// See LICENSE.Berkeley for license details. package util import Chisel._ /** This black-boxes a Clock Divider by 2. * The output clock is phase-aligned to the input clock. * If you use this in synthesis, make sure your sdc * declares that you want it to do the same. * * Because Chisel does not support * blocking assignments, it is impossible * to create a deterministic divided clock. */ class ClockDivider2 extends BlackBox { val io = new Bundle { val clk_out = Clock(OUTPUT) val clk_in = Clock(INPUT) } } /** Divide the clock by power of 2 times. * @param pow2 divides the clock 2 ^ pow2 times * WARNING: This is meant for simulation use only. */ class Pow2ClockDivider(pow2: Int) extends Module { val io = new Bundle { val clock_out = Clock(OUTPUT) } if (pow2 == 0) { io.clock_out := clock } else { val dividers = Seq.fill(pow2) { Module(new ClockDivider2) } dividers.init.zip(dividers.tail).map { case (last, next) => next.io.clk_in := last.io.clk_out } dividers.head.io.clk_in := clock io.clock_out := dividers.last.io.clk_out } }