// See LICENSE.SiFive for license details. package diplomacy import Chisel._ import scala.math.{max,min} object AddressDecoder { type Port = Seq[AddressSet] type Ports = Seq[Port] type Partition = Ports type Partitions = Seq[Partition] val addressOrder = Ordering.ordered[AddressSet] val portOrder = Ordering.Iterable(addressOrder) val partitionOrder = Ordering.Iterable(portOrder) // Find the minimum subset of bits needed to disambiguate port addresses. // ie: inspecting only the bits in the output, you can look at an address // and decide to which port (outer Seq) the address belongs. def apply(ports: Ports, givenBits: BigInt = BigInt(0)): BigInt = if (ports.size <= 1) givenBits else { // Every port must have at least one address! ports.foreach { p => require (!p.isEmpty) } // Verify the user did not give us an impossible problem ports.combinations(2).foreach { case Seq(x, y) => x.foreach { a => y.foreach { b => require (!a.overlaps(b)) // it must be possible to disambiguate ports! } } } val maxBits = log2Ceil(ports.map(_.map(_.max).max).max + 1) val (bitsToTry, bitsToTake) = (0 until maxBits).map(BigInt(1) << _).partition(b => (givenBits & b) == 0) val partitions = Seq(ports.map(_.sorted).sorted(portOrder)) val givenPartitions = bitsToTake.foldLeft(partitions) { (p, b) => partitionPartitions(p, b) } val selected = recurse(givenPartitions, bitsToTry.toSeq) val output = selected.reduceLeft(_ | _) | givenBits // Modify the AddressSets to allow the new wider match functions val widePorts = ports.map { _.map { _.widen(~output) } } // Verify that it remains possible to disambiguate all ports widePorts.combinations(2).foreach { case Seq(x, y) => x.foreach { a => y.foreach { b => require (!a.overlaps(b)) } } } output } // A simpler version that works for a Seq[Int] def apply(keys: Seq[Int]): Int = { val ports = keys.map(b => Seq(AddressSet(b, 0))) apply(ports).toInt } // The algorithm has a set of partitions, discriminated by the selected bits. // Each partion has a set of ports, listing all addresses that lead to that port. // Seq[Seq[Seq[AddressSet]]] // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ set of addresses that are routed out this port // ^^^ the list of ports // ^^^ cases already distinguished by the selected bits thus far // // Solving this problem is NP-hard, so we use a simple greedy heuristic: // pick the bit which minimizes the number of ports in each partition // as a secondary goal, reduce the number of AddressSets within a partition def bitScore(partitions: Partitions): Seq[Int] = { val maxPortsPerPartition = partitions.map(_.size).max val sumPortsPerPartition = partitions.map(_.size).sum val maxSetsPerPartition = partitions.map(_.map(_.size).sum).max val sumSetsPerPartition = partitions.map(_.map(_.size).sum).sum Seq(maxPortsPerPartition, sumPortsPerPartition, maxSetsPerPartition, sumSetsPerPartition) } def partitionPort(port: Port, bit: BigInt): (Port, Port) = { val addr_a = AddressSet(0, ~bit) val addr_b = AddressSet(bit, ~bit) // The addresses were sorted, so the filtered addresses are still sorted val subset_a = port.filter(_.overlaps(addr_a)) val subset_b = port.filter(_.overlaps(addr_b)) (subset_a, subset_b) } def partitionPorts(ports: Ports, bit: BigInt): (Ports, Ports) = { val partitioned_ports = ports.map(p => partitionPort(p, bit)) // because partitionPort dropped AddresSets, the ports might no longer be sorted val case_a_ports = partitioned_ports.map(_._1).filter(!_.isEmpty).sorted(portOrder) val case_b_ports = partitioned_ports.map(_._2).filter(!_.isEmpty).sorted(portOrder) (case_a_ports, case_b_ports) } def partitionPartitions(partitions: Partitions, bit: BigInt): Partitions = { val partitioned_partitions = partitions.map(p => partitionPorts(p, bit)) val case_a_partitions = partitioned_partitions.map(_._1).filter(!_.isEmpty) val case_b_partitions = partitioned_partitions.map(_._2).filter(!_.isEmpty) val new_partitions = (case_a_partitions ++ case_b_partitions).sorted(partitionOrder) // Prevent combinational memory explosion; if two partitions are equal, keep only one // Note: AddressSets in a port are sorted, and ports in a partition are sorted. // This makes it easy to structurally compare two partitions for equality val keep = (new_partitions.init zip new_partitions.tail) filter { case (a,b) => partitionOrder.compare(a,b) != 0 } map { _._2 } new_partitions.head +: keep } // requirement: ports have sorted addresses and are sorted lexicographically val debug = false def recurse(partitions: Partitions, bits: Seq[BigInt]): Seq[BigInt] = { if (partitions.map(_.size <= 1).reduce(_ && _)) Seq() else { if (debug) { println("Partitioning:") partitions.foreach { partition => println(" Partition:") partition.foreach { port => print(" ") port.foreach { a => print(s" ${a}") } println("") } } } val candidates = bits.map { bit => val result = partitionPartitions(partitions, bit) val score = bitScore(result) (score, bit, result) } val (bestScore, bestBit, bestPartitions) = candidates.min(Ordering.by[(Seq[Int], BigInt, Partitions), Iterable[Int]](_._1.toIterable)) if (debug) println("=> Selected bit 0x%x".format(bestBit)) bestBit +: recurse(bestPartitions, bits.filter(_ != bestBit)) } } }