// See LICENSE.jtag for license details. package freechips.rocketchip.jtag import chisel3._ import chisel3.core.DataMirror import chisel3.internal.firrtl.KnownWidth import chisel3.util._ /** Base JTAG shifter IO, viewed from input to shift register chain. * Can be chained together. */ class ShifterIO extends Bundle { val shift = Bool() // advance the scan chain on clock high val data = Bool() // as input: bit to be captured into shifter MSB on next rising edge; as output: value of shifter LSB val capture = Bool() // high in the CaptureIR/DR state when this chain is selected val update = Bool() // high in the UpdateIR/DR state when this chain is selected /** Sets a output shifter IO's control signals from a input shifter IO's control signals. */ def chainControlFrom(in: ShifterIO) { shift := in.shift capture := in.capture update := in.update } } trait ChainIO extends Bundle { val chainIn = Input(new ShifterIO) val chainOut = Output(new ShifterIO) } class Capture[+T <: Data](gen: T) extends Bundle { val bits = Input(gen) // data to capture, should be always valid val capture = Output(Bool()) // will be high in capture state (single cycle), captured on following rising edge override def cloneType = Capture(gen).asInstanceOf[this.type] } object Capture { def apply[T <: Data](gen: T): Capture[T] = new Capture(gen) } /** Trait that all JTAG chains (data and instruction registers) must extend, providing basic chain * IO. */ trait Chain extends Module { val io: ChainIO } /** One-element shift register, data register for bypass mode. * * Implements Clause 10. */ class JtagBypassChain extends Chain { class ModIO extends ChainIO val io = IO(new ModIO) io.chainOut chainControlFrom io.chainIn val reg = Reg(Bool()) // 10.1.1a single shift register stage io.chainOut.data := reg when (io.chainIn.capture) { reg := false.B // 10.1.1b capture logic 0 on TCK rising } .elsewhen (io.chainIn.shift) { reg := io.chainIn.data } assert(!(io.chainIn.capture && io.chainIn.update) && !(io.chainIn.capture && io.chainIn.shift) && !(io.chainIn.update && io.chainIn.shift)) } object JtagBypassChain { def apply() = new JtagBypassChain } /** Simple shift register with parallel capture only, for read-only data registers. * * Number of stages is the number of bits in gen, which must have a known width. * * Useful notes: * 7.2.1c shifter shifts on TCK rising edge * 4.3.2a TDI captured on TCK rising edge, assumed changes on TCK falling edge */ class CaptureChain[+T <: Data](gen: T) extends Chain { class ModIO extends ChainIO { val capture = Capture(gen) } val io = IO(new ModIO) io.chainOut chainControlFrom io.chainIn val n = DataMirror.widthOf(gen) match { case KnownWidth(x) => x case _ => require(false, s"can't generate chain for unknown width data type $gen"); -1 // TODO: remove -1 type hack } val regs = (0 until n) map (x => Reg(Bool())) io.chainOut.data := regs(0) when (io.chainIn.capture) { (0 until n) map (x => regs(x) := io.capture.bits.asUInt()(x)) io.capture.capture := true.B } .elsewhen (io.chainIn.shift) { regs(n-1) := io.chainIn.data (0 until n-1) map (x => regs(x) := regs(x+1)) io.capture.capture := false.B } .otherwise { io.capture.capture := false.B } assert(!(io.chainIn.capture && io.chainIn.update) && !(io.chainIn.capture && io.chainIn.shift) && !(io.chainIn.update && io.chainIn.shift)) } object CaptureChain { def apply[T <: Data](gen: T) = new CaptureChain(gen) } /** Simple shift register with parallel capture and update. Useful for general instruction and data * scan registers. * * Number of stages is the max number of bits in genCapture and genUpdate, both of which must have * known widths. If there is a width mismatch, the unused most significant bits will be zero. * * Useful notes: * 7.2.1c shifter shifts on TCK rising edge * 4.3.2a TDI captured on TCK rising edge, assumed changes on TCK falling edge */ class CaptureUpdateChain[+T <: Data, +V <: Data](genCapture: T, genUpdate: V) extends Chain { class ModIO extends ChainIO { val capture = Capture(genCapture) val update = Valid(genUpdate) // valid high when in update state (single cycle), contents may change any time after } val io = IO(new ModIO) io.chainOut chainControlFrom io.chainIn val captureWidth = DataMirror.widthOf(genCapture) match { case KnownWidth(x) => x case _ => require(false, s"can't generate chain for unknown width data type $genCapture"); -1 // TODO: remove -1 type hack } val updateWidth = DataMirror.widthOf(genUpdate) match { case KnownWidth(x) => x case _ => require(false, s"can't generate chain for unknown width data type $genUpdate"); -1 // TODO: remove -1 type hack } val n = math.max(captureWidth, updateWidth) val regs = (0 until n) map (x => Reg(Bool())) io.chainOut.data := regs(0) val updateBits = Cat(regs.reverse)(updateWidth-1, 0) io.update.bits := updateBits.asTypeOf(io.update.bits) val captureBits = io.capture.bits.asUInt() when (io.chainIn.capture) { (0 until math.min(n, captureWidth)) map (x => regs(x) := captureBits(x)) (captureWidth until n) map (x => regs(x) := 0.U) io.capture.capture := true.B io.update.valid := false.B } .elsewhen (io.chainIn.update) { io.capture.capture := false.B io.update.valid := true.B } .elsewhen (io.chainIn.shift) { regs(n-1) := io.chainIn.data (0 until n-1) map (x => regs(x) := regs(x+1)) io.capture.capture := false.B io.update.valid := false.B } .otherwise { io.capture.capture := false.B io.update.valid := false.B } assert(!(io.chainIn.capture && io.chainIn.update) && !(io.chainIn.capture && io.chainIn.shift) && !(io.chainIn.update && io.chainIn.shift)) } object CaptureUpdateChain { /** Capture-update chain with matching capture and update types. */ def apply[T <: Data](gen: T) = new CaptureUpdateChain(gen, gen) def apply[T <: Data, V <: Data](genCapture: T, genUpdate: V) = new CaptureUpdateChain(genCapture, genUpdate) }