Merge remote-tracking branch 'junctions/master' into mono-repo

This commit is contained in:
Howard Mao 2016-07-28 11:27:47 -07:00
commit a5b88d0bdc
17 changed files with 3246 additions and 0 deletions

junctions/.gitignore vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
# sbt specific
# Scala-IDE specific

junctions/LICENSE Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
Copyright (c) 2015, The Regents of the University of California (Regents)
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* Neither the name of junctions nor the names of its
contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
this software without specific prior written permission.

junctions/README.md Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# junctions
A repository for peripheral components and IO devices associated with the RocketChip project.
To uses these modules, include this repo as a git submodule within the your chip repository and add it as Project in your chip's build.scala. These components are only dependent on Chisel, i.e.
lazy val junctions = project.dependsOn(chisel)

junctions/build.sbt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
organization := "edu.berkeley.cs"
version := "1.0"
name := "junctions"
scalaVersion := "2.11.6"
// Provide a managed dependency on chisel if -DchiselVersion="" is supplied on the command line.
libraryDependencies ++= (Seq("chisel","cde").map {
dep: String => sys.props.get(dep + "Version") map { "edu.berkeley.cs" %% dep % _ }}).flatten
git.remoteRepo := "git@github.com:ucb-bar/junctions.git"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
resolvers += "jgit-repo" at "http://download.eclipse.org/jgit/maven"
addSbtPlugin("com.typesafe.sbt" % "sbt-ghpages" % "0.5.3")
addSbtPlugin("com.typesafe.sbt" % "sbt-site" % "0.8.1")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
// See LICENSE for license details.
package junctions
import Chisel._
import cde.{Parameters, Field}
import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap
case object PAddrBits extends Field[Int]
case object VAddrBits extends Field[Int]
case object PgIdxBits extends Field[Int]
case object PgLevels extends Field[Int]
case object PgLevelBits extends Field[Int]
case object ASIdBits extends Field[Int]
case object PPNBits extends Field[Int]
case object VPNBits extends Field[Int]
case object GlobalAddrMap extends Field[AddrMap]
trait HasAddrMapParameters {
implicit val p: Parameters
val paddrBits = p(PAddrBits)
val vaddrBits = p(VAddrBits)
val pgIdxBits = p(PgIdxBits)
val ppnBits = p(PPNBits)
val vpnBits = p(VPNBits)
val pgLevels = p(PgLevels)
val pgLevelBits = p(PgLevelBits)
val asIdBits = p(ASIdBits)
val addrMap = p(GlobalAddrMap)
case class MemAttr(prot: Int, cacheable: Boolean = false)
sealed abstract class MemRegion {
def start: BigInt
def size: BigInt
def numSlaves: Int
def attr: MemAttr
def containsAddress(x: UInt) = UInt(start) <= x && x < UInt(start + size)
case class MemSize(size: BigInt, attr: MemAttr) extends MemRegion {
def start = 0
def numSlaves = 1
case class MemRange(start: BigInt, size: BigInt, attr: MemAttr) extends MemRegion {
def numSlaves = 1
object AddrMapProt {
val R = 0x1
val W = 0x2
val X = 0x4
val RW = R | W
val RX = R | X
val RWX = R | W | X
val SZ = 3
class AddrMapProt extends Bundle {
val x = Bool()
val w = Bool()
val r = Bool()
case class AddrMapEntry(name: String, region: MemRegion)
object AddrMap {
def apply(elems: AddrMapEntry*): AddrMap = new AddrMap(elems)
class AddrMap(entriesIn: Seq[AddrMapEntry], val start: BigInt = BigInt(0)) extends MemRegion {
def isEmpty = entries.isEmpty
def length = entries.size
def numSlaves = entries.map(_.region.numSlaves).foldLeft(0)(_ + _)
def attr = ???
private val slavePorts = HashMap[String, Int]()
private val mapping = HashMap[String, MemRegion]()
val (size: BigInt, entries: Seq[AddrMapEntry]) = {
var ind = 0
var base = start
var rebasedEntries = collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[AddrMapEntry]()
for (AddrMapEntry(name, r) <- entriesIn) {
if (r.start != 0) {
val align = BigInt(1) << log2Ceil(r.size)
require(r.start >= base, s"region $name base address 0x${r.start.toString(16)} overlaps previous base 0x${base.toString(16)}")
require(r.start % align == 0, s"region $name base address 0x${r.start.toString(16)} not aligned to 0x${align.toString(16)}")
base = r.start
} else {
base = (base + r.size - 1) / r.size * r.size
r match {
case r: AddrMap =>
val subMap = new AddrMap(r.entries, base)
rebasedEntries += AddrMapEntry(name, subMap)
mapping += name -> subMap
mapping ++= subMap.mapping.map { case (k, v) => s"$name:$k" -> v }
slavePorts ++= subMap.slavePorts.map { case (k, v) => s"$name:$k" -> (ind + v) }
case _ =>
val e = MemRange(base, r.size, r.attr)
rebasedEntries += AddrMapEntry(name, e)
mapping += name -> e
slavePorts += name -> ind
ind += r.numSlaves
base += r.size
(base - start, rebasedEntries)
val flatten: Seq[(String, MemRange)] = {
val arr = new Array[(String, MemRange)](slavePorts.size)
for ((name, port) <- slavePorts)
arr(port) = (name, mapping(name).asInstanceOf[MemRange])
def apply(name: String): MemRegion = mapping(name)
def port(name: String): Int = slavePorts(name)
def subMap(name: String): AddrMap = mapping(name).asInstanceOf[AddrMap]
def isInRegion(name: String, addr: UInt): Bool = mapping(name).containsAddress(addr)
def isCacheable(addr: UInt): Bool = {
flatten.filter(_._2.attr.cacheable).map { case (_, region) =>
}.foldLeft(Bool(false))(_ || _)
def isValid(addr: UInt): Bool = {
flatten.map { case (_, region) =>
}.foldLeft(Bool(false))(_ || _)
def getProt(addr: UInt): AddrMapProt = {
val protForRegion = flatten.map { case (_, region) =>
Mux(region.containsAddress(addr), UInt(region.attr.prot, AddrMapProt.SZ), UInt(0))
new AddrMapProt().fromBits(protForRegion.reduce(_|_))

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@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
package junctions
import Chisel._
import scala.math.max
import cde.{Parameters, Field}
trait HasAtosParameters extends HasNastiParameters {
// round up to a multiple of 32
def roundup(n: Int) = 32 * ((n - 1) / 32 + 1)
val atosUnionBits = max(
nastiXIdBits + nastiXDataBits + nastiWStrobeBits + 1,
nastiXIdBits + nastiXBurstBits +
nastiXSizeBits + nastiXLenBits + nastiXAddrBits)
val atosIdBits = nastiXIdBits
val atosTypBits = 2
val atosRespBits = nastiXRespBits
val atosDataBits = nastiXDataBits
val atosAddrOffset = atosIdBits
val atosLenOffset = atosIdBits + nastiXAddrBits
val atosSizeOffset = atosLenOffset + nastiXLenBits
val atosBurstOffset = atosSizeOffset + nastiXSizeBits
val atosDataOffset = atosIdBits
val atosStrobeOffset = nastiXDataBits + atosIdBits
val atosLastOffset = atosStrobeOffset + nastiWStrobeBits
val atosRequestBits = roundup(atosTypBits + atosUnionBits)
val atosResponseBits = roundup(atosTypBits + atosIdBits + atosRespBits + atosDataBits + 1)
val atosRequestBytes = atosRequestBits / 8
val atosResponseBytes = atosResponseBits / 8
val atosRequestWords = atosRequestBytes / 4
val atosResponseWords = atosResponseBytes / 4
abstract class AtosModule(implicit val p: Parameters)
extends Module with HasAtosParameters
abstract class AtosBundle(implicit val p: Parameters)
extends ParameterizedBundle()(p) with HasAtosParameters
object AtosRequest {
def arType = UInt("b00")
def awType = UInt("b01")
def wType = UInt("b10")
def apply(typ: UInt, union: UInt)(implicit p: Parameters): AtosRequest = {
val areq = Wire(new AtosRequest)
areq.typ := typ
areq.union := union
def apply(ar: NastiReadAddressChannel)(implicit p: Parameters): AtosRequest =
apply(arType, Cat(ar.burst, ar.size, ar.len, ar.addr, ar.id))
def apply(aw: NastiWriteAddressChannel)(implicit p: Parameters): AtosRequest =
apply(awType, Cat(aw.burst, aw.size, aw.len, aw.addr, aw.id))
def apply(w: NastiWriteDataChannel)(implicit p: Parameters): AtosRequest =
apply(wType, Cat(w.last, w.strb, w.data, w.id))
class AtosRequest(implicit p: Parameters)
extends AtosBundle()(p) with Serializable {
val typ = UInt(width = atosTypBits)
val union = UInt(width = atosUnionBits)
def burst(dummy: Int = 0) =
union(atosUnionBits - 1, atosBurstOffset)
def size(dummy: Int = 0) =
union(atosBurstOffset - 1, atosSizeOffset)
def len(dummy: Int = 0) =
union(atosSizeOffset - 1, atosLenOffset)
def addr(dummy: Int = 0) =
union(atosLenOffset - 1, atosAddrOffset)
def id(dummy: Int = 0) =
union(atosIdBits - 1, 0)
def data(dummy: Int = 0) =
union(atosStrobeOffset - 1, atosDataOffset)
def strb(dummy: Int = 0) =
union(atosLastOffset - 1, atosStrobeOffset)
def last(dummy: Int = 0) =
def has_addr(dummy: Int = 0) =
typ === AtosRequest.arType || typ === AtosRequest.awType
def has_data(dummy: Int = 0) =
typ === AtosRequest.wType
def is_last(dummy: Int = 0) =
typ === AtosRequest.arType || (typ === AtosRequest.wType && last())
def nbits: Int = atosRequestBits
def resp_len(dummy: Int = 0) =
MuxLookup(typ, UInt(0), Seq(
AtosRequest.arType -> (len() + UInt(1)),
AtosRequest.awType -> UInt(1)))
object AtosResponse {
def rType = UInt("b00")
def bType = UInt("b01")
def apply(typ: UInt, id: UInt, resp: UInt, data: UInt, last: Bool)
(implicit p: Parameters): AtosResponse = {
val aresp = Wire(new AtosResponse)
aresp.typ := typ
aresp.id := id
aresp.resp := resp
aresp.data := data
aresp.last := last
def apply(r: NastiReadDataChannel)(implicit p: Parameters): AtosResponse =
apply(rType, r.id, r.resp, r.data, r.last)
def apply(b: NastiWriteResponseChannel)(implicit p: Parameters): AtosResponse =
apply(bType, b.id, b.resp, UInt(0), Bool(false))
class AtosResponse(implicit p: Parameters)
extends AtosBundle()(p) with Serializable {
val typ = UInt(width = atosTypBits)
val id = UInt(width = atosIdBits)
val resp = UInt(width = atosRespBits)
val last = Bool()
val data = UInt(width = atosDataBits)
def has_data(dummy: Int = 0) = typ === AtosResponse.rType
def is_last(dummy: Int = 0) = !has_data() || last
def nbits: Int = atosResponseBits
class AtosIO(implicit p: Parameters) extends AtosBundle()(p) {
val req = Decoupled(new AtosRequest)
val resp = Decoupled(new AtosResponse).flip
class AtosRequestEncoder(implicit p: Parameters) extends AtosModule()(p) {
val io = new Bundle {
val ar = Decoupled(new NastiReadAddressChannel).flip
val aw = Decoupled(new NastiWriteAddressChannel).flip
val w = Decoupled(new NastiWriteDataChannel).flip
val req = Decoupled(new AtosRequest)
val writing = Reg(init = Bool(false))
io.ar.ready := !writing && io.req.ready
io.aw.ready := !writing && !io.ar.valid && io.req.ready
io.w.ready := writing && io.req.ready
io.req.valid := Mux(writing, io.w.valid, io.ar.valid || io.aw.valid)
io.req.bits := Mux(writing, AtosRequest(io.w.bits),
Mux(io.ar.valid, AtosRequest(io.ar.bits), AtosRequest(io.aw.bits)))
when (io.aw.fire()) { writing := Bool(true) }
when (io.w.fire() && io.w.bits.last) { writing := Bool(false) }
class AtosResponseDecoder(implicit p: Parameters) extends AtosModule()(p) {
val io = new Bundle {
val resp = Decoupled(new AtosResponse).flip
val b = Decoupled(new NastiWriteResponseChannel)
val r = Decoupled(new NastiReadDataChannel)
val is_b = io.resp.bits.typ === AtosResponse.bType
val is_r = io.resp.bits.typ === AtosResponse.rType
io.b.valid := io.resp.valid && is_b
io.b.bits := NastiWriteResponseChannel(
id = io.resp.bits.id,
resp = io.resp.bits.resp)
io.r.valid := io.resp.valid && is_r
io.r.bits := NastiReadDataChannel(
id = io.resp.bits.id,
data = io.resp.bits.data,
last = io.resp.bits.last,
resp = io.resp.bits.resp)
io.resp.ready := (is_b && io.b.ready) || (is_r && io.r.ready)
class AtosClientConverter(implicit p: Parameters) extends AtosModule()(p) {
val io = new Bundle {
val nasti = (new NastiIO).flip
val atos = new AtosIO
val req_enc = Module(new AtosRequestEncoder)
req_enc.io.ar <> io.nasti.ar
req_enc.io.aw <> io.nasti.aw
req_enc.io.w <> io.nasti.w
io.atos.req <> req_enc.io.req
val resp_dec = Module(new AtosResponseDecoder)
resp_dec.io.resp <> io.atos.resp
io.nasti.b <> resp_dec.io.b
io.nasti.r <> resp_dec.io.r
class AtosRequestDecoder(implicit p: Parameters) extends AtosModule()(p) {
val io = new Bundle {
val req = Decoupled(new AtosRequest).flip
val ar = Decoupled(new NastiReadAddressChannel)
val aw = Decoupled(new NastiWriteAddressChannel)
val w = Decoupled(new NastiWriteDataChannel)
val is_ar = io.req.bits.typ === AtosRequest.arType
val is_aw = io.req.bits.typ === AtosRequest.awType
val is_w = io.req.bits.typ === AtosRequest.wType
io.ar.valid := io.req.valid && is_ar
io.ar.bits := NastiReadAddressChannel(
id = io.req.bits.id(),
addr = io.req.bits.addr(),
size = io.req.bits.size(),
len = io.req.bits.len(),
burst = io.req.bits.burst())
io.aw.valid := io.req.valid && is_aw
io.aw.bits := NastiWriteAddressChannel(
id = io.req.bits.id(),
addr = io.req.bits.addr(),
size = io.req.bits.size(),
len = io.req.bits.len(),
burst = io.req.bits.burst())
io.w.valid := io.req.valid && is_w
io.w.bits := NastiWriteDataChannel(
id = io.req.bits.id(),
data = io.req.bits.data(),
strb = Some(io.req.bits.strb()),
last = io.req.bits.last())
io.req.ready := (io.ar.ready && is_ar) ||
(io.aw.ready && is_aw) ||
(io.w.ready && is_w)
class AtosResponseEncoder(implicit p: Parameters) extends AtosModule()(p) {
val io = new Bundle {
val b = Decoupled(new NastiWriteResponseChannel).flip
val r = Decoupled(new NastiReadDataChannel).flip
val resp = Decoupled(new AtosResponse)
val locked = Reg(init = Bool(false))
io.resp.valid := (io.b.valid && !locked) || io.r.valid
io.resp.bits := Mux(io.r.valid,
AtosResponse(io.r.bits), AtosResponse(io.b.bits))
io.b.ready := !locked && !io.r.valid && io.resp.ready
io.r.ready := io.resp.ready
when (io.r.fire() && !io.r.bits.last) { locked := Bool(true) }
when (io.r.fire() && io.r.bits.last) { locked := Bool(false) }
class AtosManagerConverter(implicit p: Parameters) extends AtosModule()(p) {
val io = new Bundle {
val atos = (new AtosIO).flip
val nasti = new NastiIO
val req_dec = Module(new AtosRequestDecoder)
val resp_enc = Module(new AtosResponseEncoder)
req_dec.io.req <> io.atos.req
io.atos.resp <> resp_enc.io.resp
io.nasti.ar <> req_dec.io.ar
io.nasti.aw <> req_dec.io.aw
io.nasti.w <> req_dec.io.w
resp_enc.io.b <> io.nasti.b
resp_enc.io.r <> io.nasti.r
class AtosSerializedIO(w: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends ParameterizedBundle()(p) {
val req = Decoupled(Bits(width = w))
val resp = Decoupled(Bits(width = w)).flip
val clk = Bool(OUTPUT)
val clk_edge = Bool(OUTPUT)
override def cloneType = new AtosSerializedIO(w)(p).asInstanceOf[this.type]
class AtosSerdes(w: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends AtosModule()(p) {
val io = new Bundle {
val wide = (new AtosIO).flip
val narrow = new AtosSerializedIO(w)
val ser = Module(new Serializer(w, new AtosRequest))
ser.io.in <> io.wide.req
io.narrow.req <> ser.io.out
val des = Module(new Deserializer(w, new AtosResponse))
des.io.in <> io.narrow.resp
io.wide.resp <> des.io.out
class AtosDesser(w: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends AtosModule()(p) {
val io = new Bundle {
val narrow = new AtosSerializedIO(w).flip
val wide = new AtosIO
val des = Module(new Deserializer(w, new AtosRequest))
des.io.in <> io.narrow.req
io.wide.req <> des.io.out
val ser = Module(new Serializer(w, new AtosResponse))
ser.io.in <> io.wide.resp
io.narrow.resp <> ser.io.out

