package Top { import Chisel._ import Node._; import Constants._; class ioMultiplier(width: Int) extends Bundle { // requests val mul_val = Bool('input); val dw = UFix(1, 'input); val mul_fn = UFix(2, 'input); val mul_tag = UFix(5, 'input); val in0 = Bits(width, 'input); val in1 = Bits(width, 'input); // responses val result = Bits(width, 'output); val result_tag = UFix(5, 'output); val result_val = Bool('output); } class rocketMultiplier extends Component { val io = new ioMultiplier(64); val r_val = Reg(resetVal = Bool(false)); val r_dw = Reg(resetVal = UFix(0,1)); val r_fn = Reg(resetVal = UFix(0,3)); val r_tag = Reg(resetVal = UFix(0,5)); val r_lhs = Reg(resetVal = Bits(0,65)); val r_rhs = Reg(resetVal = Bits(0,65)); val lhs_msb = Mux(io.dw === DW_64, io.in0(63), io.in0(31)).toBool val lhs_sign = ((io.mul_fn === MUL_HS) || (io.mul_fn === MUL_HSU)) && lhs_msb val lhs_hi = Mux(io.dw === DW_64, io.in0(63,32), Fill(32, lhs_sign)) val lhs = Cat(lhs_sign, lhs_hi, io.in0(31,0)) val rhs_msb = Mux(io.dw === DW_64, io.in1(63), io.in1(31)).toBool val rhs_sign = (io.mul_fn === MUL_HS) && rhs_msb val rhs_hi = Mux(io.dw === DW_64, io.in1(63,32), Fill(32, rhs_sign)) val rhs = Cat(rhs_sign, rhs_hi, io.in1(31,0)) r_val <== io.mul_val; when (io.mul_val) { r_dw <== io.dw r_fn <== io.mul_fn; r_tag <== io.mul_tag; r_lhs <== lhs; r_rhs <== rhs; } val mul_result = r_lhs.toFix * r_rhs.toFix; val mul_output64 = Mux(r_fn === MUL_LO, mul_result(63,0), mul_result(127,64)) val mul_output32 = Mux(r_fn === MUL_LO, mul_result(31,0), mul_result(63,31)) val mul_output32_ext = Cat(Fill(32, mul_output32(31)), mul_output32) val mul_output = Mux(r_dw === DW_64, mul_output64, mul_output32_ext) // just a hack for now, this should be a parameterized number of stages val r_result = Reg(Reg(Reg(mul_output))); val r_result_tag = Reg(Reg(Reg(r_tag))); val r_result_val = Reg(Reg(Reg(r_val))); io.result := r_result; io.result_tag := r_result_tag; io.result_val := r_result_val; } }