now able to add periphery devices through traits

Unfortunately, I had to touch a lot of code, which weren't quite possible to split up into multiple commits.
This commit gets rid of the "extra" infrastructure to add periphery devices into Top.
This commit is contained in:
Yunsup Lee 2016-09-10 23:39:29 -07:00
parent 2c000a99da
commit bb3f514e8d
15 changed files with 414 additions and 472 deletions

View File

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import uncore.devices._
import uncore.converters._
import rocket._
import rocket.Util._
import rocketchip.{GlobalAddrMap, NCoreplexExtClients}
import scala.math.max
import scala.collection.mutable.{LinkedHashSet, ListBuffer}
import DefaultTestSuites._
@ -127,7 +128,6 @@ class BaseCoreplexConfig extends Config (
case MulDivKey => Some(MulDivConfig(mulUnroll = 8, mulEarlyOut = true, divEarlyOut = true))
case UseAtomics => true
case UseCompressed => true
case PLICKey => PLICConfig(site(NTiles), site(UseVM), site(NExtInterrupts), 0)
case DMKey => new DefaultDebugModuleConfig(site(NTiles), site(XLen))
case NCustomMRWCSRs => 0
case ResetVector => BigInt(0x1000)
@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ class BaseCoreplexConfig extends Config (
else new MESICoherence(site(L2DirectoryRepresentation))),
nManagers = site(NBanksPerMemoryChannel)*site(NMemoryChannels) + 1 /* MMIO */,
nCachingClients = site(NCachedTileLinkPorts),
nCachelessClients = site(NExternalClients) + site(NUncachedTileLinkPorts),
nCachelessClients = site(NCoreplexExtClients).get + site(NUncachedTileLinkPorts),
maxClientXacts = max_int(
// L1 cache
site(DCacheKey).nMSHRs + 1 /* IOMSHR */,
@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ class BaseCoreplexConfig extends Config (
coherencePolicy = new MICoherence(
new NullRepresentation(site(NBanksPerMemoryChannel))),
nManagers = site(GlobalAddrMap).subMap("io").numSlaves,
nManagers = site(GlobalAddrMap).get.subMap("io").numSlaves,
nCachingClients = 0,
nCachelessClients = 1,
maxClientXacts = 4,
@ -194,7 +194,6 @@ class BaseCoreplexConfig extends Config (
case CacheBlockBytes => Dump("CACHE_BLOCK_BYTES", 64)
case CacheBlockOffsetBits => log2Up(here(CacheBlockBytes))
case EnableL2Logging => false
case ExtraCoreplexPorts => (p: Parameters) => new Bundle
case RegressionTestNames => LinkedHashSet(

