rocketchip: configString is a lazy property of outer
This commit is contained in:
@ -56,8 +56,8 @@ object GenerateConfigString {
def apply(p: Parameters, clint: CoreplexLocalInterrupter, plic: TLPLIC, peripheryManagers: Seq[TLManagerParameters]) = {
val c = CoreplexParameters()(p)
val res = new StringBuilder
res append plic.module.globalConfigString
res append clint.module.globalConfigString
res append plic.globalConfigString
res append clint.globalConfigString
res append "core {\n"
for (i <- 0 until c.nTiles) { // TODO heterogeneous tiles
val isa = {
@ -71,8 +71,8 @@ object GenerateConfigString {
res append s" $i {\n"
res append " 0 {\n"
res append s" isa $isa;\n"
res append clint.module.hartConfigStrings(i)
res append plic.module.hartConfigStrings(i)
res append clint.hartConfigStrings(i)
res append plic.hartConfigStrings(i)
res append " };\n"
res append " };\n"
@ -68,6 +68,43 @@ class TLPLIC(supervisor: Boolean, maxPriorities: Int, address: BigInt = 0xC00000
sourceFn = { _ => IntSourcePortParameters(Seq(IntSourceParameters(contextsPerHart))) },
sinkFn = { _ => IntSinkPortParameters(Seq(IntSinkParameters())) })
/* Negotiated sizes */
def nDevices =
def nPriorities = min(maxPriorities, nDevices)
def nHarts =
def context(i: Int, mode: Char) = mode match {
case 'M' => i * contextsPerHart
case 'S' => require(supervisor); i * contextsPerHart + 1
def claimAddr(i: Int, mode: Char) = address + PLICConsts.hartBase(context(i, mode)) + PLICConsts.claimOffset
def threshAddr(i: Int, mode: Char) = address + PLICConsts.hartBase(context(i, mode))
def enableAddr(i: Int, mode: Char) = address + PLICConsts.enableBase(context(i, mode))
// Create the global PLIC config string
lazy val globalConfigString = Seq(
s"plic {\n",
s" priority 0x${address.toString(16)};\n",
s" pending 0x${(address + PLICConsts.pendingBase).toString(16)};\n",
s" ndevs ${nDevices};\n",
// Create the per-Hart config string
lazy val hartConfigStrings = Seq.tabulate(intnode.edgesOut.size) { i => (Seq(
s" plic {\n",
s" m {\n",
s" ie 0x${enableAddr(i, 'M').toString(16)};\n",
s" thresh 0x${threshAddr(i, 'M').toString(16)};\n",
s" claim 0x${claimAddr(i, 'M').toString(16)};\n",
s" };\n") ++ (if (!supervisor) Seq() else Seq(
s" s {\n",
s" ie 0x${enableAddr(i, 'S').toString(16)};\n",
s" thresh 0x${threshAddr(i, 'S').toString(16)};\n",
s" claim 0x${claimAddr(i, 'S').toString(16)};\n",
s" };\n")) ++ Seq(
s" };\n")).mkString
lazy val module = new LazyModuleImp(this) {
val io = new Bundle {
val tl_in = node.bundleIn
@ -91,45 +128,12 @@ class TLPLIC(supervisor: Boolean, maxPriorities: Int, address: BigInt = 0xC00000
println(s" [${s.range.start+1}, ${s.range.end}] => ${}")
val nDevices = interrupts.size
val nPriorities = min(maxPriorities, nDevices)
val nHarts = harts.size
require (nDevices == interrupts.size)
require (nHarts == harts.size)
require(nDevices <= PLICConsts.maxDevices)
require(nHarts > 0 && nHarts <= PLICConsts.maxHarts)
def context(i: Int, mode: Char) = mode match {
case 'M' => i * contextsPerHart
case 'S' => require(supervisor); i * contextsPerHart + 1
def claimAddr(i: Int, mode: Char) = address + PLICConsts.hartBase(context(i, mode)) + PLICConsts.claimOffset
def threshAddr(i: Int, mode: Char) = address + PLICConsts.hartBase(context(i, mode))
def enableAddr(i: Int, mode: Char) = address + PLICConsts.enableBase(context(i, mode))
// Create the global PLIC config string
val globalConfigString = Seq(
s"plic {\n",
s" priority 0x${address.toString(16)};\n",
s" pending 0x${(address + PLICConsts.pendingBase).toString(16)};\n",
s" ndevs ${nDevices};\n",
// Create the per-Hart config string
val hartConfigStrings = { case (_, i) => (Seq(
s" plic {\n",
s" m {\n",
s" ie 0x${enableAddr(i, 'M').toString(16)};\n",
s" thresh 0x${threshAddr(i, 'M').toString(16)};\n",
s" claim 0x${claimAddr(i, 'M').toString(16)};\n",
s" };\n") ++ (if (!supervisor) Seq() else Seq(
s" s {\n",
s" ie 0x${enableAddr(i, 'S').toString(16)};\n",
s" thresh 0x${threshAddr(i, 'S').toString(16)};\n",
s" claim 0x${claimAddr(i, 'S').toString(16)};\n",
s" };\n")) ++ Seq(
s" };\n")).mkString
// For now, use LevelGateways for all TL2 interrupts
val gateways = Vec( { case i =>
val gateway = Module(new LevelGateway)
@ -63,15 +63,6 @@ trait CoreplexLocalInterrupterModule extends Module with HasRegMap with MixCorep
tile.mtip := time.asUInt >= timecmp(i).asUInt
val globalConfigString = Seq(
s"rtc {\n",
s" addr 0x${(address.base + ClintConsts.timeOffset).toString(16)};\n",
val hartConfigStrings = (0 until p(NTiles)).map { i => Seq(
s" timecmp 0x${(address.base + ClintConsts.timecmpOffset(i)).toString(16)};\n",
s" ipi 0x${(address.base + ClintConsts.msipOffset(i)).toString(16)};\n").mkString
/* 0000 msip hart 0
* 0004 msip hart 1
* 4000 mtimecmp hart 0 lo
@ -96,3 +87,13 @@ class CoreplexLocalInterrupter(address: BigInt = 0x02000000)(implicit val p: Par
extends TLRegisterRouter(address, size = ClintConsts.size, beatBytes = p(rocket.XLen)/8, undefZero = false)(
new TLRegBundle(p, _) with CoreplexLocalInterrupterBundle)(
new TLRegModule(p, _, _) with CoreplexLocalInterrupterModule)
val globalConfigString = Seq(
s"rtc {\n",
s" addr 0x${(address + ClintConsts.timeOffset).toString(16)};\n",
val hartConfigStrings = (0 until p(NTiles)).map { i => Seq(
s" timecmp 0x${(address + ClintConsts.timecmpOffset(i)).toString(16)};\n",
s" ipi 0x${(address + ClintConsts.msipOffset(i)).toString(16)};\n").mkString
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