tilelink2 Xbar: merge the AddressSets of fractured managers

This commit is contained in:
Wesley W. Terpstra 2016-11-03 19:05:53 -07:00
parent 55326c29bb
commit ba3c83287f
3 changed files with 64 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -144,5 +144,24 @@ object AddressSet
misaligned(base+step, size-step, AddressSet(base, step-1) +: tail)
def unify(seq: Seq[AddressSet]): Seq[AddressSet] = {
val n = seq.size
val array = Array(seq:_*)
var filter = Array.fill(n) { false }
for (i <- 0 until n-1) { if (!filter(i)) {
for (j <- i+1 until n) { if (!filter(j)) {
val a = array(i)
val b = array(j)
if (a.mask == b.mask && isPow2(a.base ^ b.base)) {
val c_base = a.base & ~(a.base ^ b.base)
val c_mask = a.mask | (a.base ^ b.base)
filter.update(j, true)
array.update(i, AddressSet(c_base, c_mask))
val out = (array zip filter) flatMap { case (a, f) => if (f) None else Some(a) }
if (out.size != n) unify(out) else out.toList

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@ -287,3 +287,45 @@ case class TLAsyncEdgeParameters(client: TLAsyncClientPortParameters, manager: T
val bundle = TLAsyncBundleParameters(manager.depth, TLBundleParameters(client.base, manager.base))
object ManagerUnification
def apply(managers: Seq[TLManagerParameters]) = {
// To be unified, devices must agree on all of these terms
case class TLManagerKey(
regionType: RegionType.T,
executable: Boolean,
lastNode: BaseNode,
supportsAcquire: TransferSizes,
supportsArithmetic: TransferSizes,
supportsLogical: TransferSizes,
supportsGet: TransferSizes,
supportsPutFull: TransferSizes,
supportsPutPartial: TransferSizes,
supportsHint: TransferSizes)
def key(x: TLManagerParameters) = TLManagerKey(
regionType = x.regionType,
executable = x.executable,
lastNode = x.nodePath.last,
supportsAcquire = x.supportsAcquire,
supportsArithmetic = x.supportsArithmetic,
supportsLogical = x.supportsLogical,
supportsGet = x.supportsGet,
supportsPutFull = x.supportsPutFull,
supportsPutPartial = x.supportsPutPartial,
supportsHint = x.supportsHint)
val map = scala.collection.mutable.HashMap[TLManagerKey, TLManagerParameters]()
managers.foreach { m =>
val k = key(m)
map.get(k) match {
case None => map.update(k, m)
case Some(n) => {
map.update(k, m.copy(
address = m.address ++ n.address,
fifoId = None)) // Merging means it's not FIFO anymore!
map.values.map(m => m.copy(address = AddressSet.unify(m.address))).toList

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@ -54,13 +54,13 @@ class TLXbar(policy: TLArbiter.Policy = TLArbiter.lowestIndexFirst) extends Lazy
minLatency = seq.map(_.minLatency).min,
endSinkId = outputIdRanges.map(_.end).max,
managers = (outputIdRanges zip seq) flatMap { case (range, port) =>
managers = ManagerUnification(seq.flatMap { port =>
require (port.beatBytes == seq(0).beatBytes)
val fifoIdMapper = fifoIdFactory()
port.managers map { manager => manager.copy(
fifoId = manager.fifoId.map(fifoIdMapper(_))