split coreplex off into separate package
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
organization := "edu.berkeley.cs"
version := "1.0"
name := "coreplex"
scalaVersion := "2.11.6"
libraryDependencies ++= (Seq("chisel", "uncore", "junctions", "rocket", "groundtest").map {
dep: String => sys.props.get(dep + "Version") map { "edu.berkeley.cs" %% dep % _ }}).flatten
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,408 @@
// See LICENSE for license details.
package coreplex
import Chisel._
import junctions._
import uncore.tilelink._
import uncore.coherence._
import uncore.agents._
import uncore.devices._
import uncore.converters._
import rocket._
import rocket.Util._
import scala.math.max
import scala.collection.mutable.{LinkedHashSet, ListBuffer}
import DefaultTestSuites._
import cde.{Parameters, Config, Dump, Knob, CDEMatchError}
object ConfigUtils {
def max_int(values: Int*): Int = {
values.reduce((a, b) => max(a, b))
import ConfigUtils._
class BaseCoreplexConfig extends Config (
topDefinitions = { (pname,site,here) =>
type PF = PartialFunction[Any,Any]
def findBy(sname:Any):Any = here[PF](site[Any](sname))(pname)
lazy val innerDataBits = 64
lazy val innerDataBeats = (8 * site(CacheBlockBytes)) / innerDataBits
pname match {
//Memory Parameters
case PAddrBits => 32
case PgIdxBits => 12
case PgLevels => if (site(XLen) == 64) 3 /* Sv39 */ else 2 /* Sv32 */
case PgLevelBits => site(PgIdxBits) - log2Up(site(XLen)/8)
case VPNBits => site(PgLevels) * site(PgLevelBits)
case PPNBits => site(PAddrBits) - site(PgIdxBits)
case VAddrBits => site(VPNBits) + site(PgIdxBits)
case ASIdBits => 7
//Params used by all caches
case NSets => findBy(CacheName)
case NWays => findBy(CacheName)
case RowBits => findBy(CacheName)
case NTLBEntries => findBy(CacheName)
case CacheIdBits => findBy(CacheName)
case SplitMetadata => findBy(CacheName)
case "L1I" => {
case NSets => Knob("L1I_SETS") //64
case NWays => Knob("L1I_WAYS") //4
case RowBits => site(TLKey("L1toL2")).dataBitsPerBeat
case NTLBEntries => 8
case CacheIdBits => 0
case SplitMetadata => false
case "L1D" => {
case NSets => Knob("L1D_SETS") //64
case NWays => Knob("L1D_WAYS") //4
case RowBits => site(TLKey("L1toL2")).dataBitsPerBeat
case NTLBEntries => 8
case CacheIdBits => 0
case SplitMetadata => false
case ECCCode => None
case Replacer => () => new RandomReplacement(site(NWays))
case AmoAluOperandBits => site(XLen)
case BtbKey => BtbParameters()
case WordBits => site(XLen)
case StoreDataQueueDepth => 17
case ReplayQueueDepth => 16
case NMSHRs => Knob("L1D_MSHRS")
case LRSCCycles => 32
//L2 Memory System Params
case NAcquireTransactors => 7
case L2StoreDataQueueDepth => 1
case L2DirectoryRepresentation => new NullRepresentation(site(NTiles))
case BuildL2CoherenceManager => (id: Int, p: Parameters) =>
Module(new L2BroadcastHub()(p.alterPartial({
case InnerTLId => "L1toL2"
case OuterTLId => "L2toMC" })))
case NCachedTileLinkPorts => 1
case NUncachedTileLinkPorts => 1
//Tile Constants
case BuildTiles => {
val (rvi, rvu) =
if (site(XLen) == 64) ((if (site(UseVM)) rv64i else rv64pi), rv64u)
else ((if (site(UseVM)) rv32i else rv32pi), rv32u)
TestGeneration.addSuites((if(site(UseVM)) List("v") else List()).flatMap(env => rvu.map(_(env))))
TestGeneration.addSuite(if (site(UseVM)) benchmarks else emptyBmarks)
List.fill(site(NTiles)){ (r: Bool, p: Parameters) =>
Module(new RocketTile(resetSignal = r)(p.alterPartial({
case TLId => "L1toL2"
case NUncachedTileLinkPorts => 1 + site(RoccNMemChannels)
case BuildRoCC => Nil
case RoccNMemChannels => site(BuildRoCC).map(_.nMemChannels).foldLeft(0)(_ + _)
case RoccNPTWPorts => site(BuildRoCC).map(_.nPTWPorts).foldLeft(0)(_ + _)
case RoccNCSRs => site(BuildRoCC).map(_.csrs.size).foldLeft(0)(_ + _)
//Rocket Core Constants
case FetchWidth => if (site(UseCompressed)) 2 else 1
case RetireWidth => 1
case UseVM => true
case UseUser => true
case UseDebug => true
case NBreakpoints => 1
case UsePerfCounters => true
case FastLoadWord => true
case FastLoadByte => false
case MulUnroll => 8
case DivEarlyOut => true
case XLen => 64
case UseFPU => {
val env = if(site(UseVM)) List("p","v") else List("p")
if(site(FDivSqrt)) {
} else {
case UseAtomics => {
val env = if(site(UseVM)) List("p","v") else List("p")
TestGeneration.addSuites(env.map(if (site(XLen) == 64) rv64ua else rv32ua))
case UseCompressed => {
val env = if(site(UseVM)) List("p","v") else List("p")
TestGeneration.addSuites(env.map(if (site(XLen) == 64) rv64uc else rv32uc))
case PLICKey => PLICConfig(site(NTiles), site(UseVM), site(NExtInterrupts), 0)
case DMKey => new DefaultDebugModuleConfig(site(NTiles), site(XLen))
case FDivSqrt => true
case SFMALatency => 2
case DFMALatency => 3
case CoreInstBits => if (site(UseCompressed)) 16 else 32
case CoreDataBits => site(XLen)
case NCustomMRWCSRs => 0
case ResetVector => BigInt(0x1000)
case MtvecInit => BigInt(0x1010)
case MtvecWritable => true
//Uncore Paramters
case RTCPeriod => 100 // gives 10 MHz RTC assuming 1 GHz uncore clock
case LNEndpoints => site(TLKey(site(TLId))).nManagers + site(TLKey(site(TLId))).nClients
case LNHeaderBits => log2Ceil(site(TLKey(site(TLId))).nManagers) +
case TLKey("L1toL2") => {
val useMEI = site(NTiles) <= 1 && site(NCachedTileLinkPorts) <= 1
coherencePolicy = (
if (useMEI) new MEICoherence(site(L2DirectoryRepresentation))
else new MESICoherence(site(L2DirectoryRepresentation))),
nManagers = site(NBanksPerMemoryChannel)*site(NMemoryChannels) + 1 /* MMIO */,
nCachingClients = site(NCachedTileLinkPorts),
nCachelessClients = (if (site(ExportBusPort)) 1 else 0) + site(NUncachedTileLinkPorts),
maxClientXacts = max_int(
// L1 cache
site(NMSHRs) + 1 /* IOMSHR */,
// RoCC
if (site(BuildRoCC).isEmpty) 1 else site(RoccMaxTaggedMemXacts)),
maxClientsPerPort = if (site(BuildRoCC).isEmpty) 1 else 2,
maxManagerXacts = site(NAcquireTransactors) + 2,
dataBeats = innerDataBeats,
dataBits = site(CacheBlockBytes)*8)
case TLKey("L2toMC") =>
coherencePolicy = new MEICoherence(
new NullRepresentation(site(NBanksPerMemoryChannel))),
nManagers = 1,
nCachingClients = site(NBanksPerMemoryChannel),
nCachelessClients = 0,
maxClientXacts = 1,
maxClientsPerPort = site(NAcquireTransactors) + 2,
maxManagerXacts = 1,
dataBeats = innerDataBeats,
dataBits = site(CacheBlockBytes)*8)
case TLKey("Outermost") => site(TLKey("L2toMC")).copy(
maxClientXacts = site(NAcquireTransactors) + 2,
maxClientsPerPort = site(NBanksPerMemoryChannel),
dataBeats = site(MIFDataBeats))
case TLKey("L2toMMIO") => {
coherencePolicy = new MICoherence(
new NullRepresentation(site(NBanksPerMemoryChannel))),
nManagers = site(GlobalAddrMap).subMap("io").numSlaves,
nCachingClients = 0,
nCachelessClients = 1,
maxClientXacts = 4,
maxClientsPerPort = 1,
maxManagerXacts = 1,
dataBeats = innerDataBeats,
dataBits = site(CacheBlockBytes) * 8)
case TLKey("MMIO_Outermost") => site(TLKey("L2toMMIO")).copy(dataBeats = site(MIFDataBeats))
case BootROMFile => "./bootrom/bootrom.img"
case NTiles => Knob("NTILES")
case NBanksPerMemoryChannel => Knob("NBANKS_PER_MEM_CHANNEL")
case BankIdLSB => 0
case CacheBlockBytes => Dump("CACHE_BLOCK_BYTES", 64)
case CacheBlockOffsetBits => log2Up(here(CacheBlockBytes))
case EnableL2Logging => false
case ExtraCoreplexPorts => (p: Parameters) => new Bundle
case RegressionTestNames => LinkedHashSet(
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
