// See LICENSE.SiFive for license details. package freechips.rocketchip.devices.tilelink import Chisel._ import freechips.rocketchip.config.{Field, Parameters} import freechips.rocketchip.coreplex._ import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._ import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink._ import freechips.rocketchip.util._ import java.nio.{ByteBuffer, ByteOrder} import java.nio.file.{Files, Paths} /** Size, location and contents of the boot rom. */ case class BootROMParams( address: BigInt = 0x10000, size: Int = 0x10000, hang: BigInt = 0x10040, contentFileName: String) case object BootROMParams extends Field[BootROMParams] class TLROM(val base: BigInt, val size: Int, contentsDelayed: => Seq[Byte], executable: Boolean = true, beatBytes: Int = 4, resources: Seq[Resource] = new SimpleDevice("rom", Seq("sifive,rom0")).reg("mem"))(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule { val node = TLManagerNode(beatBytes, TLManagerParameters ( address = List(AddressSet(base, size-1)), resources = resources, regionType = RegionType.UNCACHED, executable = executable, supportsGet = TransferSizes(1, beatBytes), fifoId = Some(0))) lazy val module = new LazyModuleImp(this) { val io = new Bundle { val in = node.bundleIn } val contents = contentsDelayed val wrapSize = 1 << log2Ceil(contents.size) require (wrapSize <= size) val in = io.in(0) val edge = node.edgesIn(0) val words = (contents ++ Seq.fill(wrapSize-contents.size)(0.toByte)).grouped(beatBytes).toSeq val bigs = words.map(_.foldRight(BigInt(0)){ case (x,y) => (x.toInt & 0xff) | y << 8}) val rom = Vec(bigs.map(x => UInt(x, width = 8*beatBytes))) in.d.valid := in.a.valid in.a.ready := in.d.ready val index = in.a.bits.address(log2Ceil(wrapSize)-1,log2Ceil(beatBytes)) val high = if (wrapSize == size) UInt(0) else in.a.bits.address(log2Ceil(size)-1, log2Ceil(wrapSize)) in.d.bits := edge.AccessAck(in.a.bits, Mux(high.orR, UInt(0), rom(index))) // Tie off unused channels in.b.valid := Bool(false) in.c.ready := Bool(true) in.e.ready := Bool(true) } } /** Adds a boot ROM that contains the DTB describing the system's coreplex. */ trait HasPeripheryBootROM extends HasPeripheryBus { val dtb: DTB private val params = p(BootROMParams) private lazy val contents = { val romdata = Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(params.contentFileName)) val rom = ByteBuffer.wrap(romdata) rom.array() ++ dtb.contents } def resetVector: BigInt = params.hang val bootrom = LazyModule(new TLROM(params.address, params.size, contents, true, pbus.beatBytes)) bootrom.node := pbus.toVariableWidthSlaves } /** Coreplex will power-on running at 0x10040 (BootROM) */ trait HasPeripheryBootROMModuleImp extends LazyMultiIOModuleImp with HasResetVectorWire { val outer: HasPeripheryBootROM global_reset_vector := outer.resetVector.U }