View File

@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ import rocket.Util._
import java.nio.{ByteBuffer,ByteOrder}
import java.nio.file.{Files, Paths}
/** Function for building Coreplex */
case object BuildCoreplex extends Field[(Parameters, CoreplexConfig) => Coreplex]
/** Number of memory channels */
case object NMemoryChannels extends Field[Int]
/** Number of banks per memory channel */
@ -24,24 +26,11 @@ case object BankIdLSB extends Field[Int]
case object BuildL2CoherenceManager extends Field[(Int, Parameters) => CoherenceAgent]
/** Function for building some kind of tile connected to a reset signal */
case object BuildTiles extends Field[Seq[(Bool, Parameters) => Tile]]
/** A string describing on-chip devices, readable by target software */
case object ConfigString extends Field[Array[Byte]]
/** Number of external interrupt sources */
case object NExtInterrupts extends Field[Int]
/** Interrupt controller configuration */
case object PLICKey extends Field[PLICConfig]
/** The file to read the BootROM contents from */
case object BootROMFile extends Field[String]
/** Export an external MMIO slave port */
case object ExportMMIOPort extends Field[Boolean]
/** Expose additional TileLink client ports */
case object NExternalClients extends Field[Int]
/** Extra top-level ports exported from the coreplex */
case object ExtraCoreplexPorts extends Field[Parameters => Bundle]
trait HasCoreplexParameters {
implicit val p: Parameters
lazy val nTiles = p(NTiles)
lazy val nMemChannels = p(NMemoryChannels)
lazy val nBanksPerMemChannel = p(NBanksPerMemoryChannel)
lazy val nBanks = nMemChannels*nBanksPerMemChannel
@ -49,20 +38,31 @@ trait HasCoreplexParameters {
lazy val innerParams = p.alterPartial({ case TLId => "L1toL2" })
lazy val outermostParams = p.alterPartial({ case TLId => "Outermost" })
lazy val outermostMMIOParams = p.alterPartial({ case TLId => "MMIO_Outermost" })
lazy val nExtClients = p(NExternalClients)
lazy val exportMMIO = p(ExportMMIOPort)
lazy val configString = p(rocketchip.ConfigString).get
lazy val globalAddrMap = p(rocketchip.GlobalAddrMap).get
abstract class Coreplex(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Module
case class CoreplexConfig(
nTiles: Int,
nExtInterrupts: Int,
nSlaves: Int,
hasSupervisor: Boolean,
hasExtMMIOPort: Boolean)
val plicKey = PLICConfig(nTiles, hasSupervisor, nExtInterrupts, 0)
abstract class Coreplex(implicit val p: Parameters, implicit val c: CoreplexConfig) extends Module
with HasCoreplexParameters {
class CoreplexIO(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Bundle {
val mem = Vec(nMemChannels, new ClientUncachedTileLinkIO()(outermostParams))
val ext_clients = Vec(nExtClients, new ClientUncachedTileLinkIO()(innerParams)).flip
val mmio = p(ExportMMIOPort).option(new ClientUncachedTileLinkIO()(outermostMMIOParams))
val interrupts = Vec(p(NExtInterrupts), Bool()).asInput
class CoreplexIO(implicit val p: Parameters, implicit val c: CoreplexConfig) extends Bundle {
val master = new Bundle {
val mem = Vec(nMemChannels, new ClientUncachedTileLinkIO()(outermostParams))
val mmio = c.hasExtMMIOPort.option(new ClientUncachedTileLinkIO()(outermostMMIOParams))
val slave = Vec(c.nSlaves, new ClientUncachedTileLinkIO()(innerParams)).flip
val interrupts = Vec(c.nExtInterrupts, Bool()).asInput
val debug = new DebugBusIO()(p).flip
val rtcTick = Bool(INPUT)
val extra = p(ExtraCoreplexPorts)(p)
val success: Option[Bool] = hasSuccessFlag.option(Bool(OUTPUT))
@ -70,16 +70,16 @@ abstract class Coreplex(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Module
val io = new CoreplexIO
class DefaultCoreplex(topParams: Parameters) extends Coreplex()(topParams) {
class DefaultCoreplex(tp: Parameters, tc: CoreplexConfig) extends Coreplex()(tp, tc) {
// Build a set of Tiles
val tileResets = Wire(Vec(nTiles, Bool()))
val tileResets = Wire(Vec(tc.nTiles, Bool()))
val tileList = p(BuildTiles).zip(tileResets).map {
case (tile, rst) => tile(rst, p)
val nCachedPorts = tileList.map(tile => tile.io.cached.size).reduce(_ + _)
val nUncachedPorts = tileList.map(tile => tile.io.uncached.size).reduce(_ + _)
// Build an uncore backing the Tiles
case HastiId => "TL"
case TLId => "L1toL2"
@ -87,25 +87,13 @@ class DefaultCoreplex(topParams: Parameters) extends Coreplex()(topParams) {
case NUncachedTileLinkPorts => nUncachedPorts
def printConfigString(implicit p: Parameters) = {
println("Generated Address Map")
for (entry <- p(GlobalAddrMap).flatten) {
val name = entry.name
val start = entry.region.start
val end = entry.region.start + entry.region.size - 1
println(f"\t$name%s $start%x - $end%x")
println("Generated Configuration String")
println(new String(p(ConfigString)))
def buildUncore(implicit p: Parameters) = {
// Create a simple L1toL2 NoC between the tiles and the banks of outer memory
// Cached ports are first in client list, making sharerToClientId just an indentity function
// addrToBank is sed to hash physical addresses (of cache blocks) to banks (and thereby memory channels)
def sharerToClientId(sharerId: UInt) = sharerId
def addrToBank(addr: UInt): UInt = if (nBanks == 0) UInt(0) else {
val isMemory = p(GlobalAddrMap).isInRegion("mem", addr << log2Up(p(CacheBlockBytes)))
val isMemory = globalAddrMap.isInRegion("mem", addr << log2Up(p(CacheBlockBytes)))
Mux(isMemory, addr.extract(lsb + log2Ceil(nBanks) - 1, lsb), UInt(nBanks))
val preBuffering = TileLinkDepths(1,1,2,2,0)
@ -124,7 +112,7 @@ class DefaultCoreplex(topParams: Parameters) extends Coreplex()(topParams) {
// Wire the tiles to the TileLink client ports of the L1toL2 network,
// and coherence manager(s) to the other side
l1tol2net.io.clients_cached <> tileList.map(_.io.cached).flatten
l1tol2net.io.clients_uncached <> tileList.map(_.io.uncached).flatten ++ io.ext_clients
l1tol2net.io.clients_uncached <> tileList.map(_.io.uncached).flatten ++ io.slave
l1tol2net.io.managers <> managerEndpoints.map(_.innerTL) :+ mmioManager.io.inner
// Create a converter between TileLinkIO and MemIO for each channel
@ -138,7 +126,7 @@ class DefaultCoreplex(topParams: Parameters) extends Coreplex()(topParams) {
TileLinkWidthAdapter(icPort, unwrap.io.out)
io.mem <> mem_ic.io.out
io.master.mem <> mem_ic.io.out
buildMMIONetwork(ClientUncachedTileLinkEnqueuer(mmioManager.io.outer, 1))(
p.alterPartial({case TLId => "L2toMMIO"}))
@ -151,7 +139,10 @@ class DefaultCoreplex(topParams: Parameters) extends Coreplex()(topParams) {
// for now, have the reset vector jump straight to memory
val memBase = (if (p(GlobalAddrMap) contains "mem") p(GlobalAddrMap)("mem") else p(GlobalAddrMap)("io:int:dmem0")).start
val memBase = (
if (globalAddrMap contains "mem") globalAddrMap("mem")
else globalAddrMap("io:int:dmem0")
val resetToMemDist = memBase - p(ResetVector)
require(resetToMemDist == (resetToMemDist.toInt >> 12 << 12))
val configStringAddr = p(ResetVector).toInt + rom.capacity
@ -159,17 +150,17 @@ class DefaultCoreplex(topParams: Parameters) extends Coreplex()(topParams) {
require(rom.getInt(12) == 0,
"Config string address position should not be occupied by code")
rom.putInt(12, configStringAddr)
rom.array() ++ p(ConfigString).toSeq
rom.array() ++ (configString.getBytes.toSeq)
def buildMMIONetwork(mmio: ClientUncachedTileLinkIO)(implicit p: Parameters) = {
val ioAddrMap = p(GlobalAddrMap).subMap("io")
val ioAddrMap = globalAddrMap.subMap("io")
val mmioNetwork = Module(new TileLinkRecursiveInterconnect(1, ioAddrMap))
mmioNetwork.io.in.head <> mmio
val plic = Module(new PLIC(p(PLICKey)))
val plic = Module(new PLIC(c.plicKey))
plic.io.tl <> mmioNetwork.port("int:plic")
for (i <- 0 until io.interrupts.size) {
val gateway = Module(new LevelGateway)
@ -191,25 +182,25 @@ class DefaultCoreplex(topParams: Parameters) extends Coreplex()(topParams) {
tile.io.prci <> prci
for (i <- 0 until nTiles) {
for (i <- 0 until tc.nTiles) {
prci.io.interrupts(i).meip := plic.io.harts(plic.cfg.context(i, 'M'))
if (p(UseVM))
prci.io.interrupts(i).seip := plic.io.harts(plic.cfg.context(i, 'S'))
prci.io.interrupts(i).debug := debugModule.io.debugInterrupts(i)
val tileSlavePorts = (0 until nTiles) map (i => s"int:dmem$i") filter (ioAddrMap contains _)
val tileSlavePorts = (0 until tc.nTiles) map (i => s"int:dmem$i") filter (ioAddrMap contains _)
for ((t, m) <- (tileList.map(_.io.slave).flatten) zip (tileSlavePorts map (mmioNetwork port _)))
t <> ClientUncachedTileLinkEnqueuer(m, 1)
val bootROM = Module(new ROMSlave(makeBootROM()))
bootROM.io <> mmioNetwork.port("int:bootrom")
io.mmio.foreach { _ <> mmioNetwork.port("ext") }
io.master.mmio.foreach { _ <> mmioNetwork.port("ext") }
class GroundTestCoreplex(topParams: Parameters) extends DefaultCoreplex(topParams) {
class GroundTestCoreplex(tp: Parameters, tc: CoreplexConfig) extends DefaultCoreplex(tp, tc) {
override def hasSuccessFlag = true
io.success.get := tileList.flatMap(_.io.elements get "success").map(_.asInstanceOf[Bool]).reduce(_&&_)

View File

@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
package coreplex
import Chisel._
import cde.{Parameters, Field}
import rocket.TileId
import groundtest._
import uncore.tilelink._
import uncore.agents._
case object ExportGroundTestStatus extends Field[Boolean]
class DirectGroundTestCoreplex(topParams: Parameters) extends Coreplex()(topParams) {
// Not using the debug
io.debug.req.ready := Bool(false)
io.debug.resp.valid := Bool(false)
require(nExtClients == 0)
require(nMemChannels == 1)
require(nTiles == 1)
val test = p(BuildGroundTest)(outermostParams.alterPartial({
case TileId => 0
case CacheName => "L1D"
require(test.io.cache.size == 0)
require(test.io.mem.size == nBanksPerMemChannel)
require(test.io.ptw.size == 0)
val mem_ic = Module(new TileLinkMemoryInterconnect(
nBanksPerMemChannel, nMemChannels)(outermostParams))
mem_ic.io.in <> test.io.mem
io.mem <> mem_ic.io.out
if (p(ExportGroundTestStatus)) {
val status = io.extra.asInstanceOf[GroundTestStatus]
val s_running :: s_finished :: s_errored :: s_timeout :: Nil = Enum(Bits(), 4)
val state = Reg(init = s_running)
val error_code = Reg(status.error.bits)
val timeout_code = Reg(status.timeout.bits)
when (state === s_running) {
when (test.io.status.finished) { state := s_finished }
when (test.io.status.error.valid) {
state := s_errored
error_code := test.io.status.error.bits
when (test.io.status.timeout.valid) {
state := s_timeout
timeout_code := test.io.status.timeout.bits
status.finished := (state === s_finished)
status.error.valid := (state === s_errored)
status.error.bits := error_code
status.timeout.valid := (state === s_timeout)
status.timeout.bits := timeout_code
override def hasSuccessFlag = true
io.success.get := test.io.status.finished

