get rid of AtoS RTL

This commit is contained in:
Howard Mao 2016-09-03 20:41:04 -07:00
parent f34843f1b9
commit b9b79e4fb6
3 changed files with 0 additions and 406 deletions

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@ -1,333 +0,0 @@
package junctions
import Chisel._
import scala.math.max
import cde.{Parameters, Field}
trait HasAtosParameters extends HasNastiParameters {
// round up to a multiple of 32
def roundup(n: Int) = 32 * ((n - 1) / 32 + 1)
val atosUnionBits = max(
nastiXIdBits + nastiXDataBits + nastiWStrobeBits + 1,
nastiXIdBits + nastiXBurstBits +
nastiXSizeBits + nastiXLenBits + nastiXAddrBits)
val atosIdBits = nastiXIdBits
val atosTypBits = 2
val atosRespBits = nastiXRespBits
val atosDataBits = nastiXDataBits
val atosAddrOffset = atosIdBits
val atosLenOffset = atosIdBits + nastiXAddrBits
val atosSizeOffset = atosLenOffset + nastiXLenBits
val atosBurstOffset = atosSizeOffset + nastiXSizeBits
val atosDataOffset = atosIdBits
val atosStrobeOffset = nastiXDataBits + atosIdBits
val atosLastOffset = atosStrobeOffset + nastiWStrobeBits
val atosRequestBits = roundup(atosTypBits + atosUnionBits)
val atosResponseBits = roundup(atosTypBits + atosIdBits + atosRespBits + atosDataBits + 1)
val atosRequestBytes = atosRequestBits / 8
val atosResponseBytes = atosResponseBits / 8
val atosRequestWords = atosRequestBytes / 4
val atosResponseWords = atosResponseBytes / 4
abstract class AtosModule(implicit val p: Parameters)
extends Module with HasAtosParameters
abstract class AtosBundle(implicit val p: Parameters)
extends ParameterizedBundle()(p) with HasAtosParameters
object AtosRequest {
def arType = UInt("b00")
def awType = UInt("b01")
def wType = UInt("b10")
def apply(typ: UInt, union: UInt)(implicit p: Parameters): AtosRequest = {
val areq = Wire(new AtosRequest)
areq.typ := typ
areq.union := union
def apply(ar: NastiReadAddressChannel)(implicit p: Parameters): AtosRequest =
apply(arType, Cat(ar.burst, ar.size, ar.len, ar.addr, ar.id))
def apply(aw: NastiWriteAddressChannel)(implicit p: Parameters): AtosRequest =
apply(awType, Cat(aw.burst, aw.size, aw.len, aw.addr, aw.id))
def apply(w: NastiWriteDataChannel)(implicit p: Parameters): AtosRequest =
apply(wType, Cat(w.last, w.strb, w.data, w.id))
class AtosRequest(implicit p: Parameters)
extends AtosBundle()(p) with Serializable {
val typ = UInt(width = atosTypBits)
val union = UInt(width = atosUnionBits)
def burst(dummy: Int = 0) =
union(atosUnionBits - 1, atosBurstOffset)
def size(dummy: Int = 0) =
union(atosBurstOffset - 1, atosSizeOffset)
def len(dummy: Int = 0) =
union(atosSizeOffset - 1, atosLenOffset)
def addr(dummy: Int = 0) =
union(atosLenOffset - 1, atosAddrOffset)
def id(dummy: Int = 0) =
union(atosIdBits - 1, 0)
def data(dummy: Int = 0) =
union(atosStrobeOffset - 1, atosDataOffset)
def strb(dummy: Int = 0) =
union(atosLastOffset - 1, atosStrobeOffset)
def last(dummy: Int = 0) =
def has_addr(dummy: Int = 0) =
typ === AtosRequest.arType || typ === AtosRequest.awType
def has_data(dummy: Int = 0) =
typ === AtosRequest.wType
def is_last(dummy: Int = 0) =
typ === AtosRequest.arType || (typ === AtosRequest.wType && last())
def nbits: Int = atosRequestBits
