* JTAG: Use sorted map for stability
Otherwise the generated FIRRTL/Verilog is non deterministic
* jtag : parens for clarity
* jtag: Use deterministic ListMap and sort for stability
* JTAG: use slightly clearer SortedMap (clearer to me anyway)
* jtag: whitespace cleanup
* coreplex collapse: peripherals now in coreplex
* coreplex: better factoring of TLBusWrapper attachement points
* diplomacy: allow monitorless :*= and :=*
* rocket: don't connect monitors to tile tim slave ports
* rename chip package to system
* coreplex: only sbus has a splitter
* TLFragmenter: Continuing my spot battles on requires without explanatory strings
* pbus: toFixedWidthSingleBeatSlave
* tilelink: more verbose requires
* use the new system package for regression
* sbus: add more explicit FIFO attachment points
* delete leftover top-level utils
* cleanup ResetVector and RTC