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package coreplex
import Chisel._
import groundtest._
import rocketchip.{GlobalAddrMap}
import rocket._
import uncore.tilelink._
import uncore.coherence._
@ -24,7 +25,7 @@ class WithComparator extends Config(
(p: Parameters) => Module(new ComparatorCore()(p))
case ComparatorKey => ComparatorParameters(
targets = Seq("mem", "io:ext:testram").map(name =>
width = 8,
operations = 1000,
atomics = site(UseAtomics),
@ -54,7 +55,7 @@ class WithMemtest extends Config(
case GeneratorKey => GeneratorParameters(
maxRequests = 128,
startAddress = site(GlobalAddrMap)("mem").start)
startAddress = site(GlobalAddrMap).get("mem").start)
case BuildGroundTest =>
(p: Parameters) => Module(new GeneratorTest()(p))
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
@ -114,7 +115,7 @@ class WithNastiConverterTest extends Config(
case GeneratorKey => GeneratorParameters(
maxRequests = 128,
startAddress = site(GlobalAddrMap)("mem").start)
startAddress = site(GlobalAddrMap).get("mem").start)
case BuildGroundTest =>
(p: Parameters) => Module(new NastiConverterTest()(p))
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
@ -134,7 +135,7 @@ class WithTraceGen extends Config(
val nSets = 32 // L2 NSets
val nWays = 1
val blockOffset = site(CacheBlockOffsetBits)
val baseAddr = site(GlobalAddrMap)("mem").start
val baseAddr = site(GlobalAddrMap).get("mem").start
val nBeats = site(MIFDataBeats)
List.tabulate(4 * nWays) { i =>
Seq.tabulate(nBeats) { j => (j * 8) + ((i * nSets) << blockOffset) }
@ -156,7 +157,7 @@ class WithPCIeMockupTest extends Config(
case GeneratorKey => GeneratorParameters(
maxRequests = 128,
startAddress = site(GlobalAddrMap)("mem").start)
startAddress = site(GlobalAddrMap).get("mem").start)
case BuildGroundTest =>
(p: Parameters) => p(TileId) match {
case 0 => Module(new GeneratorTest()(p))

View File

@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ import rocket.Tile
import uncore.tilelink.TLId
import cde.Parameters
class UnitTestCoreplex(topParams: Parameters) extends Coreplex()(topParams) {
require(nExtClients == 0)
class UnitTestCoreplex(tp: Parameters, tc: CoreplexConfig) extends Coreplex()(tp, tc) {
require(tc.nSlaves == 0)
require(nMemChannels == 0)
io.debug.req.ready := Bool(false)

View File

@ -176,6 +176,7 @@ class TagMan(val logNumTags : Int) extends Module {
class TraceGenerator(id: Int)
(implicit p: Parameters) extends L1HellaCacheModule()(p)
with HasAddrMapParameters
with HasTraceGenParams {
val io = new Bundle {
val finished = Bool(OUTPUT)
@ -197,8 +198,7 @@ class TraceGenerator(id: Int)
// Address bag, shared by all cores, taken from module parameters.
// In addition, there is a per-core random selection of extra addresses.
val addrHashMap = p(GlobalAddrMap)
val baseAddr = addrHashMap("mem").start + 0x01000000
val baseAddr = addrMap("mem").start + 0x01000000
val bagOfAddrs = addressBag.map(x => UInt(x, numBitsInWord))

View File

@ -7,13 +7,12 @@ import cde.{Parameters, Field}
import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap
case object PAddrBits extends Field[Int]
case object GlobalAddrMap extends Field[AddrMap]
trait HasAddrMapParameters {
implicit val p: Parameters
val paddrBits = p(PAddrBits)
val addrMap = p(GlobalAddrMap)
def addrMap = p(rocketchip.GlobalAddrMap).get
case class MemAttr(prot: Int, cacheable: Boolean = false)