def resp_len(dummy: Int = 0) =
MuxLookup(typ, UInt(0), Seq(
AtosRequest.arType -> (len() + UInt(1)),
AtosRequest.awType -> UInt(1)))
object AtosResponse {
def rType = UInt("b00")
def bType = UInt("b01")
def apply(typ: UInt, id: UInt, resp: UInt, data: UInt, last: Bool)
(implicit p: Parameters): AtosResponse = {
val aresp = Wire(new AtosResponse)
aresp.typ := typ
aresp.id := id
aresp.resp := resp
aresp.data := data
aresp.last := last
def apply(r: NastiReadDataChannel)(implicit p: Parameters): AtosResponse =
apply(rType, r.id, r.resp, r.data, r.last)
def apply(b: NastiWriteResponseChannel)(implicit p: Parameters): AtosResponse =
apply(bType, b.id, b.resp, UInt(0), Bool(false))
class AtosResponse(implicit p: Parameters)
extends AtosBundle()(p) with Serializable {
val typ = UInt(width = atosTypBits)
val id = UInt(width = atosIdBits)
val resp = UInt(width = atosRespBits)
val last = Bool()
val data = UInt(width = atosDataBits)
def has_data(dummy: Int = 0) = typ === AtosResponse.rType
def is_last(dummy: Int = 0) = !has_data() || last
def nbits: Int = atosResponseBits
class AtosIO(implicit p: Parameters) extends AtosBundle()(p) {
val req = Decoupled(new AtosRequest)
val resp = Decoupled(new AtosResponse).flip
class AtosRequestEncoder(implicit p: Parameters) extends AtosModule()(p) {
val io = new Bundle {
val ar = Decoupled(new NastiReadAddressChannel).flip
val aw = Decoupled(new NastiWriteAddressChannel).flip
val w = Decoupled(new NastiWriteDataChannel).flip
val req = Decoupled(new AtosRequest)
val writing = Reg(init = Bool(false))
io.ar.ready := !writing && io.req.ready
io.aw.ready := !writing && !io.ar.valid && io.req.ready
io.w.ready := writing && io.req.ready
io.req.valid := Mux(writing, io.w.valid, io.ar.valid || io.aw.valid)
io.req.bits := Mux(writing, AtosRequest(io.w.bits),
Mux(io.ar.valid, AtosRequest(io.ar.bits), AtosRequest(io.aw.bits)))
when (io.aw.fire()) { writing := Bool(true) }
when (io.w.fire() && io.w.bits.last) { writing := Bool(false) }
class AtosResponseDecoder(implicit p: Parameters) extends AtosModule()(p) {
val io = new Bundle {
val resp = Decoupled(new AtosResponse).flip
val b = Decoupled(new NastiWriteResponseChannel)
val r = Decoupled(new NastiReadDataChannel)
val is_b = io.resp.bits.typ === AtosResponse.bType
val is_r = io.resp.bits.typ === AtosResponse.rType
io.b.valid := io.resp.valid && is_b
io.b.bits := NastiWriteResponseChannel(
id = io.resp.bits.id,
resp = io.resp.bits.resp)
io.r.valid := io.resp.valid && is_r
io.r.bits := NastiReadDataChannel(
id = io.resp.bits.id,
data = io.resp.bits.data,
last = io.resp.bits.last,
resp = io.resp.bits.resp)
io.resp.ready := (is_b && io.b.ready) || (is_r && io.r.ready)
class AtosClientConverter(implicit p: Parameters) extends AtosModule()(p) {
val io = new Bundle {
val nasti = (new NastiIO).flip
val atos = new AtosIO
val req_enc = Module(new AtosRequestEncoder)
req_enc.io.ar <> io.nasti.ar
req_enc.io.aw <> io.nasti.aw
req_enc.io.w <> io.nasti.w
io.atos.req <> req_enc.io.req
val resp_dec = Module(new AtosResponseDecoder)
resp_dec.io.resp <> io.atos.resp
io.nasti.b <> resp_dec.io.b
io.nasti.r <> resp_dec.io.r
class AtosRequestDecoder(implicit p: Parameters) extends AtosModule()(p) {
