// See LICENSE for license details. package uncore.tilelink2 import Chisel._ import chisel3.util.LFSR16 import junctions.unittests._ class IDMapGenerator(numIds: Int) extends Module { val w = log2Up(numIds) val io = new Bundle { val free = Decoupled(UInt(width = w)).flip val alloc = Decoupled(UInt(width = w)) } // True indicates that the id is available val bitmap = RegInit(Vec.fill(numIds){Bool(true)}) io.free.ready := Bool(true) assert(!io.free.valid || !bitmap(io.free.bits)) // No double freeing val mask = bitmap.scanLeft(Bool(false))(_||_).init val select = mask zip bitmap map { case(m,b) => !m && b } io.alloc.bits := OHToUInt(select) io.alloc.valid := bitmap.reduce(_||_) when (io.alloc.fire()) { bitmap(io.alloc.bits) := Bool(false) } when (io.free.fire()) { bitmap(io.free.bits) := Bool(true) } } object LFSR64 { private var counter = 0 private def next: Int = { counter += 1 counter } def apply(increment: Bool = Bool(true), seed: Int = next): UInt = { val wide = 64 val lfsr = RegInit(UInt((seed * 0xDEADBEEFCAFEBAB1L) >>> 1, width = wide)) val xor = lfsr(0) ^ lfsr(1) ^ lfsr(3) ^ lfsr(4) when (increment) { lfsr := Cat(xor, lfsr(wide-1,1)) } lfsr } } object NoiseMaker { def apply(wide: Int, increment: Bool = Bool(true)): UInt = { val lfsrs = Seq.fill((wide+63)/64) { LFSR64(increment) } Cat(lfsrs)(wide-1,0) } } class TLFuzzer(nOperations: Int, inFlight: Int = 32) extends LazyModule { val node = TLClientNode(TLClientParameters(sourceId = IdRange(0,inFlight))) lazy val module = new LazyModuleImp(this) { val io = new Bundle { val out = node.bundleOut val finished = Bool() } val out = io.out(0) val edge = node.edgesOut(0) val endAddress = edge.manager.maxAddress + 1 val maxTransfer = edge.manager.maxTransfer val beatBytes = edge.manager.beatBytes val maxLgBeats = log2Up(maxTransfer/beatBytes) val addressBits = log2Up(endAddress) val sizeBits = edge.bundle.sizeBits val dataBits = edge.bundle.dataBits // Progress through operations val num_reqs = Reg(init = UInt(nOperations-1, log2Up(nOperations))) val num_resps = Reg(init = UInt(nOperations-1, log2Up(nOperations))) io.finished := num_resps === UInt(0) // Progress within each operation val a = out.a.bits val a_beats1 = edge.numBeats1(a) val a_counter = RegInit(UInt(0, width = maxLgBeats)) val a_counter1 = a_counter - UInt(1) val a_first = a_counter === UInt(0) val a_last = a_counter === UInt(1) || a_beats1 === UInt(0) val req_done = out.a.fire() && a_last val d = out.d.bits val d_beats1 = edge.numBeats1(d) val d_counter = RegInit(UInt(0, width = maxLgBeats)) val d_counter1 = d_counter - UInt(1) val d_first = d_counter === UInt(0) val d_last = d_counter === UInt(1) || d_beats1 === UInt(0) val resp_done = out.d.fire() && d_last // Source ID generation val idMap = Module(new IDMapGenerator(inFlight)) val alloc = Queue.irrevocable(idMap.io.alloc, 1, pipe = true) val src = alloc.bits alloc.ready := req_done idMap.io.free.valid := resp_done idMap.io.free.bits := out.d.bits.source // Increment random number generation for the following subfields val inc = Wire(Bool()) val inc_beat = Wire(Bool()) val arth_op = NoiseMaker(3, inc) val log_op = NoiseMaker(2, inc) val amo_size = UInt(2) + NoiseMaker(1, inc) // word or dword val size = NoiseMaker(sizeBits, inc) val addr = NoiseMaker(addressBits, inc) & ~UIntToOH1(size, addressBits) val mask = NoiseMaker(beatBytes, inc_beat) & edge.mask(addr, size) val data = NoiseMaker(dataBits, inc_beat) val (glegal, gbits) = edge.Get(src, addr, size) val (pflegal, pfbits) = if(edge.manager.anySupportPutFull) { edge.Put(src, addr, size, data) } else { (glegal, gbits) } val (pplegal, ppbits) = if(edge.manager.anySupportPutPartial) { edge.Put(src, addr, size, data, mask) } else { (glegal, gbits) } val (alegal, abits) = if(edge.manager.anySupportArithmetic) { edge.Arithmetic(src, addr, size, data, arth_op) } else { (glegal, gbits) } val (llegal, lbits) = if(edge.manager.anySupportLogical) { edge.Logical(src, addr, size, data, log_op) } else { (glegal, gbits) } val (hlegal, hbits) = if(edge.manager.anySupportHint) { edge.Hint(src, addr, size, UInt(0)) } else { (glegal, gbits) } val a_type_sel = NoiseMaker(3, inc) val legal = MuxLookup(a_type_sel, glegal, Seq( UInt("b000") -> glegal, UInt("b001") -> pflegal, UInt("b010") -> pplegal, UInt("b011") -> alegal, UInt("b100") -> llegal, UInt("b101") -> hlegal)) val bits = MuxLookup(a_type_sel, gbits, Seq( UInt("b000") -> gbits, UInt("b001") -> pfbits, UInt("b010") -> ppbits, UInt("b011") -> abits, UInt("b100") -> lbits, UInt("b101") -> hbits)) out.a.valid := legal && alloc.valid && num_reqs =/= UInt(0) out.a.bits := bits out.b.ready := Bool(true) out.c.valid := Bool(false) out.d.ready := Bool(true) out.e.valid := Bool(false) inc := !legal || req_done inc_beat := !legal || out.a.fire() when (out.a.fire()) { a_counter := Mux(a_first, a_beats1, a_counter1) when(a_last) { num_reqs := num_reqs - UInt(1) } } when (out.d.fire()) { d_counter := Mux(d_first, d_beats1, d_counter1) when(d_last) { num_resps := num_resps - UInt(1) } } } } class TLFuzzRAM extends LazyModule { val model = LazyModule(new TLRAMModel) val ram = LazyModule(new TLRAM(AddressSet(0, 0x3ff))) val gpio = LazyModule(new RRTest1(0x400)) val xbar = LazyModule(new TLXbar) val fuzz = LazyModule(new TLFuzzer(5000)) model.node := fuzz.node xbar.node := TLWidthWidget(TLHintHandler(model.node), 16) ram.node := TLFragmenter(TLBuffer(xbar.node), 4, 256) gpio.node := TLFragmenter(TLBuffer(xbar.node), 4, 32) lazy val module = new LazyModuleImp(this) with HasUnitTestIO { io.finished := fuzz.module.io.finished } } class TLFuzzRAMTest extends UnitTest { val dut = Module(LazyModule(new TLFuzzRAM).module) io.finished := dut.io.finished }