# Travis Notes for Administrators Administrators: Are PRs taking > 1 hr to run through Travis? If you look at the Travis logs is it building `riscv-tools`? This is because someone committed a PR to `master` which bumped `riscv-tools` and the master cache needs to be updated. This is the procedure to follow to get things fast again. We don't generally build on merges to master, just PRs. ## 1. Wait for your PR that you want to merge to go green. This will take a long time. 2. On Travis, click `More Options -> Caches` on the upper right. 3. Click `Delete all Repository Caches`. 4. Click `More Options->Settings` 5. On the `General Settings` section, switch the `Build Branch Updates` toggle to `ON`. 6. perform your PR's merge to master. This will cause the master cache to build `riscv-tools`. 7. Once the merge commit goes green on Jenkins, switch the `Build Branch Updates` toggle to `OFF`.