// See LICENSE for license details. package rocket import Chisel._ import uncore._ class HellaCacheArbiter(n: Int) extends Module { val io = new Bundle { val requestor = Vec.fill(n){new HellaCacheIO}.flip val mem = new HellaCacheIO } val r_valid = io.requestor.map(r => Reg(next=r.req.valid)) io.mem.req.valid := io.requestor.map(_.req.valid).reduce(_||_) io.requestor(0).req.ready := io.mem.req.ready for (i <- 1 until n) io.requestor(i).req.ready := io.requestor(i-1).req.ready && !io.requestor(i-1).req.valid io.mem.req.bits := io.requestor(n-1).req.bits io.mem.req.bits.tag := Cat(io.requestor(n-1).req.bits.tag, UInt(n-1, log2Up(n))) for (i <- n-2 to 0 by -1) { val req = io.requestor(i).req when (req.valid) { io.mem.req.bits.cmd := req.bits.cmd io.mem.req.bits.typ := req.bits.typ io.mem.req.bits.addr := req.bits.addr io.mem.req.bits.phys := req.bits.phys io.mem.req.bits.tag := Cat(req.bits.tag, UInt(i, log2Up(n))) } when (r_valid(i)) { io.mem.req.bits.kill := req.bits.kill io.mem.req.bits.data := req.bits.data } } for (i <- 0 until n) { val resp = io.requestor(i).resp val tag_hit = io.mem.resp.bits.tag(log2Up(n)-1,0) === UInt(i) resp.valid := io.mem.resp.valid && tag_hit io.requestor(i).xcpt := io.mem.xcpt io.requestor(i).ordered := io.mem.ordered resp.bits := io.mem.resp.bits resp.bits.tag := io.mem.resp.bits.tag >> UInt(log2Up(n)) resp.bits.nack := io.mem.resp.bits.nack && tag_hit resp.bits.replay := io.mem.resp.bits.replay && tag_hit io.requestor(i).replay_next.valid := io.mem.replay_next.valid && io.mem.replay_next.bits(log2Up(n)-1,0) === UInt(i) io.requestor(i).replay_next.bits := io.mem.replay_next.bits >> UInt(log2Up(n)) } } class RocketUncachedTileLinkIOArbiter(n: Int) extends TileLinkArbiterLike(n) with AppendsArbiterId { val io = new Bundle { val in = Vec.fill(n){new HeaderlessUncachedTileLinkIO}.flip val out = new HeaderlessUncachedTileLinkIO } hookupClientSourceHeaderless(io.in.map(_.acquire), io.out.acquire) hookupFinish(io.in.map(_.finish), io.out.finish) hookupManagerSourceWithId(io.in.map(_.grant), io.out.grant) } class RocketTileLinkIOArbiter(n: Int) extends TileLinkArbiterLike(n) with AppendsArbiterId { val io = new Bundle { val in = Vec.fill(n){new HeaderlessTileLinkIO}.flip val out = new HeaderlessTileLinkIO } hookupClientSourceHeaderless(io.in.map(_.acquire), io.out.acquire) hookupClientSourceHeaderless(io.in.map(_.release), io.out.release) hookupFinish(io.in.map(_.finish), io.out.finish) hookupManagerSourceBroadcast(io.in.map(_.probe), io.out.probe) hookupManagerSourceWithId(io.in.map(_.grant), io.out.grant) }