package junctions import Chisel._ import cde.{Parameters, Field} object HastiConstants { // Values for htrans val SZ_HTRANS = 2 val HTRANS_IDLE = UInt(0, SZ_HTRANS) // No transfer requested, not in a burst val HTRANS_BUSY = UInt(1, SZ_HTRANS) // No transfer requested, in a burst val HTRANS_NONSEQ = UInt(2, SZ_HTRANS) // First (potentially only) request in a burst val HTRANS_SEQ = UInt(3, SZ_HTRANS) // Following requests in a burst // Values for hburst val SZ_HBURST = 3 val HBURST_SINGLE = UInt(0, SZ_HBURST) // Single access (no burst) val HBURST_INCR = UInt(1, SZ_HBURST) // Incrementing burst of arbitrary length, not crossing 1KB val HBURST_WRAP4 = UInt(2, SZ_HBURST) // 4-beat wrapping burst val HBURST_INCR4 = UInt(3, SZ_HBURST) // 4-beat incrementing burst val HBURST_WRAP8 = UInt(4, SZ_HBURST) // 8-beat wrapping burst val HBURST_INCR8 = UInt(5, SZ_HBURST) // 8-beat incrementing burst val HBURST_WRAP16 = UInt(6, SZ_HBURST) // 16-beat wrapping burst val HBURST_INCR16 = UInt(7, SZ_HBURST) // 16-beat incrementing burst // Values for hresp val SZ_HRESP = 1 val HRESP_OKAY = UInt(0, SZ_HRESP) val HRESP_ERROR = UInt(1, SZ_HRESP) // Values for hsize are identical to TileLink MT_SZ // ie: 8*2^SZ_HSIZE bit transfers val SZ_HSIZE = 3 // Values for hprot (a bitmask) val SZ_HPROT = 4 def HPROT_DATA = UInt("b0001") // Data access or Opcode fetch def HPROT_PRIVILEGED = UInt("b0010") // Privileged or User access def HPROT_BUFFERABLE = UInt("b0100") // Bufferable or non-bufferable def HPROT_CACHEABLE = UInt("b1000") // Cacheable or non-cacheable def dgate(valid: Bool, b: UInt) = Fill(b.getWidth, valid) & b } import HastiConstants._ case class HastiParameters(dataBits: Int, addrBits: Int) case object HastiId extends Field[String] case class HastiKey(id: String) extends Field[HastiParameters] trait HasHastiParameters { implicit val p: Parameters val hastiParams = p(HastiKey(p(HastiId))) val hastiAddrBits = hastiParams.addrBits val hastiDataBits = hastiParams.dataBits val hastiDataBytes = hastiDataBits/8 val hastiAlignment = log2Ceil(hastiDataBytes) } abstract class HastiModule(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Module with HasHastiParameters abstract class HastiBundle(implicit val p: Parameters) extends ParameterizedBundle()(p) with HasHastiParameters class HastiMasterIO(implicit p: Parameters) extends HastiBundle()(p) { val htrans = UInt(OUTPUT, SZ_HTRANS) val hmastlock = Bool(OUTPUT) val haddr = UInt(OUTPUT, hastiAddrBits) val hwrite = Bool(OUTPUT) val hburst = UInt(OUTPUT, SZ_HBURST) val hsize = UInt(OUTPUT, SZ_HSIZE) val hprot = UInt(OUTPUT, SZ_HPROT) val hwdata = Bits(OUTPUT, hastiDataBits) val hrdata = Bits(INPUT, hastiDataBits) val hready = Bool(INPUT) val hresp = UInt(INPUT, SZ_HRESP) def isNSeq(dummy:Int=0) = htrans === HTRANS_NONSEQ // SEQ does not start a NEW request def isHold(dummy:Int=0) = htrans === HTRANS_BUSY || htrans === HTRANS_SEQ def isIdle(dummy:Int=0) = htrans === HTRANS_IDLE || htrans === HTRANS_BUSY } class HastiSlaveIO(implicit p: Parameters) extends HastiBundle()(p) { val htrans = UInt(INPUT, SZ_HTRANS) val hmastlock = Bool(INPUT) val haddr = UInt(INPUT, hastiAddrBits) val hwrite = Bool(INPUT) val hburst = UInt(INPUT, SZ_HBURST) val hsize = UInt(INPUT, SZ_HSIZE) val hprot = UInt(INPUT, SZ_HPROT) val hwdata = Bits(INPUT, hastiDataBits) val hrdata = Bits(OUTPUT, hastiDataBits) val hsel = Bool(INPUT) val hready = Bool(OUTPUT) val hresp = UInt(OUTPUT, SZ_HRESP) } /* A diverted master is told hready when his address phase goes nowhere. * In this case, we buffer his address phase request and replay it later. * NOTE: this must optimize to nothing when divert is constantly false. */ class MasterDiversion(implicit p: Parameters) extends HastiModule()(p) { val io = new Bundle { val in = (new HastiMasterIO).flip val out = (new HastiMasterIO) val divert = Bool(INPUT) } val full = Reg(init = Bool(false)) val buffer = Reg(new HastiMasterIO) when (io.out.hready) { full := Bool(false) } when (io.divert) { full := Bool(true) buffer := } // If the master is diverted, he must also have been told hready assert (!io.divert ||, "Diverted but not ready"); // Replay the request we diverted io.out.htrans := Mux(full, buffer.htrans, io.out.hmastlock := Mux(full, buffer.hmastlock, io.out.haddr := Mux(full, buffer.haddr, io.out.hwrite := Mux(full, buffer.hwrite, io.out.hburst := Mux(full, buffer.hburst, io.out.hsize := Mux(full, buffer.hsize, io.out.hprot := Mux(full, buffer.hprot, io.out.hwdata := Mux(full, buffer.hwdata, // Pass slave response back := io.out.hrdata := io.out.hresp := io.out.hready && !full // Block master while we steal his address phase } /* Masters with lower index have priority over higher index masters. * However, a lower priority master will retain control of a slave when EITHER: * 1. a burst is in progress (switching slaves mid-burst violates AHB-lite at slave) * 2. a transfer was waited (the standard forbids changing requests in this case) * * If a master raises hmastlock, it will be waited until no other master has inflight * requests; then, it acquires exclusive control of the crossbar until hmastlock is low. * * To implement an AHB-lite crossbar, it is important to realize that requests and * responses are coupled. Unlike modern bus protocols where the response data has flow * control independent of the request data, in AHB-lite, both flow at the same time at * the sole discretion of the slave via the hready signal. The address and data are * delivered on two back-to-back cycles, the so-called address and data phases. * * Masters can only be connected to a single slave at a time. If a master had two different * slave connections on the address and data phases, there would be two independent hready * signals. An AHB-lite slave can assume that data flows when it asserts hready. If the data * slave deasserts hready while the address slave asserts hready, the master is put in the * impossible position of being in data phase on two slaves at once. For this reason, when * a master issues back-to-back accesses to distinct slaves, we inject a pipeline bubble * between the two requests to limit the master to just a single slave at a time. * * Conversely, a slave CAN have two masters attached to it. This is unproblematic, because * the only signal which governs data flow is hready. Thus, both masters can be stalled * safely by the single slave. */ class HastiXbar(nMasters: Int, addressMap: Seq[UInt=>Bool])(implicit p: Parameters) extends HastiModule()(p) { val io = new Bundle { val masters = Vec(nMasters, new HastiMasterIO).flip val slaves = Vec(addressMap.size, new HastiSlaveIO).flip } val nSlaves = addressMap.size // Setup diversions infront of each master val diversions = Seq.tabulate(nMasters) { m => Module(new MasterDiversion) } (io.masters zip diversions) foreach { case (m, d) => <> m } // Handy short-hand val masters = diversions map ( val slaves = io.slaves // Lock status of the crossbar val lockedM = Reg(init = Vec.fill(nMasters)(Bool(false))) val isLocked = lockedM.reduce(_ || _) // This matrix governs the master-slave connections in the address phase // It is indexed by addressPhaseGrantSM(slave)(master) // It is guaranteed to have at most one 'true' per column and per row val addressPhaseGrantSM = Wire(Vec(nSlaves, Vec(nMasters, Bool()))) // This matrix governs the master-slave connections in the data phase // It is guaranteed to have at most one 'true' per column and per row val dataPhaseGrantSM = Reg (init = Vec.fill(nSlaves)(Vec.fill(nMasters)(Bool(false)))) // This matrix is the union of the address and data phases. // It is transposed with respect to the two previous matrices. // It is guaranteed to contain at most one 'true' per master row. // However, two 'true's per slave column are permitted. val unionGrantMS = Vec.tabulate(nMasters) { m => Vec.tabulate(nSlaves) { s => addressPhaseGrantSM(s)(m) || dataPhaseGrantSM(s)(m) } } // Confirm the guarantees made above def justOnce(v: Vec[Bool]) = v.fold(Bool(false)) { case (p, v) => assert (!p || !v) p || v } addressPhaseGrantSM foreach { s => justOnce(s) } unionGrantMS foreach { s => justOnce(s) } // Data phase follows address phase whenever the slave is ready (slaves zip (dataPhaseGrantSM zip addressPhaseGrantSM)) foreach { case (s, (d, a)) => when (s.hready) { d := a } } // Record the grant state from the previous cycle; needed in case we hold access val priorAddressPhaseGrantSM = RegNext(addressPhaseGrantSM) // If a master says BUSY or SEQ, it is in the middle of a burst. // In this case, it MUST stay attached to the same slave as before. // Otherwise, it would violate the AHB-lite specification as seen by // the slave, which is guaranteed a complete burst of the promised length. // One case where this matters is preventing preemption of low-prio masters. // NOTE: this exposes a slave to bad addresses when a master is buggy val holdBurstM = Vec(masters map { _.isHold() }) // Transform the burst hold requirement from master indexing to slave indexing // We use the previous cycle's binding because the master continues the prior burst val holdBurstS = Vec(priorAddressPhaseGrantSM map { m => Mux1H(m, holdBurstM) }) // If a slave says !hready to a request, it must retain the same master next cycle. // The AHB-lite specification requires that a waited transfer remain unchanged. // If we preempted a waited master, the new master's request could potentially differ. val holdBusyS = RegNext(Vec(slaves map { s => !s.hready && s.hsel })) // Combine the above two grounds to determine if the slave retains its prior master val holdS = Vec((holdBurstS zip holdBusyS) map ({ case (a,b) => a||b })) // Determine which master addresses match which slaves val matchMS = Vec(masters map { m => Vec(addressMap map { afn => afn(m.haddr) }) }) // Detect requests to nowhere; we need to allow progress in this case val nowhereM = Vec(matchMS map { s => !s.reduce(_ || _) }) // Detect if we need to inject a pipeline bubble between the master requests. // Divert masters already granted a data phase different from next request. // NOTE: if only one slave, matchMS is always true => bubble always false // => the diversion registers are optimized away as they are unread // NOTE: bubble => dataPhase => have an hready signal val bubbleM = Vec.tabulate(nMasters) { m => Vec.tabulate(nSlaves) { s => dataPhaseGrantSM(s)(m) && !matchMS(m)(s) } .reduce(_ || _) } // Block any request that requires bus ownership or conflicts with isLocked val blockedM = Vec((lockedM zip masters) map { case(l, m) => !l && (isLocked || m.hmastlock) }) // Requested access to slaves from masters (pre-arbitration) // NOTE: isNSeq does NOT include SEQ; thus, masters who are midburst do not // request access to a new slave. They stay tied to the old and do not get two. // NOTE: if a master was waited, it must repeat the same request as last cycle; // thus, it will request the same slave and not end up with two (unless buggy). val NSeq = val requestSM = Vec.tabulate(nSlaves) { s => Vec.tabulate(nMasters) { m => matchMS(m)(s) && NSeq(m) && !bubbleM(m) && !blockedM(m) } } // Select at most one master request per slave (lowest index = highest priority) val selectedRequestSM = Vec(requestSM map { m => Vec(PriorityEncoderOH(m)) }) // Calculate new crossbar interconnect state addressPhaseGrantSM := Vec((holdS zip (priorAddressPhaseGrantSM zip selectedRequestSM)) map { case (h, (p, r)) => Mux(h, p, r) }) for (m <- 0 until nMasters) { // If the master is connected to a slave, the slave determines hready. // However, if no slave is connected, for progress report ready anyway, if: // bad address (swallow request) OR idle (permit stupid masters to move FSM) val autoready = nowhereM(m) || masters(m).isIdle() val hready = Mux1H(unionGrantMS(m), ^ autoready)) ^ autoready