Get rid of NASTI memory interconnects

These were made for a previous Hurricane tapeout, but we are now doing
all of the memory routing in TileLink, so they are no longer needed.
This commit is contained in:
Howard Mao 2016-09-27 13:13:22 -07:00
parent 7d93fd3bfc
commit c77c244016
3 changed files with 0 additions and 275 deletions

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@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
package junctions
import Chisel._
import cde.Parameters
class NastiDemuxDriver(n: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends Module {
val io = new Bundle {
val start = Bool(INPUT)
val finished = Bool(OUTPUT)
val nasti = new NastiIO
val select = UInt(OUTPUT, log2Up(n))
val (s_idle :: s_write_addr :: s_write_data :: s_write_resp ::
s_read_addr :: s_read_resp :: s_done :: Nil) = Enum(Bits(), 7)
val state = Reg(init = s_idle)
val select = Reg(init = UInt(0, log2Up(n)))
when (state === s_idle && io.start) { state := s_write_addr }
when (io.nasti.aw.fire()) { state := s_write_data }
when (io.nasti.w.fire()) { state := s_write_resp }
when (io.nasti.b.fire()) { state := s_read_addr }
when (io.nasti.ar.fire()) { state := s_read_resp }
when (io.nasti.r.fire()) {
when (select === UInt(n - 1)) {
state := s_done
} .otherwise {
select := select + UInt(1)
state := s_write_addr
io.nasti.aw.valid := (state === s_write_addr)
io.nasti.aw.bits := NastiWriteAddressChannel(
id = UInt(0),
addr = UInt(0),
size = UInt("b011"))
io.nasti.w.valid := (state === s_write_data)
io.nasti.w.bits := NastiWriteDataChannel(data = select)
io.nasti.b.ready := (state === s_write_resp)
io.nasti.ar.valid := (state === s_read_addr)
io.nasti.ar.bits := NastiReadAddressChannel(
id = UInt(0),
addr = UInt(0),
size = UInt("b011"))
io.nasti.r.ready := (state === s_read_resp)
io.finished := (state === s_done)
io.select := select
assert(!io.nasti.r.valid || io.nasti.r.bits.data === select,
"NASTI DeMux test: Read data did not match")
class NastiDemuxSlave(implicit p: Parameters) extends NastiModule()(p) {
val io = (new NastiIO).flip
val (s_write_wait :: s_write_data :: s_write_resp ::
s_read_wait :: s_read_resp :: s_done :: Nil) = Enum(Bits(), 6)
val state = Reg(init = s_write_wait)
val value = Reg(UInt(width = 64))
val id = Reg(UInt(width = nastiXIdBits))
when (io.aw.fire()) {
id := io.aw.bits.id
state := s_write_data
when (io.w.fire()) {
value := io.w.bits.data
state := s_write_resp
when (io.b.fire()) { state := s_read_wait }
when (io.ar.fire()) {
id := io.ar.bits.id
state := s_read_resp
when (io.r.fire()) { state := s_done }
io.aw.ready := (state === s_write_wait)
io.w.ready := (state === s_write_data)
io.b.valid := (state === s_write_resp)
io.b.bits := NastiWriteResponseChannel(id = id)
io.ar.ready := (state === s_read_wait)
io.r.valid := (state === s_read_resp)
io.r.bits := NastiReadDataChannel(id = id, data = value)
class NastiMemoryDemuxTest(implicit p: Parameters) extends unittest.UnitTest {
val nSlaves = 4
val driver = Module(new NastiDemuxDriver(nSlaves))
driver.io.start := io.start
io.finished := driver.io.finished
val demux = Module(new NastiMemoryDemux(nSlaves))
demux.io.master <> driver.io.nasti
demux.io.select := driver.io.select
for (i <- 0 until nSlaves) {
val slave = Module(new NastiDemuxSlave)
slave.io <> demux.io.slaves(i)

