// See LICENSE.Berkeley for license details. // See LICENSE.SiFive for license details. package rocket import Chisel._ import Chisel.ImplicitConversions._ import chisel3.core.withReset import config._ import coreplex._ import diplomacy._ import uncore.tilelink2._ import tile._ import util._ class FrontendReq(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreBundle()(p) { val pc = UInt(width = vaddrBitsExtended) val speculative = Bool() } class FrontendResp(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreBundle()(p) { val btb = Valid(new BTBResp) val pc = UInt(width = vaddrBitsExtended) // ID stage PC val data = UInt(width = fetchWidth * coreInstBits) val mask = Bits(width = fetchWidth) val pf = Bool() val ae = Bool() val replay = Bool() } class FrontendPerfEvents extends Bundle { val acquire = Bool() val tlbMiss = Bool() } class FrontendIO(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreBundle()(p) { val req = Valid(new FrontendReq) val sfence = Valid(new SFenceReq) val resp = Decoupled(new FrontendResp).flip val btb_update = Valid(new BTBUpdate) val bht_update = Valid(new BHTUpdate) val ras_update = Valid(new RASUpdate) val flush_icache = Bool(OUTPUT) val npc = UInt(INPUT, width = vaddrBitsExtended) val perf = new FrontendPerfEvents().asInput } class Frontend(val icacheParams: ICacheParams, hartid: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule { lazy val module = new FrontendModule(this) val icache = LazyModule(new ICache(icacheParams, hartid)) val masterNode = TLOutputNode() val slaveNode = TLInputNode() icache.slaveNode.map { _ := slaveNode } masterNode := icache.masterNode } class FrontendBundle(outer: Frontend) extends CoreBundle()(outer.p) { val cpu = new FrontendIO().flip val ptw = new TLBPTWIO() val tl_out = outer.masterNode.bundleOut val tl_in = outer.slaveNode.bundleIn val resetVector = UInt(INPUT, vaddrBitsExtended) val hartid = UInt(INPUT, hartIdLen) } class FrontendModule(outer: Frontend) extends LazyModuleImp(outer) with HasCoreParameters with HasL1ICacheParameters { val io = new FrontendBundle(outer) implicit val edge = outer.masterNode.edgesOut.head val icache = outer.icache.module require(fetchWidth*coreInstBytes == outer.icacheParams.fetchBytes) val tlb = Module(new TLB(log2Ceil(coreInstBytes*fetchWidth), nTLBEntries)) val fq = withReset(reset || io.cpu.req.valid) { Module(new ShiftQueue(new FrontendResp, 4, flow = true)) } val s0_valid = io.cpu.req.valid || !fq.io.mask(fq.io.mask.getWidth-2) val s1_pc = Reg(UInt(width=vaddrBitsExtended)) val s1_speculative = Reg(Bool()) val s2_valid = RegInit(false.B) val s2_pc = Reg(init=io.resetVector) val s2_btb_resp_valid = Reg(init=Bool(false)) val s2_btb_resp_bits = Reg(new BTBResp) val s2_maybe_pf = Reg(Bool()) val s2_maybe_ae = Reg(Bool()) val s2_tlb_miss = Reg(Bool()) val s2_pf = s2_maybe_pf && !s2_tlb_miss val s2_ae = s2_maybe_ae && !s2_tlb_miss val s2_xcpt = s2_pf || s2_ae val s2_speculative = Reg(init=Bool(false)) val fetchBytes = coreInstBytes * fetchWidth val s1_base_pc = ~(~s1_pc | (fetchBytes - 1)) val ntpc = s1_base_pc + fetchBytes.U val predicted_npc = Wire(init = ntpc) val predicted_taken = Wire(init = Bool(false)) val s2_replay = Wire(Bool()) s2_replay := (s2_valid && !fq.io.enq.fire()) || RegNext(s2_replay && !s0_valid, true.B) val npc = Mux(s2_replay, s2_pc, predicted_npc) s1_pc := io.cpu.npc // consider RVC fetches across blocks to be non-speculative if the first // part was