package rocket import Chisel._ import scala.math._ object Util { implicit def intToUInt(x: Int): UInt = UInt(x) implicit def intToBoolean(x: Int): Boolean = if (x != 0) true else false implicit def booleanToInt(x: Boolean): Int = if (x) 1 else 0 implicit def booleanToBool(x: Boolean): Bits = Bool(x) implicit def intSeqToUIntSeq(x: Iterable[Int]): Iterable[UInt] = implicit def wcToUInt(c: WideCounter): UInt = c.value } object AVec { def apply[T <: Data](elts: Seq[T]): Vec[T] = Vec(elts) def apply[T <: Data](elts: Vec[T]): Vec[T] = apply(elts.toSeq) def apply[T <: Data](elt0: T, elts: T*): Vec[T] = apply(elt0 :: elts.toList) def tabulate[T <: Data](n: Int)(f: Int => T): Vec[T] = apply((0 until n).map(i => f(i))) def tabulate[T <: Data](n1: Int, n2: Int)(f: (Int, Int) => T): Vec[Vec[T]] = tabulate(n1)(i1 => tabulate(n2)(f(i1, _))) } object Str { def apply(s: String): UInt = { var i = BigInt(0) require(s.forall(validChar _)) for (c <- s) i = (i << 8) | c UInt(i, s.length*8) } def apply(x: Char): UInt = { require(validChar(x)) UInt(x.toInt, 8) } def apply(x: UInt): UInt = apply(x, 10) def apply(x: UInt, radix: Int): UInt = { val rad = UInt(radix) val w = x.getWidth require(w > 0) var q = x var s = digit(q % rad) for (i <- 1 until ceil(log(2)/log(radix)*w).toInt) { q = q / rad s = Cat(Mux(Bool(radix == 10) && q === UInt(0), Str(' '), digit(q % rad)), s) } s } def apply(x: SInt): UInt = apply(x, 10) def apply(x: SInt, radix: Int): UInt = { val neg = x < SInt(0) val abs = x.abs if (radix != 10) { Cat(Mux(neg, Str('-'), Str(' ')), Str(abs, radix)) } else { val rad = UInt(radix) val w = abs.getWidth require(w > 0) var q = abs var s = digit(q % rad) var needSign = neg for (i <- 1 until ceil(log(2)/log(radix)*w).toInt) { q = q / rad val placeSpace = q === UInt(0) val space = Mux(needSign, Str('-'), Str(' ')) needSign = needSign && !placeSpace s = Cat(Mux(placeSpace, space, digit(q % rad)), s) } Cat(Mux(needSign, Str('-'), Str(' ')), s) } } private def digit(d: UInt): UInt = Mux(d < UInt(10), Str('0')+d, Str(('a'-10).toChar)+d)(7,0) private def validChar(x: Char) = x == (x & 0xFF) } object Split { // is there a better way to do do this? def apply(x: Bits, n0: Int) = { val w = checkWidth(x, n0) (x(w-1,n0), x(n0-1,0)) } def apply(x: Bits, n1: Int, n0: Int) = { val w = checkWidth(x, n1, n0) (x(w-1,n1), x(n1-1,n0), x(n0-1,0)) } def apply(x: Bits, n2: Int, n1: Int, n0: Int) = { val w = checkWidth(x, n2, n1, n0) (x(w-1,n2), x(n2-1,n1), x(n1-1,n0), x(n0-1,0)) } private def checkWidth(x: Bits, n: Int*) = { val w = x.getWidth def decreasing(x: Seq[Int]): Boolean = if (x.tail.isEmpty) true else x.head > x.tail.head && decreasing(x.tail) require(decreasing(w :: n.toList)) w } } // a counter that clock gates most of its MSBs using the LSB carry-out case class WideCounter(width: Int, inc: Bool = Bool(true)) { private val isWide = width >= 4 private val smallWidth = if (isWide) log2Up(width) else width private val small = Reg(init=UInt(0, smallWidth)) private val nextSmall = small + UInt(1, smallWidth+1) when (inc) { small := nextSmall(smallWidth-1,0) } private val large = if (isWide) { val r = Reg(init=UInt(0, width - smallWidth)) when (inc && nextSmall(smallWidth)) { r := r + UInt(1) } r } else null val value = Cat(large, small) def := (x: UInt) = { val w = x.getWidth small := x(w.min(smallWidth)-1,0) if (isWide) large := (if (w < smallWidth) UInt(0) else x(w.min(width)-1,smallWidth)) } } object Random { def apply(mod: Int, inc: Bool = Bool(true)): UInt = { if (isPow2(mod)) { require(mod <= 65536) LFSR16(inc)(log2Up(mod)-1,0).toUInt } else { val max = 1 << log2Up(mod*8) val rand_pow2 = apply(max, inc) var res = UInt(mod-1) for (i <- mod-1 to 1 by -1) res = Mux(rand_pow2 < UInt(i*max/mod), UInt(i-1), res) res } } }