there are multiple in flight. * The responses therefore must come back in the order they are sent. */ class SequentialSameIdGetRegression(implicit p: Parameters) extends Regression()(p) { disableCache() val sending = Reg(init = Bool(false)) val finished = Reg(init = Bool(false)) val (send_cnt, send_done) = Counter(, tlDataBeats) val (recv_cnt, recv_done) = Counter(, tlDataBeats) when (!sending && io.start) { sending := Bool(true) } when (send_done) { sending := Bool(false) } when (recv_done) { finished := Bool(true) } io.mem.acquire.valid := sending io.mem.acquire.bits := Get( client_xact_id = UInt(0), addr_block = UInt(memStartBlock + 9), addr_beat = send_cnt) io.mem.grant.ready := !finished io.finished := finished val beat_mismatch = && io.mem.grant.bits.addr_beat =/= recv_cnt assert(!beat_mismatch, "SequentialSameIdGetRegression: grant received out of order") io.errored := beat_mismatch } /* Test that a writeback will occur by writing nWays + 1 blocks to the same * set. This assumes that there is only a single cache bank. If we want to * test multibank configurations, we'll have to think of some other way to * determine which banks are conflicting */ class WritebackRegression(implicit p: Parameters) extends Regression()(p) { disableCache() val l2params = p.alterPartial({ case CacheName => "L2Bank" }) val nSets = l2params(NSets) val nWays = l2params(NWays) val addr_blocks = Vec.tabulate(nWays + 1) { i => UInt(memStartBlock + i * nSets) } val data = Vec.tabulate(nWays + 1) { i => UInt((i + 1) * 1423) } val (put_beat, put_done) = Counter( && io.mem.acquire.bits.hasData(), tlDataBeats) val (get_beat, get_done) = Counter( && io.mem.grant.bits.hasData(), tlDataBeats) val (put_cnt, _) = Counter(put_done, nWays + 1) val (get_cnt, _) = Counter( && !io.mem.acquire.bits.hasData(), nWays + 1) val (ack_cnt, ack_done) = Counter( && !io.mem.grant.bits.hasData() || get_done, nWays + 1) val s_idle :: s_put :: s_get :: s_done :: Nil = Enum(Bits(), 4) val state = Reg(init = s_idle) val sending = Reg(init = Bool(false)) io.mem.acquire.valid := sending io.mem.acquire.bits := Mux(state === s_put, PutBlock( client_xact_id = UInt(0), addr_block = addr_blocks(put_cnt), addr_beat = put_beat, data = data(put_cnt)), GetBlock( client_xact_id = UInt(0), addr_block = addr_blocks(get_cnt))) io.mem.grant.ready := !sending when (state === s_idle && io.start) { state := s_put; sending := Bool(true) } when (put_done || state === s_get && { sending := Bool(false) } when (get_done && !ack_done || state === s_put && { sending := Bool(true) } when (ack_done) { state := Mux(state === s_put, s_get, s_done) } io.finished := (state === s_done) val data_mismatch = && io.mem.grant.bits.hasData() && =/= data(ack_cnt) assert(!data_mismatch, "WritebackRegression: incorrect data") io.errored := data_mismatch } class ReleaseRegression(implicit p: Parameters) extends Regression()(p) { disableMem() val l1params = p.alterPartial({ case CacheName => "L1D" }) val nSets = l1params(NSets) val nWays = l1params(NWays) val blockOffset = l1params(CacheBlockOffsetBits) val startBlock = memStartBlock + 10 val addr_blocks = Vec.tabulate(nWays + 1) { i => UInt(startBlock + i * nSets) } val data = Vec.tabulate(nWays + 1) { i => UInt((i + 1) * 1522) } val (req_idx, req_done) = Counter(, nWays + 1) val (resp_idx, resp_done) = Counter(io.cache.resp.valid, nWays + 1) val sending = Reg(init = Bool(false)) val s_idle :: s_write :: s_read :: s_done :: Nil = Enum(Bits(), 4) val state = Reg(init = s_idle) io.cache.req.valid := sending && (state === s_write || state === s_read) io.cache.req.bits.addr := Cat(addr_blocks(req_idx), UInt(0, blockOffset)) io.cache.req.bits.typ := MT_D io.cache.req.bits.cmd := Mux(state === s_write, M_XWR, M_XRD) io.cache.req.bits.tag := UInt(0) := data(req_idx) io.cache.req.bits.phys := Bool(true) io.cache.invalidate_lr := Bool(false) when (state === s_idle && io.start) { sending := Bool(true) state := s_write } when (resp_done) { state := Mux(state === s_write, s_read, s_done) } when ( { sending := Bool(false) } when (io.cache.resp.valid) { sending := Bool(true) } io.finished := (state === s_done) val data_mismatch = io.cache.resp.valid && io.cache.resp.bits.has_data && =/= data(resp_idx) assert(!data_mismatch, "ReleaseRegression: data mismatch") io.errored := data_mismatch } class PutBeforePutBlockRegression(implicit p: Parameters) extends Regression()(p) { val (s_idle :: s_put :: s_putblock :: s_wait :: s_finished :: Nil) = Enum(Bits(), 5) val state = Reg(init = s_idle) disableCache() val (put_block_beat, put_block_done) = Counter( state === s_putblock && io.mem.acquire.ready, tlDataBeats) val put_acquire = Put( client_xact_id = UInt(0), addr_block = UInt(memStartBlock), addr_beat = UInt(0), data = UInt(0), wmask = Some(UInt((1 << 8) - 1))) val put_block_acquire = PutBlock( client_xact_id = UInt(1), addr_block = UInt(memStartBlock + 1), addr_beat = put_block_beat, data = UInt(0)) val put_acked = Reg(init = UInt(0, 2)) val (ack_cnt, all_acked) = Counter(, 2) io.mem.acquire.valid := (state === s_put) || (state === s_putblock) io.mem.acquire.bits := Mux(state === s_put, put_acquire, put_block_acquire) io.mem.grant.ready := (state === s_wait) when (state === s_idle && io.start) { state := s_put } when (state === s_put && io.mem.acquire.ready) { state := s_putblock } when (put_block_done) { state := s_wait } when (all_acked) { state := s_finished } io.finished := (state === s_finished) io.errored := Bool(false) } /** * Make sure that multiple gets to the same line and beat are merged * correctly, even if it is a cache miss. */ class MergedGetRegression(implicit p: Parameters) extends Regression()(p) { disableCache() val l2params = p.alterPartial({ case CacheName => "L2Bank" }) val nSets = l2params(NSets) val nWays = l2params(NWays) val (s_idle :: s_put :: s_get :: s_done :: Nil) = Enum(Bits(), 4) val state = Reg(init = s_idle) // Write NWays + 1 different conflicting lines to force an eviction of the first line val (put_acq_cnt, put_acq_done) = Counter(state === s_put &&, nWays + 1) val (put_gnt_cnt, put_gnt_done) = Counter(state === s_put &&, nWays + 1) val put_addr = UInt(memStartBlock) + Cat(put_acq_cnt, UInt(0, log2Up(nSets))) val (get_acq_cnt, get_acq_done) = Counter(state === s_get &&, 2) val (get_gnt_cnt, get_gnt_done) = Counter(state === s_get &&, 2) val sending = Reg(init = Bool(false)) when (state === s_idle && io.start) { state := s_put; sending := Bool(true) } when (state === s_put) { when ( { sending := Bool(false) } when ( { sending := Bool(true) } when (put_gnt_done) { state := s_get } } when (state === s_get) { when (get_acq_done) { sending := Bool(false) } when (get_gnt_done) { state := s_done } } io.mem.acquire.valid := sending io.mem.acquire.bits := Mux(state === s_put, Put( client_xact_id = UInt(0), addr_block = put_addr, addr_beat = UInt(3), data = UInt("hdabb9321")), Get( client_xact_id = get_acq_cnt, addr_block = UInt(memStartBlock), addr_beat = UInt(3))) io.mem.grant.ready := !sending val data_mismatch = io.mem.grant.valid && io.mem.grant.bits.hasData() && =/= UInt("hdabb9321") assert(!data_mismatch, "RepeatedGetRegression: wrong data back") io.finished := state === s_done io.errored := data_mismatch } /** * Make sure that multiple puts to the same line and beat are merged * correctly, even if there is a release from the L1 */ class MergedPutRegression(implicit p: Parameters) extends Regression()(p) with HasTileLinkParameters { val (s_idle :: s_cache_req :: s_cache_wait :: s_put :: s_get :: s_done :: Nil) = Enum(Bits(), 6) val state = Reg(init = s_idle) io.cache.req.valid := (state === s_cache_req) io.cache.req.bits.cmd := M_XWR io.cache.req.bits.typ := MT_D io.cache.req.bits.addr := UInt(memStart) := UInt(1) io.cache.req.bits.tag := UInt(0) val sending = Reg(init = Bool(false)) val delaying = Reg(init = Bool(false)) val (put_cnt, put_done) = Counter(, tlMaxClientXacts) val (delay_cnt, delay_done) = Counter(delaying, 