get local interrupts out of the tile

This commit is contained in:
Henry Cook 2017-03-29 19:14:04 -07:00 committed by Andrew Waterman
parent 0b9fc94421
commit d3bc99e253
5 changed files with 65 additions and 24 deletions

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@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import diplomacy._
import rocket._
import tile._
import uncore.tilelink2._
import util._
sealed trait ClockCrossing
case object Synchronous extends ClockCrossing
@ -21,12 +22,17 @@ trait HasRocketTiles extends CoreplexRISCVPlatform {
val module: HasRocketTilesModule
private val crossing = p(RocketCrossing)
private val configs = p(RocketTilesKey)
val tileParams = p(RocketTilesKey)
// TODO: hack to fix deduplication; see PR https://github.com/ucb-bar/berkeley-hardfloat/pull/14
// Handle interrupts to be routed directly into each tile
val localIntNodes = tileParams map { t =>
(t.core.nLocalInterrupts > 0).option(IntInputNode())
val rocketWires: Seq[HasRocketTilesBundle => Unit] = configs.zipWithIndex.map { case (c, i) =>
// Make a function for each tile that will wire it to coreplex devices and crossbars,
// according to the specified type of clock crossing.
val wiringTuple = localIntNodes.zip(tileParams).zipWithIndex
val rocketWires: Seq[HasRocketTilesBundle => Unit] = wiringTuple.map { case ((lip, c), i) =>
val pWithExtra = p.alterPartial {
case TileKey => c
case BuildRoCC => c.rocc
@ -37,10 +43,11 @@ trait HasRocketTiles extends CoreplexRISCVPlatform {
val debugNode = IntInternalInputNode(IntSourcePortSimple())
val intBar = LazyModule(new IntXbar)
intBar.intnode := debugNode
intBar.intnode := debugNode // debug
intBar.intnode := clint.intnode // msip+mtip
intBar.intnode := plic.intnode // meip
if (c.core.useVM) intBar.intnode := plic.intnode // seip
lip.foreach { intBar.intnode := _ } // lip
crossing match {
case Synchronous => {
@ -103,6 +110,7 @@ trait HasRocketTiles extends CoreplexRISCVPlatform {
trait HasRocketTilesBundle extends CoreplexRISCVPlatformBundle {
val outer: HasRocketTiles
val local_interrupts = HeterogeneousBag(outer.localIntNodes.flatten.map(_.bundleIn))
val tcrs = Vec(p(RocketTilesKey).size, new Bundle {
val clock = Clock(INPUT)
val reset = Bool(INPUT)

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@ -95,12 +95,9 @@ class RocketTile(val rocketParams: RocketTileParams, val hartid: Int)(implicit p
ResourceBinding {
Resource(device, "reg").bind(ResourceInt(BigInt(hartid)))
// debug, msip, mtip, meip, seip offsets in CSRs
val intMap = Seq(65535, 3, 7, 11, 9)
intNode.edgesIn.flatMap(_.source.sources).map { case s =>
for (i <- s.range.start until s.range.end) {
intMap.lift(i).foreach { j =>
csrIntMap.lift(i).foreach { j =>
s.resources.foreach { r =>
r.bind(device, ResourceInt(j))
@ -122,7 +119,8 @@ class RocketTileModule(outer: RocketTile) extends BaseTileModule(outer, () => ne
require(outer.p(PAddrBits) >= outer.masterNode.edgesIn(0).bundle.addressBits)
val core = Module(p(BuildCore)(outer.p))
core.io.hartid := io.hartid
decodeCoreInterrupts(core.io.interrupts) // Decode the interrupt vector
core.io.hartid := io.hartid // Pass through the hartid
outer.frontend.module.io.cpu <> core.io.imem
outer.frontend.module.io.resetVector := io.resetVector
dcachePorts += core.io.dmem // TODO outer.dcachePorts += () => module.core.io.dmem ??
@ -136,12 +134,6 @@ class RocketTileModule(outer: RocketTile) extends BaseTileModule(outer, () => ne
core.io.rocc.interrupt := lr.module.io.core.interrupt
// Decode the interrupt vector
core.io.interrupts.debug := io.interrupts(0)(0)
core.io.interrupts.msip := io.interrupts(0)(1)
core.io.interrupts.mtip := io.interrupts(0)(2)
core.io.interrupts.meip := io.interrupts(0)(3)
core.io.interrupts.seip.foreach { _ := io.interrupts(0)(4) }
// TODO eliminate this redundancy
val h = dcachePorts.size