View File

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import rocket._
import rocket.Util._
import uncore.agents._
import uncore.tilelink._
import uncore.tilelink2.{LazyModule}
import uncore.devices._
import uncore.converters._
import coreplex._
@ -17,156 +18,66 @@ import scala.collection.immutable.HashMap
import DefaultTestSuites._
import cde.{Parameters, Config, Dump, Knob, CDEMatchError}
class BasePlatformConfig extends Config (
topDefinitions = { (pname,site,here) =>
type PF = PartialFunction[Any,Any]
def findBy(sname:Any):Any = here[PF](site[Any](sname))(pname)
lazy val internalIOAddrMap: AddrMap = {
val entries = collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[AddrMapEntry]()
entries += AddrMapEntry("debug", MemSize(4096, MemAttr(AddrMapProt.RWX)))
entries += AddrMapEntry("bootrom", MemSize(4096, MemAttr(AddrMapProt.RX)))
entries += AddrMapEntry("plic", MemRange(0x40000000, 0x4000000, MemAttr(AddrMapProt.RW)))
entries += AddrMapEntry("prci", MemSize(0x4000000, MemAttr(AddrMapProt.RW)))
if (site(DataScratchpadSize) > 0) { // TODO heterogeneous tiles
require(site(NTiles) == 1) // TODO relax this
require(site(NMemoryChannels) == 0) // TODO allow both scratchpad & DRAM
entries += AddrMapEntry("dmem0", MemRange(0x80000000L, site[Int](DataScratchpadSize), MemAttr(AddrMapProt.RWX)))
new AddrMap(entries)
lazy val externalAddrMap = new AddrMap(
site(ExtraDevices).addrMapEntries ++ site(ExtMMIOPorts),
start = BigInt("50000000", 16),
collapse = true)
lazy val globalAddrMap = {
val memBase = 0x80000000L
val memSize = site(ExtMemSize)
val intern = AddrMapEntry("int", internalIOAddrMap)
val extern = AddrMapEntry("ext", externalAddrMap)
val io = AddrMapEntry("io", AddrMap((intern +: site(ExportMMIOPort).option(extern).toSeq):_*))
val mem = AddrMapEntry("mem", MemRange(memBase, memSize, MemAttr(AddrMapProt.RWX, true)))
val addrMap = AddrMap((io +: (site(NMemoryChannels) > 0).option(mem).toSeq):_*)
Dump("MEM_BASE", memBase)
def makeConfigString() = {
val addrMap = globalAddrMap
val plicAddr = addrMap("io:int:plic").start
val prciAddr = addrMap("io:int:prci").start
val plicInfo = site(PLICKey)
val xLen = site(XLen)
val res = new StringBuilder
res append "plic {\n"
res append s" priority 0x${plicAddr.toString(16)};\n"
res append s" pending 0x${(plicAddr + plicInfo.pendingBase).toString(16)};\n"
res append s" ndevs ${plicInfo.nDevices};\n"
res append "};\n"
res append "rtc {\n"
res append s" addr 0x${(prciAddr + PRCI.time).toString(16)};\n"
res append "};\n"
if (addrMap contains "mem") {
res append "ram {\n"
res append " 0 {\n"
res append s" addr 0x${addrMap("mem").start.toString(16)};\n"
res append s" size 0x${addrMap("mem").size.toString(16)};\n"
res append " };\n"
res append "};\n"
res append "core {\n"
for (i <- 0 until site(NTiles)) { // TODO heterogeneous tiles
val isa = {
val m = if (site(MulDivKey).nonEmpty) "m" else ""
val a = if (site(UseAtomics)) "a" else ""
val f = if (site(FPUKey).nonEmpty) "f" else ""
val d = if (site(FPUKey).nonEmpty && site(XLen) > 32) "d" else ""
val s = if (site(UseVM)) "s" else ""
class BasePlatformConfig extends Config(
topDefinitions = {
val configString = new GlobalVariable[String]
val globalAddrMap = new GlobalVariable[AddrMap]
val nCoreplexExtClients = new GlobalVariable[Int]
(pname,site,here) => {
type PF = PartialFunction[Any,Any]
def findBy(sname:Any):Any = here[PF](site[Any](sname))(pname)
lazy val innerDataBits = 64
lazy val innerDataBeats = (8 * site(CacheBlockBytes)) / innerDataBits
pname match {
//Memory Parameters
case MIFTagBits => Dump("MIF_TAG_BITS", 5)
case MIFDataBits => Dump("MIF_DATA_BITS", 64)
case MIFAddrBits => Dump("MIF_ADDR_BITS",
site(PAddrBits) - site(CacheBlockOffsetBits))
case MIFDataBeats => site(CacheBlockBytes) * 8 / site(MIFDataBits)
case NastiKey => {
Dump("MEM_STRB_BITS", site(MIFDataBits) / 8)
dataBits = Dump("MEM_DATA_BITS", site(MIFDataBits)),
addrBits = Dump("MEM_ADDR_BITS", site(PAddrBits)),
idBits = Dump("MEM_ID_BITS", site(MIFTagBits)))
res append s" $i {\n"
res append " 0 {\n"
res append s" isa $isa;\n"
res append s" timecmp 0x${(prciAddr + PRCI.timecmp(i)).toString(16)};\n"
res append s" ipi 0x${(prciAddr + PRCI.msip(i)).toString(16)};\n"
res append s" plic {\n"
res append s" m {\n"
res append s" ie 0x${(plicAddr + plicInfo.enableAddr(i, 'M')).toString(16)};\n"
res append s" thresh 0x${(plicAddr + plicInfo.threshAddr(i, 'M')).toString(16)};\n"
res append s" claim 0x${(plicAddr + plicInfo.claimAddr(i, 'M')).toString(16)};\n"
res append s" };\n"
if (site(UseVM)) {
res append s" s {\n"
res append s" ie 0x${(plicAddr + plicInfo.enableAddr(i, 'S')).toString(16)};\n"
res append s" thresh 0x${(plicAddr + plicInfo.threshAddr(i, 'S')).toString(16)};\n"
res append s" claim 0x${(plicAddr + plicInfo.claimAddr(i, 'S')).toString(16)};\n"
res append s" };\n"
res append " };\n"
res append " };\n"
res append " };\n"
case BuildCoreplex =>
(p: Parameters, c: CoreplexConfig) => Module(new DefaultCoreplex(p, c))
case NExtTopInterrupts => 2
// Note that PLIC asserts that this is > 0.
case AsyncDebugBus => false
case IncludeJtagDTM => false
case AsyncMMIOChannels => false
case ExtMMIOPorts => Nil
case NExtMMIOAXIChannels => 0
case NExtMMIOAHBChannels => 0
case NExtMMIOTLChannels => 0
case AsyncBusChannels => false
case NExtBusAXIChannels => 0
case NCoreplexExtClients => nCoreplexExtClients
case HastiId => "Ext"
case HastiKey("TL") =>
addrBits = site(PAddrBits),
dataBits = site(TLKey(site(TLId))).dataBits / site(TLKey(site(TLId))).dataBeats)
case HastiKey("Ext") =>
addrBits = site(PAddrBits),
dataBits = site(XLen))
case AsyncMemChannels => false
case NMemoryChannels => Dump("N_MEM_CHANNELS", 1)
case TMemoryChannels => BusType.AXI
case ExtMemSize => Dump("MEM_SIZE", 0x10000000L)
case ConfigString => configString
case GlobalAddrMap => globalAddrMap
case RTCPeriod => 100 // gives 10 MHz RTC assuming 1 GHz uncore clock
case BuildExampleTop =>
(p: Parameters) => uncore.tilelink2.LazyModule(new ExampleTop(p))
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
res append "};\n"
res append (site(ExtraDevices).makeConfigString(addrMap))
res append '\u0000'
lazy val innerDataBits = 64
lazy val innerDataBeats = (8 * site(CacheBlockBytes)) / innerDataBits
pname match {
//Memory Parameters
case MIFTagBits => Dump("MIF_TAG_BITS", 5)
case MIFDataBits => Dump("MIF_DATA_BITS", 64)
case MIFAddrBits => Dump("MIF_ADDR_BITS",
site(PAddrBits) - site(CacheBlockOffsetBits))
case MIFDataBeats => site(CacheBlockBytes) * 8 / site(MIFDataBits)
case NastiKey => {
Dump("MEM_STRB_BITS", site(MIFDataBits) / 8)
dataBits = Dump("MEM_DATA_BITS", site(MIFDataBits)),
addrBits = Dump("MEM_ADDR_BITS", site(PAddrBits)),
idBits = Dump("MEM_ID_BITS", site(MIFTagBits)))
case BuildCoreplex => (p: Parameters) => Module(new DefaultCoreplex(p))
case NExtTopInterrupts => 2
case NExtPeripheryInterrupts => site(ExtraDevices).nInterrupts
// Note that PLIC asserts that this is > 0.
case NExtInterrupts => site(NExtTopInterrupts) + site(NExtPeripheryInterrupts)
case AsyncDebugBus => false
case IncludeJtagDTM => false
case AsyncMMIOChannels => false
case ExtraDevices => new EmptyDeviceBlock
case ExtraTopPorts => (p: Parameters) => new Bundle
case ExtMMIOPorts => Nil
case NExtMMIOAXIChannels => 0
case NExtMMIOAHBChannels => 0
case NExtMMIOTLChannels => 0
case ExportMMIOPort => !externalAddrMap.isEmpty
case AsyncBusChannels => false
case NExtBusAXIChannels => 0
case NExternalClients => (if (site(NExtBusAXIChannels) > 0) 1 else 0) +
case ConnectExtraPorts =>
(out: Bundle, in: Bundle, p: Parameters) => out <> in
case HastiId => "Ext"
case HastiKey("TL") =>
addrBits = site(PAddrBits),
dataBits = site(TLKey(site(TLId))).dataBits / site(TLKey(site(TLId))).dataBeats)
case HastiKey("Ext") =>
addrBits = site(PAddrBits),
dataBits = site(XLen))
case AsyncMemChannels => false
case NMemoryChannels => Dump("N_MEM_CHANNELS", 1)
case TMemoryChannels => BusType.AXI
case ExtMemSize => Dump("MEM_SIZE", 0x10000000L)
case ConfigString => makeConfigString()
case GlobalAddrMap => globalAddrMap
case RTCPeriod => 100 // gives 10 MHz RTC assuming 1 GHz uncore clock
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
class BaseConfig extends Config(new BaseCoreplexConfig ++ new BasePlatformConfig)
class DefaultConfig extends Config(new WithBlockingL1 ++ new BaseConfig)
@ -178,7 +89,6 @@ class DefaultBufferlessConfig extends Config(
class FPGAConfig extends Config (
(pname,site,here) => pname match {
case NAcquireTransactors => 4
case ExportGroundTestStatus => true
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
@ -269,35 +179,12 @@ class TinyConfig extends Config(
new WithSmallCores ++ new WithRV32 ++
new WithStatelessBridge ++ new BaseConfig)
class WithTestRAM extends Config(
(pname, site, here) => pname match {
case ExtraDevices => {
class TestRAMDevice extends DeviceBlock {
val ramSize = 0x1000
def nClientPorts = 0
def addrMapEntries = Seq(
AddrMapEntry("testram", MemSize(ramSize, MemAttr(AddrMapProt.RW))))
def builder(
mmioPorts: HashMap[String, ClientUncachedTileLinkIO],
clientPorts: Seq[ClientUncachedTileLinkIO],
interrupts: Seq[Bool],
extra: Bundle, p: Parameters) {
val testram = Module(new TileLinkTestRAM(ramSize)(p))
testram.io <> mmioPorts("testram")
new TestRAMDevice
class WithAsyncDebug extends Config (
(pname, site, here) => pname match {
case AsyncDebugBus => true
class WithJtagDTM extends Config (
(pname, site, here) => pname match {
case IncludeJtagDTM => true