View File

@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
package junctions
import Chisel._
class Crossing[T <: Data](gen: T, enq_sync: Boolean, deq_sync: Boolean) extends Bundle {
val enq = Decoupled(gen).flip()
val deq = Decoupled(gen)
val enq_clock = if (enq_sync) Some(Clock(INPUT)) else None
val deq_clock = if (deq_sync) Some(Clock(INPUT)) else None
val enq_reset = if (enq_sync) Some(Bool(INPUT)) else None
val deq_reset = if (deq_sync) Some(Bool(INPUT)) else None
// Output is 1 for one cycle after any edge of 'in'
object AsyncHandshakePulse {
def apply(in: Bool, sync: Int): Bool = {
val syncv = RegInit(Vec.fill(sync+1){Bool(false)})
syncv.last := in
(syncv.init zip syncv.tail).foreach { case (sink, source) => sink := source }
syncv(0) =/= syncv(1)
class AsyncHandshakeSource[T <: Data](gen: T, sync: Int, clock: Clock, reset: Bool)
extends Module(_clock = clock, _reset = reset) {
val io = new Bundle {
// These come from the source clock domain
val enq = Decoupled(gen).flip()
// These cross to the sink clock domain
val bits = gen.cloneType.asOutput
val push = Bool(OUTPUT)
val pop = Bool(INPUT)
val ready = RegInit(Bool(true))
val bits = Reg(gen)
val push = RegInit(Bool(false))
io.enq.ready := ready
io.bits := bits
io.push := push
val pop = AsyncHandshakePulse(io.pop, sync)
assert (!pop || !ready)
when (pop) {
ready := Bool(true)
when (io.enq.fire()) {
ready := Bool(false)
bits := io.enq.bits
push := !push
class AsyncHandshakeSink[T <: Data](gen: T, sync: Int, clock: Clock, reset: Bool)
extends Module(_clock = clock, _reset = reset) {
val io = new Bundle {
// These cross to the source clock domain
val bits = gen.cloneType.asInput
val push = Bool(INPUT)
val pop = Bool(OUTPUT)
// These go to the sink clock domain
val deq = Decoupled(gen)
val valid = RegInit(Bool(false))
val bits = Reg(gen)
val pop = RegInit(Bool(false))
io.deq.valid := valid
io.deq.bits := bits
io.pop := pop
val push = AsyncHandshakePulse(io.push, sync)
assert (!push || !valid)
when (push) {
valid := Bool(true)
bits := io.bits
when (io.deq.fire()) {
valid := Bool(false)
pop := !pop
class AsyncHandshake[T <: Data](gen: T, sync: Int = 2) extends Module {
val io = new Crossing(gen, true, true)
require (sync >= 2)
val source = Module(new AsyncHandshakeSource(gen, sync, io.enq_clock.get, io.enq_reset.get))
val sink = Module(new AsyncHandshakeSink (gen, sync, io.deq_clock.get, io.deq_reset.get))
source.io.enq <> io.enq
io.deq <> sink.io.deq
sink.io.bits := source.io.bits
sink.io.push := source.io.push
source.io.pop := sink.io.pop
class AsyncDecoupledTo[T <: Data](gen: T, depth: Int = 0, sync: Int = 2) extends Module {
val io = new Crossing(gen, false, true)
// !!! if depth == 0 { use Handshake } else { use AsyncFIFO }
val crossing = Module(new AsyncHandshake(gen, sync)).io
crossing.enq_clock.get := clock
crossing.enq_reset.get := reset
crossing.enq <> io.enq
crossing.deq_clock.get := io.deq_clock.get
crossing.deq_reset.get := io.deq_reset.get
io.deq <> crossing.deq
object AsyncDecoupledTo {
// source is in our clock domain, output is in the 'to' clock domain
def apply[T <: Data](to_clock: Clock, to_reset: Bool, source: DecoupledIO[T], depth: Int = 0, sync: Int = 2): DecoupledIO[T] = {
val to = Module(new AsyncDecoupledTo(source.bits, depth, sync))
to.io.deq_clock.get := to_clock
to.io.deq_reset.get := to_reset
to.io.enq <> source
class AsyncDecoupledFrom[T <: Data](gen: T, depth: Int = 0, sync: Int = 2) extends Module {
val io = new Crossing(gen, true, false)
// !!! if depth == 0 { use Handshake } else { use AsyncFIFO }
val crossing = Module(new AsyncHandshake(gen, sync)).io
crossing.enq_clock.get := io.enq_clock.get
crossing.enq_reset.get := io.enq_reset.get
crossing.enq <> io.enq
crossing.deq_clock.get := clock
crossing.deq_reset.get := reset
io.deq <> crossing.deq
object AsyncDecoupledFrom {
// source is in the 'from' clock domain, output is in our clock domain
def apply[T <: Data](from_clock: Clock, from_reset: Bool, source: DecoupledIO[T], depth: Int = 0, sync: Int = 2): DecoupledIO[T] = {
val from = Module(new AsyncDecoupledFrom(source.bits, depth, sync))
from.io.enq_clock.get := from_clock
from.io.enq_reset.get := from_reset
from.io.enq <> source

View File

@ -0,0 +1,549 @@
package junctions
import Chisel._
import cde.{Parameters, Field}
object HastiConstants
// Values for htrans
val SZ_HTRANS = 2
val HTRANS_IDLE = UInt(0, SZ_HTRANS) // No transfer requested, not in a burst
val HTRANS_BUSY = UInt(1, SZ_HTRANS) // No transfer requested, in a burst
val HTRANS_NONSEQ = UInt(2, SZ_HTRANS) // First (potentially only) request in a burst
val HTRANS_SEQ = UInt(3, SZ_HTRANS) // Following requests in a burst
// Values for hburst
val SZ_HBURST = 3
val HBURST_SINGLE = UInt(0, SZ_HBURST) // Single access (no burst)
val HBURST_INCR = UInt(1, SZ_HBURST) // Incrementing burst of arbitrary length, not crossing 1KB
val HBURST_WRAP4 = UInt(2, SZ_HBURST) // 4-beat wrapping burst
val HBURST_INCR4 = UInt(3, SZ_HBURST) // 4-beat incrementing burst
val HBURST_WRAP8 = UInt(4, SZ_HBURST) // 8-beat wrapping burst
val HBURST_INCR8 = UInt(5, SZ_HBURST) // 8-beat incrementing burst
val HBURST_WRAP16 = UInt(6, SZ_HBURST) // 16-beat wrapping burst
val HBURST_INCR16 = UInt(7, SZ_HBURST) // 16-beat incrementing burst
// Values for hresp
val SZ_HRESP = 1
// Values for hsize are identical to TileLink MT_SZ
// ie: 8*2^SZ_HSIZE bit transfers
val SZ_HSIZE = 3
// Values for hprot (a bitmask)
val SZ_HPROT = 4
def HPROT_DATA = UInt("b0001") // Data access or Opcode fetch
def HPROT_PRIVILEGED = UInt("b0010") // Privileged or User access
def HPROT_BUFFERABLE = UInt("b0100") // Bufferable or non-bufferable
def HPROT_CACHEABLE = UInt("b1000") // Cacheable or non-cacheable
def dgate(valid: Bool, b: UInt) = Fill(b.getWidth, valid) & b
import HastiConstants._
case class HastiParameters(dataBits: Int, addrBits: Int)
case object HastiId extends Field[String]
case class HastiKey(id: String) extends Field[HastiParameters]
trait HasHastiParameters {
implicit val p: Parameters
val hastiParams = p(HastiKey(p(HastiId)))
val hastiAddrBits = hastiParams.addrBits
val hastiDataBits = hastiParams.dataBits
val hastiDataBytes = hastiDataBits/8
val hastiAlignment = log2Ceil(hastiDataBytes)
abstract class HastiModule(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Module
with HasHastiParameters
abstract class HastiBundle(implicit val p: Parameters) extends ParameterizedBundle()(p)
with HasHastiParameters
class HastiMasterIO(implicit p: Parameters) extends HastiBundle()(p) {
val htrans = UInt(OUTPUT, SZ_HTRANS)
val hmastlock = Bool(OUTPUT)
val haddr = UInt(OUTPUT, hastiAddrBits)
val hwrite = Bool(OUTPUT)
val hburst = UInt(OUTPUT, SZ_HBURST)
val hsize = UInt(OUTPUT, SZ_HSIZE)
val hprot = UInt(OUTPUT, SZ_HPROT)
val hwdata = Bits(OUTPUT, hastiDataBits)
val hrdata = Bits(INPUT, hastiDataBits)
val hready = Bool(INPUT)
val hresp = UInt(INPUT, SZ_HRESP)
def isNSeq(dummy:Int=0) = htrans === HTRANS_NONSEQ // SEQ does not start a NEW request
def isHold(dummy:Int=0) = htrans === HTRANS_BUSY || htrans === HTRANS_SEQ
def isIdle(dummy:Int=0) = htrans === HTRANS_IDLE || htrans === HTRANS_BUSY
class HastiSlaveIO(implicit p: Parameters) extends HastiBundle()(p) {
val htrans = UInt(INPUT, SZ_HTRANS)
val hmastlock = Bool(INPUT)
val haddr = UInt(INPUT, hastiAddrBits)
val hwrite = Bool(INPUT)
val hburst = UInt(INPUT, SZ_HBURST)
val hsize = UInt(INPUT, SZ_HSIZE)
val hprot = UInt(INPUT, SZ_HPROT)
val hwdata = Bits(INPUT, hastiDataBits)
val hrdata = Bits(OUTPUT, hastiDataBits)
val hsel = Bool(INPUT)
val hready = Bool(OUTPUT)
val hresp = UInt(OUTPUT, SZ_HRESP)
/* A diverted master is told hready when his address phase goes nowhere.
* In this case, we buffer his address phase request and replay it later.
* NOTE: this must optimize to nothing when divert is constantly false.
class MasterDiversion(implicit p: Parameters) extends HastiModule()(p) {
val io = new Bundle {
val in = (new HastiMasterIO).flip
val out = (new HastiMasterIO)
val divert = Bool(INPUT)
val full = Reg(init = Bool(false))
val buffer = Reg(new HastiMasterIO)
when (io.out.hready) {
full := Bool(false)
when (io.divert) {
full := Bool(true)
buffer := io.in
// If the master is diverted, he must also have been told hready
assert (!io.divert || io.in.hready,
"Diverted but not ready");
// Replay the request we diverted
io.out.htrans := Mux(full, buffer.htrans, io.in.htrans)
io.out.hmastlock := Mux(full, buffer.hmastlock, io.in.hmastlock)
io.out.haddr := Mux(full, buffer.haddr, io.in.haddr)
io.out.hwrite := Mux(full, buffer.hwrite, io.in.hwrite)
io.out.hburst := Mux(full, buffer.hburst, io.in.hburst)
io.out.hsize := Mux(full, buffer.hsize, io.in.hsize)
io.out.hprot := Mux(full, buffer.hprot, io.in.hprot)
io.out.hwdata := Mux(full, buffer.hwdata, io.in.hwdata)
// Pass slave response back
io.in.hrdata := io.out.hrdata
io.in.hresp := io.out.hresp
io.in.hready := io.out.hready && !full // Block master while we steal his address phase
/* Masters with lower index have priority over higher index masters.
* However, a lower priority master will retain control of a slave when EITHER:
* 1. a burst is in progress (switching slaves mid-burst violates AHB-lite at slave)
* 2. a transfer was waited (the standard forbids changing requests in this case)
* If a master raises hmastlock, it will be waited until no other master has inflight
* requests; then, it acquires exclusive control of the crossbar until hmastlock is low.
* To implement an AHB-lite crossbar, it is important to realize that requests and
* responses are coupled. Unlike modern bus protocols where the response data has flow
* control independent of the request data, in AHB-lite, both flow at the same time at
* the sole discretion of the slave via the hready signal. The address and data are
* delivered on two back-to-back cycles, the so-called address and data phases.
* Masters can only be connected to a single slave at a time. If a master had two different
* slave connections on the address and data phases, there would be two independent hready
* signals. An AHB-lite slave can assume that data flows when it asserts hready. If the data
* slave deasserts hready while the address slave asserts hready, the master is put in the
* impossible position of being in data phase on two slaves at once. For this reason, when
* a master issues back-to-back accesses to distinct slaves, we inject a pipeline bubble
* between the two requests to limit the master to just a single slave at a time.
* Conversely, a slave CAN have two masters attached to it. This is unproblematic, because
* the only signal which governs data flow is hready. Thus, both masters can be stalled
* safely by the single slave.
class HastiXbar(nMasters: Int, addressMap: Seq[UInt=>Bool])(implicit p: Parameters) extends HastiModule()(p) {
val io = new Bundle {
val masters = Vec(nMasters, new HastiMasterIO).flip
val slaves = Vec(addressMap.size, new HastiSlaveIO).flip
val nSlaves = addressMap.size
// Setup diversions infront of each master
val diversions = Seq.tabulate(nMasters) { m => Module(new MasterDiversion) }
(io.masters zip diversions) foreach { case (m, d) => d.io.in <> m }
// Handy short-hand
val masters = diversions map (_.io.out)
val slaves = io.slaves
// Lock status of the crossbar
val lockedM = Reg(init = Vec.fill(nMasters)(Bool(false)))
val isLocked = lockedM.reduce(_ || _)
// This matrix governs the master-slave connections in the address phase
// It is indexed by addressPhaseGrantSM(slave)(master)
// It is guaranteed to have at most one 'true' per column and per row
val addressPhaseGrantSM = Wire(Vec(nSlaves, Vec(nMasters, Bool())))
// This matrix governs the master-slave connections in the data phase
// It is guaranteed to have at most one 'true' per column and per row
val dataPhaseGrantSM = Reg (init = Vec.fill(nSlaves)(Vec.fill(nMasters)(Bool(false))))
// This matrix is the union of the address and data phases.
// It is transposed with respect to the two previous matrices.
// It is guaranteed to contain at most one 'true' per master row.
// However, two 'true's per slave column are permitted.
val unionGrantMS = Vec.tabulate(nMasters) { m => Vec.tabulate(nSlaves) { s =>
addressPhaseGrantSM(s)(m) || dataPhaseGrantSM(s)(m) } }
// Confirm the guarantees made above
def justOnce(v: Vec[Bool]) = v.fold(Bool(false)) { case (p, v) =>
assert (!p || !v)
p || v
addressPhaseGrantSM foreach { s => justOnce(s) }
unionGrantMS foreach { s => justOnce(s) }
// Data phase follows address phase whenever the slave is ready
(slaves zip (dataPhaseGrantSM zip addressPhaseGrantSM)) foreach { case (s, (d, a)) =>
when (s.hready) { d := a }
// Record the grant state from the previous cycle; needed in case we hold access
val priorAddressPhaseGrantSM = RegNext(addressPhaseGrantSM)
// If a master says BUSY or SEQ, it is in the middle of a burst.
// In this case, it MUST stay attached to the same slave as before.
// Otherwise, it would violate the AHB-lite specification as seen by
// the slave, which is guaranteed a complete burst of the promised length.
// One case where this matters is preventing preemption of low-prio masters.
// NOTE: this exposes a slave to bad addresses when a master is buggy
val holdBurstM = Vec(masters map { _.isHold() })
// Transform the burst hold requirement from master indexing to slave indexing
// We use the previous cycle's binding because the master continues the prior burst
val holdBurstS = Vec(priorAddressPhaseGrantSM map { m => Mux1H(m, holdBurstM) })
// If a slave says !hready to a request, it must retain the same master next cycle.
// The AHB-lite specification requires that a waited transfer remain unchanged.
// If we preempted a waited master, the new master's request could potentially differ.
val holdBusyS = RegNext(Vec(slaves map { s => !s.hready && s.hsel }))
// Combine the above two grounds to determine if the slave retains its prior master
val holdS = Vec((holdBurstS zip holdBusyS) map ({ case (a,b) => a||b }))
// Determine which master addresses match which slaves
val matchMS = Vec(masters map { m => Vec(addressMap map { afn => afn(m.haddr) }) })
// Detect requests to nowhere; we need to allow progress in this case
val nowhereM = Vec(matchMS map { s => !s.reduce(_ || _) })
// Detect if we need to inject a pipeline bubble between the master requests.
// Divert masters already granted a data phase different from next request.
// NOTE: if only one slave, matchMS is always true => bubble always false
// => the diversion registers are optimized away as they are unread
// NOTE: bubble => dataPhase => have an hready signal
val bubbleM =
Vec.tabulate(nMasters) { m =>
Vec.tabulate(nSlaves) { s => dataPhaseGrantSM(s)(m) && !matchMS(m)(s) }
.reduce(_ || _) }
// Block any request that requires bus ownership or conflicts with isLocked
val blockedM =
Vec((lockedM zip masters) map { case(l, m) => !l && (isLocked || m.hmastlock) })
// Requested access to slaves from masters (pre-arbitration)
// NOTE: isNSeq does NOT include SEQ; thus, masters who are midburst do not
// request access to a new slave. They stay tied to the old and do not get two.
// NOTE: if a master was waited, it must repeat the same request as last cycle;
// thus, it will request the same slave and not end up with two (unless buggy).
val NSeq = masters.map(_.isNSeq())
val requestSM = Vec.tabulate(nSlaves) { s => Vec.tabulate(nMasters) { m =>
matchMS(m)(s) && NSeq(m) && !bubbleM(m) && !blockedM(m) } }
// Select at most one master request per slave (lowest index = highest priority)
val selectedRequestSM = Vec(requestSM map { m => Vec(PriorityEncoderOH(m)) })
// Calculate new crossbar interconnect state
addressPhaseGrantSM := Vec((holdS zip (priorAddressPhaseGrantSM zip selectedRequestSM))
map { case (h, (p, r)) => Mux(h, p, r) })
for (m <- 0 until nMasters) {
// If the master is connected to a slave, the slave determines hready.
// However, if no slave is connected, for progress report ready anyway, if:
// bad address (swallow request) OR idle (permit stupid masters to move FSM)
val autoready = nowhereM(m) || masters(m).isIdle()
val hready = Mux1H(unionGrantMS(m), slaves.map(_.hready ^ autoready)) ^ autoready
masters(m).hready := hready
// If we diverted a master, we need to absorb his address phase to replay later
diversions(m).io.divert := (bubbleM(m) || blockedM(m)) && NSeq(m) && hready
// Master muxes (address and data phase are the same)
(masters zip unionGrantMS) foreach { case (m, g) => {
m.hrdata := Mux1H(g, slaves.map(_.hrdata))
m.hresp := Mux1H(g, slaves.map(_.hresp))
} }
// Slave address phase muxes
(slaves zip addressPhaseGrantSM) foreach { case (s, g) => {
s.htrans := Mux1H(g, masters.map(_.htrans))
s.haddr := Mux1H(g, masters.map(_.haddr))
s.hmastlock := isLocked
s.hwrite := Mux1H(g, masters.map(_.hwrite))
s.hsize := Mux1H(g, masters.map(_.hsize))
s.hburst := Mux1H(g, masters.map(_.hburst))
s.hprot := Mux1H(g, masters.map(_.hprot))
s.hsel := g.reduce(_ || _)
} }
// Slave data phase muxes
(slaves zip dataPhaseGrantSM) foreach { case (s, g) => {
s.hwdata := Mux1H(g, masters.map(_.hwdata))
} }
// When no master-slave connections are active, a master can take-over the bus
val canLock = !addressPhaseGrantSM.map({ v => v.reduce(_ || _) }).reduce(_ || _)
// Lowest index highest priority for lock arbitration
val reqLock = masters.map(_.hmastlock)
val winLock = PriorityEncoderOH(reqLock)
// Lock arbitration
when (isLocked) {
lockedM := (lockedM zip reqLock) map { case (a,b) => a && b }
} .elsewhen (canLock) {
lockedM := winLock
class HastiBus(amap: Seq[UInt=>Bool])(implicit p: Parameters) extends HastiModule()(p) {
val io = new Bundle {
val master = new HastiMasterIO().flip
val slaves = Vec(amap.size, new HastiSlaveIO).flip
val bar = Module(new HastiXbar(1, amap))
bar.io.masters(0) <> io.master
bar.io.slaves <> io.slaves
class HastiSlaveMux(n: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends HastiModule()(p) {
val io = new Bundle {
val ins = Vec(n, new HastiSlaveIO)
val out = new HastiSlaveIO().flip
val amap = Seq({ (_:UInt) => Bool(true)})
val bar = Module(new HastiXbar(n, amap))
io.ins <> bar.io.masters
io.out <> bar.io.slaves(0)
class HastiSlaveToMaster(implicit p: Parameters) extends HastiModule()(p) {
val io = new Bundle {
val in = new HastiSlaveIO
val out = new HastiMasterIO
io.out.htrans := Mux(io.in.hsel, io.in.htrans, HTRANS_IDLE)
io.out.hmastlock := io.in.hmastlock
io.out.haddr := io.in.haddr
io.out.hwrite := io.in.hwrite
io.out.hburst := io.in.hburst
io.out.hsize := io.in.hsize
io.out.hprot := io.in.hprot
io.out.hwdata := io.in.hwdata
io.in.hrdata := io.out.hrdata
io.in.hready := io.out.hready
io.in.hresp := io.out.hresp
class HastiMasterIONastiIOConverter(implicit p: Parameters) extends HastiModule()(p)
with HasNastiParameters {
val io = new Bundle {
val nasti = new NastiIO().flip
val hasti = new HastiMasterIO
require(hastiAddrBits == nastiXAddrBits)
require(hastiDataBits == nastiXDataBits)
val r_queue = Module(new Queue(new NastiReadDataChannel, 2, pipe = true))
val s_idle :: s_read :: s_write :: s_write_resp :: Nil = Enum(Bits(), 4)
val state = Reg(init = s_idle)
val addr = Reg(UInt(width = hastiAddrBits))
val id = Reg(UInt(width = nastiXIdBits))
val size = Reg(UInt(width = nastiXSizeBits))
val len = Reg(UInt(width = nastiXLenBits))
val data = Reg(UInt(width = nastiXDataBits))
val first = Reg(init = Bool(false))
val is_rtrans = (state === s_read) &&
(io.hasti.htrans === HTRANS_SEQ ||
io.hasti.htrans === HTRANS_NONSEQ)
val rvalid = RegEnable(is_rtrans, Bool(false), io.hasti.hready)
io.nasti.aw.ready := (state === s_idle)
io.nasti.ar.ready := (state === s_idle) && !io.nasti.aw.valid
io.nasti.w.ready := (state === s_write) && io.hasti.hready
io.nasti.b.valid := (state === s_write_resp)
io.nasti.b.bits := NastiWriteResponseChannel(id = id)
io.nasti.r <> r_queue.io.deq
r_queue.io.enq.valid := io.hasti.hready && rvalid
r_queue.io.enq.bits := NastiReadDataChannel(
id = id,
data = io.hasti.hrdata,
last = (len === UInt(0)))
assert(!r_queue.io.enq.valid || r_queue.io.enq.ready,
"NASTI -> HASTI converter queue overflow")
// How many read requests have we not delivered a response for yet?
val pending_count = r_queue.io.count + rvalid
io.hasti.haddr := addr
io.hasti.hsize := size
io.hasti.hwrite := (state === s_write)
io.hasti.hburst := HBURST_INCR
io.hasti.hprot := UInt(0)
io.hasti.hwdata := data
io.hasti.hmastlock := Bool(false)
io.hasti.htrans := MuxLookup(state, HTRANS_IDLE, Seq(
s_write -> Mux(io.nasti.w.valid,
s_read -> MuxCase(HTRANS_BUSY, Seq(
(pending_count <= UInt(1)) -> HTRANS_SEQ))))
when (io.nasti.aw.fire()) {
first := Bool(true)
addr := io.nasti.aw.bits.addr
id := io.nasti.aw.bits.id
size := io.nasti.aw.bits.size
state := s_write
when (io.nasti.ar.fire()) {
first := Bool(true)
addr := io.nasti.ar.bits.addr
id := io.nasti.ar.bits.id
size := io.nasti.ar.bits.size
len := io.nasti.ar.bits.len
state := s_read
when (io.nasti.w.fire()) {
first := Bool(false)
addr := addr + (UInt(1) << size)
data := io.nasti.w.bits.data
when (io.nasti.w.bits.last) { state := s_write_resp }
when (io.nasti.b.fire()) { state := s_idle }
when (is_rtrans && io.hasti.hready) {
first := Bool(false)
addr := addr + (UInt(1) << size)
len := len - UInt(1)
when (len === UInt(0)) { state := s_idle }
class HastiTestSRAM(depth: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends HastiModule()(p) {
val io = new HastiSlaveIO
// This is a test SRAM with random delays
val ready = LFSR16(Bool(true))(0) // Bool(true)
// Calculate the bitmask of which bytes are being accessed
val mask_decode = Vec.tabulate(hastiAlignment+1) (UInt(_) <= io.hsize)
val mask_wide = Vec.tabulate(hastiDataBytes) { i => mask_decode(log2Up(i+1)) }
val mask_shift = if (hastiAlignment == 0) UInt(1) else
mask_wide.toBits().asUInt() << io.haddr(hastiAlignment-1,0)
// The request had better have been aligned! (AHB-lite requires this)
if (hastiAlignment >= 1) {
assert (io.htrans === HTRANS_IDLE || io.htrans === HTRANS_BUSY ||
(io.haddr & mask_decode.toBits()(hastiAlignment,1).asUInt) === UInt(0),
"HASTI request not aligned")
// The mask and address during the address phase
val a_request = io.hsel && (io.htrans === HTRANS_NONSEQ || io.htrans === HTRANS_SEQ)
val a_mask = Wire(UInt(width = hastiDataBytes))
val a_address = io.haddr(depth-1, hastiAlignment)
val a_write = io.hwrite
// for backwards compatibility with chisel2, we needed a static width in definition
a_mask := mask_shift(hastiDataBytes-1, 0)
// The data phase signals
val d_read = RegEnable(a_request && !a_write, Bool(false), ready)
val d_mask = RegEnable(a_mask, ready && a_request)
val d_wdata = Vec.tabulate(hastiDataBytes) { i => io.hwdata(8*(i+1)-1, 8*i) }
// AHB writes must occur during the data phase; this poses a structural
// hazard with reads which must occur during the address phase. To solve
// this problem, we delay the writes until there is a free cycle.
// The idea is to record the address information from address phase and
// then as soon as possible flush the pending write. This cannot be done
// on a cycle when there is an address phase read, but on any other cycle
// the write will execute. In the case of reads following a write, the
// result must bypass data from the pending write into the read if they
// happen to have matching address.
// Remove this once HoldUnless is in chisel3
def holdUnless[T <: Data](in : T, enable: Bool): T = Mux(!enable, RegEnable(in, enable), in)
// Pending write?
val p_valid = RegInit(Bool(false))
val p_address = Reg(a_address)
val p_mask = Reg(a_mask)
val p_latch_d = RegNext(ready && a_request && a_write, Bool(false))
val p_wdata = holdUnless(d_wdata, p_latch_d)
// Use single-ported memory with byte-write enable
val mem = SeqMem(1 << (depth-hastiAlignment), Vec(hastiDataBytes, Bits(width = 8)))
// Decide is the SRAM port is used for reading or (potentially) writing
val read = ready && a_request && !a_write
// In case we are stalled, we need to hold the read data
val d_rdata = holdUnless(mem.read(a_address, read), RegNext(read))
// Whenever the port is not needed for reading, execute pending writes
when (!read) {
when (p_valid) { mem.write(p_address, p_wdata, p_mask.toBools) }
p_valid := Bool(false)
// Record the request for later?
when (ready && a_request && a_write) {
p_valid := Bool(true)
p_address := a_address
p_mask := a_mask
// Does the read need to be muxed with the previous write?
val a_bypass = a_address === p_address && p_valid
val d_bypass = RegEnable(a_bypass, ready && a_request)
// Mux in data from the pending write
val muxdata = Vec((p_mask.toBools zip (p_wdata zip d_rdata))
map { case (m, (p, r)) => Mux(d_bypass && m, p, r) })
// Wipe out any data the master should not see (for testing)
val outdata = Vec((d_mask.toBools zip muxdata)
map { case (m, p) => Mux(d_read && ready && m, p, Bits(0)) })
// Finally, the outputs
io.hrdata := outdata.toBits()
io.hready := ready
io.hresp := HRESP_OKAY

