// See LICENSE.SiFive for license details. // If you know two clocks are related with a N:1 or 1:N relationship, you // can cross the clock domains with lower latency than an AsyncQueue. This // crossing adds 1 cycle in the target clock domain. package util import Chisel._ // A rational crossing must put registers on the slow side. // This trait covers the options of how/where to put the registers. // BEWARE: the source+sink must agree on the direction! sealed trait RationalDirection { def flip: RationalDirection } // If it's unclear which side will be slow (or it is variable), // place registers on both sides of the crossing, by splitting // a Queue into flow and pipe parts on either side. This is safe // for all possible clock ratios, but has the downside that the // path from the slow domain must close timing in the fast domain. case object Symmetric extends RationalDirection { def flip = Symmetric } // If the source is fast, place the registers at the sink. case object FastToSlow extends RationalDirection { def flip = SlowToFast } // If the source is slow, place the registers at the source. case object SlowToFast extends RationalDirection { def flip = FastToSlow } final class RationalIO[T <: Data](gen: T) extends Bundle { val bits = gen.chiselCloneType val valid = Bool() val source = UInt(width = 2) val ready = Bool().flip val sink = UInt(width = 2).flip override def cloneType: this.type = new RationalIO(gen).asInstanceOf[this.type] } object RationalIO { def apply[T <: Data](gen: T) = new RationalIO(gen) } class RationalCrossingSource[T <: Data](gen: T, direction: RationalDirection = Symmetric) extends Module { val io = new Bundle { val enq = DecoupledIO(gen).flip val deq = RationalIO(gen) } val deq = io.deq val enq = direction match { case Symmetric => Queue(io.enq, 1, flow=true) case FastToSlow => io.enq case SlowToFast => Queue(io.enq, 2) } val count = RegInit(UInt(0, width = 2)) val equal = count === deq.sink deq.valid := enq.valid deq.source := count deq.bits := Mux(equal, enq.bits, RegEnable(enq.bits, equal)) enq.ready := Mux(equal, deq.ready, count(1) =/= deq.sink(0)) when (enq.fire()) { count := Cat(count(0), !count(1)) } // Ensure the clocking is setup correctly direction match { case Symmetric => () // always safe case FastToSlow => assert (equal || count(1) === deq.sink(0)) case SlowToFast => assert (equal || count(1) =/= deq.sink(0)) } } class RationalCrossingSink[T <: Data](gen: T, direction: RationalDirection = Symmetric) extends Module { val io = new Bundle { val enq = RationalIO(gen).flip val deq = DecoupledIO(gen) } val enq = io.enq val deq = Wire(io.deq) direction match { case Symmetric => io.deq <> Queue(deq, 1, pipe=true) case FastToSlow => io.deq <> Queue(deq, 2) case SlowToFast => io.deq <> deq } val count = RegInit(UInt(0, width = 2)) val equal = count === enq.source enq.ready := deq.ready enq.sink := count deq.bits := enq.bits deq.valid := Mux(equal, enq.valid, count(1) =/= enq.source(0)) when (deq.fire()) { count := Cat(count(0), !count(1)) } // Ensure the clocking is setup correctly direction match { case Symmetric => () // always safe case FastToSlow => assert (equal || count(1) =/= enq.source(0)) case SlowToFast => assert (equal || count(1) === enq.source(0)) } } class RationalCrossingFull[T <: Data](gen: T, direction: RationalDirection = Symmetric) extends Module { val io = new CrossingIO(gen) val source = Module(new RationalCrossingSource(gen, direction)) val sink = Module(new RationalCrossingSink(gen, direction)) source.clock := io.enq_clock source.reset := io.enq_reset sink .clock := io.deq_clock sink .reset := io.deq_reset source.io.enq <> io.enq io.deq <> sink.io.deq } object ToRational { def apply[T <: Data](x: DecoupledIO[T], direction: RationalDirection = Symmetric): RationalIO[T] = { val source = Module(new RationalCrossingSource(x.bits, direction)) source.io.enq <> x source.io.deq } } object FromRational { def apply[T <: Data](x: RationalIO[T], direction: RationalDirection = Symmetric): DecoupledIO[T] = { val sink = Module(new RationalCrossingSink(x.bits, direction)) sink.io.enq <> x sink.io.deq } }