View File

@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
package rocketchip
import Chisel._
import junctions._
import uncore.tilelink._
import scala.collection.immutable.HashMap
import cde.{Parameters, Field}
case object ExtraTopPorts extends Field[Parameters => Bundle]
case object ExtraDevices extends Field[DeviceBlock]
abstract class DeviceBlock {
/** How many client ports will the devices use */
def nClientPorts: Int
/** Address map entries for all of the devices */
def addrMapEntries: Seq[AddrMapEntry]
* The total number of interrupt signals coming
* from all the devices */
def nInterrupts : Int = 0
* The function that elaborates all the extra devices and connects them
* to the TileLink ports and extra top-level ports.
* @param mmioPorts A hashmap for the mmio ports.
* Use the names specified in addrMapEntries to get
* the mmio port for each device.
* @param clientPorts All the client ports available for the devices
* @param interrupts External interrupts from Periphery to Coreplex
* @param extra The extra top-level IO bundle
* @param p The CDE parameters for the devices
def builder(
mmioPorts: HashMap[String, ClientUncachedTileLinkIO],
clientPorts: Seq[ClientUncachedTileLinkIO],
interrupts : Seq[Bool],
extra: Bundle, p: Parameters): Unit
* Create the config string entry for this device that goes into the
* Boot ROM. You generally won't need to override this
* @param fullAddrMap The full global address map
def makeConfigString(fullAddrMap: AddrMap): String = {
addrMapEntries.map { entry =>
val region = fullAddrMap("io:ext:" + entry.name)
s"${entry.name} {\n" +
s" addr 0x${region.start.toString(16)};\n" +
s" size 0x${region.size.toString(16)}; \n" +
class EmptyDeviceBlock extends DeviceBlock {
def nClientPorts = 0
def addrMapEntries = Seq.empty
def builder(
mmioPorts: HashMap[String, ClientUncachedTileLinkIO],
clientPorts: Seq[ClientUncachedTileLinkIO],
interrupts : Seq[Bool],
extra: Bundle, p: Parameters) {}

View File

@ -82,5 +82,5 @@ object RocketChipGenerator extends Generator {
writeOutputFile(td, s"$longName.prm", ParameterDump.getDump) // Parameters flagged with Dump()
writeOutputFile(td, s"${names.configs}.knb", world.getKnobs) // Knobs for DSE
writeOutputFile(td, s"${names.configs}.cst", world.getConstraints) // Constraints for DSE
writeOutputFile(td, s"${names.configs}.cfg", params(ConfigString).toString) // String for software
writeOutputFile(td, s"${names.configs}.cfg", params(ConfigString).get) // String for software

