package groundtest import Chisel._ import uncore._ import junctions._ import rocket._ import scala.util.Random import cde.{Parameters, Field} case object NGeneratorsPerTile extends Field[Int] case object NGeneratorTiles extends Field[Int] case object GenerateUncached extends Field[Boolean] case object GenerateCached extends Field[Boolean] case object MaxGenerateRequests extends Field[Int] trait HasGeneratorParams { implicit val p: Parameters val nGensPerTile = p(NGeneratorsPerTile) val nGenTiles = p(NGeneratorTiles) val nGens = nGensPerTile * nGenTiles val genUncached = p(GenerateUncached) val genCached = p(GenerateCached) val genTimeout = 4096 val maxRequests = p(MaxGenerateRequests) } class Timer(initCount: Int) extends Module { val io = new Bundle { val start = Bool(INPUT) val stop = Bool(INPUT) val timeout = Bool(OUTPUT) } val countdown = Reg(UInt(width = log2Up(initCount))) val active = Reg(init = Bool(false)) when (io.start) { countdown := UInt(initCount - 1) active := Bool(true) } when (io.stop) { active := Bool(false) } when (active) { countdown := countdown - UInt(1) } io.timeout := countdown === UInt(0) } object Timer { def apply(initCount: Int, start: Bool, stop: Bool): Bool = { val timer = Module(new Timer(initCount)) := start := stop } } class UncachedTileLinkGenerator(id: Int) (implicit p: Parameters) extends TLModule()(p) with HasGeneratorParams { private val tlBlockOffset = tlBeatAddrBits + tlByteAddrBits private val wordBits = 64 private val wordOffset = log2Up(wordBits / 8) val io = new Bundle { val mem = new ClientUncachedTileLinkIO val finished = Bool(OUTPUT) } val (s_start :: s_put :: s_get :: s_finished :: Nil) = Enum(Bits(), 4) val state = Reg(init = s_start) val (req_cnt, req_wrap) = Counter( && state === s_get, maxRequests) val sending = Reg(init = Bool(false)) when (state === s_start) { sending := Bool(true) state := s_put } when (state === s_put) { when ( { sending := Bool(false) } when ( { sending := Bool(true); state := s_get } } when (state === s_get) { when ( { sending := Bool(false) } when ( { sending := Bool(true) state := Mux(req_wrap, s_finished, s_put) } } val timeout = Timer(genTimeout,, assert(!timeout, s"Uncached generator ${id} timed out waiting for grant") io.finished := (state === s_finished) val full_addr = Cat(req_cnt, UInt(id, log2Up(nGens)), UInt(0, wordOffset)) val addr_block = full_addr >> UInt(tlBlockOffset) val addr_beat = full_addr(tlBlockOffset - 1, tlByteAddrBits) val addr_byte = full_addr(tlByteAddrBits - 1, 0) val data_prefix = Cat(UInt(id, log2Up(nGens)), req_cnt) val word_data = Wire(UInt(width = wordBits)) word_data := Cat(data_prefix, full_addr) val beat_data = Fill(tlDataBits / wordBits, word_data) val wshift = Cat(full_addr(tlByteAddrBits - 1, wordOffset), UInt(0, wordOffset)) val wmask = Fill(wordBits / 8, Bits(1, 1)) << wshift val put_acquire = Put( client_xact_id = UInt(0), addr_block = addr_block, addr_beat = addr_beat, data = beat_data, wmask = Some(wmask)) val get_acquire = Get( client_xact_id = UInt(0), addr_block = addr_block, addr_beat = addr_beat, addr_byte = addr_byte, operand_size = MT_D, alloc = Bool(true)) io.mem.acquire.valid := sending io.mem.acquire.bits := Mux(state === s_put, put_acquire, get_acquire) io.mem.grant.ready := !sending def wordFromBeat(addr: UInt, dat: UInt) = { val offset = addr(tlByteAddrBits - 1, wordOffset) val shift = Cat(offset, UInt(0, wordOffset + 3)) (dat >> shift)(wordBits - 1, 0) } assert(!io.mem.grant.valid || state =/= s_get || wordFromBeat(full_addr, === word_data, s"Get received incorrect data in uncached generator ${id}") } class HellaCacheGenerator(id: Int) (implicit p: Parameters) extends L1HellaCacheModule()(p) with HasGeneratorParams { private val wordOffset = log2Up(coreDataBits / 8) private val startAddress = (p(MMIOBase) >> wordOffset).toInt / 2 val io = new Bundle { val finished = Bool(OUTPUT) val mem = new HellaCacheIO } val timeout = Timer(genTimeout,, assert(!timeout, s"Cached generator ${id} timed out waiting for response") val (s_start :: s_write :: s_read :: s_finished :: Nil) = Enum(Bits(), 4) val state = Reg(init = s_start) val sending = Reg(init = Bool(false)) val (req_cnt, req_wrap) = Counter( io.mem.resp.valid && io.mem.resp.bits.has_data, maxRequests) val req_addr = UInt(startAddress) + Cat(req_cnt, UInt(id, log2Up(nGens)), UInt(0, wordOffset)) val req_data = Cat(UInt(id, log2Up(nGens)), req_cnt, req_addr) io.mem.req.valid := sending io.mem.req.bits.addr := req_addr := req_data io.mem.req.bits.typ := MT_D io.mem.req.bits.cmd := Mux(state === s_write, M_XWR, M_XRD) io.mem.req.bits.tag := UInt(0) io.mem.req.bits.kill := Bool(false) io.mem.req.bits.phys := Bool(true) when (state === s_start) { sending := Bool(true); state := s_write } when ( { sending := Bool(false) } when (io.mem.resp.valid) { sending := Bool(true) state := Mux(state === s_write, s_read, s_write) } when (req_wrap) { sending := Bool(false); state := s_finished } assert(!io.mem.resp.valid || !io.mem.resp.bits.has_data || === req_data, s"Received incorrect data in cached generator ${id}") }