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@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ trait HasTopLevelNetworks extends HasPeripheryParameters {
val socBus = LazyModule(new TLXbar) // Wide or unordered-access slave devices (TL-UH)
val peripheryBus = LazyModule(new TLXbar) // Narrow and ordered-access slave devices (TL-UL)
val intBus = LazyModule(new IntXbar) // Interrupts
val intBus = LazyModule(new IntXbar) // Device and global external interrupts
val fsb = LazyModule(new TLBuffer(BufferParams.none)) // Master devices talking to the frontside of the L2
val bsb = LazyModule(new TLBuffer(BufferParams.none)) // Slave devices talking to the backside of the L2
val mem = Seq.fill(nMemoryChannels) { LazyModule(new TLXbar) } // Ports out to DRAM

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@ -52,13 +52,11 @@ trait HasTileLinkMasterPort extends HasTileParameters {
implicit val p: Parameters
val module: HasTileLinkMasterPortModule
val masterNode = TLOutputNode()
val intNode = IntSinkNode(IntSinkPortSimple())
trait HasTileLinkMasterPortBundle {
val outer: HasTileLinkMasterPort
val master = outer.masterNode.bundleOut
val interrupts = outer.intNode.bundleIn
trait HasTileLinkMasterPortModule {
@ -67,15 +65,18 @@ trait HasTileLinkMasterPortModule {
abstract class BaseTile(tileParams: TileParams)(implicit p: Parameters) extends BareTile
with HasTileLinkMasterPort {
with HasTileLinkMasterPort
with HasExternalInterrupts {
override lazy val module = new BaseTileModule(this, () => new BaseTileBundle(this))
class BaseTileBundle[+L <: BaseTile](_outer: L) extends BareTileBundle(_outer)
with HasTileLinkMasterPortBundle {
with HasTileLinkMasterPortBundle
with HasExternalInterruptsBundle {
val hartid = UInt(INPUT, p(XLen))
val resetVector = UInt(INPUT, p(XLen))
class BaseTileModule[+L <: BaseTile, +B <: BaseTileBundle[L]](_outer: L, _io: () => B) extends BareTileModule(_outer, _io)
with HasTileLinkMasterPortModule
with HasExternalInterruptsModule

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@ -4,13 +4,53 @@ package tile
import Chisel._
import config.Parameters
import uncore.tilelink2.{IntSinkNode, IntSinkPortSimple}
import util._
class TileInterrupts(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreBundle()(p) {
val lip = Vec(coreParams.nLocalInterrupts, Bool())
val debug = Bool()
val mtip = Bool()
val msip = Bool()
val meip = Bool()
val seip = usingVM.option(Bool())
val lip = Vec(coreParams.nLocalInterrupts, Bool())
// Use diplomatic interrupts to external interrupts from the coreplex into the tile
trait HasExternalInterrupts extends HasTileParameters {
implicit val p: Parameters
val module: HasExternalInterruptsModule
val intNode = IntSinkNode(IntSinkPortSimple())
// TODO: the order of the following two functions must match, and
// also match the order which things are connected to the
// per-tile crossbar in coreplex.HasRocketTiles
// debug, msip, mtip, meip, seip, lip offsets in CSRs
def csrIntMap: List[Int] = {
val nlips = tileParams.core.nLocalInterrupts
List(65535, 3, 7, 11, 9) ++ List.tabulate(nlips)(_ + 16)
trait HasExternalInterruptsBundle {
val outer: HasExternalInterrupts
val interrupts = outer.intNode.bundleIn
trait HasExternalInterruptsModule {
val outer: HasExternalInterrupts
val io: HasExternalInterruptsBundle
// go from flat diplomatic Interrupts to bundled TileInterrupts
def decodeCoreInterrupts(core: TileInterrupts) {
val core_ips = Vec(
core.seip.getOrElse(Wire(Bool()))) ++ core.lip
core_ips.zip(io.interrupts(0)).foreach { case(c, i) => c := i }