View File

@ -37,17 +37,10 @@ case object AsyncMemChannels extends Field[Boolean]
case object AsyncMMIOChannels extends Field[Boolean]
/** External address map settings */
case object ExtMMIOPorts extends Field[Seq[AddrMapEntry]]
/** Function for building Coreplex */
case object BuildCoreplex extends Field[Parameters => Coreplex]
/** Function for connecting coreplex extra ports to top-level extra ports */
case object ConnectExtraPorts extends Field[(Bundle, Bundle, Parameters) => Unit]
/** Specifies the size of external memory */
case object ExtMemSize extends Field[Long]
/** Specifies the actual sorce of External Interrupts as Top and Periphery.
* NExtInterrupts = NExtTopInterrupts + NExtPeripheryInterrupts
/** Specifies the number of external interrupts */
case object NExtTopInterrupts extends Field[Int]
case object NExtPeripheryInterrupts extends Field[Int]
/** Source of RTC. First bundle is TopIO.extra, Second bundle is periphery.io.extra **/
case object RTCPeriod extends Field[Int]
@ -122,29 +115,30 @@ trait PeripheryDebugModule {
trait PeripheryInterrupt extends LazyModule {
trait PeripheryExtInterrupts extends LazyModule {
implicit val p: Parameters
val pInterrupts: RangeManager
pInterrupts.add("ext", p(NExtTopInterrupts))
trait PeripheryInterruptBundle {
trait PeripheryExtInterruptsBundle {
implicit val p: Parameters
val interrupts = Vec(p(NExtTopInterrupts), Bool()).asInput
trait PeripheryInterruptModule {
trait PeripheryExtInterruptsModule {
implicit val p: Parameters
val outer: PeripheryInterrupt
val io: PeripheryInterruptBundle
val outer: PeripheryExtInterrupts
val io: PeripheryExtInterruptsBundle
val coreplex: Coreplex
val interrupts_periphery = Vec(p(NExtPeripheryInterrupts), Bool())
var interrupts_cnt = 0
// This places the Periphery Interrupts at Bits [0...]
// External interrupts are at the higher Bits.
// This may have some implications for prioritization of the interrupts,
// but PLIC could do some internal swizzling in the future.
coreplex.io.interrupts <> (interrupts_periphery ++ io.interrupts)
val r = outer.pInterrupts.range("ext")
((r._1 until r._2) zipWithIndex) foreach { case (c, i) =>
coreplex.io.interrupts(c) := io.interrupts(i)
@ -169,7 +163,7 @@ trait PeripheryMasterMemModule extends HasPeripheryParameters {
val coreplex: Coreplex
// Abuse the fact that zip takes the shorter of the two lists
((io.mem_axi zip coreplex.io.mem) zipWithIndex) foreach { case ((axi, mem), idx) =>
((io.mem_axi zip coreplex.io.master.mem) zipWithIndex) foreach { case ((axi, mem), idx) =>
val axi_sync = PeripheryUtils.convertTLtoAXI(mem)(outermostParams)
axi_sync.ar.bits.cache := UInt("b0011")
axi_sync.aw.bits.cache := UInt("b0011")
@ -179,11 +173,11 @@ trait PeripheryMasterMemModule extends HasPeripheryParameters {
(io.mem_ahb zip coreplex.io.mem) foreach { case (ahb, mem) =>
(io.mem_ahb zip coreplex.io.master.mem) foreach { case (ahb, mem) =>
ahb <> PeripheryUtils.convertTLtoAHB(mem, atomics = false)(outermostParams)
(io.mem_tl zip coreplex.io.mem) foreach { case (tl, mem) =>
(io.mem_tl zip coreplex.io.master.mem) foreach { case (tl, mem) =>
tl <> ClientUncachedTileLinkEnqueuer(mem, 2)(outermostParams)
@ -245,6 +239,9 @@ trait PeripheryMasterMMIOModule extends HasPeripheryParameters {
trait PeripherySlave extends LazyModule {
implicit val p: Parameters
val pBusMasters: RangeManager
if (p(NExtBusAXIChannels) > 0) pBusMasters.add("ext", 1) // NExtBusAXIChannels are arbitrated into one TL port
trait PeripherySlaveBundle extends HasPeripheryParameters {
@ -270,7 +267,65 @@ trait PeripherySlaveModule extends HasPeripheryParameters {
val conv = Module(new TileLinkIONastiIOConverter()(innerParams))
conv.io.nasti <> arb.io.slave
coreplex.io.ext_clients.head <> conv.io.tl
require(p(NExternalClients) == 1, "external devices can't slave ports. wait for tilelink2!")
val r = outer.pBusMasters.range("ext")
require(r._2 - r._1 == 1, "RangeManager should return 1 slot")
coreplex.io.slave(r._1) <> conv.io.tl
trait PeripheryTestRAM extends LazyModule {
implicit val p: Parameters
val pDevices: ResourceManager[AddrMapEntry]
val ramSize = 0x1000
pDevices.add(AddrMapEntry("testram", MemSize(ramSize, MemAttr(AddrMapProt.RW))))
trait PeripheryTestRAMBundle {
implicit val p: Parameters
trait PeripheryTestRAMModule extends HasPeripheryParameters {
implicit val p: Parameters
val outer: PeripheryTestRAM
val io: PeripheryTestRAMBundle
val mmioNetwork: Option[TileLinkRecursiveInterconnect]
val testram = Module(new TileLinkTestRAM(outer.ramSize)(innerMMIOParams))
testram.io <> mmioNetwork.get.port("testram")
trait PeripheryTestBusMaster extends LazyModule {
implicit val p: Parameters
val pBusMasters: RangeManager
val pDevices: ResourceManager[AddrMapEntry]
pBusMasters.add("busmaster", 1)
pDevices.add(AddrMapEntry("busmaster", MemSize(4096, MemAttr(AddrMapProt.RW))))
trait PeripheryTestBusMasterBundle {
implicit val p: Parameters
trait PeripheryTestBusMasterModule {
implicit val p: Parameters
val outer: PeripheryTestBusMaster
val io: PeripheryTestBusMasterBundle
val mmioNetwork: Option[TileLinkRecursiveInterconnect]
val coreplex: Coreplex
val busmaster = Module(new groundtest.ExampleBusMaster()(p))
busmaster.io.mmio <> mmioNetwork.get.port("busmaster")
val r = outer.pBusMasters.range("busmaster")
require(r._2 - r._1 == 1, "RangeManager should return 1 slot")
coreplex.io.slave(r._1) <> busmaster.io.mem

View File

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ class WithUnitTest extends Config(
(p: Parameters) => Module(new UnitTestCoreplex(p))
(p: Parameters, c: CoreplexConfig) => Module(new UnitTestCoreplex(p, c))
case UnitTests => (testParams: Parameters) =>
JunctionsUnitTests(testParams) ++ UncoreUnitTests(testParams)
@ -42,7 +42,8 @@ class UnitTestConfig extends Config(new WithUnitTest ++ new BaseConfig)
class WithGroundTest extends Config(
(pname, site, here) => pname match {
case BuildCoreplex => (p: Parameters) => Module(new GroundTestCoreplex(p))
case BuildCoreplex =>
(p: Parameters, c: CoreplexConfig) => Module(new GroundTestCoreplex(p, c))
case TLKey("L1toL2") => {
val useMEI = site(NTiles) <= 1 && site(NCachedTileLinkPorts) <= 1
@ -51,7 +52,7 @@ class WithGroundTest extends Config(
else new MESICoherence(site(L2DirectoryRepresentation))),
nManagers = site(NBanksPerMemoryChannel)*site(NMemoryChannels) + 1,
nCachingClients = site(NCachedTileLinkPorts),
nCachelessClients = site(NExternalClients) + site(NUncachedTileLinkPorts),
nCachelessClients = site(NCoreplexExtClients).get + site(NUncachedTileLinkPorts),
maxClientXacts = ((site(DCacheKey).nMSHRs + 1) +:
.reduce(max(_, _)),
@ -79,6 +80,8 @@ class WithGroundTest extends Config(
case BuildExampleTop =>
(p: Parameters) => uncore.tilelink2.LazyModule(new ExampleTopWithTestRAM(p))
case FPUKey => None
case UseAtomics => false
case UseCompressed => false
@ -89,7 +92,7 @@ class WithGroundTest extends Config(
class GroundTestConfig extends Config(new WithGroundTest ++ new BaseConfig)
class ComparatorConfig extends Config(
new WithTestRAM ++ new WithComparator ++ new GroundTestConfig)
new WithComparator ++ new GroundTestConfig)
class ComparatorL2Config extends Config(
new WithAtomics ++ new WithPrefetches ++
new WithL2Cache ++ new ComparatorConfig)
@ -147,60 +150,3 @@ class MIF32BitMemtestConfig extends Config(
class PCIeMockupTestConfig extends Config(
new WithPCIeMockupTest ++ new GroundTestConfig)
class WithDirectGroundTest extends Config(
(pname, site, here) => pname match {
case ExportGroundTestStatus => true
case BuildCoreplex => (p: Parameters) => Module(new DirectGroundTestCoreplex(p))
case ExtraCoreplexPorts => (p: Parameters) =>
if (p(ExportGroundTestStatus)) new GroundTestStatus else new Bundle
case ExtraTopPorts => (p: Parameters) =>
if (p(ExportGroundTestStatus)) new GroundTestStatus else new Bundle
case TLKey("Outermost") => site(TLKey("L2toMC")).copy(
maxClientXacts = site(GroundTestKey)(0).maxXacts,
maxClientsPerPort = site(NBanksPerMemoryChannel),
dataBeats = site(MIFDataBeats))
case NBanksPerMemoryChannel => site(GroundTestKey)(0).uncached
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
class DirectGroundTestConfig extends Config(
new WithDirectGroundTest ++ new GroundTestConfig)
class DirectMemtestConfig extends Config(
new WithDirectMemtest ++ new DirectGroundTestConfig)
class DirectComparatorConfig extends Config(
new WithDirectComparator ++ new DirectGroundTestConfig)
class DirectMemtestFPGAConfig extends Config(
new FPGAConfig ++ new DirectMemtestConfig)
class DirectComparatorFPGAConfig extends Config(
new FPGAConfig ++ new DirectComparatorConfig)
class WithBusMasterTest extends Config(
(pname, site, here) => pname match {
case GroundTestKey => Seq.fill(site(NTiles)) {
GroundTestTileSettings(uncached = 1)
case BuildGroundTest =>
(p: Parameters) => Module(new BusMasterTest()(p))
case ExtraDevices => {
class BusMasterDevice extends DeviceBlock {
def nClientPorts = 1
def addrMapEntries = Seq(
AddrMapEntry("busmaster", MemSize(4096, MemAttr(AddrMapProt.RW))))
def builder(
mmioPorts: HashMap[String, ClientUncachedTileLinkIO],
clientPorts: Seq[ClientUncachedTileLinkIO],
interrupts : Seq[Bool],
extra: Bundle, p: Parameters) {
val busmaster = Module(new ExampleBusMaster()(p))
busmaster.io.mmio <> mmioPorts("busmaster")
clientPorts.head <> busmaster.io.mem
new BusMasterDevice
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
class BusMasterTestConfig extends Config(new WithBusMasterTest ++ new GroundTestConfig)