knobValues = {
case "NTILES" => 1
case "L1D_MSHRS" => 2
case "L1D_SETS" => 64
case "L1D_WAYS" => 4
case "L1I_SETS" => 64
case "L1I_WAYS" => 4
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
class WithNCores(n: Int) extends Config(
knobValues = { case"NTILES" => n; case _ => throw new CDEMatchError })
class WithNBanksPerMemChannel(n: Int) extends Config(
knobValues = {
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
class WithL2Cache extends Config(
(pname,site,here) => pname match {
case "L2Bank" => {
case NSets => (((here[Int]("L2_CAPACITY_IN_KB")*1024) /
site(CacheBlockBytes)) /
(site(NBanksPerMemoryChannel)*site(NMemoryChannels))) /
case NWays => Knob("L2_WAYS")
case RowBits => site(TLKey(site(TLId))).dataBitsPerBeat
case CacheIdBits => log2Ceil(site(NMemoryChannels) * site(NBanksPerMemoryChannel))
case SplitMetadata => Knob("L2_SPLIT_METADATA")
}: PartialFunction[Any,Any]
case NAcquireTransactors => 2
case NSecondaryMisses => 4
case L2DirectoryRepresentation => new FullRepresentation(site(NTiles))
case BuildL2CoherenceManager => (id: Int, p: Parameters) =>
Module(new L2HellaCacheBank()(p.alterPartial({
case CacheId => id
case CacheName => "L2Bank"
case InnerTLId => "L1toL2"
case OuterTLId => "L2toMC"})))
case L2Replacer => () => new SeqRandom(site(NWays))
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
knobValues = { case "L2_WAYS" => 8; case "L2_CAPACITY_IN_KB" => 2048; case "L2_SPLIT_METADATA" => false; case _ => throw new CDEMatchError }
class WithBufferlessBroadcastHub extends Config(
(pname, site, here) => pname match {
case BuildL2CoherenceManager => (id: Int, p: Parameters) =>
Module(new BufferlessBroadcastHub()(p.alterPartial({
case InnerTLId => "L1toL2"
case OuterTLId => "L2toMC" })))
* There is a very restrictive set of conditions under which the stateless
* bridge will function properly. There can only be a single tile. This tile
* MUST use the blocking data cache (L1D_MSHRS == 0) and MUST NOT have an
* uncached channel capable of writes (i.e. a RoCC accelerator).
* This is because the stateless bridge CANNOT generate probes, so if your
* system depends on coherence between channels in any way,
* DO NOT use this configuration.
class WithStatelessBridge extends Config (
topDefinitions = (pname, site, here) => pname match {
case BuildL2CoherenceManager => (id: Int, p: Parameters) =>
Module(new ManagerToClientStatelessBridge()(p.alterPartial({
case InnerTLId => "L1toL2"
case OuterTLId => "L2toMC" })))
knobValues = {
case "L1D_MSHRS" => 0
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
class WithPLRU extends Config(
(pname, site, here) => pname match {
case L2Replacer => () => new SeqPLRU(site(NSets), site(NWays))
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
class WithL2Capacity(size_kb: Int) extends Config(
knobValues = {
case "L2_CAPACITY_IN_KB" => size_kb
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
class WithNL2Ways(n: Int) extends Config(
knobValues = {
case "L2_WAYS" => n
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
class WithRV32 extends Config(
(pname,site,here) => pname match {
case XLen => 32
case UseVM => false
case UseUser => false
case UseAtomics => false
case UseFPU => false
case RegressionTestNames => LinkedHashSet(
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
class WithBlockingL1 extends Config (
knobValues = {
case "L1D_MSHRS" => 0
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
class WithSmallCores extends Config (
topDefinitions = { (pname,site,here) => pname match {
case UseFPU => false
case MulUnroll => 1
case DivEarlyOut => false
case NTLBEntries => 4
case BtbKey => BtbParameters(nEntries = 0)
case StoreDataQueueDepth => 2
case ReplayQueueDepth => 2
case NAcquireTransactors => 2
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
knobValues = {
case "L1D_SETS" => 64
case "L1D_WAYS" => 1
case "L1I_SETS" => 64
case "L1I_WAYS" => 1
case "L1D_MSHRS" => 0
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
class WithRoccExample extends Config(
(pname, site, here) => pname match {
case BuildRoCC => Seq(
opcodes = OpcodeSet.custom0,
generator = (p: Parameters) => Module(new AccumulatorExample()(p))),
opcodes = OpcodeSet.custom1,
generator = (p: Parameters) => Module(new TranslatorExample()(p)),
nPTWPorts = 1),
opcodes = OpcodeSet.custom2,
generator = (p: Parameters) => Module(new CharacterCountExample()(p))))
case RoccMaxTaggedMemXacts => 1
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
class WithSplitL2Metadata extends Config(
knobValues = { case "L2_SPLIT_METADATA" => true; case _ => throw new CDEMatchError })
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
package rocketchip
package coreplex
import Chisel._
import Chisel._
import cde.{Parameters, Field}
import cde.{Parameters, Field}
@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ case object BootROMFile extends Field[String]
case object ExportMMIOPort extends Field[Boolean]
case object ExportMMIOPort extends Field[Boolean]
/** Expose an additional bus master port */
/** Expose an additional bus master port */
case object ExportBusPort extends Field[Boolean]
case object ExportBusPort extends Field[Boolean]
/** Function for building Coreplex */
/** Extra top-level ports exported from the coreplex */
case object BuildCoreplex extends Field[Parameters => Coreplex]
case object ExtraCoreplexPorts extends Field[Parameters => Bundle]
trait HasCoreplexParameters {
trait HasCoreplexParameters {
implicit val p: Parameters
implicit val p: Parameters
@ -234,6 +234,7 @@ class CoreplexIO(implicit val p: Parameters) extends ParameterizedBundle()(p)
val mmio = if(p(ExportMMIOPort)) Some(new ClientUncachedTileLinkIO()(outermostMMIOParams)) else None
val mmio = if(p(ExportMMIOPort)) Some(new ClientUncachedTileLinkIO()(outermostMMIOParams)) else None
val interrupts = Vec(p(NExtInterrupts), Bool()).asInput
val interrupts = Vec(p(NExtInterrupts), Bool()).asInput
val debug = new DebugBusIO()(p).flip
val debug = new DebugBusIO()(p).flip
val extra = p(ExtraCoreplexPorts)(p)
abstract class Coreplex(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Module
abstract class Coreplex(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Module
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
package rocketchip
package coreplex
import Chisel._
import Chisel._
import cde.{Parameters, Field}
import cde.{Parameters, Field}
@ -9,10 +9,6 @@ import uncore.agents._
case object ExportGroundTestStatus extends Field[Boolean]
case object ExportGroundTestStatus extends Field[Boolean]
class DirectGroundTestCoreplex(topParams: Parameters) extends Coreplex()(topParams) {
class DirectGroundTestCoreplex(topParams: Parameters) extends Coreplex()(topParams) {
override val io = new CoreplexIO {
// Need to export this for FPGA testing, but not for simulator
val status = if (p(ExportGroundTestStatus)) Some(new GroundTestStatus) else None
// Not using the debug
// Not using the debug
io.debug.req.ready := Bool(false)
io.debug.req.ready := Bool(false)
@ -39,7 +35,9 @@ class DirectGroundTestCoreplex(topParams: Parameters) extends Coreplex()(topPara
mem_ic.io.in <> test.io.mem
mem_ic.io.in <> test.io.mem
io.mem <> mem_ic.io.out
io.mem <> mem_ic.io.out
io.status.map { status =>
if (p(ExportGroundTestStatus)) {
val status = io.extra.asInstanceOf[GroundTestStatus]
