// See LICENSE.SiFive for license details. package freechips.rocketchip.tilelink import Chisel._ import freechips.rocketchip.config.Parameters import freechips.rocketchip.regmapper._ case class ExampleParams(num: Int, address: BigInt) trait ExampleBundle { val params: ExampleParams val gpio = UInt(width = params.num) } trait ExampleModule extends HasRegMap { val params: ExampleParams val io: ExampleBundle val interrupts: Vec[Bool] val state = RegInit(UInt(0, width = params.num)) val pending = RegInit(UInt(0xf, width = 4)) io.gpio := state interrupts := pending.toBools regmap( 0 -> Seq( RegField(params.num, state, RegFieldDesc("state", "State: Example of a R/W Register with description.", reset = Some(0)))), 4 -> Seq( RegField.w1ToClear(4, pending, state, Some(RegFieldDesc("pending", "Pending: Example of a special (W1ToC) Register. " + "Writing a bit here causes it to be reset to 0. " + "The bits are set when the corresponding bit in 'state' is high.", reset=Some(0xF))))) ) } // Create a concrete TL2 version of the abstract Example slave class TLExample(params: ExampleParams)(implicit p: Parameters) extends TLRegisterRouter(params.address, "somedev", Seq("ucbbar,random-interface"), 4)( new TLRegBundle(params, _) with ExampleBundle)( new TLRegModule(params, _, _) with ExampleModule)