val io = new Bundle {
val req = Decoupled(new AtosRequest).flip
val ar = Decoupled(new NastiReadAddressChannel)
val aw = Decoupled(new NastiWriteAddressChannel)
val w = Decoupled(new NastiWriteDataChannel)
val is_ar = io.req.bits.typ === AtosRequest.arType
val is_aw = io.req.bits.typ === AtosRequest.awType
val is_w = io.req.bits.typ === AtosRequest.wType
io.ar.valid := io.req.valid && is_ar
io.ar.bits := NastiReadAddressChannel(
id = io.req.bits.id(),
addr = io.req.bits.addr(),
size = io.req.bits.size(),
len = io.req.bits.len(),
burst = io.req.bits.burst())
io.aw.valid := io.req.valid && is_aw
io.aw.bits := NastiWriteAddressChannel(
id = io.req.bits.id(),
addr = io.req.bits.addr(),
size = io.req.bits.size(),
len = io.req.bits.len(),
burst = io.req.bits.burst())
io.w.valid := io.req.valid && is_w
io.w.bits := NastiWriteDataChannel(
id = io.req.bits.id(),
data = io.req.bits.data(),
strb = Some(io.req.bits.strb()),
last = io.req.bits.last())
io.req.ready := (io.ar.ready && is_ar) ||
(io.aw.ready && is_aw) ||
(io.w.ready && is_w)
class AtosResponseEncoder(implicit p: Parameters) extends AtosModule()(p) {
val io = new Bundle {
val b = Decoupled(new NastiWriteResponseChannel).flip
val r = Decoupled(new NastiReadDataChannel).flip
val resp = Decoupled(new AtosResponse)
val locked = Reg(init = Bool(false))
io.resp.valid := (io.b.valid && !locked) || io.r.valid
io.resp.bits := Mux(io.r.valid,
AtosResponse(io.r.bits), AtosResponse(io.b.bits))
io.b.ready := !locked && !io.r.valid && io.resp.ready
io.r.ready := io.resp.ready
when (io.r.fire() && !io.r.bits.last) { locked := Bool(true) }
when (io.r.fire() && io.r.bits.last) { locked := Bool(false) }
class AtosManagerConverter(implicit p: Parameters) extends AtosModule()(p) {
val io = new Bundle {
val atos = (new AtosIO).flip
val nasti = new NastiIO
val req_dec = Module(new AtosRequestDecoder)
val resp_enc = Module(new AtosResponseEncoder)
req_dec.io.req <> io.atos.req
io.atos.resp <> resp_enc.io.resp
io.nasti.ar <> req_dec.io.ar
io.nasti.aw <> req_dec.io.aw
io.nasti.w <> req_dec.io.w
resp_enc.io.b <> io.nasti.b
resp_enc.io.r <> io.nasti.r
class AtosSerializedIO(w: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends ParameterizedBundle()(p) {
val req = Decoupled(Bits(width = w))
val resp = Decoupled(Bits(width = w)).flip
val clk = Bool(OUTPUT)
val clk_edge = Bool(OUTPUT)
override def cloneType = new AtosSerializedIO(w)(p).asInstanceOf[this.type]
class AtosSerdes(w: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends AtosModule()(p) {
val io = new Bundle {
val wide = (new AtosIO).flip
val narrow = new AtosSerializedIO(w)
val ser = Module(new Serializer(w, new AtosRequest))
ser.io.in <> io.wide.req
io.narrow.req <> ser.io.out
val des = Module(new Deserializer(w, new AtosResponse))
des.io.in <> io.narrow.resp
io.wide.resp <> des.io.out
class AtosDesser(w: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends AtosModule()(p) {
val io = new Bundle {
val narrow = new AtosSerializedIO(w).flip
val wide = new AtosIO
val des = Module(new Deserializer(w, new AtosRequest))
des.io.in <> io.narrow.req
io.wide.req <> des.io.out