View File

@ -7,11 +7,13 @@ import cde.{Parameters, Field}
import rocket.Util._
import junctions._
class TestHarness(implicit p: Parameters) extends Module {
case object BuildExampleTop extends Field[Parameters => ExampleTop]
class TestHarness(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Module with HasAddrMapParameters {
val io = new Bundle {
val success = Bool(OUTPUT)
val dut = uncore.tilelink2.LazyModule(new ExampleTop(p)).module
val dut = p(BuildExampleTop)(p).module
// This test harness isn't especially flexible yet
@ -29,7 +31,7 @@ class TestHarness(implicit p: Parameters) extends Module {
int := false
if (dut.io.mem_axi.nonEmpty) {
val memSize = p(GlobalAddrMap)("mem").size
val memSize = addrMap("mem").size
require(memSize % dut.io.mem_axi.size == 0)
for (axi <- dut.io.mem_axi)
Module(new SimAXIMem(memSize / dut.io.mem_axi.size)).io.axi <> axi

View File

@ -3,49 +3,93 @@
package rocketchip
import Chisel._
import cde.{Parameters}
import cde.{Parameters, Field}
import junctions._
import uncore.tilelink._
import uncore.tilelink2.{LazyModule, LazyModuleImp}
import uncore.devices._
import rocket._
import rocket.Util._
import coreplex._
// the following parameters will be refactored properly with TL2
case object GlobalAddrMap extends Field[GlobalVariable[AddrMap]]
case object ConfigString extends Field[GlobalVariable[String]]
case object NCoreplexExtClients extends Field[GlobalVariable[Int]]
/** Base Top with no Periphery */
abstract class BaseTop(val p: Parameters) extends LazyModule
abstract class BaseTop(val p: Parameters) extends LazyModule {
// the following variables will be refactored properly with TL2
val pInterrupts = new RangeManager
val pBusMasters = new RangeManager
val pDevices = new ResourceManager[AddrMapEntry]
class BaseTopBundle(val p: Parameters, val c: Coreplex) extends ParameterizedBundle()(p) {
val success = c.hasSuccessFlag.option(Bool(OUTPUT))
class BaseTopModule[L <: BaseTop, B <: BaseTopBundle](val p: Parameters, l: L, b: Coreplex => B) extends LazyModuleImp(l) {
val coreplex = p(BuildCoreplex)(p)
class BaseTopModule[+L <: BaseTop, +B <: BaseTopBundle](val p: Parameters, l: L, b: Coreplex => B) extends LazyModuleImp(l) {
val outer: L = l
val c = CoreplexConfig(
nTiles = p(NTiles),
nExtInterrupts = outer.pInterrupts.sum,
nSlaves = outer.pBusMasters.sum,
hasSupervisor = p(UseVM),
hasExtMMIOPort = !(outer.pDevices.get.isEmpty && p(ExtMMIOPorts).isEmpty)
p(GlobalAddrMap).assign(GenerateGlobalAddrMap(p, outer.pDevices.get))
p(ConfigString).assign(GenerateConfigString(p, c, outer.pDevices.get))
println("Generated Address Map")
for (entry <- p(GlobalAddrMap).get.flatten) {
val name = entry.name
val start = entry.region.start
val end = entry.region.start + entry.region.size - 1
println(f"\t$name%s $start%x - $end%x")
println("Generated Configuration String")
val coreplex = p(BuildCoreplex)(p, c)
val io: B = b(coreplex)
io.success zip coreplex.io.success map { case (x, y) => x := y }
coreplex.io.rtcTick := Counter(p(RTCPeriod)).inc()
val mmioNetwork = p(ExportMMIOPort).option(
Module(new TileLinkRecursiveInterconnect(1, p(GlobalAddrMap).subMap("io:ext"))(
val mmioNetwork = c.hasExtMMIOPort.option(
Module(new TileLinkRecursiveInterconnect(1, p(GlobalAddrMap).get.subMap("io:ext"))(
p.alterPartial({ case TLId => "L2toMMIO" }))))
mmioNetwork.foreach { _.io.in.head <> coreplex.io.mmio.get }
mmioNetwork.foreach { _.io.in.head <> coreplex.io.master.mmio.get }
/** Example Top with Periphery */
class ExampleTop(p: Parameters) extends BaseTop(p)
with PeripheryDebug with PeripheryInterrupt
with PeripheryDebug with PeripheryExtInterrupts
with PeripheryMasterMem with PeripheryMasterMMIO with PeripherySlave {
lazy val module = Module(new ExampleTopModule(p, this, new ExampleTopBundle(p, _)))
override lazy val module = Module(new ExampleTopModule(p, this, new ExampleTopBundle(p, _)))
class ExampleTopBundle(p: Parameters, c: Coreplex) extends BaseTopBundle(p, c)
with PeripheryDebugBundle with PeripheryInterruptBundle
with PeripheryDebugBundle with PeripheryExtInterruptsBundle
with PeripheryMasterMemBundle with PeripheryMasterMMIOBundle with PeripherySlaveBundle
class ExampleTopModule[L <: ExampleTop, B <: ExampleTopBundle](p: Parameters, l: L, b: Coreplex => B) extends BaseTopModule(p, l, b)
with PeripheryDebugModule with PeripheryInterruptModule
class ExampleTopModule[+L <: ExampleTop, +B <: ExampleTopBundle](p: Parameters, l: L, b: Coreplex => B) extends BaseTopModule(p, l, b)
with PeripheryDebugModule with PeripheryExtInterruptsModule
with PeripheryMasterMemModule with PeripheryMasterMMIOModule with PeripherySlaveModule
/** Example Top with TestRAM */
class ExampleTopWithTestRAM(p: Parameters) extends ExampleTop(p)
with PeripheryTestRAM {
override lazy val module = Module(new ExampleTopWithTestRAMModule(p, this, new ExampleTopWithTestRAMBundle(p, _)))
class ExampleTopWithTestRAMBundle(p: Parameters, c: Coreplex) extends ExampleTopBundle(p, c)
with PeripheryTestRAMBundle
class ExampleTopWithTestRAMModule[+L <: ExampleTopWithTestRAM, +B <: ExampleTopWithTestRAMBundle](p: Parameters, l: L, b: Coreplex => B) extends ExampleTopModule(p, l, b)
with PeripheryTestRAMModule