non-speculative val s0_speculative = if (usingCompressed) s1_speculative || s2_valid && !s2_speculative || predicted_taken else Bool(true) s1_speculative := Mux(io.cpu.req.valid, io.cpu.req.bits.speculative, Mux(s2_replay, s2_speculative, s0_speculative)) s2_valid := false when (!s2_replay && !io.cpu.req.valid) { s2_valid := true s2_pc := s1_pc s2_speculative := s1_speculative s2_maybe_pf := tlb.io.resp.pf.inst s2_maybe_ae := tlb.io.resp.ae.inst s2_tlb_miss := tlb.io.resp.miss } if (usingBTB) { val btb = Module(new BTB) btb.io.req.valid := false btb.io.req.bits.addr := s1_pc btb.io.btb_update := io.cpu.btb_update btb.io.bht_update := io.cpu.bht_update btb.io.ras_update := io.cpu.ras_update when (!s2_replay) { btb.io.req.valid := true s2_btb_resp_valid := btb.io.resp.valid s2_btb_resp_bits := btb.io.resp.bits } when (btb.io.resp.valid && btb.io.resp.bits.taken) { predicted_npc := btb.io.resp.bits.target.sextTo(vaddrBitsExtended) predicted_taken := Bool(true) } // push RAS speculatively btb.io.ras_update.valid := btb.io.req.valid && btb.io.resp.valid && btb.io.resp.bits.cfiType.isOneOf(CFIType.call, CFIType.ret) val returnAddrLSBs = btb.io.resp.bits.bridx +& 1 btb.io.ras_update.bits.returnAddr := Mux(returnAddrLSBs(log2Ceil(fetchWidth)), ntpc, s1_base_pc | ((returnAddrLSBs << log2Ceil(coreInstBytes)) & (fetchBytes - 1))) btb.io.ras_update.bits.cfiType := btb.io.resp.bits.cfiType btb.io.ras_update.bits.prediction.valid := true } io.ptw <> tlb.io.ptw tlb.io.req.valid := !s2_replay tlb.io.req.bits.vaddr := s1_pc tlb.io.req.bits.passthrough := Bool(false) tlb.io.req.bits.instruction := Bool(true) tlb.io.req.bits.store := Bool(false) tlb.io.req.bits.sfence := io.cpu.sfence tlb.io.req.bits.size := log2Ceil(coreInstBytes*fetchWidth) icache.io.hartid := io.hartid icache.io.req.valid := s0_valid icache.io.req.bits.addr := io.cpu.npc icache.io.invalidate := io.cpu.flush_icache icache.io.s1_paddr := tlb.io.resp.paddr icache.io.s2_vaddr := s2_pc icache.io.s1_kill := io.cpu.req.valid || tlb.io.resp.miss || s2_replay icache.io.s2_kill := s2_valid && (s2_speculative || s2_xcpt) fq.io.enq.valid := s2_valid && (icache.io.resp.valid || icache.io.s2_kill) fq.io.enq.bits.pc := s2_pc io.cpu.npc := ~(~Mux(io.cpu.req.valid, io.cpu.req.bits.pc, npc) | (coreInstBytes-1)) // discard LSB(s) fq.io.enq.bits.data := icache.io.resp.bits fq.io.enq.bits.mask := UInt((1 << fetchWidth)-1) << s2_pc.extract(log2Ceil(fetchWidth)+log2Ceil(coreInstBytes)-1, log2Ceil(coreInstBytes)) fq.io.enq.bits.pf := s2_pf fq.io.enq.bits.ae := s2_ae fq.io.enq.bits.replay := icache.io.s2_kill && !icache.io.resp.valid && !s2_xcpt fq.io.enq.bits.btb.valid := s2_btb_resp_valid fq.io.enq.bits.btb.bits := s2_btb_resp_bits io.cpu.resp <> fq.io.deq // performance events io.cpu.perf.acquire := edge.done(icache.io.tl_out(0).a) io.cpu.perf.tlbMiss := io.ptw.req.fire() } /** Mix-ins for constructing tiles that have an ICache-based pipeline frontend */ trait HasICacheFrontend extends CanHavePTW with HasTileLinkMasterPort { val module: HasICacheFrontendModule val frontend = LazyModule(new Frontend(tileParams.icache.get, hartid: Int)) val hartid: Int tileBus.node := frontend.masterNode nPTWPorts += 1 } trait HasICacheFrontendBundle extends HasTileLinkMasterPortBundle { val outer: HasICacheFrontend } trait HasICacheFrontendModule extends CanHavePTWModule with HasTileLinkMasterPortModule { val outer: HasICacheFrontend ptwPorts += outer.frontend.module.io.ptw }