val s_running :: s_finished :: s_errored :: s_timeout :: Nil = Enum(Bits(), 4)
val s_running :: s_finished :: s_errored :: s_timeout :: Nil = Enum(Bits(), 4)
val state = Reg(init = s_running)
val state = Reg(init = s_running)
val error_code = Reg(status.error.bits)
val error_code = Reg(status.error.bits)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
package coreplex
import Chisel._
import groundtest._
import rocket._
import uncore.tilelink._
import uncore.coherence._
import uncore.agents._
import uncore.devices.NTiles
import uncore.unittests._
import junctions._
import junctions.unittests._
import scala.collection.mutable.LinkedHashSet
import cde.{Parameters, Config, Dump, Knob, CDEMatchError}
import scala.math.max
import ConfigUtils._
class WithGroundTest extends Config(
(pname, site, here) => pname match {
case TLKey("L1toL2") => {
val useMEI = site(NTiles) <= 1 && site(NCachedTileLinkPorts) <= 1
coherencePolicy = (
if (useMEI) new MEICoherence(site(L2DirectoryRepresentation))
else new MESICoherence(site(L2DirectoryRepresentation))),
nManagers = site(NBanksPerMemoryChannel)*site(NMemoryChannels) + 1,
nCachingClients = site(NCachedTileLinkPorts),
nCachelessClients = site(NUncachedTileLinkPorts),
maxClientXacts = ((site(NMSHRs) + 1) +:
.reduce(max(_, _)),
maxClientsPerPort = 1,
maxManagerXacts = site(NAcquireTransactors) + 2,
dataBeats = 8,
dataBits = site(CacheBlockBytes)*8)
case BuildTiles => {
val groundtest = if (site(XLen) == 64)
(0 until site(NTiles)).map { i =>
val tileSettings = site(GroundTestKey)(i)
(r: Bool, p: Parameters) => {
Module(new GroundTestTile(resetSignal = r)(p.alterPartial({
case TLId => "L1toL2"
case GroundTestId => i
case NCachedTileLinkPorts => if(tileSettings.cached > 0) 1 else 0
case NUncachedTileLinkPorts => tileSettings.uncached
case RoccNCSRs => tileSettings.csrs
case UseFPU => false
case UseAtomics => false
case UseCompressed => false
case RegressionTestNames => LinkedHashSet("rv64ui-p-simple")
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
class WithComparator extends Config(
(pname, site, here) => pname match {
case GroundTestKey => Seq.fill(site(NTiles)) {
GroundTestTileSettings(uncached = site(ComparatorKey).targets.size)
case BuildGroundTest =>
(p: Parameters) => Module(new ComparatorCore()(p))
case ComparatorKey => ComparatorParameters(
targets = Seq("mem", "io:ext:testram").map(name =>
width = 8,
operations = 1000,
atomics = site(UseAtomics),
prefetches = site("COMPARATOR_PREFETCHES"))
case UseFPU => false
case UseAtomics => false
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
class WithAtomics extends Config(
(pname, site, here) => pname match {
case UseAtomics => true
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
class WithPrefetches extends Config(
(pname, site, here) => pname match {
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
class WithMemtest extends Config(
(pname, site, here) => pname match {
case GroundTestKey => Seq.fill(site(NTiles)) {
GroundTestTileSettings(1, 1)
case GeneratorKey => GeneratorParameters(
maxRequests = 128,
startAddress = site(GlobalAddrMap)("mem").start)
case BuildGroundTest =>
(p: Parameters) => Module(new GeneratorTest()(p))
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
class WithNGenerators(nUncached: Int, nCached: Int) extends Config(
(pname, site, here) => pname match {
case GroundTestKey => Seq.fill(site(NTiles)) {
GroundTestTileSettings(nUncached, nCached)
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
class WithCacheFillTest extends Config(
(pname, site, here) => pname match {
case GroundTestKey => Seq.fill(site(NTiles)) {
GroundTestTileSettings(uncached = 1)
case BuildGroundTest =>
(p: Parameters) => Module(new CacheFillTest()(p))
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
knobValues = {
case "L2_WAYS" => 4
case "L2_CAPACITY_IN_KB" => 4
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
class WithBroadcastRegressionTest extends Config(
(pname, site, here) => pname match {
case GroundTestKey => Seq.fill(site(NTiles)) {
GroundTestTileSettings(1, 1, maxXacts = 3)
case BuildGroundTest =>
(p: Parameters) => Module(new RegressionTest()(p))
case GroundTestRegressions =>
(p: Parameters) => RegressionTests.broadcastRegressions(p)
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
class WithCacheRegressionTest extends Config(
(pname, site, here) => pname match {
case GroundTestKey => Seq.fill(site(NTiles)) {
GroundTestTileSettings(1, 1, maxXacts = 5)
case BuildGroundTest =>
(p: Parameters) => Module(new RegressionTest()(p))
case GroundTestRegressions =>
(p: Parameters) => RegressionTests.cacheRegressions(p)
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
class WithNastiConverterTest extends Config(
(pname, site, here) => pname match {
case GroundTestKey => Seq.fill(site(NTiles)) {
GroundTestTileSettings(uncached = 1)
case GeneratorKey => GeneratorParameters(
maxRequests = 128,
startAddress = site(GlobalAddrMap)("mem").start)
case BuildGroundTest =>
(p: Parameters) => Module(new NastiConverterTest()(p))
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
class WithTraceGen extends Config(
topDefinitions = (pname, site, here) => pname match {
case GroundTestKey => Seq.fill(site(NTiles)) {
GroundTestTileSettings(uncached = 1, cached = 1)
case BuildGroundTest =>
(p: Parameters) => Module(new GroundTestTraceGenerator()(p))
case GeneratorKey => GeneratorParameters(
maxRequests = 256,
startAddress = 0)
case AddressBag => {
val nSets = 32 // L2 NSets
val nWays = 1
val blockOffset = site(CacheBlockOffsetBits)
val baseAddr = site(GlobalAddrMap)("mem").start
val nBeats = site(MIFDataBeats)
List.tabulate(4 * nWays) { i =>
Seq.tabulate(nBeats) { j => (j * 8) + ((i * nSets) << blockOffset) }
}.flatten.map(addr => baseAddr + BigInt(addr))
case UseAtomics => true
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
knobValues = {
case "L1D_SETS" => 16
case "L1D_WAYS" => 1
class WithPCIeMockupTest extends Config(
(pname, site, here) => pname match {
case NTiles => 2
case GroundTestKey => Seq(
GroundTestTileSettings(1, 1),
case GeneratorKey => GeneratorParameters(
maxRequests = 128,
startAddress = site(GlobalAddrMap)("mem").start)
case BuildGroundTest =>
(p: Parameters) => {
val id = p(GroundTestId)
if (id == 0) Module(new GeneratorTest()(p))
else Module(new NastiConverterTest()(p))
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
class WithDirectMemtest extends Config(
(pname, site, here) => {
val nGens = 8
pname match {
case GroundTestKey => Seq(GroundTestTileSettings(uncached = nGens))
case GeneratorKey => GeneratorParameters(
maxRequests = 1024,
startAddress = 0)
case BuildGroundTest =>
(p: Parameters) => Module(new GeneratorTest()(p))
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
class WithDirectComparator extends Config(
(pname, site, here) => pname match {
case GroundTestKey => Seq.fill(site(NTiles)) {
GroundTestTileSettings(uncached = site(ComparatorKey).targets.size)
case BuildGroundTest =>
(p: Parameters) => Module(new ComparatorCore()(p))
case ComparatorKey => ComparatorParameters(
targets = Seq(0L, 0x100L),
width = 8,
operations = 1000,
atomics = site(UseAtomics),
prefetches = site("COMPARATOR_PREFETCHES"))
case UseFPU => false
case UseAtomics => false
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
// See LICENSE for license details.
// See LICENSE for license details.
package rocketchip
package coreplex
import Chisel._
import Chisel._
import scala.collection.mutable.{LinkedHashSet,LinkedHashMap}
import scala.collection.mutable.{LinkedHashSet,LinkedHashMap}
@ -184,56 +184,3 @@ object DefaultTestSuites {
"cm","cs","cv","cy","dc","df","dm","do","dr","ds","du","dv").map(_+"_matmul")): _*))
"cm","cs","cv","cy","dc","df","dm","do","dr","ds","du","dv").map(_+"_matmul")): _*))
object TestGenerator extends App {
val projectName = args(0)
val topModuleName = args(1)
val configClassName = args(2)
val aggregateConfigs = configClassName.split('_')
val finalConfig = aggregateConfigs.foldRight(new Config()) { case (currentConfigName, finalConfig) =>
val currentConfig = try {
} catch {
case e: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException =>
throwException("Unable to find part \"" + currentConfigName +
"\" of configClassName \"" + configClassName +
"\", did you misspell it?", e)
currentConfig ++ finalConfig
val world = finalConfig.toInstance
val paramsFromConfig: Parameters = Parameters.root(world)
val gen = () =>
chiselMain.run(args.drop(3), gen)
//Driver.elaborate(gen, configName = configClassName)
TestGeneration.addSuite(new RegressionTestSuite(paramsFromConfig(RegressionTestNames)))
TestGeneration.generateMakefrag(topModuleName, configClassName)
topModuleName, configClassName, paramsFromConfig)
topModuleName, configClassName, paramsFromConfig)
val pdFile = TestGeneration.createOutputFile(s"$topModuleName.$configClassName.prm")
val v = TestGeneration.createOutputFile(configClassName + ".knb")
val d = new java.io.FileOutputStream(Driver.targetDir + "/" + configClassName + ".cfg")
val w = TestGeneration.createOutputFile(configClassName + ".cst")
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
package rocketchip
package coreplex
import Chisel._
import Chisel._
import junctions.unittests.UnitTestSuite
import junctions.unittests.UnitTestSuite
@ -23,7 +23,8 @@ object BuildSettings extends Build {
lazy val uncore = project.dependsOn(junctions)
lazy val uncore = project.dependsOn(junctions)
lazy val rocket = project.dependsOn(hardfloat, uncore)
lazy val rocket = project.dependsOn(hardfloat, uncore)
lazy val groundtest = project.dependsOn(rocket)
lazy val groundtest = project.dependsOn(rocket)
lazy val rocketchip = (project in file(".")).settings(chipSettings).dependsOn(groundtest)
lazy val coreplex = project.dependsOn(groundtest)
lazy val rocketchip = (project in file(".")).settings(chipSettings).dependsOn(coreplex)
lazy val addons = settingKey[Seq[String]]("list of addons used for this build")
lazy val addons = settingKey[Seq[String]]("list of addons used for this build")
lazy val make = inputKey[Unit]("trigger backend-specific makefile command")
lazy val make = inputKey[Unit]("trigger backend-specific makefile command")
@ -4,27 +4,18 @@ package rocketchip
import Chisel._
import Chisel._
import junctions._
import junctions._
import uncore.tilelink._
import rocket._
import uncore.coherence._
import uncore.agents._
import uncore.agents._
import uncore.tilelink._
import uncore.devices._
import uncore.devices._
import uncore.converters._
import uncore.converters._
import rocket._
import coreplex._
import rocket.Util._
import groundtest._
import scala.math.max
import scala.math.max
import scala.collection.mutable.{LinkedHashSet, ListBuffer}
import scala.collection.mutable.{LinkedHashSet, ListBuffer}
import DefaultTestSuites._
import DefaultTestSuites._
import cde.{Parameters, Config, Dump, Knob, CDEMatchError}
import cde.{Parameters, Config, Dump, Knob, CDEMatchError}
object ConfigUtils {
class BasePlatformConfig extends Config (
def max_int(values: Int*): Int = {
values.reduce((a, b) => max(a, b))
import ConfigUtils._
class BaseConfig extends Config (
topDefinitions = { (pname,site,here) =>
topDefinitions = { (pname,site,here) =>
type PF = PartialFunction[Any,Any]
type PF = PartialFunction[Any,Any]
def findBy(sname:Any):Any = here[PF](site[Any](sname))(pname)
def findBy(sname:Any):Any = here[PF](site[Any](sname))(pname)
@ -116,14 +107,6 @@ class BaseConfig extends Config (
lazy val innerDataBeats = (8 * site(CacheBlockBytes)) / innerDataBits
lazy val innerDataBeats = (8 * site(CacheBlockBytes)) / innerDataBits
pname match {
pname match {
//Memory Parameters
//Memory Parameters
case PAddrBits => 32
case PgIdxBits => 12
case PgLevels => if (site(XLen) == 64) 3 /* Sv39 */ else 2 /* Sv32 */
case PgLevelBits => site(PgIdxBits) - log2Up(site(XLen)/8)
case VPNBits => site(PgLevels) * site(PgLevelBits)
case PPNBits => site(PAddrBits) - site(PgIdxBits)
case VAddrBits => site(VPNBits) + site(PgIdxBits)
case ASIdBits => 7
case MIFTagBits => Dump("MIF_TAG_BITS", 5)
case MIFTagBits => Dump("MIF_TAG_BITS", 5)
case MIFDataBits => Dump("MIF_DATA_BITS", 64)
case MIFDataBits => Dump("MIF_DATA_BITS", 64)
case MIFAddrBits => Dump("MIF_ADDR_BITS",
case MIFAddrBits => Dump("MIF_ADDR_BITS",
@ -136,107 +119,9 @@ class BaseConfig extends Config (
addrBits = Dump("MEM_ADDR_BITS", site(PAddrBits)),
addrBits = Dump("MEM_ADDR_BITS", site(PAddrBits)),
idBits = Dump("MEM_ID_BITS", site(MIFTagBits)))
idBits = Dump("MEM_ID_BITS", site(MIFTagBits)))
//Params used by all caches
case NSets => findBy(CacheName)
case NWays => findBy(CacheName)
case RowBits => findBy(CacheName)
case NTLBEntries => findBy(CacheName)
case CacheIdBits => findBy(CacheName)
case SplitMetadata => findBy(CacheName)
case "L1I" => {
case NSets => Knob("L1I_SETS") //64
case NWays => Knob("L1I_WAYS") //4
case RowBits => site(TLKey("L1toL2")).dataBitsPerBeat
case NTLBEntries => 8
case CacheIdBits => 0
case SplitMetadata => false
case "L1D" => {
case NSets => Knob("L1D_SETS") //64
case NWays => Knob("L1D_WAYS") //4
case RowBits => site(TLKey("L1toL2")).dataBitsPerBeat
case NTLBEntries => 8
case CacheIdBits => 0
case SplitMetadata => false
case ECCCode => None
case Replacer => () => new RandomReplacement(site(NWays))
case AmoAluOperandBits => site(XLen)
case BtbKey => BtbParameters()
case WordBits => site(XLen)
case StoreDataQueueDepth => 17
case ReplayQueueDepth => 16
case NMSHRs => Knob("L1D_MSHRS")
case LRSCCycles => 32
//L2 Memory System Params
case NAcquireTransactors => 7
case L2StoreDataQueueDepth => 1
case L2DirectoryRepresentation => new NullRepresentation(site(NTiles))
case BuildL2CoherenceManager => (id: Int, p: Parameters) =>
Module(new L2BroadcastHub()(p.alterPartial({
case InnerTLId => "L1toL2"
case OuterTLId => "L2toMC" })))
case NCachedTileLinkPorts => 1
case NUncachedTileLinkPorts => 1
//Tile Constants
case BuildTiles => {
val (rvi, rvu) =
if (site(XLen) == 64) ((if (site(UseVM)) rv64i else rv64pi), rv64u)
else ((if (site(UseVM)) rv32i else rv32pi), rv32u)
TestGeneration.addSuites((if(site(UseVM)) List("v") else List()).flatMap(env => rvu.map(_(env))))
TestGeneration.addSuite(if (site(UseVM)) benchmarks else emptyBmarks)
List.fill(site(NTiles)){ (r: Bool, p: Parameters) =>
Module(new RocketTile(resetSignal = r)(p.alterPartial({
case TLId => "L1toL2"
case NUncachedTileLinkPorts => 1 + site(RoccNMemChannels)
case BuildRoCC => Nil
case BuildCoreplex => (p: Parameters) => Module(new DefaultCoreplex(p))
case BuildCoreplex => (p: Parameters) => Module(new DefaultCoreplex(p))
case RoccNMemChannels => site(BuildRoCC).map(_.nMemChannels).foldLeft(0)(_ + _)
case RoccNPTWPorts => site(BuildRoCC).map(_.nPTWPorts).foldLeft(0)(_ + _)
case RoccNCSRs => site(BuildRoCC).map(_.csrs.size).foldLeft(0)(_ + _)
//Rocket Core Constants
case FetchWidth => if (site(UseCompressed)) 2 else 1
case RetireWidth => 1
case UseVM => true
case UseUser => true
case UseDebug => true
case AsyncDebugBus => false
case NBreakpoints => 1
case UsePerfCounters => true
case FastLoadWord => true
case FastLoadByte => false
case MulUnroll => 8
case DivEarlyOut => true
case XLen => 64
case UseFPU => {
val env = if(site(UseVM)) List("p","v") else List("p")
if(site(FDivSqrt)) {
} else {
case UseAtomics => {
val env = if(site(UseVM)) List("p","v") else List("p")
TestGeneration.addSuites(env.map(if (site(XLen) == 64) rv64ua else rv32ua))
case UseCompressed => {
val env = if(site(UseVM)) List("p","v") else List("p")
TestGeneration.addSuites(env.map(if (site(XLen) == 64) rv64uc else rv32uc))
case NExtInterrupts => 2
case NExtInterrupts => 2
case AsyncDebugBus => false
case AsyncMMIOChannels => false
case AsyncMMIOChannels => false
case ExtraDevices => Nil
case ExtraDevices => Nil
case ExtraTopPorts => (p: Parameters) => new Bundle
case ExtraTopPorts => (p: Parameters) => new Bundle
@ -248,22 +133,9 @@ class BaseConfig extends Config (
case AsyncBusChannels => false
case AsyncBusChannels => false
case NExtBusAXIChannels => 0
case NExtBusAXIChannels => 0
case ExportBusPort => site(NExtBusAXIChannels) > 0
case ExportBusPort => site(NExtBusAXIChannels) > 0
case PLICKey => PLICConfig(site(NTiles), site(UseVM), site(NExtInterrupts), 0)
case ConnectExtraPorts =>
case DMKey => new DefaultDebugModuleConfig(site(NTiles), site(XLen))
(out: Bundle, in: Bundle, p: Parameters) => out <> in
case FDivSqrt => true
case SFMALatency => 2
case DFMALatency => 3
case CoreInstBits => if (site(UseCompressed)) 16 else 32
case CoreDataBits => site(XLen)
case NCustomMRWCSRs => 0
case ResetVector => BigInt(0x1000)
case MtvecInit => BigInt(0x1010)
case MtvecWritable => true
//Uncore Paramters
case RTCPeriod => 100 // gives 10 MHz RTC assuming 1 GHz uncore clock
case LNEndpoints => site(TLKey(site(TLId))).nManagers + site(TLKey(site(TLId))).nClients
case LNHeaderBits => log2Ceil(site(TLKey(site(TLId))).nManagers) +
case HastiId => "Ext"
case HastiId => "Ext"
case HastiKey("TL") =>
case HastiKey("TL") =>
@ -273,232 +145,21 @@ class BaseConfig extends Config (
addrBits = site(PAddrBits),
addrBits = site(PAddrBits),
dataBits = site(XLen))
dataBits = site(XLen))
case TLKey("L1toL2") => {
val useMEI = site(NTiles) <= 1 && site(NCachedTileLinkPorts) <= 1
coherencePolicy = (
if (useMEI) new MEICoherence(site(L2DirectoryRepresentation))
else new MESICoherence(site(L2DirectoryRepresentation))),
nManagers = site(NBanksPerMemoryChannel)*site(NMemoryChannels) + 1 /* MMIO */,
nCachingClients = site(NCachedTileLinkPorts),
nCachelessClients = site(NExtBusAXIChannels) + site(NUncachedTileLinkPorts),
maxClientXacts = max_int(
// L1 cache
site(NMSHRs) + 1 /* IOMSHR */,
// RoCC
if (site(BuildRoCC).isEmpty) 1 else site(RoccMaxTaggedMemXacts)),
maxClientsPerPort = if (site(BuildRoCC).isEmpty) 1 else 2,
maxManagerXacts = site(NAcquireTransactors) + 2,
dataBeats = innerDataBeats,
dataBits = site(CacheBlockBytes)*8)
case TLKey("L2toMC") =>
coherencePolicy = new MEICoherence(
new NullRepresentation(site(NBanksPerMemoryChannel))),
nManagers = 1,
nCachingClients = site(NBanksPerMemoryChannel),
nCachelessClients = 0,
maxClientXacts = 1,
maxClientsPerPort = site(NAcquireTransactors) + 2,
maxManagerXacts = 1,
dataBeats = innerDataBeats,
dataBits = site(CacheBlockBytes)*8)
case TLKey("Outermost") => site(TLKey("L2toMC")).copy(
maxClientXacts = site(NAcquireTransactors) + 2,
maxClientsPerPort = site(NBanksPerMemoryChannel),
dataBeats = site(MIFDataBeats))
case TLKey("L2toMMIO") => {
coherencePolicy = new MICoherence(
new NullRepresentation(site(NBanksPerMemoryChannel))),
nManagers = globalAddrMap.subMap("io").numSlaves,
nCachingClients = 0,
nCachelessClients = 1,
maxClientXacts = 4,
maxClientsPerPort = 1,
maxManagerXacts = 1,
dataBeats = innerDataBeats,
dataBits = site(CacheBlockBytes) * 8)
case BootROMFile => "./bootrom/bootrom.img"
case TLKey("MMIO_Outermost") => site(TLKey("L2toMMIO")).copy(dataBeats = site(MIFDataBeats))
case NTiles => Knob("NTILES")
case AsyncMemChannels => false
case AsyncMemChannels => false
case NMemoryChannels => Dump("N_MEM_CHANNELS", 1)
case NMemoryChannels => Dump("N_MEM_CHANNELS", 1)
case TMemoryChannels => BusType.AXI
case TMemoryChannels => BusType.AXI
case NBanksPerMemoryChannel => Knob("NBANKS_PER_MEM_CHANNEL")
case NOutstandingMemReqsPerChannel => site(NBanksPerMemoryChannel)*(site(NAcquireTransactors)+2)
case BankIdLSB => 0
case CacheBlockBytes => Dump("CACHE_BLOCK_BYTES", 64)
case CacheBlockOffsetBits => log2Up(here(CacheBlockBytes))
case ConfigString => makeConfigString()
case ConfigString => makeConfigString()
case GlobalAddrMap => globalAddrMap
case GlobalAddrMap => globalAddrMap
case EnableL2Logging => false
case ExportGroundTestStatus => false
case RegressionTestNames => LinkedHashSet(
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
knobValues = {
case "NTILES" => 1
class BaseConfig extends Config(new BaseCoreplexConfig ++ new BasePlatformConfig)
case "L1D_MSHRS" => 2
case "L1D_SETS" => 64
case "L1D_WAYS" => 4
case "L1I_SETS" => 64
case "L1I_WAYS" => 4
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
class DefaultConfig extends Config(new WithBlockingL1 ++ new BaseConfig)
class DefaultConfig extends Config(new WithBlockingL1 ++ new BaseConfig)
class WithNCores(n: Int) extends Config(
knobValues = { case"NTILES" => n; case _ => throw new CDEMatchError })
class WithNBanksPerMemChannel(n: Int) extends Config(
knobValues = {
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
class WithNMemoryChannels(n: Int) extends Config(
(pname,site,here) => pname match {
case NMemoryChannels => Dump("N_MEM_CHANNELS", n)
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
class WithL2Cache extends Config(
(pname,site,here) => pname match {
case "L2Bank" => {
case NSets => (((here[Int]("L2_CAPACITY_IN_KB")*1024) /
site(CacheBlockBytes)) /
(site(NBanksPerMemoryChannel)*site(NMemoryChannels))) /
case NWays => Knob("L2_WAYS")
case RowBits => site(TLKey(site(TLId))).dataBitsPerBeat
case CacheIdBits => log2Ceil(site(NMemoryChannels) * site(NBanksPerMemoryChannel))
case SplitMetadata => Knob("L2_SPLIT_METADATA")
}: PartialFunction[Any,Any]
case NAcquireTransactors => 2
case NSecondaryMisses => 4
case L2DirectoryRepresentation => new FullRepresentation(site(NTiles))
case BuildL2CoherenceManager => (id: Int, p: Parameters) =>
Module(new L2HellaCacheBank()(p.alterPartial({
case CacheId => id
case CacheName => "L2Bank"
case InnerTLId => "L1toL2"
case OuterTLId => "L2toMC"})))
case L2Replacer => () => new SeqRandom(site(NWays))
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
knobValues = { case "L2_WAYS" => 8; case "L2_CAPACITY_IN_KB" => 2048; case "L2_SPLIT_METADATA" => false; case _ => throw new CDEMatchError }
class WithBufferlessBroadcastHub extends Config(
(pname, site, here) => pname match {
case BuildL2CoherenceManager => (id: Int, p: Parameters) =>
Module(new BufferlessBroadcastHub()(p.alterPartial({
case InnerTLId => "L1toL2"
case OuterTLId => "L2toMC" })))
* There is a very restrictive set of conditions under which the stateless
* bridge will function properly. There can only be a single tile. This tile
* MUST use the blocking data cache (L1D_MSHRS == 0) and MUST NOT have an
* uncached channel capable of writes (i.e. a RoCC accelerator).
* This is because the stateless bridge CANNOT generate probes, so if your
* system depends on coherence between channels in any way,
* DO NOT use this configuration.
class WithStatelessBridge extends Config (
topDefinitions = (pname, site, here) => pname match {
case BuildL2CoherenceManager => (id: Int, p: Parameters) =>
Module(new ManagerToClientStatelessBridge()(p.alterPartial({
case InnerTLId => "L1toL2"
case OuterTLId => "L2toMC" })))
knobValues = {
case "L1D_MSHRS" => 0
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
class WithPLRU extends Config(
(pname, site, here) => pname match {
case L2Replacer => () => new SeqPLRU(site(NSets), site(NWays))
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
class WithL2Capacity(size_kb: Int) extends Config(
knobValues = {
case "L2_CAPACITY_IN_KB" => size_kb
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
class WithNL2Ways(n: Int) extends Config(
knobValues = {
case "L2_WAYS" => n
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
class DefaultL2Config extends Config(new WithL2Cache ++ new BaseConfig)
class DefaultL2Config extends Config(new WithL2Cache ++ new BaseConfig)
class DefaultL2FPGAConfig extends Config(
new WithL2Capacity(64) ++ new WithL2Cache ++ new DefaultFPGAConfig)
class DefaultBufferlessConfig extends Config(
class DefaultBufferlessConfig extends Config(
new WithBufferlessBroadcastHub ++ new BaseConfig)
new WithBufferlessBroadcastHub ++ new BaseConfig)
class PLRUL2Config extends Config(new WithPLRU ++ new DefaultL2Config)
class WithRV32 extends Config(
(pname,site,here) => pname match {
case XLen => 32
case UseVM => false
case UseUser => false
case UseAtomics => false
case UseFPU => false
case RegressionTestNames => LinkedHashSet(
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
class FPGAConfig extends Config (
class FPGAConfig extends Config (
(pname,site,here) => pname match {
(pname,site,here) => pname match {
case NAcquireTransactors => 4
case NAcquireTransactors => 4
@ -507,9 +168,15 @@ class FPGAConfig extends Config (
class WithBlockingL1 extends Config (
class DefaultFPGAConfig extends Config(new FPGAConfig ++ new BaseConfig)
knobValues = {
class DefaultL2FPGAConfig extends Config(
case "L1D_MSHRS" => 0
new WithL2Capacity(64) ++ new WithL2Cache ++ new DefaultFPGAConfig)
class PLRUL2Config extends Config(new WithPLRU ++ new DefaultL2Config)
class WithNMemoryChannels(n: Int) extends Config(
(pname,site,here) => pname match {
case NMemoryChannels => Dump("N_MEM_CHANNELS", n)
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
@ -526,30 +193,6 @@ class WithTL extends Config(
case NExtMMIOTLChannels => 1
case NExtMMIOTLChannels => 1
class DefaultFPGAConfig extends Config(new FPGAConfig ++ new BaseConfig)
class WithSmallCores extends Config (
topDefinitions = { (pname,site,here) => pname match {
case UseFPU => false
case MulUnroll => 1
case DivEarlyOut => false
case NTLBEntries => 4
case BtbKey => BtbParameters(nEntries = 0)
case StoreDataQueueDepth => 2
case ReplayQueueDepth => 2
case NAcquireTransactors => 2
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
knobValues = {
case "L1D_SETS" => 64
case "L1D_WAYS" => 1
case "L1I_SETS" => 64
case "L1I_WAYS" => 1
case "L1D_MSHRS" => 0
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
class DefaultFPGASmallConfig extends Config(new WithSmallCores ++ new DefaultFPGAConfig)
class DefaultFPGASmallConfig extends Config(new WithSmallCores ++ new DefaultFPGAConfig)
class DefaultSmallConfig extends Config(new WithSmallCores ++ new BaseConfig)
class DefaultSmallConfig extends Config(new WithSmallCores ++ new BaseConfig)
class DefaultRV32Config extends Config(new WithRV32 ++ new DefaultSmallConfig)
class DefaultRV32Config extends Config(new WithRV32 ++ new DefaultSmallConfig)
@ -570,24 +213,6 @@ class DualChannelDualBankL2Config extends Config(
new WithNMemoryChannels(2) ++ new WithNBanksPerMemChannel(2) ++
new WithNMemoryChannels(2) ++ new WithNBanksPerMemChannel(2) ++
new WithL2Cache ++ new BaseConfig)
new WithL2Cache ++ new BaseConfig)
class WithRoccExample extends Config(
(pname, site, here) => pname match {
case BuildRoCC => Seq(
opcodes = OpcodeSet.custom0,
generator = (p: Parameters) => Module(new AccumulatorExample()(p))),
opcodes = OpcodeSet.custom1,
generator = (p: Parameters) => Module(new TranslatorExample()(p)),
nPTWPorts = 1),
opcodes = OpcodeSet.custom2,
generator = (p: Parameters) => Module(new CharacterCountExample()(p))))
case RoccMaxTaggedMemXacts => 1
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
class RoccExampleConfig extends Config(new WithRoccExample ++ new BaseConfig)
class RoccExampleConfig extends Config(new WithRoccExample ++ new BaseConfig)
class WithMIFDataBits(n: Int) extends Config(
class WithMIFDataBits(n: Int) extends Config(
@ -611,7 +236,6 @@ class OctoChannelBenchmarkConfig extends Config(new WithNMemoryChannels(8) ++ ne
class EightChannelConfig extends Config(new WithNMemoryChannels(8) ++ new BaseConfig)
class EightChannelConfig extends Config(new WithNMemoryChannels(8) ++ new BaseConfig)
class WithSplitL2Metadata extends Config(knobValues = { case "L2_SPLIT_METADATA" => true; case _ => throw new CDEMatchError })
class SplitL2MetadataTestConfig extends Config(new WithSplitL2Metadata ++ new DefaultL2Config)
class SplitL2MetadataTestConfig extends Config(new WithSplitL2Metadata ++ new DefaultL2Config)
class DualCoreConfig extends Config(
class DualCoreConfig extends Config(
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
// See LICENSE for license details.
package rocketchip
import Chisel._
import scala.collection.mutable.{LinkedHashSet,LinkedHashMap}
import cde.{Parameters, ParameterDump, Config, Field, CDEMatchError}
import coreplex._
object TestGenerator extends App {
val projectName = args(0)
val topModuleName = args(1)
val configClassName = args(2)
val aggregateConfigs = configClassName.split('_')
val finalConfig = aggregateConfigs.foldRight(new Config()) { case (currentConfigName, finalConfig) =>
val currentConfig = try {
} catch {
case e: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException =>
throwException("Unable to find part \"" + currentConfigName +
"\" of configClassName \"" + configClassName +
"\", did you misspell it?", e)
currentConfig ++ finalConfig
val world = finalConfig.toInstance
val paramsFromConfig: Parameters = Parameters.root(world)
val gen = () =>
chiselMain.run(args.drop(3), gen)
//Driver.elaborate(gen, configName = configClassName)
TestGeneration.addSuite(new RegressionTestSuite(paramsFromConfig(RegressionTestNames)))
TestGeneration.generateMakefrag(topModuleName, configClassName)
topModuleName, configClassName, paramsFromConfig)
topModuleName, configClassName, paramsFromConfig)
val pdFile = TestGeneration.createOutputFile(s"$topModuleName.$configClassName.prm")
val v = TestGeneration.createOutputFile(configClassName + ".knb")
val d = new java.io.FileOutputStream(Driver.targetDir + "/" + configClassName + ".cfg")
val w = TestGeneration.createOutputFile(configClassName + ".cst")
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import uncore.devices._
import uncore.util._
import uncore.util._
import uncore.converters._
import uncore.converters._
import rocket._
import rocket._
import coreplex._
/** Top-level parameters of RocketChip, values set in e.g. PublicConfigs.scala */
/** Top-level parameters of RocketChip, values set in e.g. PublicConfigs.scala */
@ -24,8 +25,6 @@ object BusType {
/** Memory channel controls */
/** Memory channel controls */
case object TMemoryChannels extends Field[BusType.EnumVal]
case object TMemoryChannels extends Field[BusType.EnumVal]
/** Number of outstanding memory requests */
case object NOutstandingMemReqsPerChannel extends Field[Int]
/** External MMIO controls */
/** External MMIO controls */
case object NExtMMIOAXIChannels extends Field[Int]
case object NExtMMIOAXIChannels extends Field[Int]
case object NExtMMIOAHBChannels extends Field[Int]
case object NExtMMIOAHBChannels extends Field[Int]
@ -37,9 +36,12 @@ case object AsyncBusChannels extends Field[Boolean]
case object AsyncDebugBus extends Field[Boolean]
case object AsyncDebugBus extends Field[Boolean]
case object AsyncMemChannels extends Field[Boolean]
case object AsyncMemChannels extends Field[Boolean]
case object AsyncMMIOChannels extends Field[Boolean]
case object AsyncMMIOChannels extends Field[Boolean]
/** External address map settings */
/** External address map settings */
case object ExtMMIOPorts extends Field[Seq[AddrMapEntry]]
case object ExtMMIOPorts extends Field[Seq[AddrMapEntry]]
/** Function for building Coreplex */
case object BuildCoreplex extends Field[Parameters => Coreplex]
/** Function for connecting coreplex extra ports to top-level extra ports */
case object ConnectExtraPorts extends Field[(Bundle, Bundle, Parameters) => Unit]
/** Utility trait for quick access to some relevant parameters */
/** Utility trait for quick access to some relevant parameters */
trait HasTopLevelParameters {
trait HasTopLevelParameters {
@ -162,6 +164,7 @@ class Top(topParams: Parameters) extends Module with HasTopLevelParameters {
else io.bus_axi)
else io.bus_axi)
io.extra <> periphery.io.extra
io.extra <> periphery.io.extra
p(ConnectExtraPorts)(io.extra, coreplex.io.extra, p)
class Periphery(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Module
class Periphery(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Module
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ package rocketchip
import Chisel._
import Chisel._
import cde.Parameters
import cde.Parameters
import uncore.devices.{DbBusConsts, DMKey}
import uncore.devices.{DbBusConsts, DMKey}
import coreplex._
object TestBenchGeneration {
object TestBenchGeneration {
def generateVerilogFragment(
def generateVerilogFragment(
@ -13,159 +13,9 @@ import junctions.unittests._
import scala.collection.mutable.LinkedHashSet
import scala.collection.mutable.LinkedHashSet
import cde.{Parameters, Config, Dump, Knob, CDEMatchError}
import cde.{Parameters, Config, Dump, Knob, CDEMatchError}
import scala.math.max
import scala.math.max
import coreplex._
import ConfigUtils._
import ConfigUtils._
class WithGroundTest extends Config(
(pname, site, here) => pname match {
case TLKey("L1toL2") => {
val useMEI = site(NTiles) <= 1 && site(NCachedTileLinkPorts) <= 1
coherencePolicy = (
if (useMEI) new MEICoherence(site(L2DirectoryRepresentation))
else new MESICoherence(site(L2DirectoryRepresentation))),
nManagers = site(NBanksPerMemoryChannel)*site(NMemoryChannels) + 1,
nCachingClients = site(NCachedTileLinkPorts),
nCachelessClients = site(NUncachedTileLinkPorts),
maxClientXacts = ((site(NMSHRs) + 1) +:
.reduce(max(_, _)),
maxClientsPerPort = 1,
maxManagerXacts = site(NAcquireTransactors) + 2,
dataBeats = 8,
dataBits = site(CacheBlockBytes)*8)
case BuildTiles => {
val groundtest = if (site(XLen) == 64)
(0 until site(NTiles)).map { i =>
val tileSettings = site(GroundTestKey)(i)
(r: Bool, p: Parameters) => {
Module(new GroundTestTile(resetSignal = r)(p.alterPartial({
case TLId => "L1toL2"
case GroundTestId => i
case NCachedTileLinkPorts => if(tileSettings.cached > 0) 1 else 0
case NUncachedTileLinkPorts => tileSettings.uncached
case RoccNCSRs => tileSettings.csrs
case UseFPU => false
case UseAtomics => false
case UseCompressed => false
case RegressionTestNames => LinkedHashSet("rv64ui-p-simple")
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
class WithComparator extends Config(
(pname, site, here) => pname match {
case GroundTestKey => Seq.fill(site(NTiles)) {
GroundTestTileSettings(uncached = site(ComparatorKey).targets.size)
case BuildGroundTest =>
(p: Parameters) => Module(new ComparatorCore()(p))
case ComparatorKey => ComparatorParameters(
targets = Seq("mem", "io:ext:testram").map(name =>
width = 8,
operations = 1000,
atomics = site(UseAtomics),
prefetches = site("COMPARATOR_PREFETCHES"))
case UseFPU => false
case UseAtomics => false
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
class WithAtomics extends Config(
(pname, site, here) => pname match {
case UseAtomics => true
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
class WithPrefetches extends Config(
(pname, site, here) => pname match {
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
class WithMemtest extends Config(
(pname, site, here) => pname match {