8) val put_acked = Reg(UInt(width = 3), init = UInt(0)) io.mem.acquire.valid := sending && !delaying io.mem.acquire.bits := Mux(state === s_put, Put( client_xact_id = put_cnt, addr_block = UInt(memStartBlock), addr_beat = UInt(0), data = put_cnt + UInt(2)), Get( client_xact_id = UInt(0), addr_block = UInt(memStartBlock), addr_beat = UInt(0))) io.mem.grant.ready := Bool(true) when (state === s_idle && io.start) { state := s_cache_req } when ( { state := s_cache_wait } when (io.cache.resp.valid) { state := s_put; sending := Bool(true) } when ( { delaying := Bool(true) when (put_done || state === s_get) { sending := Bool(false) } } when (delay_done) { delaying := Bool(false) } when ( { when (state === s_put) { put_acked := put_acked | UIntToOH(io.mem.grant.bits.client_xact_id) } when (state === s_get) { state := s_done } } when (state === s_put && put_acked.andR) { state := s_get sending := Bool(true) } val expected_data = UInt(2 + tlMaxClientXacts - 1) val data_mismatch = io.mem.grant.valid && io.mem.grant.bits.hasData() && =/= expected_data assert(!data_mismatch, "MergedPutRegression: data mismatch") io.finished := (state === s_done) io.errored := data_mismatch } object RegressionTests { def cacheRegressions(implicit p: Parameters) = Seq( Module(new PutBlockMergeRegression), Module(new NoAllocPutHitRegression), Module(new RepeatedNoAllocPutRegression), Module(new WriteMaskedPutBlockRegression), Module(new PrefetchHitRegression), Module(new SequentialSameIdGetRegression), Module(new WritebackRegression), Module(new PutBeforePutBlockRegression), Module(new MixedAllocPutRegression), Module(new ReleaseRegression), Module(new MergedGetRegression), Module(new MergedPutRegression)) def broadcastRegressions(implicit p: Parameters) = Seq( Module(new IOGetAfterPutBlockRegression), Module(new WriteMaskedPutBlockRegression), Module(new PutBeforePutBlockRegression), Module(new ReleaseRegression)) } case object GroundTestRegressions extends Field[Parameters => Seq[Regression]] class RegressionTest(implicit p: Parameters) extends GroundTest()(p) { val regressions = p(GroundTestRegressions)(p) val regress_idx = Reg(init = UInt(0, log2Up(regressions.size + 1))) val cur_finished = Wire(init = Bool(false)) val all_done = (regress_idx === UInt(regressions.size)) val start = Reg(init = Bool(true)) // default output values io.mem.head.acquire.valid := Bool(false) io.mem.head.acquire.bits := GetBlock( client_xact_id = UInt(0), addr_block = UInt(0)) io.mem.head.grant.ready := Bool(false) io.cache.head.req.valid := Bool(false) io.cache.head.req.bits.addr := UInt(0) io.cache.head.req.bits.typ := MT_D io.cache.head.req.bits.cmd := M_XRD io.cache.head.req.bits.tag := UInt(0) io.cache.head.req.bits.phys := Bool(true) := UInt(0) io.cache.head.invalidate_lr := Bool(false) regressions.zipWithIndex.foreach { case (regress, i) => val me = regress_idx === UInt(i) := me && start := io.mem.head.acquire.ready && me := io.mem.head.grant.valid && me := io.mem.head.grant.bits := io.cache.head.req.ready && me := io.cache.head.resp.valid && me := io.cache.head.resp.bits when (me) { io.mem.head.acquire.valid := io.mem.head.acquire.bits := io.mem.head.grant.ready := io.cache.head.req.valid := io.cache.head.req.bits := io.cache.head.invalidate_lr := io.status.error.valid := io.status.error.bits := UInt(i) cur_finished := } when ( { printf(s"Starting regression ${regress.getClass.getSimpleName}\n") } } when (cur_finished && !all_done) { start := Bool(true) regress_idx := regress_idx + UInt(1) } when (start) { start := Bool(false) } val timeout = Timer(5000, start, cur_finished) assert(!timeout, "Regression timed out") io.status.finished := all_done io.status.timeout.valid := timeout io.status.timeout.bits := UInt(0) assert(!(all_done && io.mem.head.grant.valid), "Getting grant after test completion") when (all_done) { io.status.error.valid := io.mem.head.grant.valid io.status.error.bits := UInt(regressions.size) } }