// See LICENSE for license details. package diplomacy import Chisel._ import scala.math.max /** Options for memory regions */ object RegionType { sealed trait T case object CACHED extends T case object TRACKED extends T case object UNCACHED extends T case object PUT_EFFECTS extends T case object GET_EFFECTS extends T // GET_EFFECTS => PUT_EFFECTS val cases = Seq(CACHED, TRACKED, UNCACHED, PUT_EFFECTS, GET_EFFECTS) } // A non-empty half-open range; [start, end) case class IdRange(start: Int, end: Int) { require (start >= 0) require (start < end) // not empty // This is a strict partial ordering def <(x: IdRange) = end <= x.start def >(x: IdRange) = x < this def overlaps(x: IdRange) = start < x.end && x.start < end def contains(x: IdRange) = start <= x.start && x.end <= end // contains => overlaps (because empty is forbidden) def contains(x: Int) = start <= x && x < end def contains(x: UInt) = if (start+1 == end) { UInt(start) === x } else if (isPow2(end-start) && ((end | start) & (end-start-1)) == 0) { ~(~(UInt(start) ^ x) | UInt(end-start-1)) === UInt(0) } else { UInt(start) <= x && x < UInt(end) } def shift(x: Int) = IdRange(start+x, end+x) def size = end - start } // An potentially empty inclusive range of 2-powers [min, max] (in bytes) case class TransferSizes(min: Int, max: Int) { def this(x: Int) = this(x, x) require (min <= max) require (min >= 0 && max >= 0) require (max == 0 || isPow2(max)) require (min == 0 || isPow2(min)) require (max == 0 || min != 0) // 0 is forbidden unless (0,0) def none = min == 0 def contains(x: Int) = isPow2(x) && min <= x && x <= max def containsLg(x: Int) = contains(1 << x) def containsLg(x: UInt) = if (none) Bool(false) else if (min == max) { UInt(log2Ceil(min)) === x } else { UInt(log2Ceil(min)) <= x && x <= UInt(log2Ceil(max)) } def contains(x: TransferSizes) = x.none || (min <= x.min && x.max <= max) def intersect(x: TransferSizes) = if (x.max < min || max < x.min) TransferSizes.none else TransferSizes(scala.math.max(min, x.min), scala.math.min(max, x.max)) } object TransferSizes { def apply(x: Int) = new TransferSizes(x) val none = new TransferSizes(0) implicit def asBool(x: TransferSizes) = !x.none } // AddressSets specify the address space managed by the manager // Base is the base address, and mask are the bits consumed by the manager // e.g: base=0x200, mask=0xff describes a device managing 0x200-0x2ff // e.g: base=0x1000, mask=0xf0f decribes a device managing 0x1000-0x100f, 0x1100-0x110f, ... case class AddressSet(base: BigInt, mask: BigInt) extends Ordered[AddressSet] { // Forbid misaligned base address (and empty sets) require ((base & mask) == 0) require (base >= 0) // TL2 address widths are not fixed => negative is ambiguous // We do allow negative mask (=> ignore all high bits) def contains(x: BigInt) = ((x ^ base) & ~mask) == 0 def contains(x: UInt) = ((x ^ UInt(base)).zext() & SInt(~mask)) === SInt(0) // overlap iff bitwise: both care (~mask0 & ~mask1) => both equal (base0=base1) def overlaps(x: AddressSet) = (~(mask | x.mask) & (base ^ x.base)) == 0 // contains iff bitwise: x.mask => mask && contains(x.base) def contains(x: AddressSet) = ((x.mask | (base ^ x.base)) & ~mask) == 0 // The number of bytes to which the manager must be aligned def alignment = ((mask + 1) & ~mask) // Is this a contiguous memory range def contiguous = alignment == mask+1 def finite = mask >= 0 def max = { require (finite); base | mask } // Widen the match function to ignore all bits in imask def widen(imask: BigInt) = AddressSet(base & ~imask, mask | imask) // AddressSets have one natural Ordering (the containment order, if contiguous) def compare(x: AddressSet) = { val primary = (this.base - x.base).signum // smallest address first val secondary = (x.mask - this.mask).signum // largest mask first if (primary != 0) primary else secondary } // We always want to see things in hex override def toString() = { if (mask >= 0) { "AddressSet(0x%x, 0x%x)".format(base, mask) } else { "AddressSet(0x%x, ~0x%x)".format(base, ~mask) } } } object AddressSet { def misaligned(base: BigInt, size: BigInt, tail: Seq[AddressSet] = Seq()): Seq[AddressSet] = { if (size == 0) tail.reverse else { val maxBaseAlignment = base & (-base) // 0 for infinite (LSB) val maxSizeAlignment = BigInt(1) << log2Floor(size) // MSB of size val step = if (maxBaseAlignment == 0 || maxBaseAlignment > maxSizeAlignment) maxSizeAlignment else maxBaseAlignment misaligned(base+step, size-step, AddressSet(base, step-1) +: tail) } } }