View File

@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
// See LICENSE for license details.
package rocketchip
import cde.{Parameters, Dump}
import junctions._
import uncore.devices._
import rocket._
import rocket.Util._
import coreplex._
class RangeManager {
private var finalized = false
private val l = collection.mutable.HashMap[String, Int]()
def add(name: String, element: Int) = { require(!finalized); l += (name -> element) }
def rangeMap = {
finalized = true
l map {
var sum = 0
x => { sum += x._2; (x._1 -> (sum-x._2, sum)) }
def range(name: String) = rangeMap(name)
def print = {
rangeMap map { case (name, (start, end)) =>
println(s"${name} on port ${start}-${end-1}")
def sum = {
finalized = true
class ResourceManager[T] {
private var finalized = false
private val l = collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[T]()
def add(element: T) = { require(!finalized); l += element }
def add(list: Seq[T]) = { require(!finalized); l ++= list }
def get: Seq[T] = { finalized = true; l }
class GlobalVariable[T] {
private var assigned = false
private var variable: T = _
def assign(value: T) = { require(!assigned); assigned = true; variable = value }
def get: T = { require(assigned); variable }
object GenerateGlobalAddrMap {
def apply(p: Parameters, pDevicesEntries: Seq[AddrMapEntry]) = {
lazy val intIOAddrMap: AddrMap = {
val entries = collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[AddrMapEntry]()
entries += AddrMapEntry("debug", MemSize(4096, MemAttr(AddrMapProt.RWX)))
entries += AddrMapEntry("bootrom", MemSize(4096, MemAttr(AddrMapProt.RX)))
entries += AddrMapEntry("plic", MemRange(0x40000000, 0x4000000, MemAttr(AddrMapProt.RW)))
entries += AddrMapEntry("prci", MemSize(0x4000000, MemAttr(AddrMapProt.RW)))
if (p(DataScratchpadSize) > 0) { // TODO heterogeneous tiles
require(p(NTiles) == 1) // TODO relax this
require(p(NMemoryChannels) == 0) // TODO allow both scratchpad & DRAM
entries += AddrMapEntry("dmem0", MemRange(0x80000000L, BigInt(p(DataScratchpadSize)), MemAttr(AddrMapProt.RWX)))
new AddrMap(entries)
lazy val extIOAddrMap = new AddrMap(
pDevicesEntries ++ p(ExtMMIOPorts),
start = BigInt("50000000", 16),
collapse = true)
val memBase = 0x80000000L
val memSize = p(ExtMemSize)
Dump("MEM_BASE", memBase)
val intern = AddrMapEntry("int", intIOAddrMap)
val extern = AddrMapEntry("ext", extIOAddrMap)
val io = AddrMapEntry("io", AddrMap((intern +: (!extIOAddrMap.isEmpty).option(extern).toSeq):_*))
val mem = AddrMapEntry("mem", MemRange(memBase, memSize, MemAttr(AddrMapProt.RWX, true)))
AddrMap((io +: (p(NMemoryChannels) > 0).option(mem).toSeq):_*)
object GenerateConfigString {
def apply(p: Parameters, c: CoreplexConfig, pDevicesEntries: Seq[AddrMapEntry]) = {
val addrMap = p(GlobalAddrMap).get
val plicAddr = addrMap("io:int:plic").start
val prciAddr = addrMap("io:int:prci").start
val xLen = p(XLen)
val res = new StringBuilder
res append "plic {\n"
res append s" priority 0x${plicAddr.toString(16)};\n"
res append s" pending 0x${(plicAddr + c.plicKey.pendingBase).toString(16)};\n"
res append s" ndevs ${c.plicKey.nDevices};\n"
res append "};\n"
res append "rtc {\n"
res append s" addr 0x${(prciAddr + PRCI.time).toString(16)};\n"
res append "};\n"
if (addrMap contains "mem") {
res append "ram {\n"
res append " 0 {\n"
res append s" addr 0x${addrMap("mem").start.toString(16)};\n"
res append s" size 0x${addrMap("mem").size.toString(16)};\n"
res append " };\n"
res append "};\n"
res append "core {\n"
for (i <- 0 until c.nTiles) { // TODO heterogeneous tiles
val isa = {
val m = if (p(MulDivKey).nonEmpty) "m" else ""
val a = if (p(UseAtomics)) "a" else ""
val f = if (p(FPUKey).nonEmpty) "f" else ""
val d = if (p(FPUKey).nonEmpty && p(XLen) > 32) "d" else ""
val s = if (c.hasSupervisor) "s" else ""
res append s" $i {\n"
res append " 0 {\n"
res append s" isa $isa;\n"
res append s" timecmp 0x${(prciAddr + PRCI.timecmp(i)).toString(16)};\n"
res append s" ipi 0x${(prciAddr + PRCI.msip(i)).toString(16)};\n"
res append s" plic {\n"
res append s" m {\n"
res append s" ie 0x${(plicAddr + c.plicKey.enableAddr(i, 'M')).toString(16)};\n"
res append s" thresh 0x${(plicAddr + c.plicKey.threshAddr(i, 'M')).toString(16)};\n"
res append s" claim 0x${(plicAddr + c.plicKey.claimAddr(i, 'M')).toString(16)};\n"
res append s" };\n"
if (c.hasSupervisor) {
res append s" s {\n"
res append s" ie 0x${(plicAddr + c.plicKey.enableAddr(i, 'S')).toString(16)};\n"
res append s" thresh 0x${(plicAddr + c.plicKey.threshAddr(i, 'S')).toString(16)};\n"
res append s" claim 0x${(plicAddr + c.plicKey.claimAddr(i, 'S')).toString(16)};\n"
res append s" };\n"
res append " };\n"
res append " };\n"
res append " };\n"
res append "};\n"
pDevicesEntries foreach { entry =>
val region = addrMap("io:ext:" + entry.name)
res append s"${entry.name} {\n"
res append s" addr 0x${region.start.toString(16)};\n"
res append s" size 0x${region.size.toString(16)}; \n"
res append "}\n"
res append '\u0000'