case GroundTestKey => Seq.fill(site(NTiles)) {
GroundTestTileSettings(1, 1)
case GeneratorKey => GeneratorParameters(
maxRequests = 128,
startAddress = site(GlobalAddrMap)("mem").start)
case BuildGroundTest =>
(p: Parameters) => Module(new GeneratorTest()(p))
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
class WithNGenerators(nUncached: Int, nCached: Int) extends Config(
(pname, site, here) => pname match {
case GroundTestKey => Seq.fill(site(NTiles)) {
GroundTestTileSettings(nUncached, nCached)
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
class WithCacheFillTest extends Config(
(pname, site, here) => pname match {
case GroundTestKey => Seq.fill(site(NTiles)) {
GroundTestTileSettings(uncached = 1)
case BuildGroundTest =>
(p: Parameters) => Module(new CacheFillTest()(p))
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
knobValues = {
case "L2_WAYS" => 4
case "L2_CAPACITY_IN_KB" => 4
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
class WithBroadcastRegressionTest extends Config(
(pname, site, here) => pname match {
case GroundTestKey => Seq.fill(site(NTiles)) {
GroundTestTileSettings(1, 1, maxXacts = 3)
case BuildGroundTest =>
(p: Parameters) => Module(new RegressionTest()(p))
case GroundTestRegressions =>
(p: Parameters) => RegressionTests.broadcastRegressions(p)
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
class WithCacheRegressionTest extends Config(
(pname, site, here) => pname match {
case GroundTestKey => Seq.fill(site(NTiles)) {
GroundTestTileSettings(1, 1, maxXacts = 5)
case BuildGroundTest =>
(p: Parameters) => Module(new RegressionTest()(p))
case GroundTestRegressions =>
(p: Parameters) => RegressionTests.cacheRegressions(p)
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
class WithNastiConverterTest extends Config(
(pname, site, here) => pname match {
case GroundTestKey => Seq.fill(site(NTiles)) {
GroundTestTileSettings(uncached = 1)
case GeneratorKey => GeneratorParameters(
maxRequests = 128,
startAddress = site(GlobalAddrMap)("mem").start)
case BuildGroundTest =>
(p: Parameters) => Module(new NastiConverterTest()(p))
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
class WithUnitTest extends Config(
class WithUnitTest extends Config(
(pname, site, here) => pname match {
(pname, site, here) => pname match {
case BuildCoreplex => {
case BuildCoreplex => {
@ -187,34 +37,6 @@ class WithUnitTest extends Config(
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
class WithTraceGen extends Config(
topDefinitions = (pname, site, here) => pname match {
case GroundTestKey => Seq.fill(site(NTiles)) {
GroundTestTileSettings(uncached = 1, cached = 1)
case BuildGroundTest =>
(p: Parameters) => Module(new GroundTestTraceGenerator()(p))
case GeneratorKey => GeneratorParameters(
maxRequests = 256,
startAddress = 0)
case AddressBag => {
val nSets = 32 // L2 NSets
val nWays = 1
val blockOffset = site(CacheBlockOffsetBits)
val baseAddr = site(GlobalAddrMap)("mem").start
val nBeats = site(MIFDataBeats)
List.tabulate(4 * nWays) { i =>
Seq.tabulate(nBeats) { j => (j * 8) + ((i * nSets) << blockOffset) }
}.flatten.map(addr => baseAddr + BigInt(addr))
case UseAtomics => true
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
knobValues = {
case "L1D_SETS" => 16
case "L1D_WAYS" => 1
class GroundTestConfig extends Config(new WithGroundTest ++ new BaseConfig)
class GroundTestConfig extends Config(new WithGroundTest ++ new BaseConfig)
class ComparatorConfig extends Config(
class ComparatorConfig extends Config(
@ -276,71 +98,25 @@ class MIF32BitComparatorConfig extends Config(
class MIF32BitMemtestConfig extends Config(
class MIF32BitMemtestConfig extends Config(
new WithMIFDataBits(32) ++ new MemtestConfig)
new WithMIFDataBits(32) ++ new MemtestConfig)
class WithPCIeMockupTest extends Config(
(pname, site, here) => pname match {
case NTiles => 2
case GroundTestKey => Seq(
GroundTestTileSettings(1, 1),
case GeneratorKey => GeneratorParameters(
maxRequests = 128,
startAddress = site(GlobalAddrMap)("mem").start)
case BuildGroundTest =>
(p: Parameters) => {
val id = p(GroundTestId)
if (id == 0) Module(new GeneratorTest()(p))
else Module(new NastiConverterTest()(p))
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
class PCIeMockupTestConfig extends Config(
class PCIeMockupTestConfig extends Config(
new WithPCIeMockupTest ++ new GroundTestConfig)
new WithPCIeMockupTest ++ new GroundTestConfig)
class WithDirectGroundTest extends Config(
class WithDirectGroundTest extends Config(
(pname, site, here) => pname match {
(pname, site, here) => pname match {
case ExportGroundTestStatus => true
case BuildCoreplex => (p: Parameters) => Module(new DirectGroundTestCoreplex(p))
case ExtraCoreplexPorts => (p: Parameters) =>
if (p(ExportGroundTestStatus)) new GroundTestStatus else new Bundle
case ExtraTopPorts => (p: Parameters) =>
if (p(ExportGroundTestStatus)) new GroundTestStatus else new Bundle
case TLKey("Outermost") => site(TLKey("L2toMC")).copy(
case TLKey("Outermost") => site(TLKey("L2toMC")).copy(
maxClientXacts = site(GroundTestKey)(0).maxXacts,
maxClientXacts = site(GroundTestKey)(0).maxXacts,
maxClientsPerPort = site(NBanksPerMemoryChannel),
maxClientsPerPort = site(NBanksPerMemoryChannel),
dataBeats = site(MIFDataBeats))
dataBeats = site(MIFDataBeats))
case MIFTagBits => Dump("MIF_TAG_BITS", 2)
case NBanksPerMemoryChannel => site(GroundTestKey)(0).uncached
case NBanksPerMemoryChannel => site(GroundTestKey)(0).uncached
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
class WithDirectMemtest extends Config(
(pname, site, here) => {
val nGens = 8
pname match {
case GroundTestKey => Seq(GroundTestTileSettings(uncached = nGens))
case GeneratorKey => GeneratorParameters(
maxRequests = 1024,
startAddress = 0)
case BuildGroundTest =>
(p: Parameters) => Module(new GeneratorTest()(p))
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
class WithDirectComparator extends Config(
(pname, site, here) => pname match {
case GroundTestKey => Seq.fill(site(NTiles)) {
GroundTestTileSettings(uncached = site(ComparatorKey).targets.size)
case BuildGroundTest =>
(p: Parameters) => Module(new ComparatorCore()(p))
case ComparatorKey => ComparatorParameters(
targets = Seq(0L, 0x100L),
width = 8,
operations = 1000,
atomics = site(UseAtomics),
prefetches = site("COMPARATOR_PREFETCHES"))
case UseFPU => false
case UseAtomics => false
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
class DirectGroundTestConfig extends Config(
class DirectGroundTestConfig extends Config(
new WithDirectGroundTest ++ new GroundTestConfig)
new WithDirectGroundTest ++ new GroundTestConfig)
class DirectMemtestConfig extends Config(
class DirectMemtestConfig extends Config(
Reference in New Issue
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