masters(m).hready := hready // If we diverted a master, we need to absorb his address phase to replay later diversions(m).io.divert := (bubbleM(m) || blockedM(m)) && NSeq(m) && hready } // Master muxes (address and data phase are the same) (masters zip unionGrantMS) foreach { case (m, g) => { m.hrdata := Mux1H(g, m.hresp := Mux1H(g, } } // Slave address phase muxes (slaves zip addressPhaseGrantSM) foreach { case (s, g) => { s.htrans := Mux1H(g, s.haddr := Mux1H(g, s.hmastlock := isLocked s.hwrite := Mux1H(g, s.hsize := Mux1H(g, s.hburst := Mux1H(g, s.hprot := Mux1H(g, s.hsel := g.reduce(_ || _) } } // Slave data phase muxes (slaves zip dataPhaseGrantSM) foreach { case (s, g) => { s.hwdata := Mux1H(g, } } // When no master-slave connections are active, a master can take-over the bus val canLock = !{ v => v.reduce(_ || _) }).reduce(_ || _) // Lowest index highest priority for lock arbitration val reqLock = val winLock = PriorityEncoderOH(reqLock) // Lock arbitration when (isLocked) { lockedM := (lockedM zip reqLock) map { case (a,b) => a && b } } .elsewhen (canLock) { lockedM := winLock } } class HastiBus(amap: Seq[UInt=>Bool])(implicit p: Parameters) extends HastiModule()(p) { val io = new Bundle { val master = new HastiMasterIO().flip val slaves = Vec(amap.size, new HastiSlaveIO).flip } val bar = Module(new HastiXbar(1, amap)) <> io.master <> io.slaves } class HastiSlaveMux(n: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends HastiModule()(p) { val io = new Bundle { val ins = Vec(n, new HastiSlaveIO) val out = new HastiSlaveIO().flip } val amap = Seq({ (_:UInt) => Bool(true)}) val bar = Module(new HastiXbar(n, amap)) io.ins <> io.out <> } class HastiSlaveToMaster(implicit p: Parameters) extends HastiModule()(p) { val io = new Bundle { val in = new HastiSlaveIO val out = new HastiMasterIO } io.out.htrans := Mux(,, HTRANS_IDLE) io.out.hmastlock := io.out.haddr := io.out.hwrite := io.out.hburst := io.out.hsize := io.out.hprot := io.out.hwdata := := io.out.hrdata := io.out.hready := io.out.hresp } class HastiMasterIONastiIOConverter(implicit p: Parameters) extends HastiModule()(p) with HasNastiParameters { val io = new Bundle { val nasti = new NastiIO().flip val hasti = new HastiMasterIO } require(hastiAddrBits == nastiXAddrBits) require(hastiDataBits == nastiXDataBits) val r_queue = Module(new Queue(new NastiReadDataChannel, 2, pipe = true)) val s_idle :: s_read :: s_write :: s_write_resp :: Nil = Enum(Bits(), 4) val state = Reg(init = s_idle) val addr = Reg(UInt(width = hastiAddrBits)) val id = Reg(UInt(width = nastiXIdBits)) val size = Reg(UInt(width = nastiXSizeBits)) val len = Reg(UInt(width = nastiXLenBits)) val data = Reg(UInt(width = nastiXDataBits)) val first = Reg(init = Bool(false)) val is_rtrans = (state === s_read) && (io.hasti.htrans === HTRANS_SEQ || io.hasti.htrans === HTRANS_NONSEQ) val rvalid = RegEnable(is_rtrans, Bool(false), io.hasti.hready) := (state === s_idle) := (state === s_idle) && ! io.nasti.w.ready := (state === s_write) && io.hasti.hready io.nasti.b.valid := (state === s_write_resp) io.nasti.b.bits := NastiWriteResponseChannel(id = id) io.nasti.r <> := io.hasti.hready && rvalid := NastiReadDataChannel( id = id, data = io.hasti.hrdata, last = (len === UInt(0))) assert(! ||, "HASTI -> NASTI converter queue overflow") io.hasti.haddr := addr io.hasti.hsize := size io.hasti.hwrite := (state === s_write) io.hasti.hburst := HBURST_INCR io.hasti.hprot := UInt(0) io.hasti.hwdata := data io.hasti.hmastlock := Bool(false) io.hasti.htrans := MuxLookup(state, HTRANS_IDLE, Seq( s_write -> Mux(io.nasti.w.valid, Mux(first, HTRANS_NONSEQ, HTRANS_SEQ), Mux(first, HTRANS_IDLE, HTRANS_BUSY)), s_read -> MuxCase(HTRANS_BUSY, Seq( first -> HTRANS_NONSEQ, ( <= UInt(1)) -> HTRANS_SEQ)))) when ( { first := Bool(true) addr := id := size := state := s_write } when ( { first := Bool(true) addr := id := size := len := state := s_read } when ( { first := Bool(false) addr := addr + (UInt(1) << size) data := when (io.nasti.w.bits.last) { state := s_write_resp } } when ( { state := s_idle } when (is_rtrans && io.hasti.hready) { first := Bool(false) addr := addr + (UInt(1) << size) len := len - UInt(1) when (len === UInt(0)) { state := s_idle } } } class HastiTestSRAM(depth: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends HastiModule()(p) { val io = new HastiSlaveIO // This is a test SRAM with random delays val ready = LFSR16(Bool(true))(0) // Bool(true) // Calculate the bitmask of which bytes are being accessed val mask_decode = Vec.tabulate(hastiAlignment+1) (UInt(_) <= io.hsize) val mask_wide = Vec.tabulate(hastiDataBytes) { i => mask_decode(log2Up(i+1)) } val mask_shift = if (hastiAlignment == 0) UInt(1) else mask_wide.toBits().asUInt() << io.haddr(hastiAlignment-1,0) // The request had better have been aligned! (AHB-lite requires this) if (hastiAlignment >= 1) { assert (io.htrans === HTRANS_IDLE || io.htrans === HTRANS_BUSY || (io.haddr & mask_decode.toBits()(hastiAlignment,1).asUInt) === UInt(0), "HASTI request not aligned") } // The mask and address during the address phase val a_request = io.hsel && (io.htrans === HTRANS_NONSEQ || io.htrans === HTRANS_SEQ) val a_mask = Wire(UInt(width = hastiDataBytes)) val a_address = io.haddr(depth-1, hastiAlignment) val a_write = io.hwrite // for backwards compatibility with chisel2, we needed a static width in definition a_mask := mask_shift(hastiDataBytes-1, 0) // The data phase signals val d_read = RegEnable(a_request && !a_write, Bool(false), ready) val d_mask = RegEnable(a_mask, ready && a_request) val d_wdata = Vec.tabulate(hastiDataBytes) { i => io.hwdata(8*(i+1)-1, 8*i) } // AHB writes must occur during the data phase; this poses a structural // hazard with reads which must occur during the address phase. To solve // this problem, we delay the writes until there is a free cycle. // // The idea is to record the address information from address phase and // then as soon as possible flush the pending write. This cannot be done // on a cycle when there is an address phase read, but on any other cycle // the write will execute. In the case of reads following a write, the // result must bypass data from the pending write into the read if they // happen to have matching address. // Remove this once HoldUnless is in chisel3 def holdUnless[T <: Data](in : T, enable: Bool): T = Mux(!enable, RegEnable(in, enable), in) // Pending write? val p_valid = RegInit(Bool(false)) val p_address = Reg(a_address) val p_mask = Reg(a_mask) val p_latch_d = RegNext(ready && a_request && a_write, Bool(false)) val p_wdata = holdUnless(d_wdata, p_latch_d) // Use single-ported memory with byte-write enable val mem = SeqMem(1 << (depth-hastiAlignment), Vec(hastiDataBytes, Bits(width = 8))) // Decide is the SRAM port is used for reading or (potentially) writing val read = ready && a_request && !a_write // In case we are stalled, we need to hold the read data val d_rdata = holdUnless(, read), RegNext(read)) // Whenever the port is not needed for reading, execute pending writes when (!read) { when (p_valid) { mem.write(p_address, p_wdata, p_mask.toBools) } p_valid := Bool(false) } // Record the request for later? when (ready && a_request && a_write) { p_valid := Bool(true) p_address := a_address p_mask := a_mask } // Does the read need to be muxed with the previous write? val a_bypass = a_address === p_address && p_valid val d_bypass = RegEnable(a_bypass, ready && a_request) // Mux in data from the pending write val muxdata = Vec((p_mask.toBools zip (p_wdata zip d_rdata)) map { case (m, (p, r)) => Mux(d_bypass && m, p, r) }) // Wipe out any data the master should not see (for testing) val outdata = Vec((d_mask.toBools zip muxdata) map { case (m, p) => Mux(d_read && ready && m, p, Bits(0)) }) // Finally, the outputs io.hrdata := outdata.toBits() io.hready := ready io.hresp := HRESP_OKAY }