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@ -553,171 +553,6 @@ class NastiRecursiveInterconnect(val nMasters: Int, addrMap: AddrMap)
class ChannelHelper(nChannels: Int)
(implicit val p: Parameters) extends HasNastiParameters {
val dataBytes = p(MIFDataBits) * p(MIFDataBeats) / 8
val chanSelBits = log2Ceil(nChannels)
val selOffset = log2Up(dataBytes)
val blockOffset = selOffset + chanSelBits
def getSelect(addr: UInt) =
if (nChannels > 1) addr(blockOffset - 1, selOffset) else UInt(0)
def getAddr(addr: UInt) =
if (nChannels > 1)
Cat(addr(nastiXAddrBits - 1, blockOffset), addr(selOffset - 1, 0))
else addr
class NastiMemoryInterconnect(
nBanksPerChannel: Int, nChannels: Int)
(implicit p: Parameters) extends NastiInterconnect()(p) {
val nBanks = nBanksPerChannel * nChannels
val nMasters = nBanks
val nSlaves = nChannels
val chanHelper = new ChannelHelper(nChannels)
def connectChannel(outer: NastiIO, inner: NastiIO) {
outer <> inner
outer.ar.bits.addr := chanHelper.getAddr(inner.ar.bits.addr)
outer.aw.bits.addr := chanHelper.getAddr(inner.aw.bits.addr)
for (i <- 0 until nChannels) {
/* Bank assignments to channels are strided so that consecutive banks
* map to different channels. That way, consecutive cache lines also
* map to different channels */
val banks = (i until nBanks by nChannels).map(j => io.masters(j))
val channelArb = Module(new NastiArbiter(nBanksPerChannel))
channelArb.io.master <> banks
connectChannel(io.slaves(i), channelArb.io.slave)
/** Allows users to switch between various memory configurations. Note that
* this is a dangerous operation: not only does switching the select input to
* this module violate Nasti, it also causes the memory of the machine to
* become garbled. It's expected that select only changes at boot time, as
* part of the memory controller configuration. */
class NastiMemorySelectorIO(val nBanks: Int, val maxMemChannels: Int, nConfigs: Int)
(implicit p: Parameters)
extends NastiInterconnectIO(nBanks, maxMemChannels) {
val select = UInt(INPUT, width = log2Up(nConfigs))
override def cloneType =
new NastiMemorySelectorIO(nMasters, nSlaves, nConfigs).asInstanceOf[this.type]
class NastiMemorySelector(nBanks: Int, maxMemChannels: Int, configs: Seq[Int])
(implicit p: Parameters)
extends NastiInterconnect()(p) {
val nMasters = nBanks
val nSlaves = maxMemChannels
val nConfigs = configs.size
override lazy val io = new NastiMemorySelectorIO(nBanks, maxMemChannels, nConfigs)
def muxOnSelect(up: DecoupledIO[Bundle], dn: DecoupledIO[Bundle], active: Bool): Unit = {
when (active) { dn.bits := up.bits }
when (active) { up.ready := dn.ready }
when (active) { dn.valid := up.valid }
def muxOnSelect(up: NastiIO, dn: NastiIO, active: Bool): Unit = {
muxOnSelect(up.aw, dn.aw, active)
muxOnSelect(up.w, dn.w, active)
muxOnSelect(dn.b, up.b, active)
muxOnSelect(up.ar, dn.ar, active)
muxOnSelect(dn.r, up.r, active)
def muxOnSelect(up: Vec[NastiIO], dn: Vec[NastiIO], active: Bool) : Unit = {
for (i <- 0 until up.size)
muxOnSelect(up(i), dn(i), active)
/* Disconnects a vector of Nasti ports, which involves setting them to
* invalid. Due to Chisel reasons, we need to also set the bits to 0 (since
* there can't be any unconnected inputs). */
def disconnectSlave(slave: Vec[NastiIO]) = {
slave.foreach{ m =>
m.aw.valid := Bool(false)
m.aw.bits := m.aw.bits.fromBits( UInt(0) )
m.w.valid := Bool(false)
m.w.bits := m.w.bits.fromBits( UInt(0) )
m.b.ready := Bool(false)
m.ar.valid := Bool(false)
m.ar.bits := m.ar.bits.fromBits( UInt(0) )
m.r.ready := Bool(false)
def disconnectMaster(master: Vec[NastiIO]) = {
master.foreach{ m =>
m.aw.ready := Bool(false)
m.w.ready := Bool(false)
m.b.valid := Bool(false)
m.b.bits := m.b.bits.fromBits( UInt(0) )
m.ar.ready := Bool(false)
m.r.valid := Bool(false)
m.r.bits := m.r.bits.fromBits( UInt(0) )
/* Provides default wires on all our outputs. */
/* Constructs interconnects for each of the layouts suggested by the
* configuration and switches between them based on the select input. */
configs.zipWithIndex.foreach{ case (nChannels, select) =>
val nBanksPerChannel = nBanks / nChannels
val ic = Module(new NastiMemoryInterconnect(nBanksPerChannel, nChannels))
muxOnSelect( io.masters, ic.io.masters, io.select === UInt(select))
muxOnSelect(ic.io.slaves, io.slaves, io.select === UInt(select))
class NastiMemoryDemux(nRoutes: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends NastiModule()(p) {
val io = new Bundle {
val master = (new NastiIO).flip
val slaves = Vec(nRoutes, new NastiIO)
val select = UInt(INPUT, log2Up(nRoutes))
def connectReqChannel[T <: Data](idx: Int, out: DecoupledIO[T], in: DecoupledIO[T]) {
out.valid := in.valid && io.select === UInt(idx)
out.bits := in.bits
when (io.select === UInt(idx)) { in.ready := out.ready }
def connectRespChannel[T <: Data](idx: Int, out: DecoupledIO[T], in: DecoupledIO[T]) {
when (io.select === UInt(idx)) { out.valid := in.valid }
when (io.select === UInt(idx)) { out.bits := in.bits }
in.ready := out.ready && io.select === UInt(idx)
io.master.ar.ready := Bool(false)
io.master.aw.ready := Bool(false)
io.master.w.ready := Bool(false)
io.master.r.valid := Bool(false)
io.master.r.bits := NastiReadDataChannel(id = UInt(0), data = UInt(0))
io.master.b.valid := Bool(false)
io.master.b.bits := NastiWriteResponseChannel(id = UInt(0))
io.slaves.zipWithIndex.foreach { case (slave, i) =>
connectReqChannel(i, slave.ar, io.master.ar)
connectReqChannel(i, slave.aw, io.master.aw)
connectReqChannel(i, slave.w, io.master.w)
connectRespChannel(i, io.master.r, slave.r)
connectRespChannel(i, io.master.b, slave.b)
object AsyncNastiCrossing {
// takes from_source from the 'from' clock domain to the 'to' clock domain
def apply(from_clock: Clock, from_reset: Bool, from_source: NastiIO, to_clock: Clock, to_reset: Bool, depth: Int = 8, sync: Int = 3) = {

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@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ class WithJunctionsUnitTests extends Config(
case rocket.XLen => 64
case UnitTests => (p: Parameters) => Seq(
Module(new junctions.MultiWidthFifoTest),
Module(new junctions.NastiMemoryDemuxTest()(p)),
Module(new junctions.HastiTest()(p)))
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError