diplomacy: AddressMapEntry and BindingScope.collect
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@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
// See LICENSE.SiFive for license details.
package freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy
import Chisel._
// Use AddressSet instead -- this is just for pretty printing
case class AddressRange(base: BigInt, size: BigInt) extends Ordered[AddressRange]
val end = base + size
require (base >= 0, s"AddressRange base must be positive, got: $base")
require (size > 0, s"AddressRange size must be > 0, got: $size")
def compare(x: AddressRange) = {
val primary = (this.base - x.base).signum
val secondary = (x.size - this.size).signum
if (primary != 0) primary else secondary
def contains(x: AddressRange) = base <= x.base && x.end <= end
def union(x: AddressRange): Option[AddressRange] = {
if (base > x.end || x.base > end) {
} else {
val obase = if (base < x.base) base else x.base
val oend = if (end > x.end) end else x.end
Some(AddressRange(obase, oend-obase))
private def helper(base: BigInt, end: BigInt) =
if (base < end) Seq(AddressRange(base, end-base)) else Nil
def subtract(x: AddressRange) =
helper(base, end min x.base) ++ helper(base max x.end, end)
// We always want to see things in hex
override def toString() = "AddressRange(0x%x, 0x%x)".format(base, size)
object AddressRange
def fromSets(seq: Seq[AddressSet]): Seq[AddressRange] = unify(seq.flatMap(_.toRanges))
def unify(seq: Seq[AddressRange]): Seq[AddressRange] = {
if (seq.isEmpty) return Nil
val ranges = seq.sorted
ranges.tail.foldLeft(Seq(ranges.head)) { case (head :: tail, x) =>
head.union(x) match {
case Some(z) => z :: tail
case None => x :: head :: tail
// Set subtraction... O(n*n) b/c I am lazy
def subtract(from: Seq[AddressRange], take: Seq[AddressRange]): Seq[AddressRange] =
take.foldLeft(from) { case (left, r) => left.flatMap { _.subtract(r) } }
case class AddressMapEntry(range: AddressRange, permissions: ResourcePermissions, names: Seq[String]) {
val ResourcePermissions(r, w, x, c, a) = permissions
def toString(aw: Int) = s"\t%${aw}x - %${aw}x %c%c%c%c%c %s".format(
if (a) 'A' else ' ',
if (r) 'R' else ' ',
if (w) 'W' else ' ',
if (x) 'X' else ' ',
if (c) 'C' else ' ',
names.mkString(", "))
def serialize = s"""{"base":[${range.base}],"size":[${range.size}],""" +
s""""r":[$r],"w":[$w],"x":[$x],"c":[$c],"a":[$a],""" +
@ -104,40 +104,6 @@ object TransferSizes {
implicit def asBool(x: TransferSizes) = !x.none
// Use AddressSet instead -- this is just for pretty printing
case class AddressRange(base: BigInt, size: BigInt) extends Ordered[AddressRange]
val end = base + size
require (base >= 0, s"AddressRange base must be positive, got: $base")
require (size > 0, s"AddressRange size must be > 0, got: $size")
def compare(x: AddressRange) = {
val primary = (this.base - x.base).signum
val secondary = (x.size - this.size).signum
if (primary != 0) primary else secondary
def contains(x: AddressRange) = base <= x.base && x.end <= end
def union(x: AddressRange): Option[AddressRange] = {
if (base > x.end || x.base > end) {
} else {
val obase = if (base < x.base) base else x.base
val oend = if (end > x.end) end else x.end
Some(AddressRange(obase, oend-obase))
private def helper(base: BigInt, end: BigInt) =
if (base < end) Seq(AddressRange(base, end-base)) else Nil
def subtract(x: AddressRange) =
helper(base, end min x.base) ++ helper(base max x.end, end)
// We always want to see things in hex
override def toString() = "AddressRange(0x%x, 0x%x)".format(base, size)
// AddressSets specify the address space managed by the manager
// Base is the base address, and mask are the bits consumed by the manager
// e.g: base=0x200, mask=0xff describes a device managing 0x200-0x2ff
@ -210,24 +176,6 @@ case class AddressSet(base: BigInt, mask: BigInt) extends Ordered[AddressSet]
object AddressRange
def fromSets(seq: Seq[AddressSet]): Seq[AddressRange] = unify(seq.flatMap(_.toRanges))
def unify(seq: Seq[AddressRange]): Seq[AddressRange] = {
if (seq.isEmpty) return Nil
val ranges = seq.sorted
ranges.tail.foldLeft(Seq(ranges.head)) { case (head :: tail, x) =>
head.union(x) match {
case Some(z) => z :: tail
case None => x :: head :: tail
// Set subtraction... O(n*n) b/c I am lazy
def subtract(from: Seq[AddressRange], take: Seq[AddressRange]): Seq[AddressRange] =
take.foldLeft(from) { case (left, r) => left.flatMap { _.subtract(r) } }
object AddressSet
val everything = AddressSet(0, -1)
@ -251,6 +251,15 @@ trait BindingScope
private def collect(path: List[String], value: ResourceValue): List[(String, ResourceAddress)] = {
value match {
case r: ResourceAddress => List((path(1), r))
case b: ResourceMapping => List((path(1), ResourceAddress(b.address, b.permissions)))
case ResourceMap(value, _) => value.toList.flatMap { case (key, seq) => seq.flatMap(r => collect(key :: path, r)) }
case _ => Nil
/** Generate the device tree. */
def bindingTree: ResourceMap = {
@ -263,6 +272,9 @@ trait BindingScope
expand(tokens, Seq(ResourceMap(mapping, Seq(d.label)))) })
ResourceMap(SortedMap("/" -> tree))
/** Collect resource addresses from tree. */
def collectResourceAddresses = collect(Nil, bindingTree)
object BindingScope
@ -97,39 +97,22 @@ abstract class BaseSubsystem(implicit p: Parameters) extends BareSubsystem {
abstract class BaseSubsystemModuleImp[+L <: BaseSubsystem](_outer: L) extends BareSubsystemModuleImp(_outer) {
println("Generated Address Map")
private val aw = (outer.sbus.busView.bundle.addressBits-1)/4 + 1
private val fmt = s"\t%${aw}x - %${aw}x %c%c%c%c%c %s"
private def collect(path: List[String], value: ResourceValue): List[(String, ResourceAddress)] = {
value match {
case r: ResourceAddress => List((path(1), r))
case b: ResourceMapping => List((path(1), ResourceAddress(b.address, b.permissions)))
case ResourceMap(value, _) => value.toList.flatMap { case (key, seq) => seq.flatMap(r => collect(key :: path, r)) }
case _ => Nil
private val ranges = collect(Nil, outer.bindingTree).groupBy(_._2).toList.flatMap { case (key, seq) =>
AddressRange.fromSets(key.address).map { r => (r, key.permissions, seq.map(_._1)) }
private val json = ranges.map { case (range, ResourcePermissions(r, w, x, c, a), names) =>
if (a) 'A' else ' ',
if (r) 'R' else ' ',
if (w) 'W' else ' ',
if (x) 'X' else ' ',
if (c) 'C' else ' ',
names.mkString(", ")))
abstract class BaseSubsystemModuleImp[+L <: BaseSubsystem](_outer: L) extends BareSubsystemModuleImp(_outer) {
private val mapping: Seq[AddressMapEntry] = {
outer.collectResourceAddresses.groupBy(_._2).toList.flatMap { case (key, seq) =>
AddressRange.fromSets(key.address).map { r => AddressMapEntry(r, key.permissions, seq.map(_._1)) }
println("Generated Address Map")
mapping.map(entry => println(entry.toString((outer.sbus.busView.bundle.addressBits-1)/4 + 1)))
ElaborationArtefacts.add("memmap.json", s"""{"mapping":[${json.mkString(",")}]}""")
ElaborationArtefacts.add("memmap.json", s"""{"mapping":[${mapping.map(_.serialize).mkString(",")}]}""")
// Confirm that all of memory was described by DTS
private val dtsRanges = AddressRange.unify(ranges.map(_._1))
private val dtsRanges = AddressRange.unify(mapping.map(_.range))
private val allRanges = AddressRange.unify(outer.topManagers.get.flatMap { m => AddressRange.fromSets(m.address) })
if (dtsRanges != allRanges) {
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