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// See LICENSE for license details.
package junctions
import Chisel._
import scala.math._
import cde.{Parameters, Field}
case object MIFAddrBits extends Field[Int]
case object MIFDataBits extends Field[Int]
case object MIFTagBits extends Field[Int]
case object MIFDataBeats extends Field[Int]
trait HasMIFParameters {
implicit val p: Parameters
val mifTagBits = p(MIFTagBits)
val mifAddrBits = p(MIFAddrBits)
val mifDataBits = p(MIFDataBits)
val mifDataBeats = p(MIFDataBeats)
abstract class MIFModule(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Module with HasMIFParameters
abstract class MIFBundle(implicit val p: Parameters) extends ParameterizedBundle()(p)
with HasMIFParameters
trait HasMemData extends HasMIFParameters {
val data = Bits(width = mifDataBits)
trait HasMemAddr extends HasMIFParameters {
val addr = UInt(width = mifAddrBits)
trait HasMemTag extends HasMIFParameters {
val tag = UInt(width = mifTagBits)
class MemReqCmd(implicit p: Parameters) extends MIFBundle()(p) with HasMemAddr with HasMemTag {
val rw = Bool()
class MemTag(implicit p: Parameters) extends MIFBundle()(p) with HasMemTag
class MemData(implicit p: Parameters) extends MIFBundle()(p) with HasMemData
class MemResp(implicit p: Parameters) extends MIFBundle()(p) with HasMemData with HasMemTag
class MemIO(implicit p: Parameters) extends ParameterizedBundle()(p) {
val req_cmd = Decoupled(new MemReqCmd)
val req_data = Decoupled(new MemData)
val resp = Decoupled(new MemResp).flip
class MemPipeIO(implicit p: Parameters) extends ParameterizedBundle()(p) {
val req_cmd = Decoupled(new MemReqCmd)
val req_data = Decoupled(new MemData)
val resp = Valid(new MemResp).flip
class MemSerializedIO(w: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends ParameterizedBundle()(p) {
val req = Decoupled(Bits(width = w))
val resp = Valid(Bits(width = w)).flip
override def cloneType = new MemSerializedIO(w)(p).asInstanceOf[this.type]
class MemSerdes(w: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends MIFModule
val io = new Bundle {
val wide = new MemIO().flip
val narrow = new MemSerializedIO(w)
val abits = io.wide.req_cmd.bits.toBits.getWidth
val dbits = io.wide.req_data.bits.toBits.getWidth
val rbits = io.wide.resp.bits.getWidth
val out_buf = Reg(Bits())
val in_buf = Reg(Bits())
val s_idle :: s_read_addr :: s_write_addr :: s_write_idle :: s_write_data :: Nil = Enum(UInt(), 5)
val state = Reg(init=s_idle)
val send_cnt = Reg(init=UInt(0, log2Up((max(abits, dbits)+w-1)/w)))
val data_send_cnt = Reg(init=UInt(0, log2Up(mifDataBeats)))
val adone = io.narrow.req.ready && send_cnt === UInt((abits-1)/w)
val ddone = io.narrow.req.ready && send_cnt === UInt((dbits-1)/w)
when (io.narrow.req.valid && io.narrow.req.ready) {
send_cnt := send_cnt + UInt(1)
out_buf := out_buf >> UInt(w)
when (io.wide.req_cmd.valid && io.wide.req_cmd.ready) {
out_buf := io.wide.req_cmd.bits.toBits
when (io.wide.req_data.valid && io.wide.req_data.ready) {
out_buf := io.wide.req_data.bits.toBits
io.wide.req_cmd.ready := state === s_idle
io.wide.req_data.ready := state === s_write_idle
io.narrow.req.valid := state === s_read_addr || state === s_write_addr || state === s_write_data
io.narrow.req.bits := out_buf
when (state === s_idle && io.wide.req_cmd.valid) {
state := Mux(io.wide.req_cmd.bits.rw, s_write_addr, s_read_addr)
when (state === s_read_addr && adone) {
state := s_idle
send_cnt := UInt(0)
when (state === s_write_addr && adone) {
state := s_write_idle
send_cnt := UInt(0)
when (state === s_write_idle && io.wide.req_data.valid) {
state := s_write_data
when (state === s_write_data && ddone) {
data_send_cnt := data_send_cnt + UInt(1)
state := Mux(data_send_cnt === UInt(mifDataBeats-1), s_idle, s_write_idle)
send_cnt := UInt(0)
val recv_cnt = Reg(init=UInt(0, log2Up((rbits+w-1)/w)))
val data_recv_cnt = Reg(init=UInt(0, log2Up(mifDataBeats)))
val resp_val = Reg(init=Bool(false))
resp_val := Bool(false)
when (io.narrow.resp.valid) {
recv_cnt := recv_cnt + UInt(1)
when (recv_cnt === UInt((rbits-1)/w)) {
recv_cnt := UInt(0)
data_recv_cnt := data_recv_cnt + UInt(1)
resp_val := Bool(true)
in_buf := Cat(io.narrow.resp.bits, in_buf((rbits+w-1)/w*w-1,w))
io.wide.resp.valid := resp_val
io.wide.resp.bits := io.wide.resp.bits.fromBits(in_buf)
class MemDesserIO(w: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends ParameterizedBundle()(p) {
val narrow = new MemSerializedIO(w).flip
val wide = new MemIO
class MemDesser(w: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends Module // test rig side
val io = new MemDesserIO(w)
val abits = io.wide.req_cmd.bits.toBits.getWidth
val dbits = io.wide.req_data.bits.toBits.getWidth
val rbits = io.wide.resp.bits.getWidth
val mifDataBeats = p(MIFDataBeats)
require(dbits >= abits && rbits >= dbits)
val recv_cnt = Reg(init=UInt(0, log2Up((rbits+w-1)/w)))
val data_recv_cnt = Reg(init=UInt(0, log2Up(mifDataBeats)))
val adone = io.narrow.req.valid && recv_cnt === UInt((abits-1)/w)
val ddone = io.narrow.req.valid && recv_cnt === UInt((dbits-1)/w)
val rdone = io.narrow.resp.valid && recv_cnt === UInt((rbits-1)/w)
val s_cmd_recv :: s_cmd :: s_data_recv :: s_data :: s_reply :: Nil = Enum(UInt(), 5)
val state = Reg(init=s_cmd_recv)
val in_buf = Reg(Bits())
when (io.narrow.req.valid && io.narrow.req.ready || io.narrow.resp.valid) {
recv_cnt := recv_cnt + UInt(1)
in_buf := Cat(io.narrow.req.bits, in_buf((rbits+w-1)/w*w-1,w))
io.narrow.req.ready := state === s_cmd_recv || state === s_data_recv
when (state === s_cmd_recv && adone) {
state := s_cmd
recv_cnt := UInt(0)
when (state === s_cmd && io.wide.req_cmd.ready) {
state := Mux(io.wide.req_cmd.bits.rw, s_data_recv, s_reply)
when (state === s_data_recv && ddone) {
state := s_data
recv_cnt := UInt(0)
when (state === s_data && io.wide.req_data.ready) {
state := s_data_recv
when (data_recv_cnt === UInt(mifDataBeats-1)) {
state := s_cmd_recv
data_recv_cnt := data_recv_cnt + UInt(1)
when (rdone) { // state === s_reply
when (data_recv_cnt === UInt(mifDataBeats-1)) {
state := s_cmd_recv
recv_cnt := UInt(0)
data_recv_cnt := data_recv_cnt + UInt(1)
val req_cmd = in_buf >> UInt(((rbits+w-1)/w - (abits+w-1)/w)*w)
io.wide.req_cmd.valid := state === s_cmd
io.wide.req_cmd.bits := io.wide.req_cmd.bits.fromBits(req_cmd)
io.wide.req_data.valid := state === s_data
io.wide.req_data.bits.data := in_buf >> UInt(((rbits+w-1)/w - (dbits+w-1)/w)*w)
val dataq = Module(new Queue(new MemResp, mifDataBeats))
dataq.io.enq <> io.wide.resp
dataq.io.deq.ready := recv_cnt === UInt((rbits-1)/w)
io.narrow.resp.valid := dataq.io.deq.valid
io.narrow.resp.bits := dataq.io.deq.bits.toBits >> (recv_cnt * UInt(w))
class MemIOArbiter(val arbN: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends MIFModule {
val io = new Bundle {
val inner = Vec(arbN, new MemIO).flip
val outer = new MemIO
if(arbN > 1) {
val cmd_arb = Module(new RRArbiter(new MemReqCmd, arbN))
val choice_q = Module(new Queue(cmd_arb.io.chosen, 4))
val (data_cnt, data_done) = Counter(io.outer.req_data.fire(), mifDataBeats)
io.inner.map(_.req_cmd).zipWithIndex.zip(cmd_arb.io.in).map{ case ((req, id), arb) => {
arb.valid := req.valid
arb.bits := req.bits
arb.bits.tag := Cat(req.bits.tag, UInt(id))
req.ready := arb.ready
io.outer.req_cmd.bits := cmd_arb.io.out.bits
io.outer.req_cmd.valid := cmd_arb.io.out.valid && choice_q.io.enq.ready
cmd_arb.io.out.ready := io.outer.req_cmd.ready && choice_q.io.enq.ready
choice_q.io.enq.bits := cmd_arb.io.chosen
choice_q.io.enq.valid := cmd_arb.io.out.fire() && cmd_arb.io.out.bits.rw
io.outer.req_data.bits := io.inner(choice_q.io.deq.bits).req_data.bits
io.outer.req_data.valid := io.inner(choice_q.io.deq.bits).req_data.valid && choice_q.io.deq.valid
io.inner.map(_.req_data.ready).zipWithIndex.foreach {
case(r, i) => r := UInt(i) === choice_q.io.deq.bits && choice_q.io.deq.valid
choice_q.io.deq.ready := data_done
io.outer.resp.ready := Bool(false)
for (i <- 0 until arbN) {
io.inner(i).resp.valid := Bool(false)
when(io.outer.resp.bits.tag(log2Up(arbN)-1,0).toUInt === UInt(i)) {
io.inner(i).resp.valid := io.outer.resp.valid
io.outer.resp.ready := io.inner(i).resp.ready
io.inner(i).resp.bits := io.outer.resp.bits
io.inner(i).resp.bits.tag := io.outer.resp.bits.tag >> UInt(log2Up(arbN))
} else { io.outer <> io.inner.head }
object MemIOMemPipeIOConverter {
def apply(in: MemPipeIO)(implicit p: Parameters): MemIO = {
val out = Wire(new MemIO())
in.resp.valid := out.resp.valid
in.resp.bits := out.resp.bits
out.resp.ready := Bool(true)
out.req_cmd.valid := in.req_cmd.valid
out.req_cmd.bits := in.req_cmd.bits
in.req_cmd.ready := out.req_cmd.ready
out.req_data.valid := in.req_data.valid
out.req_data.bits := in.req_data.bits
in.req_data.ready := out.req_data.ready
class MemPipeIOMemIOConverter(numRequests: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends MIFModule {
val io = new Bundle {
val cpu = new MemIO().flip
val mem = new MemPipeIO
val numEntries = numRequests * mifDataBeats
val size = log2Down(numEntries) + 1
val inc = Wire(Bool())
val dec = Wire(Bool())
val count = Reg(init=UInt(numEntries, size))
val watermark = count >= UInt(mifDataBeats)
when (inc && !dec) {
count := count + UInt(1)
when (!inc && dec) {
count := count - UInt(mifDataBeats)
when (inc && dec) {
count := count - UInt(mifDataBeats-1)
val cmdq_mask = io.cpu.req_cmd.bits.rw || watermark
io.mem.req_cmd.valid := io.cpu.req_cmd.valid && cmdq_mask
io.cpu.req_cmd.ready := io.mem.req_cmd.ready && cmdq_mask
io.mem.req_cmd.bits := io.cpu.req_cmd.bits
io.mem.req_data <> io.cpu.req_data
// Have separate queues to allow for different mem implementations
val resp_data_q = Module((new HellaQueue(numEntries)) { new MemData })
resp_data_q.io.enq.valid := io.mem.resp.valid
resp_data_q.io.enq.bits.data := io.mem.resp.bits.data
val resp_tag_q = Module((new HellaQueue(numEntries)) { new MemTag })
resp_tag_q.io.enq.valid := io.mem.resp.valid
resp_tag_q.io.enq.bits.tag := io.mem.resp.bits.tag
io.cpu.resp.valid := resp_data_q.io.deq.valid && resp_tag_q.io.deq.valid
io.cpu.resp.bits.data := resp_data_q.io.deq.bits.data
io.cpu.resp.bits.tag := resp_tag_q.io.deq.bits.tag
resp_data_q.io.deq.ready := io.cpu.resp.ready
resp_tag_q.io.deq.ready := io.cpu.resp.ready
inc := resp_data_q.io.deq.fire() && resp_tag_q.io.deq.fire()
dec := io.mem.req_cmd.fire() && !io.mem.req_cmd.bits.rw

View File

@ -0,0 +1,737 @@
/// See LICENSE for license details.
package junctions
import Chisel._
import scala.math.max
import scala.collection.mutable.ArraySeq
import cde.{Parameters, Field}
case object NastiKey extends Field[NastiParameters]
case class NastiParameters(dataBits: Int, addrBits: Int, idBits: Int)
trait HasNastiParameters {
implicit val p: Parameters
val nastiExternal = p(NastiKey)
val nastiXDataBits = nastiExternal.dataBits
val nastiWStrobeBits = nastiXDataBits / 8
val nastiXAddrBits = nastiExternal.addrBits
val nastiWIdBits = nastiExternal.idBits
val nastiRIdBits = nastiExternal.idBits
val nastiXIdBits = max(nastiWIdBits, nastiRIdBits)
val nastiXUserBits = 1
val nastiAWUserBits = nastiXUserBits
val nastiWUserBits = nastiXUserBits
val nastiBUserBits = nastiXUserBits
val nastiARUserBits = nastiXUserBits
val nastiRUserBits = nastiXUserBits
val nastiXLenBits = 8
val nastiXSizeBits = 3
val nastiXBurstBits = 2
val nastiXCacheBits = 4
val nastiXProtBits = 3
val nastiXQosBits = 4
val nastiXRegionBits = 4
val nastiXRespBits = 2
def bytesToXSize(bytes: UInt) = MuxLookup(bytes, UInt("b111"), Array(
UInt(1) -> UInt(0),
UInt(2) -> UInt(1),
UInt(4) -> UInt(2),
UInt(8) -> UInt(3),
UInt(16) -> UInt(4),
UInt(32) -> UInt(5),
UInt(64) -> UInt(6),
UInt(128) -> UInt(7)))
abstract class NastiModule(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Module
with HasNastiParameters
abstract class NastiBundle(implicit val p: Parameters) extends ParameterizedBundle()(p)
with HasNastiParameters
abstract class NastiChannel(implicit p: Parameters) extends NastiBundle()(p)
abstract class NastiMasterToSlaveChannel(implicit p: Parameters) extends NastiChannel()(p)
abstract class NastiSlaveToMasterChannel(implicit p: Parameters) extends NastiChannel()(p)
trait HasNastiMetadata extends HasNastiParameters {
val addr = UInt(width = nastiXAddrBits)
val len = UInt(width = nastiXLenBits)
val size = UInt(width = nastiXSizeBits)
val burst = UInt(width = nastiXBurstBits)
val lock = Bool()
val cache = UInt(width = nastiXCacheBits)
val prot = UInt(width = nastiXProtBits)
val qos = UInt(width = nastiXQosBits)
val region = UInt(width = nastiXRegionBits)
trait HasNastiData extends HasNastiParameters {
val data = UInt(width = nastiXDataBits)
val last = Bool()
class NastiReadIO(implicit val p: Parameters) extends ParameterizedBundle()(p) {
val ar = Decoupled(new NastiReadAddressChannel)
val r = Decoupled(new NastiReadDataChannel).flip
class NastiWriteIO(implicit val p: Parameters) extends ParameterizedBundle()(p) {
val aw = Decoupled(new NastiWriteAddressChannel)
val w = Decoupled(new NastiWriteDataChannel)
val b = Decoupled(new NastiWriteResponseChannel).flip
class NastiIO(implicit val p: Parameters) extends ParameterizedBundle()(p) {
val aw = Decoupled(new NastiWriteAddressChannel)
val w = Decoupled(new NastiWriteDataChannel)
val b = Decoupled(new NastiWriteResponseChannel).flip
val ar = Decoupled(new NastiReadAddressChannel)
val r = Decoupled(new NastiReadDataChannel).flip
class NastiAddressChannel(implicit p: Parameters) extends NastiMasterToSlaveChannel()(p)
with HasNastiMetadata
class NastiResponseChannel(implicit p: Parameters) extends NastiSlaveToMasterChannel()(p) {
val resp = UInt(width = nastiXRespBits)
class NastiWriteAddressChannel(implicit p: Parameters) extends NastiAddressChannel()(p) {
val id = UInt(width = nastiWIdBits)
val user = UInt(width = nastiAWUserBits)
class NastiWriteDataChannel(implicit p: Parameters) extends NastiMasterToSlaveChannel()(p)
with HasNastiData {
val id = UInt(width = nastiWIdBits)
val strb = UInt(width = nastiWStrobeBits)
val user = UInt(width = nastiWUserBits)
class NastiWriteResponseChannel(implicit p: Parameters) extends NastiResponseChannel()(p) {
val id = UInt(width = nastiWIdBits)
val user = UInt(width = nastiBUserBits)
class NastiReadAddressChannel(implicit p: Parameters) extends NastiAddressChannel()(p) {
val id = UInt(width = nastiRIdBits)
val user = UInt(width = nastiARUserBits)
class NastiReadDataChannel(implicit p: Parameters) extends NastiResponseChannel()(p)
with HasNastiData {
val id = UInt(width = nastiRIdBits)
val user = UInt(width = nastiRUserBits)
object NastiConstants {
val BURST_FIXED = UInt("b00")
val BURST_INCR = UInt("b01")
val BURST_WRAP = UInt("b10")
val RESP_OKAY = UInt("b00")
val RESP_EXOKAY = UInt("b01")
val RESP_SLVERR = UInt("b10")
val RESP_DECERR = UInt("b11")
import NastiConstants._
object NastiWriteAddressChannel {
def apply(id: UInt, addr: UInt, size: UInt,
len: UInt = UInt(0), burst: UInt = BURST_INCR)
(implicit p: Parameters) = {
val aw = Wire(new NastiWriteAddressChannel)
aw.id := id
aw.addr := addr
aw.len := len
aw.size := size
aw.burst := burst
aw.lock := Bool(false)
aw.cache := UInt("b0000")
aw.prot := UInt("b000")
aw.qos := UInt("b0000")
aw.region := UInt("b0000")
aw.user := UInt(0)
object NastiReadAddressChannel {
def apply(id: UInt, addr: UInt, size: UInt,
len: UInt = UInt(0), burst: UInt = BURST_INCR)
(implicit p: Parameters) = {
val ar = Wire(new NastiReadAddressChannel)
ar.id := id
ar.addr := addr
ar.len := len
ar.size := size
ar.burst := burst
ar.lock := Bool(false)
ar.cache := UInt(0)
ar.prot := UInt(0)
ar.qos := UInt(0)
ar.region := UInt(0)
ar.user := UInt(0)
object NastiWriteDataChannel {
def apply(data: UInt, strb: Option[UInt] = None,
last: Bool = Bool(true), id: UInt = UInt(0))
(implicit p: Parameters): NastiWriteDataChannel = {
val w = Wire(new NastiWriteDataChannel)
w.strb := strb.getOrElse(Fill(w.nastiWStrobeBits, UInt(1, 1)))
w.data := data
w.last := last
w.id := id
w.user := UInt(0)
object NastiReadDataChannel {
def apply(id: UInt, data: UInt, last: Bool = Bool(true), resp: UInt = UInt(0))(
implicit p: Parameters) = {
val r = Wire(new NastiReadDataChannel)
r.id := id
r.data := data
r.last := last
r.resp := resp
r.user := UInt(0)
object NastiWriteResponseChannel {
def apply(id: UInt, resp: UInt = UInt(0))(implicit p: Parameters) = {
val b = Wire(new NastiWriteResponseChannel)
b.id := id
b.resp := resp
b.user := UInt(0)
class MemIONastiIOConverter(cacheBlockOffsetBits: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends MIFModule
with HasNastiParameters {
val io = new Bundle {
val nasti = (new NastiIO).flip
val mem = new MemIO
require(mifDataBits == nastiXDataBits, "Data sizes between LLC and MC don't agree")
val (mif_cnt_out, mif_wrap_out) = Counter(io.mem.resp.fire(), mifDataBeats)
assert(!io.nasti.aw.valid || io.nasti.aw.bits.size === UInt(log2Up(mifDataBits/8)),
"Nasti data size does not match MemIO data size")
assert(!io.nasti.ar.valid || io.nasti.ar.bits.size === UInt(log2Up(mifDataBits/8)),
"Nasti data size does not match MemIO data size")
assert(!io.nasti.aw.valid || io.nasti.aw.bits.len === UInt(mifDataBeats - 1),
"Nasti length does not match number of MemIO beats")
assert(!io.nasti.ar.valid || io.nasti.ar.bits.len === UInt(mifDataBeats - 1),
"Nasti length does not match number of MemIO beats")
// according to the spec, we can't send b until the last transfer on w
val b_ok = Reg(init = Bool(true))
when (io.nasti.aw.fire()) { b_ok := Bool(false) }
when (io.nasti.w.fire() && io.nasti.w.bits.last) { b_ok := Bool(true) }
val id_q = Module(new Queue(UInt(width = nastiWIdBits), 2))
id_q.io.enq.valid := io.nasti.aw.valid && io.mem.req_cmd.ready
id_q.io.enq.bits := io.nasti.aw.bits.id
id_q.io.deq.ready := io.nasti.b.ready && b_ok
io.mem.req_cmd.bits.addr := Mux(io.nasti.aw.valid, io.nasti.aw.bits.addr, io.nasti.ar.bits.addr) >>
io.mem.req_cmd.bits.tag := Mux(io.nasti.aw.valid, io.nasti.aw.bits.id, io.nasti.ar.bits.id)
io.mem.req_cmd.bits.rw := io.nasti.aw.valid
io.mem.req_cmd.valid := (io.nasti.aw.valid && id_q.io.enq.ready) || io.nasti.ar.valid
io.nasti.ar.ready := io.mem.req_cmd.ready && !io.nasti.aw.valid
io.nasti.aw.ready := io.mem.req_cmd.ready && id_q.io.enq.ready
io.nasti.b.valid := id_q.io.deq.valid && b_ok
io.nasti.b.bits.id := id_q.io.deq.bits
io.nasti.b.bits.resp := UInt(0)
io.nasti.w.ready := io.mem.req_data.ready
io.mem.req_data.valid := io.nasti.w.valid
io.mem.req_data.bits.data := io.nasti.w.bits.data
assert(!io.nasti.w.valid || io.nasti.w.bits.strb.andR, "MemIO must write full cache line")
io.nasti.r.valid := io.mem.resp.valid
io.nasti.r.bits.data := io.mem.resp.bits.data
io.nasti.r.bits.last := mif_wrap_out
io.nasti.r.bits.id := io.mem.resp.bits.tag
io.nasti.r.bits.resp := UInt(0)
io.mem.resp.ready := io.nasti.r.ready
class NastiArbiterIO(arbN: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends Bundle {
val master = Vec(arbN, new NastiIO).flip
val slave = new NastiIO
override def cloneType =
new NastiArbiterIO(arbN).asInstanceOf[this.type]
/** Arbitrate among arbN masters requesting to a single slave */
class NastiArbiter(val arbN: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends NastiModule {
val io = new NastiArbiterIO(arbN)
if (arbN > 1) {
val arbIdBits = log2Up(arbN)
val ar_arb = Module(new RRArbiter(new NastiReadAddressChannel, arbN))
val aw_arb = Module(new RRArbiter(new NastiWriteAddressChannel, arbN))
val slave_r_arb_id = io.slave.r.bits.id(arbIdBits - 1, 0)
val slave_b_arb_id = io.slave.b.bits.id(arbIdBits - 1, 0)
val w_chosen = Reg(UInt(width = arbIdBits))
val w_done = Reg(init = Bool(true))
when (aw_arb.io.out.fire()) {
w_chosen := aw_arb.io.chosen
w_done := Bool(false)
when (io.slave.w.fire() && io.slave.w.bits.last) {
w_done := Bool(true)
for (i <- 0 until arbN) {
val m_ar = io.master(i).ar
val m_aw = io.master(i).aw
val m_r = io.master(i).r
val m_b = io.master(i).b
val a_ar = ar_arb.io.in(i)
val a_aw = aw_arb.io.in(i)
val m_w = io.master(i).w
a_ar <> m_ar
a_ar.bits.id := Cat(m_ar.bits.id, UInt(i, arbIdBits))
a_aw <> m_aw
a_aw.bits.id := Cat(m_aw.bits.id, UInt(i, arbIdBits))
m_r.valid := io.slave.r.valid && slave_r_arb_id === UInt(i)
m_r.bits := io.slave.r.bits
m_r.bits.id := io.slave.r.bits.id >> UInt(arbIdBits)
m_b.valid := io.slave.b.valid && slave_b_arb_id === UInt(i)
m_b.bits := io.slave.b.bits
m_b.bits.id := io.slave.b.bits.id >> UInt(arbIdBits)
m_w.ready := io.slave.w.ready && w_chosen === UInt(i) && !w_done
io.slave.r.ready := io.master(slave_r_arb_id).r.ready
io.slave.b.ready := io.master(slave_b_arb_id).b.ready
io.slave.w.bits := io.master(w_chosen).w.bits
io.slave.w.valid := io.master(w_chosen).w.valid && !w_done
io.slave.ar <> ar_arb.io.out
io.slave.aw.bits <> aw_arb.io.out.bits
io.slave.aw.valid := aw_arb.io.out.valid && w_done
aw_arb.io.out.ready := io.slave.aw.ready && w_done
} else { io.slave <> io.master.head }
/** A slave that send decode error for every request it receives */
class NastiErrorSlave(implicit p: Parameters) extends NastiModule {
val io = (new NastiIO).flip
when (io.ar.fire()) { printf("Invalid read address %x\n", io.ar.bits.addr) }
when (io.aw.fire()) { printf("Invalid write address %x\n", io.aw.bits.addr) }
val r_queue = Module(new Queue(new NastiReadAddressChannel, 1))
r_queue.io.enq <> io.ar
val responding = Reg(init = Bool(false))
val beats_left = Reg(init = UInt(0, nastiXLenBits))
when (!responding && r_queue.io.deq.valid) {
responding := Bool(true)
beats_left := r_queue.io.deq.bits.len
io.r.valid := r_queue.io.deq.valid && responding
io.r.bits.id := r_queue.io.deq.bits.id
io.r.bits.data := UInt(0)
io.r.bits.resp := RESP_DECERR
io.r.bits.last := beats_left === UInt(0)
r_queue.io.deq.ready := io.r.fire() && io.r.bits.last
when (io.r.fire()) {
when (beats_left === UInt(0)) {
responding := Bool(false)
} .otherwise {
beats_left := beats_left - UInt(1)
val draining = Reg(init = Bool(false))
io.w.ready := draining
when (io.aw.fire()) { draining := Bool(true) }
when (io.w.fire() && io.w.bits.last) { draining := Bool(false) }
val b_queue = Module(new Queue(UInt(width = nastiWIdBits), 1))
b_queue.io.enq.valid := io.aw.valid && !draining
b_queue.io.enq.bits := io.aw.bits.id
io.aw.ready := b_queue.io.enq.ready && !draining
io.b.valid := b_queue.io.deq.valid && !draining
io.b.bits.id := b_queue.io.deq.bits
io.b.bits.resp := Bits("b11")
b_queue.io.deq.ready := io.b.ready && !draining
class NastiRouterIO(nSlaves: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends Bundle {
val master = (new NastiIO).flip
val slave = Vec(nSlaves, new NastiIO)
override def cloneType =
new NastiRouterIO(nSlaves).asInstanceOf[this.type]
/** Take a single Nasti master and route its requests to various slaves
* @param nSlaves the number of slaves
* @param routeSel a function which takes an address and produces
* a one-hot encoded selection of the slave to write to */
class NastiRouter(nSlaves: Int, routeSel: UInt => UInt)(implicit p: Parameters)
extends NastiModule {
val io = new NastiRouterIO(nSlaves)
val ar_route = routeSel(io.master.ar.bits.addr)
val aw_route = routeSel(io.master.aw.bits.addr)
var ar_ready = Bool(false)
var aw_ready = Bool(false)
var w_ready = Bool(false)
io.slave.zipWithIndex.foreach { case (s, i) =>
s.ar.valid := io.master.ar.valid && ar_route(i)
s.ar.bits := io.master.ar.bits
ar_ready = ar_ready || (s.ar.ready && ar_route(i))
s.aw.valid := io.master.aw.valid && aw_route(i)
s.aw.bits := io.master.aw.bits
aw_ready = aw_ready || (s.aw.ready && aw_route(i))
val chosen = Reg(init = Bool(false))
when (s.w.fire() && s.w.bits.last) { chosen := Bool(false) }
when (s.aw.fire()) { chosen := Bool(true) }
s.w.valid := io.master.w.valid && chosen
s.w.bits := io.master.w.bits
w_ready = w_ready || (s.w.ready && chosen)
val r_invalid = !ar_route.orR
val w_invalid = !aw_route.orR
val err_slave = Module(new NastiErrorSlave)
err_slave.io.ar.valid := r_invalid && io.master.ar.valid
err_slave.io.ar.bits := io.master.ar.bits
err_slave.io.aw.valid := w_invalid && io.master.aw.valid
err_slave.io.aw.bits := io.master.aw.bits
err_slave.io.w.valid := io.master.w.valid
err_slave.io.w.bits := io.master.w.bits
io.master.ar.ready := ar_ready || (r_invalid && err_slave.io.ar.ready)
io.master.aw.ready := aw_ready || (w_invalid && err_slave.io.aw.ready)
io.master.w.ready := w_ready || err_slave.io.w.ready
val b_arb = Module(new RRArbiter(new NastiWriteResponseChannel, nSlaves + 1))
val r_arb = Module(new JunctionsPeekingArbiter(
new NastiReadDataChannel, nSlaves + 1,
// we can unlock if it's the last beat
(r: NastiReadDataChannel) => r.last))
for (i <- 0 until nSlaves) {
b_arb.io.in(i) <> io.slave(i).b
r_arb.io.in(i) <> io.slave(i).r
b_arb.io.in(nSlaves) <> err_slave.io.b
r_arb.io.in(nSlaves) <> err_slave.io.r
io.master.b <> b_arb.io.out
io.master.r <> r_arb.io.out
/** Crossbar between multiple Nasti masters and slaves
* @param nMasters the number of Nasti masters
* @param nSlaves the number of Nasti slaves
* @param routeSel a function selecting the slave to route an address to */
class NastiCrossbar(nMasters: Int, nSlaves: Int, routeSel: UInt => UInt)
(implicit p: Parameters) extends NastiModule {
val io = new Bundle {
val masters = Vec(nMasters, new NastiIO).flip
val slaves = Vec(nSlaves, new NastiIO)
if (nMasters == 1) {
val router = Module(new NastiRouter(nSlaves, routeSel))
router.io.master <> io.masters.head
io.slaves <> router.io.slave
} else {
val routers = Vec.fill(nMasters) { Module(new NastiRouter(nSlaves, routeSel)).io }
val arbiters = Vec.fill(nSlaves) { Module(new NastiArbiter(nMasters)).io }
for (i <- 0 until nMasters) {
routers(i).master <> io.masters(i)
for (i <- 0 until nSlaves) {
arbiters(i).master <> Vec(routers.map(r => r.slave(i)))
io.slaves(i) <> arbiters(i).slave
class NastiInterconnectIO(val nMasters: Int, val nSlaves: Int)
(implicit p: Parameters) extends Bundle {
/* This is a bit confusing. The interconnect is a slave to the masters and
* a master to the slaves. Hence why the declarations seem to be backwards. */
val masters = Vec(nMasters, new NastiIO).flip
val slaves = Vec(nSlaves, new NastiIO)
override def cloneType =
new NastiInterconnectIO(nMasters, nSlaves).asInstanceOf[this.type]
abstract class NastiInterconnect(implicit p: Parameters) extends NastiModule()(p) {
val nMasters: Int
val nSlaves: Int
lazy val io = new NastiInterconnectIO(nMasters, nSlaves)
class NastiRecursiveInterconnect(val nMasters: Int, addrMap: AddrMap)
(implicit p: Parameters) extends NastiInterconnect()(p) {
def port(name: String) = io.slaves(addrMap.port(name))
val nSlaves = addrMap.numSlaves
val routeSel = (addr: UInt) =>
Cat(addrMap.entries.map(e => addrMap(e.name).containsAddress(addr)).reverse)
val xbar = Module(new NastiCrossbar(nMasters, addrMap.length, routeSel))
xbar.io.masters <> io.masters
io.slaves <> addrMap.entries.zip(xbar.io.slaves).flatMap {
case (entry, xbarSlave) => {
entry.region match {
case submap: AddrMap if submap.entries.isEmpty =>
val err_slave = Module(new NastiErrorSlave)
err_slave.io <> xbarSlave
case submap: AddrMap =>
val ic = Module(new NastiRecursiveInterconnect(1, submap))
ic.io.masters.head <> xbarSlave
case r: MemRange =>
class ChannelHelper(nChannels: Int)
(implicit val p: Parameters) extends HasNastiParameters {
val dataBytes = p(MIFDataBits) * p(MIFDataBeats) / 8
val chanSelBits = log2Ceil(nChannels)
val selOffset = log2Up(dataBytes)
val blockOffset = selOffset + chanSelBits
def getSelect(addr: UInt) =
if (nChannels > 1) addr(blockOffset - 1, selOffset) else UInt(0)
def getAddr(addr: UInt) =
if (nChannels > 1)
Cat(addr(nastiXAddrBits - 1, blockOffset), addr(selOffset - 1, 0))
else addr
class NastiMemoryInterconnect(
nBanksPerChannel: Int, nChannels: Int)
(implicit p: Parameters) extends NastiInterconnect()(p) {
val nBanks = nBanksPerChannel * nChannels
val nMasters = nBanks
val nSlaves = nChannels
val chanHelper = new ChannelHelper(nChannels)
def connectChannel(outer: NastiIO, inner: NastiIO) {
outer <> inner
outer.ar.bits.addr := chanHelper.getAddr(inner.ar.bits.addr)
outer.aw.bits.addr := chanHelper.getAddr(inner.aw.bits.addr)
for (i <- 0 until nChannels) {
/* Bank assignments to channels are strided so that consecutive banks
* map to different channels. That way, consecutive cache lines also
* map to different channels */
val banks = (i until nBanks by nChannels).map(j => io.masters(j))
val channelArb = Module(new NastiArbiter(nBanksPerChannel))
channelArb.io.master <> banks
connectChannel(io.slaves(i), channelArb.io.slave)
/** Allows users to switch between various memory configurations. Note that
* this is a dangerous operation: not only does switching the select input to
* this module violate Nasti, it also causes the memory of the machine to
* become garbled. It's expected that select only changes at boot time, as
* part of the memory controller configuration. */
class NastiMemorySelectorIO(val nBanks: Int, val maxMemChannels: Int, nConfigs: Int)
(implicit p: Parameters)
extends NastiInterconnectIO(nBanks, maxMemChannels) {
val select = UInt(INPUT, width = log2Up(nConfigs))
override def cloneType =
new NastiMemorySelectorIO(nMasters, nSlaves, nConfigs).asInstanceOf[this.type]
class NastiMemorySelector(nBanks: Int, maxMemChannels: Int, configs: Seq[Int])
(implicit p: Parameters)
extends NastiInterconnect()(p) {
val nMasters = nBanks
val nSlaves = maxMemChannels
val nConfigs = configs.size
override lazy val io = new NastiMemorySelectorIO(nBanks, maxMemChannels, nConfigs)
def muxOnSelect(up: DecoupledIO[Bundle], dn: DecoupledIO[Bundle], active: Bool): Unit = {
when (active) { dn.bits := up.bits }
when (active) { up.ready := dn.ready }
when (active) { dn.valid := up.valid }
def muxOnSelect(up: NastiIO, dn: NastiIO, active: Bool): Unit = {
muxOnSelect(up.aw, dn.aw, active)
muxOnSelect(up.w, dn.w, active)
muxOnSelect(dn.b, up.b, active)
muxOnSelect(up.ar, dn.ar, active)
muxOnSelect(dn.r, up.r, active)
def muxOnSelect(up: Vec[NastiIO], dn: Vec[NastiIO], active: Bool) : Unit = {
for (i <- 0 until up.size)
muxOnSelect(up(i), dn(i), active)
/* Disconnects a vector of Nasti ports, which involves setting them to
* invalid. Due to Chisel reasons, we need to also set the bits to 0 (since
* there can't be any unconnected inputs). */
def disconnectSlave(slave: Vec[NastiIO]) = {
slave.foreach{ m =>
m.aw.valid := Bool(false)
m.aw.bits := m.aw.bits.fromBits( UInt(0) )
m.w.valid := Bool(false)
m.w.bits := m.w.bits.fromBits( UInt(0) )
m.b.ready := Bool(false)
m.ar.valid := Bool(false)
m.ar.bits := m.ar.bits.fromBits( UInt(0) )
m.r.ready := Bool(false)
def disconnectMaster(master: Vec[NastiIO]) = {
master.foreach{ m =>
m.aw.ready := Bool(false)
m.w.ready := Bool(false)
m.b.valid := Bool(false)
m.b.bits := m.b.bits.fromBits( UInt(0) )
m.ar.ready := Bool(false)
m.r.valid := Bool(false)
m.r.bits := m.r.bits.fromBits( UInt(0) )
/* Provides default wires on all our outputs. */
/* Constructs interconnects for each of the layouts suggested by the
* configuration and switches between them based on the select input. */
configs.zipWithIndex.foreach{ case (nChannels, select) =>
val nBanksPerChannel = nBanks / nChannels
val ic = Module(new NastiMemoryInterconnect(nBanksPerChannel, nChannels))
muxOnSelect( io.masters, ic.io.masters, io.select === UInt(select))
muxOnSelect(ic.io.slaves, io.slaves, io.select === UInt(select))
class NastiMemoryDemux(nRoutes: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends NastiModule()(p) {
val io = new Bundle {
val master = (new NastiIO).flip
val slaves = Vec(nRoutes, new NastiIO)
val select = UInt(INPUT, log2Up(nRoutes))
def connectReqChannel[T <: Data](idx: Int, out: DecoupledIO[T], in: DecoupledIO[T]) {
out.valid := in.valid && io.select === UInt(idx)
out.bits := in.bits
when (io.select === UInt(idx)) { in.ready := out.ready }
def connectRespChannel[T <: Data](idx: Int, out: DecoupledIO[T], in: DecoupledIO[T]) {
when (io.select === UInt(idx)) { out.valid := in.valid }
when (io.select === UInt(idx)) { out.bits := in.bits }
in.ready := out.ready && io.select === UInt(idx)
io.master.ar.ready := Bool(false)
io.master.aw.ready := Bool(false)
io.master.w.ready := Bool(false)
io.master.r.valid := Bool(false)
io.master.r.bits := NastiReadDataChannel(id = UInt(0), data = UInt(0))
io.master.b.valid := Bool(false)
io.master.b.bits := NastiWriteResponseChannel(id = UInt(0))
io.slaves.zipWithIndex.foreach { case (slave, i) =>
connectReqChannel(i, slave.ar, io.master.ar)
connectReqChannel(i, slave.aw, io.master.aw)
connectReqChannel(i, slave.w, io.master.w)
connectRespChannel(i, io.master.r, slave.r)
connectRespChannel(i, io.master.b, slave.b)
object AsyncNastiTo {
// source(master) is in our clock domain, output is in the 'to' clock domain
def apply[T <: Data](to_clock: Clock, to_reset: Bool, source: NastiIO, depth: Int = 3, sync: Int = 2)(implicit p: Parameters): NastiIO = {
val sink = Wire(new NastiIO)
sink.aw <> AsyncDecoupledTo(to_clock, to_reset, source.aw, depth, sync)
sink.ar <> AsyncDecoupledTo(to_clock, to_reset, source.ar, depth, sync)
sink.w <> AsyncDecoupledTo(to_clock, to_reset, source.w, depth, sync)
source.b <> AsyncDecoupledFrom(to_clock, to_reset, sink.b, depth, sync)
source.r <> AsyncDecoupledFrom(to_clock, to_reset, sink.r, depth, sync)
object AsyncNastiFrom {
// source(master) is in the 'from' clock domain, output is in our clock domain
def apply[T <: Data](from_clock: Clock, from_reset: Bool, source: NastiIO, depth: Int = 3, sync: Int = 2)(implicit p: Parameters): NastiIO = {
val sink = Wire(new NastiIO)
sink.aw <> AsyncDecoupledFrom(from_clock, from_reset, source.aw, depth, sync)
sink.ar <> AsyncDecoupledFrom(from_clock, from_reset, source.ar, depth, sync)
sink.w <> AsyncDecoupledFrom(from_clock, from_reset, source.w, depth, sync)
source.b <> AsyncDecoupledTo(from_clock, from_reset, sink.b, depth, sync)
source.r <> AsyncDecoupledTo(from_clock, from_reset, sink.r, depth, sync)