val ser = Module(new Serializer(w, new AtosResponse))
ser.io.in <> io.wide.resp
io.narrow.resp <> ser.io.out

View File

@ -77,76 +77,6 @@ class NastiDriver(dataWidth: Int, burstLen: Int, nBursts: Int)
s"NastiDriver got wrong data") s"NastiDriver got wrong data")
} }
class AtosConverterTestBackend(implicit p: Parameters) extends NastiModule()(p) {
val io = new Bundle {
val nasti = (new NastiIO).flip
val finished = Bool(OUTPUT)
val (s_waddr :: s_wdata :: s_wresp ::
s_raddr :: s_rresp :: s_done :: Nil) = Enum(Bits(), 6)
val state = Reg(init = s_waddr)
val n_words = 4
val test_data = Reg(Vec(n_words, UInt(width = nastiXDataBits)))
val req_id = Reg(UInt(width = nastiXIdBits))
val (w_count, w_last) = Counter(io.nasti.w.fire(), n_words)
val (r_count, r_last) = Counter(io.nasti.r.fire(), n_words)
when (io.nasti.aw.fire()) {
req_id := io.nasti.aw.bits.id
state := s_wdata
when (io.nasti.w.fire()) {
test_data(w_count) := io.nasti.w.bits.data
when (io.nasti.w.bits.last) { state := s_wresp }
when (io.nasti.b.fire()) { state := s_raddr }
when (io.nasti.ar.fire()) {
req_id := io.nasti.ar.bits.id
state := s_rresp
when (io.nasti.r.fire() && io.nasti.r.bits.last) { state := s_done }
io.nasti.aw.ready := (state === s_waddr)
io.nasti.w.ready := (state === s_wdata)
io.nasti.ar.ready := (state === s_raddr)
io.nasti.b.valid := (state === s_wresp)
io.nasti.b.bits := NastiWriteResponseChannel(id = req_id)
io.nasti.r.valid := (state === s_rresp)
io.nasti.r.bits := NastiReadDataChannel(
id = req_id,
data = test_data(r_count),
last = r_last)
io.finished := (state === s_done)
class AtosConverterTest(implicit val p: Parameters) extends UnitTest
with HasNastiParameters {
val frontend = Module(new NastiDriver(nastiXDataBits, 4, 1))
val backend = Module(new AtosConverterTestBackend)
val serdes = Module(new AtosSerdes(8))
val desser = Module(new AtosDesser(8))
val client_conv = Module(new AtosClientConverter)
val manager_conv = Module(new AtosManagerConverter)
client_conv.io.nasti <> frontend.io.nasti
serdes.io.wide <> client_conv.io.atos
desser.io.narrow <> serdes.io.narrow
manager_conv.io.atos <> desser.io.wide
backend.io.nasti <> manager_conv.io.nasti
frontend.io.start := io.start
io.finished := frontend.io.finished && backend.io.finished
class HastiTest(implicit p: Parameters) extends UnitTest { class HastiTest(implicit p: Parameters) extends UnitTest {
val sram = Module(new HastiTestSRAM(8)) val sram = Module(new HastiTestSRAM(8))
val bus = Module(new HastiBus(Seq(a => Bool(true)))) val bus = Module(new HastiBus(Seq(a => Bool(true))))
@ -159,5 +89,3 @@ class HastiTest(implicit p: Parameters) extends UnitTest {
io.finished := driver.io.finished io.finished := driver.io.finished
driver.io.start := io.start driver.io.start := io.start
} }

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@ -59,7 +59,6 @@ object JunctionsUnitTests {
def apply(implicit p: Parameters): Seq[UnitTest] = def apply(implicit p: Parameters): Seq[UnitTest] =
Seq( Seq(
Module(new MultiWidthFifoTest), Module(new MultiWidthFifoTest),
Module(new AtosConverterTest),
Module(new NastiMemoryDemuxTest), Module(new NastiMemoryDemuxTest),
Module(new HastiTest)) Module(new HastiTest))
} }