BUE: more verbose register descriptions
This commit is contained in:
@ -15,16 +15,20 @@ import freechips.rocketchip.interrupts._
import freechips.rocketchip.util.property._
trait BusErrors extends Bundle {
def toErrorList: List[Option[Valid[UInt]]]
def toErrorList: List[Option[(Valid[UInt], String, String)]]
class L1BusErrors(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreBundle()(p) with BusErrors {
val icache = new ICacheErrors
val dcache = new DCacheErrors
def toErrorList =
List(None, None, icache.correctable, icache.uncorrectable,
None, Some(dcache.bus), dcache.correctable, dcache.uncorrectable)
def toErrorList = List(None, None,
icache.correctable.map((_, "I_CORRECTABLE", "Instruction cache or ITIM correctable ECC error ")),
icache.uncorrectable.map((_, "I_UNCORRECTABLE", "ITIM uncorrectable ECC error")),
Some((dcache.bus, "DBUS", "Load or store TileLink bus error")),
dcache.correctable.map((_, "D_CORRECTABLE", "Data cache correctable ECC error")),
dcache.uncorrectable.map((_, "D_UNCORRECTABLE", "Data cache uncorrectable ECC error")))
case class BusErrorUnitParams(addr: BigInt, size: Int = 4096)
@ -44,14 +48,33 @@ class BusErrorUnit[T <: BusErrors](t: => T, params: BusErrorUnitParams)(implicit
val interrupt = Bool().asOutput
val sources = io.errors.toErrorList
val cause = Reg(init = UInt(0, log2Ceil(sources.lastIndexWhere(_.nonEmpty) + 1)))
val value = Reg(UInt(width = sources.flatten.map(_.bits.getWidth).max))
val sources_and_desc = io.errors.toErrorList
val sources = sources_and_desc.map(_.map(_._1))
val sources_enums = sources_and_desc.zipWithIndex.flatMap{case (s, i) => s.map {e => (BigInt(i) -> (e._2, e._3))}}
val causeWidth = log2Ceil(sources.lastIndexWhere(_.nonEmpty) + 1)
val (cause, cause_desc) = DescribedReg(UInt(causeWidth.W),
"cause", "Cause of error event", reset=Some(0.U(causeWidth.W)), enumerations=sources_enums.toMap)
val (value, value_desc) = DescribedReg(UInt(width = sources.flatten.map(_.bits.getWidth).max),
"value", "Physical address of error event", reset=None)
require(value.getWidth <= regWidth)
val enable = Reg(init = Vec(sources.map(_.nonEmpty.B)))
val enable_desc = sources.zipWithIndex.map { case (s, i) =>
RegFieldDesc(s"enable_$i", "", reset=Some(if (s.nonEmpty) 1 else 0))}
val global_interrupt = Reg(init = Vec.fill(sources.size)(false.B))
val global_interrupt_desc = sources.zipWithIndex.map { case (s, i) =>
RegFieldDesc(s"plic_interrupt_$i", "", reset=Some(0))}
val accrued = Reg(init = Vec.fill(sources.size)(false.B))
val accrued_desc = sources.zipWithIndex.map { case (s, i) =>
RegFieldDesc(s"accrued_$i", "", reset=Some(0))}
val local_interrupt = Reg(init = Vec.fill(sources.size)(false.B))
val local_interrupt_desc = sources.zipWithIndex.map { case (s, i) =>
RegFieldDesc(s"local_interrupt_$i", "", reset=Some(0))}
for ((((s, en), acc), i) <- (sources zip enable zip accrued).zipWithIndex; if s.nonEmpty) {
when (s.get.valid) {
@ -68,17 +91,18 @@ class BusErrorUnit[T <: BusErrors](t: => T, params: BusErrorUnitParams)(implicit
io.interrupt := (accrued.asUInt & local_interrupt.asUInt).orR
int_out(0) := (accrued.asUInt & global_interrupt.asUInt).orR
def reg(r: UInt, name: String, reset: Option[BigInt]) = RegFieldGroup(name, None, RegField.bytes(r, (r.getWidth + 7)/8, Some(RegFieldDesc(name, "", reset=reset))))
def reg(v: Vec[Bool], name: String, reset: Option[BigInt]) = RegFieldGroup(name, None, v.map(r => RegField(1, r, RegFieldDesc(name, "", reset=reset))))
def numberRegs(x: Seq[Seq[RegField]]) = x.zipWithIndex.map { case (f, i) => (i * regWidth / 8) -> f }
def reg(r: UInt, gn: String, d: RegFieldDesc) = RegFieldGroup(gn, None, RegField.bytes(r, (r.getWidth + 7)/8, Some(d)))
def reg(v: Vec[Bool], gn: String, gd: String, d: Seq[RegFieldDesc]) =
RegFieldGroup(gn, Some(gd), (v zip d).map {case (r, rd) => RegField(1, r, rd)})
def numberRegs(x: Seq[Seq[RegField]]) = x.zipWithIndex.map {case (f, i) => (i * regWidth / 8) -> f }
reg(cause, "cause", Some(BigInt(0))),
reg(value, "value", None),
reg(enable, "enable", Some(sources.zipWithIndex.map { case (s, i) => BigInt(s.size) << i }.sum)),
reg(global_interrupt, "plic_interrupt", Some(BigInt(0))),
reg(accrued, "accrued", Some(BigInt(0))),
reg(local_interrupt, "local_interrupt", Some(BigInt(0))))):_*)
reg(cause, "cause", cause_desc),
reg(value, "value", value_desc),
reg(enable, "enable", "Event enable mask", enable_desc),
reg(global_interrupt, "plic_interrupt", "Platform-level interrupt enable mask", global_interrupt_desc),
reg(accrued, "accrued", "Accrued event mask" ,accrued_desc),
reg(local_interrupt, "local_interrupt", "Hart-local interrupt-enable mask", local_interrupt_desc))):_*)
// hardwire mask bits for unsupported sources to 0
for ((s, i) <- sources.zipWithIndex; if s.isEmpty) {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user