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
package object junctions

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@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
package junctions
import Chisel._
import cde.{Parameters, Field}
class PociIO(implicit p: Parameters) extends HastiBundle()(p)
val paddr = UInt(OUTPUT, hastiAddrBits)
val pwrite = Bool(OUTPUT)
val psel = Bool(OUTPUT)
val penable = Bool(OUTPUT)
val pwdata = UInt(OUTPUT, hastiDataBits)
val prdata = UInt(INPUT, hastiDataBits)
val pready = Bool(INPUT)
val pslverr = Bool(INPUT)
class HastiToPociBridge(implicit p: Parameters) extends HastiModule()(p) {
val io = new Bundle {
val in = new HastiSlaveIO
val out = new PociIO
val s_idle :: s_setup :: s_access :: Nil = Enum(UInt(), 3)
val state = Reg(init = s_idle)
val transfer = io.in.hsel & io.in.htrans(1)
switch (state) {
is (s_idle) {
when (transfer) { state := s_setup }
is (s_setup) {
state := s_access
is (s_access) {
when (io.out.pready & ~transfer) { state := s_idle }
when (io.out.pready & transfer) { state := s_setup }
when (~io.out.pready) { state := s_access }
val haddr_reg = Reg(UInt(width = hastiAddrBits))
val hwrite_reg = Reg(UInt(width = 1))
when (transfer) {
haddr_reg := io.in.haddr
hwrite_reg := io.in.hwrite
io.out.paddr := haddr_reg
io.out.pwrite := hwrite_reg(0)
io.out.psel := (state =/= s_idle)
io.out.penable := (state === s_access)
io.out.pwdata := io.in.hwdata
io.in.hrdata := io.out.prdata
io.in.hready := ((state === s_access) & io.out.pready) | (state === s_idle)
io.in.hresp := io.out.pslverr
class PociBus(amap: Seq[UInt=>Bool])(implicit p: Parameters) extends HastiModule()(p)
val io = new Bundle {
val master = new PociIO().flip
val slaves = Vec(amap.size, new PociIO)
val psels = PriorityEncoderOH(
(io.slaves zip amap) map { case (s, afn) => {
s.paddr := io.master.paddr
s.pwrite := io.master.pwrite
s.pwdata := io.master.pwdata
afn(io.master.paddr) && io.master.psel
(io.slaves zip psels) foreach { case (s, psel) => {
s.psel := psel
s.penable := io.master.penable && psel
} }
io.master.prdata := Mux1H(psels, io.slaves.map(_.prdata))
io.master.pready := Mux1H(psels, io.slaves.map(_.pready))
io.master.pslverr := Mux1H(psels, io.slaves.map(_.pslverr))

