// See LICENSE.SiFive for license details. package freechips.rocketchip.util.property import Chisel._ import chisel3.internal.sourceinfo.{SourceInfo, SourceLine} import chisel3.util.{ReadyValidIO} import freechips.rocketchip.config.{Field, Parameters} case object PropertyLibrary extends Field[BasePropertyLibrary](new DefaultPropertyLibrary) sealed abstract class PropertyType(name: String) { override def toString: String = name } object PropertyType { object Assert extends PropertyType("Assert") object Assume extends PropertyType("Assume") object Cover extends PropertyType("Cover") } trait BasePropertyParameters { val pType: PropertyType val cond: Bool val label: String val message: String } case class CoverPropertyParameters( cond: Bool, label: String = "", message: String = "") extends BasePropertyParameters { val pType = PropertyType.Cover } abstract class BasePropertyLibrary { def generateProperty(prop_param: BasePropertyParameters)(implicit sourceInfo: SourceInfo) } class DefaultPropertyLibrary extends BasePropertyLibrary { def generateProperty(prop_param: BasePropertyParameters)(implicit sourceInfo: SourceInfo) { // default is to do nothing Unit } } abstract class BaseProperty { def generateProperties(): Seq[BasePropertyParameters] } case class CoverBoolean(cond: Bool, labels: Seq[String]) { } // CrossProperty.generateProperties() will generate Boolean crosses for the cond sequence // E.g. // Cond = [ [A1, A2, A3], // [B2], // [C1, C2] ] // It will generate the following properties // [ A1 && B2 && C1, // A1 && B2 && C2, // A2 && B2 && C1, // A2 && B2 && C2, // A3 && B2 && C1, // A3 && B2 && C2 ] // Each of the boolean expression (A1, A2, C1, etc.) have a label associated with it // User can exclude a particular cross from being generated by adding it to the exclude list // e.g. // exclude = [ ["A1_label", "C2_Label"], // ["A3_label", "B2_label"] ] // will exclude all crosses with those labels, so the new cross list will be // [ A1 && B2 && C1, // A2 && B2 && C1, // A2 && B2 && C2 ] // Each boolean expression can be associated with more than one label class CrossProperty(cond: Seq[Seq[CoverBoolean]], exclude: Seq[Seq[String]], message: String) extends BaseProperty { def listProperties(c1: CoverBoolean, c2: Seq[CoverBoolean]): Seq[CoverBoolean] = { if (c2.isEmpty) { Seq(c1) } else { c2.map( (c: CoverBoolean) => { new CoverBoolean(c1.cond && c.cond, c1.labels ++ c.labels) }) } } def crossProperties(cond: Seq[Seq[CoverBoolean]]): Seq[CoverBoolean] = { if (cond.isEmpty) { Seq() } else { cond.head.map( (c1: CoverBoolean) => { listProperties(c1, crossProperties(cond.tail)) }).reduce(_ ++ _) } } def inSequence(search: Seq[String], find: Seq[String]): Boolean = { if (find.isEmpty) { true } else { find.map( (s:String) => { search.contains(s) }).reduce( _ && _ ) } } def SeqsinSequence(search: Seq[String], find: Seq[Seq[String]]): Boolean = { if (find.isEmpty) { false } else { find.map( (s: Seq[String]) => { inSequence(search, s) }).reduce (_ || _) } } def generateProperties(): Seq[CoverPropertyParameters] = { crossProperties(cond).map( (c: CoverBoolean) => { if (!SeqsinSequence(c.labels, exclude)) { new CoverPropertyParameters( cond = c.cond, label = c.labels.reduce( (s1: String, s2: String) => {s1 + "_" + s2} ), message = message + " " + c.labels.map("<" + _ + ">").reduce ( (s1: String, s2: String) => { s1 + " X " + s2 })) } else { new CoverPropertyParameters( cond = true.B, label = c.labels.reduce( (s1: String, s2: String) => {s1 + "_" + s2} ) + "_EXCLUDE", message = message + " " + c.labels.map("<" + _ + ">").reduce ( (s1: String, s2: String) => { s1 + " X " + s2 })) } }) } } object cover { def apply(cond: Bool)(implicit sourceInfo: SourceInfo, p: Parameters): Unit = { p(PropertyLibrary).generateProperty(CoverPropertyParameters(cond)) } def apply(cond: Bool, label: String)(implicit sourceInfo: SourceInfo, p: Parameters): Unit = { p(PropertyLibrary).generateProperty(CoverPropertyParameters(cond, label)) } def apply(cond: Bool, label: String, message: String)(implicit sourceInfo: SourceInfo, p: Parameters): Unit = { p(PropertyLibrary).generateProperty(CoverPropertyParameters(cond, label, message)) } def apply(prop: BaseProperty)(implicit sourceInfo: SourceInfo, p: Parameters): Unit = { prop.generateProperties().foreach( (pp: BasePropertyParameters) => { if (pp.pType == PropertyType.Cover) { p(PropertyLibrary).generateProperty(CoverPropertyParameters(pp.cond, pp.label, pp.message)) } }) } def apply[T <: Data](rv: ReadyValidIO[T], label: String, message: String)(implicit sourceInfo: SourceInfo, p: Parameters): Unit = { apply( rv.valid && rv.ready, label + "_FIRE", message + ": valid and ready") apply( rv.valid && !rv.ready, label + "_STALL", message + ": valid and not ready") apply(!rv.valid && rv.ready, label + "_IDLE", message + ": not valid and ready") apply(!rv.valid && !rv.ready, label + "_FULL", message + ": not valid and not ready") } }