package Top { import Chisel._; import Node._; import Constants._; import scala.math._; // interface between DTLB and pipeline class ioDTLB_CPU(view: List[String] = null) extends Bundle(view) { // status bits (from PCR), to check current permission and whether VM is enabled val status = Bits(17, 'input); // invalidate all TLB entries val invalidate = Bool('input); // lookup requests val req_val = Bool('input); val req_cmd = Bits(4, 'input); // load/store/amo val req_rdy = Bool('output); val req_asid = Bits(ASID_BITS, 'input); val req_vpn = UFix(VPN_BITS, 'input); // lookup responses val resp_busy = Bool('output); val resp_miss = Bool('output); // val resp_val = Bool('output); val resp_ppn = UFix(PPN_BITS, 'output); val xcpt_ld = Bool('output); val xcpt_st = Bool('output); } class ioDTLB extends Bundle { val cpu = new ioDTLB_CPU(); val ptw = new ioTLB_PTW(); } class rocketDTLB(entries: Int) extends Component { val io = new ioDTLB(); val addr_bits = ceil(log10(entries)/log10(2)).toInt; val s_ready :: s_request :: s_wait :: Nil = Enum(3) { UFix() }; val state = Reg(resetVal = s_ready); val r_cpu_req_vpn = Reg(resetVal = Bits(0, VPN_BITS)); val r_cpu_req_val = Reg(resetVal = Bool(false)); val r_cpu_req_cmd = Reg(resetVal = Bits(0,4)); val r_cpu_req_asid = Reg(resetVal = Bits(0,ASID_BITS)); val r_refill_tag = Reg(resetVal = Bits(0,ASID_BITS+VPN_BITS)); val r_refill_waddr = Reg(resetVal = UFix(0,addr_bits)); val repl_count = Reg(resetVal = UFix(0,addr_bits)); when (io.cpu.req_val && io.cpu.req_rdy) { r_cpu_req_vpn <== io.cpu.req_vpn; r_cpu_req_cmd <== io.cpu.req_cmd; r_cpu_req_asid <== io.cpu.req_asid; } when (io.cpu.req_rdy) { r_cpu_req_val <== io.cpu.req_val; } val req_load = (r_cpu_req_cmd === M_XRD); val req_store = (r_cpu_req_cmd === M_XWR); val req_flush = (r_cpu_req_cmd === M_FLA); val req_amo = io.cpu.req_cmd(3).toBool; val lookup_tag = Cat(r_cpu_req_asid, r_cpu_req_vpn); val tag_cam = new rocketCAM(entries, addr_bits, ASID_BITS+VPN_BITS); val tag_ram = Mem(entries, io.ptw.resp_val, r_refill_waddr.toUFix, io.ptw.resp_ppn); := io.cpu.invalidate; := lookup_tag; := io.ptw.resp_val || io.ptw.resp_err; := r_refill_tag; := r_refill_waddr; val tag_hit =; val tag_hit_addr =; // extract fields from status register val status_s = io.cpu.status(SR_S).toBool; // user/supervisor mode val status_u = !status_s; val status_vm = io.cpu.status(SR_VM).toBool // virtual memory enable // extract fields from PT permission bits val ptw_perm_ur = io.ptw.resp_perm(1); val ptw_perm_uw = io.ptw.resp_perm(2); val ptw_perm_sr = io.ptw.resp_perm(4); val ptw_perm_sw = io.ptw.resp_perm(5); // permission bit arrays val ur_array = Reg(resetVal = Bits(0, entries)); // user read permission val uw_array = Reg(resetVal = Bits(0, entries)); // user write permission val sr_array = Reg(resetVal = Bits(0, entries)); // supervisor read permission val sw_array = Reg(resetVal = Bits(0, entries)); // supervisor write permission when (io.ptw.resp_val) { ur_array <== ur_array.bitSet(r_refill_waddr, ptw_perm_ur); uw_array <== uw_array.bitSet(r_refill_waddr, ptw_perm_uw); sr_array <== sr_array.bitSet(r_refill_waddr, ptw_perm_sr); sw_array <== sw_array.bitSet(r_refill_waddr, ptw_perm_sw); } // when the page table lookup reports an error, set all permission // bits to 0 so the next access will cause an exception when (io.ptw.resp_err) { ur_array <== ur_array.bitSet(r_refill_waddr, Bool(false)); uw_array <== uw_array.bitSet(r_refill_waddr, Bool(false)); sr_array <== sr_array.bitSet(r_refill_waddr, Bool(false)); sw_array <== sw_array.bitSet(r_refill_waddr, Bool(false)); } // high if there are any unused (invalid) entries in the TLB val invalid_entry = ( != ~Bits(0,entries)); val ie_enc = new priorityEncoder(entries); :=; val ie_addr =; val repl_waddr = Mux(invalid_entry, ie_addr, repl_count).toUFix; val lookup = (state === s_ready) && r_cpu_req_val && !req_flush; val lookup_hit = lookup && tag_hit; val lookup_miss = lookup && !tag_hit; val tlb_hit = status_vm && lookup_hit; val tlb_miss = status_vm && lookup_miss; // currently replace TLB entries in LIFO order // TODO: implement LRU replacement policy when (tlb_miss) { r_refill_tag <== lookup_tag; r_refill_waddr <== repl_waddr; when (!invalid_entry) { repl_count <== repl_count + UFix(1); } } // exception check val outofrange = !tlb_miss && (io.cpu.resp_ppn > UFix(MEMSIZE_PAGES, PPN_BITS)); val access_fault_ld = tlb_hit && (req_load || req_amo) && ((status_s && !sr_array(tag_hit_addr).toBool) || (status_u && !ur_array(tag_hit_addr).toBool)); io.cpu.xcpt_ld := (lookup && (req_load || req_amo) && outofrange) || access_fault_ld; val access_fault_st = tlb_hit && (req_store || req_amo) && ((status_s && !sw_array(tag_hit_addr).toBool) || (status_u && !uw_array(tag_hit_addr).toBool)); io.cpu.xcpt_st := (lookup && (req_store || req_amo) && outofrange) || access_fault_st; io.cpu.req_rdy := Mux(status_vm, (state === s_ready) && !tlb_miss, Bool(true)); io.cpu.resp_busy := tlb_miss || (state != s_ready); io.cpu.resp_miss := tlb_miss; io.cpu.resp_ppn := Mux(status_vm, Mux(req_flush, Bits(0,PPN_BITS), tag_ram(tag_hit_addr)), r_cpu_req_vpn(PPN_BITS-1,0)).toUFix; io.ptw.req_val := (state === s_request); io.ptw.req_vpn := r_refill_tag(VPN_BITS-1,0); // control state machine switch (state) { is (s_ready) { when (tlb_miss) { state <== s_request; } } is (s_request) { when (io.ptw.req_rdy) { state <== s_wait; } } is (s_wait) { when (io.ptw.resp_val || io.ptw.resp_err) { state <== s_ready; } } } } }