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@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
// See LICENSE for license details.
package junctions
import Chisel._
class SlowIO[T <: Data](val divisor_max: Int)(data: => T) extends Module
val io = new Bundle {
val out_fast = Decoupled(data).flip
val out_slow = Decoupled(data)
val in_fast = Decoupled(data)
val in_slow = Decoupled(data).flip
val clk_slow = Bool(OUTPUT)
val set_divisor = Valid(Bits(width = 32)).flip
val divisor = Bits(OUTPUT, 32)
require(divisor_max >= 8 && divisor_max <= 65536 && isPow2(divisor_max))
val divisor = Reg(init=UInt(divisor_max-1))
val d_shadow = Reg(init=UInt(divisor_max-1))
val hold = Reg(init=UInt(divisor_max/4-1))
val h_shadow = Reg(init=UInt(divisor_max/4-1))
when (io.set_divisor.valid) {
d_shadow := io.set_divisor.bits(log2Up(divisor_max)-1, 0).toUInt
h_shadow := io.set_divisor.bits(log2Up(divisor_max)-1+16, 16).toUInt
io.divisor := (hold << 16) | divisor
val count = Reg{UInt(width = log2Up(divisor_max))}
val myclock = Reg{Bool()}
count := count + UInt(1)
val rising = count === (divisor >> 1)
val falling = count === divisor
val held = count === (divisor >> 1) + hold
when (falling) {
divisor := d_shadow
hold := h_shadow
count := UInt(0)
myclock := Bool(false)
when (rising) {
myclock := Bool(true)
val in_slow_rdy = Reg(init=Bool(false))
val out_slow_val = Reg(init=Bool(false))
val out_slow_bits = Reg(data)
val fromhost_q = Module(new Queue(data,1))
fromhost_q.io.enq.valid := rising && (io.in_slow.valid && in_slow_rdy || this.reset)
fromhost_q.io.enq.bits := io.in_slow.bits
io.in_fast <> fromhost_q.io.deq
val tohost_q = Module(new Queue(data,1))
tohost_q.io.enq <> io.out_fast
tohost_q.io.deq.ready := rising && io.out_slow.ready && out_slow_val
when (held) {
in_slow_rdy := fromhost_q.io.enq.ready
out_slow_val := tohost_q.io.deq.valid
out_slow_bits := Mux(this.reset, fromhost_q.io.deq.bits, tohost_q.io.deq.bits)
io.in_slow.ready := in_slow_rdy
io.out_slow.valid := out_slow_val
io.out_slow.bits := out_slow_bits
io.clk_slow := myclock

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@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
package junctions
import Chisel._
import cde.Parameters
class SmiReq(val dataWidth: Int, val addrWidth: Int) extends Bundle {
val rw = Bool()
val addr = UInt(width = addrWidth)
val data = Bits(width = dataWidth)
override def cloneType =
new SmiReq(dataWidth, addrWidth).asInstanceOf[this.type]
/** Simple Memory Interface IO. Used to communicate with PCR and SCR
* @param dataWidth the width in bits of the data field
* @param addrWidth the width in bits of the addr field */
class SmiIO(val dataWidth: Int, val addrWidth: Int) extends Bundle {
val req = Decoupled(new SmiReq(dataWidth, addrWidth))
val resp = Decoupled(Bits(width = dataWidth)).flip
override def cloneType =
new SmiIO(dataWidth, addrWidth).asInstanceOf[this.type]
abstract class SmiPeripheral extends Module {
val dataWidth: Int
val addrWidth: Int
lazy val io = new SmiIO(dataWidth, addrWidth).flip
/** A simple sequential memory accessed through Smi */
class SmiMem(val dataWidth: Int, val memDepth: Int) extends SmiPeripheral {
// override
val addrWidth = log2Up(memDepth)
val mem = SeqMem(memDepth, Bits(width = dataWidth))
val ren = io.req.fire() && !io.req.bits.rw
val wen = io.req.fire() && io.req.bits.rw
when (wen) { mem.write(io.req.bits.addr, io.req.bits.data) }
val resp_valid = Reg(init = Bool(false))
when (io.resp.fire()) { resp_valid := Bool(false) }
when (io.req.fire()) { resp_valid := Bool(true) }
io.resp.valid := resp_valid
io.resp.bits := mem.read(io.req.bits.addr, ren)
io.req.ready := !resp_valid
/** Arbitrate among several Smi clients
* @param n the number of clients
* @param dataWidth Smi data width
* @param addrWidth Smi address width */
class SmiArbiter(val n: Int, val dataWidth: Int, val addrWidth: Int)
extends Module {
val io = new Bundle {
val in = Vec(n, new SmiIO(dataWidth, addrWidth)).flip
val out = new SmiIO(dataWidth, addrWidth)
val wait_resp = Reg(init = Bool(false))
val choice = Reg(UInt(width = log2Up(n)))
val req_arb = Module(new RRArbiter(new SmiReq(dataWidth, addrWidth), n))
req_arb.io.in <> io.in.map(_.req)
req_arb.io.out.ready := io.out.req.ready && !wait_resp
io.out.req.bits := req_arb.io.out.bits
io.out.req.valid := req_arb.io.out.valid && !wait_resp
when (io.out.req.fire()) {
choice := req_arb.io.chosen
wait_resp := Bool(true)
when (io.out.resp.fire()) { wait_resp := Bool(false) }
for ((resp, i) <- io.in.map(_.resp).zipWithIndex) {
resp.bits := io.out.resp.bits
resp.valid := io.out.resp.valid && choice === UInt(i)
io.out.resp.ready := io.in(choice).resp.ready
class SmiIONastiReadIOConverter(val dataWidth: Int, val addrWidth: Int)
(implicit p: Parameters) extends NastiModule()(p) {
val io = new Bundle {
val nasti = new NastiReadIO().flip
val smi = new SmiIO(dataWidth, addrWidth)
private val maxWordsPerBeat = nastiXDataBits / dataWidth
private val wordCountBits = log2Up(maxWordsPerBeat)
private val byteOffBits = log2Up(dataWidth / 8)
private val addrOffBits = addrWidth + byteOffBits
private def calcWordCount(size: UInt): UInt =
(UInt(1) << (size - UInt(byteOffBits))) - UInt(1)
val (s_idle :: s_read :: s_resp :: Nil) = Enum(Bits(), 3)
val state = Reg(init = s_idle)
val nWords = Reg(UInt(width = wordCountBits))
val nBeats = Reg(UInt(width = nastiXLenBits))
val addr = Reg(UInt(width = addrWidth))
val id = Reg(UInt(width = nastiRIdBits))
val byteOff = Reg(UInt(width = byteOffBits))
val recvInd = Reg(init = UInt(0, wordCountBits))
val sendDone = Reg(init = Bool(false))
val buffer = Reg(init = Vec.fill(maxWordsPerBeat) { Bits(0, dataWidth) })
io.nasti.ar.ready := (state === s_idle)
io.smi.req.valid := (state === s_read) && !sendDone
io.smi.req.bits.rw := Bool(false)
io.smi.req.bits.addr := addr
io.smi.resp.ready := (state === s_read)
io.nasti.r.valid := (state === s_resp)
io.nasti.r.bits := NastiReadDataChannel(
id = id,
data = buffer.toBits,
last = (nBeats === UInt(0)))
when (io.nasti.ar.fire()) {
when (io.nasti.ar.bits.size < UInt(byteOffBits)) {
nWords := UInt(0)
} .otherwise {
nWords := calcWordCount(io.nasti.ar.bits.size)
nBeats := io.nasti.ar.bits.len
addr := io.nasti.ar.bits.addr(addrOffBits - 1, byteOffBits)
if (maxWordsPerBeat > 1)
recvInd := io.nasti.ar.bits.addr(wordCountBits + byteOffBits - 1, byteOffBits)
recvInd := UInt(0)
id := io.nasti.ar.bits.id
state := s_read
when (io.smi.req.fire()) {
addr := addr + UInt(1)
sendDone := (nWords === UInt(0))
when (io.smi.resp.fire()) {
recvInd := recvInd + UInt(1)
nWords := nWords - UInt(1)
buffer(recvInd) := io.smi.resp.bits
when (nWords === UInt(0)) { state := s_resp }
when (io.nasti.r.fire()) {
recvInd := UInt(0)
sendDone := Bool(false)
// clear all the registers in the buffer
buffer.foreach(_ := Bits(0))
nBeats := nBeats - UInt(1)
state := Mux(io.nasti.r.bits.last, s_idle, s_read)
class SmiIONastiWriteIOConverter(val dataWidth: Int, val addrWidth: Int)
(implicit p: Parameters) extends NastiModule()(p) {
val io = new Bundle {
val nasti = new NastiWriteIO().flip
val smi = new SmiIO(dataWidth, addrWidth)
private val dataBytes = dataWidth / 8
private val maxWordsPerBeat = nastiXDataBits / dataWidth
private val byteOffBits = log2Floor(dataBytes)
private val addrOffBits = addrWidth + byteOffBits
private val nastiByteOffBits = log2Ceil(nastiXDataBits / 8)
assert(!io.nasti.aw.valid || io.nasti.aw.bits.size >= UInt(byteOffBits),
"Nasti size must be >= Smi size")
val id = Reg(UInt(width = nastiWIdBits))
val addr = Reg(UInt(width = addrWidth))
val offset = Reg(UInt(width = nastiByteOffBits))
def makeStrobe(offset: UInt, size: UInt, strb: UInt) = {
val sizemask = (UInt(1) << (UInt(1) << size)) - UInt(1)
val bytemask = strb & (sizemask << offset)
Vec.tabulate(maxWordsPerBeat){i => bytemask(dataBytes * i)}.toBits
val size = Reg(UInt(width = nastiXSizeBits))
val strb = Reg(UInt(width = maxWordsPerBeat))
val data = Reg(UInt(width = nastiXDataBits))
val last = Reg(Bool())
val s_idle :: s_data :: s_send :: s_ack :: s_resp :: Nil = Enum(Bits(), 5)
val state = Reg(init = s_idle)
io.nasti.aw.ready := (state === s_idle)
io.nasti.w.ready := (state === s_data)
io.smi.req.valid := (state === s_send) && strb(0)
io.smi.req.bits.rw := Bool(true)
io.smi.req.bits.addr := addr
io.smi.req.bits.data := data(dataWidth - 1, 0)
io.smi.resp.ready := (state === s_ack)
io.nasti.b.valid := (state === s_resp)
io.nasti.b.bits := NastiWriteResponseChannel(id)
val jump = if (maxWordsPerBeat > 1)
PriorityMux(strb(maxWordsPerBeat - 1, 1),
(1 until maxWordsPerBeat).map(UInt(_)))
else UInt(1)
when (io.nasti.aw.fire()) {
if (dataWidth == nastiXDataBits) {
addr := io.nasti.aw.bits.addr(addrOffBits - 1, byteOffBits)
} else {
addr := Cat(io.nasti.aw.bits.addr(addrOffBits - 1, nastiByteOffBits),
UInt(0, nastiByteOffBits - byteOffBits))
offset := io.nasti.aw.bits.addr(nastiByteOffBits - 1, 0)
id := io.nasti.aw.bits.id
size := io.nasti.aw.bits.size
last := Bool(false)
state := s_data
when (io.nasti.w.fire()) {
last := io.nasti.w.bits.last
strb := makeStrobe(offset, size, io.nasti.w.bits.strb)
data := io.nasti.w.bits.data
state := s_send
when (state === s_send) {
when (io.smi.req.ready || !strb(0)) {
strb := strb >> jump
data := data >> Cat(jump, UInt(0, log2Up(dataWidth)))
addr := addr + jump
when (strb(0)) { state := s_ack }
when (io.smi.resp.fire()) {
state := Mux(strb === UInt(0),
Mux(last, s_resp, s_data), s_send)
when (io.nasti.b.fire()) { state := s_idle }
/** Convert Nasti protocol to Smi protocol */
class SmiIONastiIOConverter(val dataWidth: Int, val addrWidth: Int)
(implicit p: Parameters) extends NastiModule()(p) {
val io = new Bundle {
val nasti = (new NastiIO).flip
val smi = new SmiIO(dataWidth, addrWidth)
require(isPow2(dataWidth), "SMI data width must be power of 2")
require(dataWidth <= nastiXDataBits,
"SMI data width must be less than or equal to NASTI data width")
val reader = Module(new SmiIONastiReadIOConverter(dataWidth, addrWidth))
reader.io.nasti <> io.nasti
val writer = Module(new SmiIONastiWriteIOConverter(dataWidth, addrWidth))
writer.io.nasti <> io.nasti
val arb = Module(new SmiArbiter(2, dataWidth, addrWidth))
arb.io.in(0) <> reader.io.smi
arb.io.in(1) <> writer.io.smi
io.smi <> arb.io.out

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@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
package junctions
import Chisel._
import NastiConstants._
import cde.Parameters
class StreamChannel(w: Int) extends Bundle {
val data = UInt(width = w)
val last = Bool()
override def cloneType = new StreamChannel(w).asInstanceOf[this.type]
class StreamIO(w: Int) extends Bundle {
val out = Decoupled(new StreamChannel(w))
val in = Decoupled(new StreamChannel(w)).flip
override def cloneType = new StreamIO(w).asInstanceOf[this.type]
class NastiIOStreamIOConverter(w: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends Module {
val io = new Bundle {
val nasti = (new NastiIO).flip
val stream = new StreamIO(w)
val streamSize = UInt(log2Up(w / 8))
assert(!io.nasti.ar.valid || io.nasti.ar.bits.size === streamSize,
"read channel wrong size on stream")
assert(!io.nasti.ar.valid || io.nasti.ar.bits.len === UInt(0) ||
io.nasti.ar.bits.burst === BURST_FIXED,
"read channel wrong burst type on stream")
assert(!io.nasti.aw.valid || io.nasti.aw.bits.size === streamSize,
"write channel wrong size on stream")
assert(!io.nasti.aw.valid || io.nasti.aw.bits.len === UInt(0) ||
io.nasti.aw.bits.burst === BURST_FIXED,
"write channel wrong burst type on stream")
assert(!io.nasti.w.valid || io.nasti.w.bits.strb.andR,
"write channel cannot take partial writes")
val read_id = Reg(io.nasti.ar.bits.id)
val read_cnt = Reg(io.nasti.ar.bits.len)
val reading = Reg(init = Bool(false))
io.nasti.ar.ready := !reading
io.nasti.r.valid := reading && io.stream.in.valid
io.nasti.r.bits := io.stream.in.bits
io.nasti.r.bits.resp := UInt(0)
io.nasti.r.bits.id := read_id
io.stream.in.ready := reading && io.nasti.r.ready
when (io.nasti.ar.fire()) {
read_id := io.nasti.ar.bits.id
read_cnt := io.nasti.ar.bits.len
reading := Bool(true)
when (io.nasti.r.fire()) {
when (read_cnt === UInt(0)) {
reading := Bool(false)
} .otherwise {
read_cnt := read_cnt - UInt(1)
val write_id = Reg(io.nasti.aw.bits.id)
val writing = Reg(init = Bool(false))
val write_resp = Reg(init = Bool(false))
io.nasti.aw.ready := !writing && !write_resp
io.nasti.w.ready := writing && io.stream.out.ready
io.stream.out.valid := writing && io.nasti.w.valid
io.stream.out.bits := io.nasti.w.bits
io.nasti.b.valid := write_resp
io.nasti.b.bits.resp := UInt(0)
io.nasti.b.bits.id := write_id
when (io.nasti.aw.fire()) {
write_id := io.nasti.aw.bits.id
writing := Bool(true)
when (io.nasti.w.fire() && io.nasti.w.bits.last) {
writing := Bool(false)
write_resp := Bool(true)
when (io.nasti.b.fire()) { write_resp := Bool(false) }
class StreamNarrower(win: Int, wout: Int) extends Module {
require(win > wout, "Stream narrower input width must be larger than input width")
require(win % wout == 0, "Stream narrower input width must be multiple of output width")
val io = new Bundle {
val in = Decoupled(new StreamChannel(win)).flip
val out = Decoupled(new StreamChannel(wout))
val n_pieces = win / wout
val buffer = Reg(Bits(width = win))
val (piece_idx, pkt_done) = Counter(io.out.fire(), n_pieces)
val pieces = Vec.tabulate(n_pieces) { i => buffer(wout * (i + 1) - 1, wout * i) }
val last_piece = (piece_idx === UInt(n_pieces - 1))
val sending = Reg(init = Bool(false))
val in_last = Reg(Bool())
when (io.in.fire()) {
buffer := io.in.bits.data
in_last := io.in.bits.last
sending := Bool(true)
when (pkt_done) { sending := Bool(false) }
io.out.valid := sending
io.out.bits.data := pieces(piece_idx)
io.out.bits.last := in_last && last_piece
io.in.ready := !sending
class StreamExpander(win: Int, wout: Int) extends Module {
require(win < wout, "Stream expander input width must be smaller than input width")
require(wout % win == 0, "Stream narrower output width must be multiple of input width")
val io = new Bundle {
val in = Decoupled(new StreamChannel(win)).flip
val out = Decoupled(new StreamChannel(wout))
val n_pieces = wout / win
val buffer = Reg(Vec(n_pieces, UInt(width = win)))
val last = Reg(Bool())
val collecting = Reg(init = Bool(true))
val (piece_idx, pkt_done) = Counter(io.in.fire(), n_pieces)
when (io.in.fire()) { buffer(piece_idx) := io.in.bits.data }
when (pkt_done) { last := io.in.bits.last; collecting := Bool(false) }
when (io.out.fire()) { collecting := Bool(true) }
io.in.ready := collecting
io.out.valid := !collecting
io.out.bits.data := buffer.toBits
io.out.bits.last := last
object StreamUtils {
def connectStreams(a: StreamIO, b: StreamIO) {
a.in <> b.out
b.in <> a.out
trait Serializable {
def nbits: Int
class Serializer[T <: Data with Serializable](w: Int, typ: T) extends Module {
val io = new Bundle {
val in = Decoupled(typ).flip
val out = Decoupled(Bits(width = w))
val narrower = Module(new StreamNarrower(typ.nbits, w))
narrower.io.in.bits.data := io.in.bits.toBits
narrower.io.in.bits.last := Bool(true)
narrower.io.in.valid := io.in.valid
io.in.ready := narrower.io.in.ready
io.out.valid := narrower.io.out.valid
io.out.bits := narrower.io.out.bits.data
narrower.io.out.ready := io.out.ready
class Deserializer[T <: Data with Serializable](w: Int, typ: T) extends Module {
val io = new Bundle {
val in = Decoupled(Bits(width = w)).flip
val out = Decoupled(typ)
val expander = Module(new StreamExpander(w, typ.nbits))
expander.io.in.valid := io.in.valid
expander.io.in.bits.data := io.in.bits
expander.io.in.bits.last := Bool(true)
io.in.ready := expander.io.in.ready
io.out.valid := expander.io.out.valid
io.out.bits := typ.cloneType.fromBits(expander.io.out.bits.data)
expander.io.out.ready := io.out.ready

View File

@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
/// See LICENSE for license details.
package junctions
import Chisel._
import cde.Parameters
class ParameterizedBundle(implicit p: Parameters) extends Bundle {
override def cloneType = {
try {
} catch {
case e: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException =>
throwException("Unable to use ParamaterizedBundle.cloneType on " +
this.getClass + ", probably because " + this.getClass +
"() takes more than one argument. Consider overriding " +
"cloneType() on " + this.getClass, e)
class HellaFlowQueue[T <: Data](val entries: Int)(data: => T) extends Module {
val io = new QueueIO(data, entries)
require(entries > 1)
val do_flow = Wire(Bool())
val do_enq = io.enq.fire() && !do_flow
val do_deq = io.deq.fire() && !do_flow
val maybe_full = Reg(init=Bool(false))
val enq_ptr = Counter(do_enq, entries)._1
val (deq_ptr, deq_done) = Counter(do_deq, entries)
when (do_enq =/= do_deq) { maybe_full := do_enq }
val ptr_match = enq_ptr === deq_ptr
val empty = ptr_match && !maybe_full
val full = ptr_match && maybe_full
val atLeastTwo = full || enq_ptr - deq_ptr >= UInt(2)
do_flow := empty && io.deq.ready
val ram = SeqMem(entries, data)
when (do_enq) { ram.write(enq_ptr, io.enq.bits) }
val ren = io.deq.ready && (atLeastTwo || !io.deq.valid && !empty)
val raddr = Mux(io.deq.valid, Mux(deq_done, UInt(0), deq_ptr + UInt(1)), deq_ptr)
val ram_out_valid = Reg(next = ren)
io.deq.valid := Mux(empty, io.enq.valid, ram_out_valid)
io.enq.ready := !full
io.deq.bits := Mux(empty, io.enq.bits, ram.read(raddr, ren))
class HellaQueue[T <: Data](val entries: Int)(data: => T) extends Module {
val io = new QueueIO(data, entries)
val fq = Module(new HellaFlowQueue(entries)(data))
fq.io.enq <> io.enq
io.deq <> Queue(fq.io.deq, 1, pipe = true)
object HellaQueue {
def apply[T <: Data](enq: DecoupledIO[T], entries: Int) = {
val q = Module((new HellaQueue(entries)) { enq.bits })
q.io.enq.valid := enq.valid // not using <> so that override is allowed
q.io.enq.bits := enq.bits
enq.ready := q.io.enq.ready
/** A generalized locking RR arbiter that addresses the limitations of the
* version in the Chisel standard library */
abstract class JunctionsAbstractLockingArbiter[T <: Data](typ: T, arbN: Int)
extends Module {
val io = new Bundle {
val in = Vec(arbN, Decoupled(typ.cloneType)).flip
val out = Decoupled(typ.cloneType)
def rotateLeft[T <: Data](norm: Vec[T], rot: UInt): Vec[T] = {
val n = norm.size
Vec.tabulate(n) { i =>
Mux(rot < UInt(n - i), norm(UInt(i) + rot), norm(rot - UInt(n - i)))
val lockIdx = Reg(init = UInt(0, log2Up(arbN)))
val locked = Reg(init = Bool(false))
val choice = PriorityMux(
rotateLeft(Vec(io.in.map(_.valid)), lockIdx + UInt(1)),
rotateLeft(Vec((0 until arbN).map(UInt(_))), lockIdx + UInt(1)))
val chosen = Mux(locked, lockIdx, choice)
for (i <- 0 until arbN) {
io.in(i).ready := io.out.ready && chosen === UInt(i)
io.out.valid := io.in(chosen).valid
io.out.bits := io.in(chosen).bits
/** This locking arbiter determines when it is safe to unlock
* by peeking at the data */
class JunctionsPeekingArbiter[T <: Data](
typ: T, arbN: Int,
canUnlock: T => Bool,
needsLock: Option[T => Bool] = None)
extends JunctionsAbstractLockingArbiter(typ, arbN) {
def realNeedsLock(data: T): Bool =
when (io.out.fire()) {
when (!locked && realNeedsLock(io.out.bits)) {
lockIdx := choice
locked := Bool(true)
// the unlock statement takes precedent
when (canUnlock(io.out.bits)) {
locked := Bool(false)
/** This arbiter determines when it is safe to unlock by counting transactions */
class JunctionsCountingArbiter[T <: Data](
typ: T, arbN: Int, count: Int,
val needsLock: Option[T => Bool] = None)
extends JunctionsAbstractLockingArbiter(typ, arbN) {
def realNeedsLock(data: T): Bool =
// if count is 1, you should use a non-locking arbiter
require(count > 1, "CountingArbiter cannot have count <= 1")
val lock_ctr = Counter(count)
when (io.out.fire()) {
when (!locked && realNeedsLock(io.out.bits)) {
lockIdx := choice
locked := Bool(true)
when (locked) {
when (lock_ctr.inc()) { locked := Bool(false) }
class ReorderQueueWrite[T <: Data](dType: T, tagWidth: Int) extends Bundle {
val data = dType.cloneType
val tag = UInt(width = tagWidth)
override def cloneType =
new ReorderQueueWrite(dType, tagWidth).asInstanceOf[this.type]
class ReorderEnqueueIO[T <: Data](dType: T, tagWidth: Int)
extends DecoupledIO(new ReorderQueueWrite(dType, tagWidth)) {
override def cloneType =
new ReorderEnqueueIO(dType, tagWidth).asInstanceOf[this.type]
class ReorderDequeueIO[T <: Data](dType: T, tagWidth: Int) extends Bundle {
val valid = Bool(INPUT)
val tag = UInt(INPUT, tagWidth)
val data = dType.cloneType.asOutput
val matches = Bool(OUTPUT)
override def cloneType =
new ReorderDequeueIO(dType, tagWidth).asInstanceOf[this.type]
class ReorderQueue[T <: Data](dType: T, tagWidth: Int, size: Option[Int] = None)
extends Module {
val io = new Bundle {
val enq = new ReorderEnqueueIO(dType, tagWidth).flip
val deq = new ReorderDequeueIO(dType, tagWidth)
val tagSpaceSize = 1 << tagWidth
val actualSize = size.getOrElse(tagSpaceSize)
if (tagSpaceSize > actualSize) {
val roq_data = Reg(Vec(actualSize, dType))
val roq_tags = Reg(Vec(actualSize, UInt(width = tagWidth)))
val roq_free = Reg(init = Vec.fill(actualSize)(Bool(true)))
val roq_enq_addr = PriorityEncoder(roq_free)
val roq_matches = roq_tags.zip(roq_free)
.map { case (tag, free) => tag === io.deq.tag && !free }
val roq_deq_onehot = PriorityEncoderOH(roq_matches)
io.enq.ready := roq_free.reduce(_ || _)
io.deq.data := Mux1H(roq_deq_onehot, roq_data)
io.deq.matches := roq_matches.reduce(_ || _)
when (io.enq.valid && io.enq.ready) {
roq_data(roq_enq_addr) := io.enq.bits.data
roq_tags(roq_enq_addr) := io.enq.bits.tag
roq_free(roq_enq_addr) := Bool(false)
when (io.deq.valid) {
roq_free(OHToUInt(roq_deq_onehot)) := Bool(true)
println(s"Warning - using a CAM for ReorderQueue, tagBits: ${tagWidth} size: ${actualSize}")
} else {
val roq_data = Mem(tagSpaceSize, dType)
val roq_free = Reg(init = Vec.fill(tagSpaceSize)(Bool(true)))
io.enq.ready := roq_free(io.enq.bits.tag)
io.deq.data := roq_data(io.deq.tag)
io.deq.matches := !roq_free(io.deq.tag)
when (io.enq.valid && io.enq.ready) {
roq_data(io.enq.bits.tag) := io.enq.bits.data
roq_free(io.enq.bits.tag) := Bool(false)
when (io.deq.valid) {
roq_free(io.deq.tag) := Bool(true)
object DecoupledHelper {
def apply(rvs: Bool*) = new DecoupledHelper(rvs)
class DecoupledHelper(val rvs: Seq[Bool]) {
def fire(exclude: Bool, includes: Bool*) = {
(rvs.filter(_ ne exclude) ++ includes).reduce(_ && _)
class MultiWidthFifo(inW: Int, outW: Int, n: Int) extends Module {
val io = new Bundle {
val in = Decoupled(Bits(width = inW)).flip
val out = Decoupled(Bits(width = outW))
val count = UInt(OUTPUT, log2Up(n + 1))
if (inW == outW) {
val q = Module(new Queue(Bits(width = inW), n))
q.io.enq <> io.in
io.out <> q.io.deq
io.count := q.io.count
} else if (inW > outW) {
val nBeats = inW / outW
require(inW % outW == 0, s"MultiWidthFifo: in: $inW not divisible by out: $outW")
require(n % nBeats == 0, s"Cannot store $n output words when output beats is $nBeats")
val wdata = Reg(Vec(n / nBeats, Bits(width = inW)))
val rdata = Vec(wdata.flatMap { indat =>
(0 until nBeats).map(i => indat(outW * (i + 1) - 1, outW * i)) })
val head = Reg(init = UInt(0, log2Up(n / nBeats)))
val tail = Reg(init = UInt(0, log2Up(n)))
val size = Reg(init = UInt(0, log2Up(n + 1)))
when (io.in.fire()) {
wdata(head) := io.in.bits
head := head + UInt(1)
when (io.out.fire()) { tail := tail + UInt(1) }
size := MuxCase(size, Seq(
(io.in.fire() && io.out.fire()) -> (size + UInt(nBeats - 1)),
io.in.fire() -> (size + UInt(nBeats)),
io.out.fire() -> (size - UInt(1))))
io.out.valid := size > UInt(0)
io.out.bits := rdata(tail)
io.in.ready := size < UInt(n)
io.count := size
} else {
val nBeats = outW / inW
require(outW % inW == 0, s"MultiWidthFifo: out: $outW not divisible by in: $inW")
val wdata = Reg(Vec(n * nBeats, Bits(width = inW)))
val rdata = Vec.tabulate(n) { i =>
Cat(wdata.slice(i * nBeats, (i + 1) * nBeats).reverse)}
val head = Reg(init = UInt(0, log2Up(n * nBeats)))
val tail = Reg(init = UInt(0, log2Up(n)))
val size = Reg(init = UInt(0, log2Up(n * nBeats + 1)))
when (io.in.fire()) {
wdata(head) := io.in.bits
head := head + UInt(1)
when (io.out.fire()) { tail := tail + UInt(1) }
size := MuxCase(size, Seq(
(io.in.fire() && io.out.fire()) -> (size - UInt(nBeats - 1)),
io.in.fire() -> (size + UInt(1)),
io.out.fire() -> (size - UInt(nBeats))))
io.count := size >> UInt(log2Up(nBeats))
io.out.valid := io.count > UInt(0)
io.out.bits := rdata(tail)
io.in.ready := size < UInt(n * nBeats)