Refactored uncore constants and tilelink data

This commit is contained in:
Henry Cook 2014-04-10 13:19:50 -07:00
commit 2cb4dbae39
6 changed files with 130 additions and 188 deletions


@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit dff97c5b52e052637582eaaf7e819b7bf9d1953d
Subproject commit 41d48485e1cd454e5b7966a6efaac63ba5656796


@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 053836a7b9dbfc036603533413d96a4887504641
Subproject commit 5bc618bc74bf3dffb11f8a6366299c31bf7a247b

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@ -5,11 +5,10 @@ import uncore._
import rocket._
import rocket.Util._
import ReferenceChipBackend._
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap
import DRAMModel._
object DummyTopLevelConstants {
object DesignSpaceConstants {
val NTILES = 1
val NBANKS = 1
val HTIF_WIDTH = 16
@ -21,7 +20,29 @@ object DummyTopLevelConstants {
val NMSHRS = 2
import DummyTopLevelConstants._
object MemoryConstants {
val CACHE_DATA_SIZE_IN_BYTES = 1 << 6 //TODO: How configurable is this really?
val PADDR_BITS = 32
val VADDR_BITS = 43
val PGIDX_BITS = 13
val ASID_BITS = 7
val PERM_BITS = 6
val MEM_TAG_BITS = 5
val MEM_DATA_BITS = 128
object TileLinkSizeConstants {
import DesignSpaceConstants._
import MemoryConstants._
import TileLinkSizeConstants._
object ReferenceChipBackend {
val initMap = new HashMap[Module, Bool]()
@ -88,20 +109,21 @@ class Fame1ReferenceChipBackend extends ReferenceChipBackend with Fame1Transform
class OuterMemorySystem(htif_width: Int)(implicit conf: UncoreConfiguration) extends Module
implicit val (tl, ln, l2) = (conf.tl, conf.tl.ln, conf.l2)
implicit val (tl, ln, l2, mif) = (conf.tl, conf.tl.ln, conf.l2, conf.mif)
val io = new Bundle {
val tiles = Vec.fill(conf.nTiles){new TileLinkIO}.flip
val htif = (new TileLinkIO).flip
val incoherent = Vec.fill(ln.nClients){Bool()}.asInput
val mem = new ioMem
val mem_backup = new ioMemSerialized(htif_width)
val mem = new MemIO
val mem_backup = new MemSerializedIO(htif_width)
val mem_backup_en = Bool(INPUT)
val refill_cycles = tl.dataBits/mif.dataBits
val llc_tag_leaf = Mem(Bits(width = 152), 512, seqRead = true)
val llc_data_leaf = Mem(Bits(width = 64), 4096, seqRead = true)
val llc = Module(new DRAMSideLLC(sets=512, ways=8, outstanding=16, tagLeaf=llc_tag_leaf, dataLeaf=llc_data_leaf))
val llc = Module(new DRAMSideLLC(sets=512, ways=8, outstanding=16, refill_cycles=refill_cycles, tagLeaf=llc_tag_leaf, dataLeaf=llc_data_leaf))
//val llc = Module(new DRAMSideLLCNull(NL2_REL_XACTS+NL2_ACQ_XACTS, refill_cycles))
val mem_serdes = Module(new MemSerdes(htif_width))
val masterEndpoints = (0 until ln.nMasters).map(i => Module(new L2CoherenceAgent(i)))
@ -119,7 +141,7 @@ class OuterMemorySystem(htif_width: Int)(implicit conf: UncoreConfiguration) ext
conv.io.uncached <> masterEndpoints.head.io.master
llc.io.cpu.req_cmd <> Queue(conv.io.mem.req_cmd)
llc.io.cpu.req_data <> Queue(conv.io.mem.req_data, REFILL_CYCLES)
llc.io.cpu.req_data <> Queue(conv.io.mem.req_data, refill_cycles)
conv.io.mem.resp <> llc.io.cpu.resp
// mux between main and backup memory ports
@ -131,7 +153,7 @@ class OuterMemorySystem(htif_width: Int)(implicit conf: UncoreConfiguration) ext
mem_serdes.io.wide.req_cmd.valid := mem_cmdq.io.deq.valid && io.mem_backup_en
mem_serdes.io.wide.req_cmd.bits := mem_cmdq.io.deq.bits
val mem_dataq = Module(new Queue(new MemData, REFILL_CYCLES))
val mem_dataq = Module(new Queue(new MemData, refill_cycles))
mem_dataq.io.enq <> llc.io.mem.req_data
mem_dataq.io.deq.ready := Mux(io.mem_backup_en, mem_serdes.io.wide.req_data.ready, io.mem.req_data.ready)
io.mem.req_data.valid := mem_dataq.io.deq.valid && !io.mem_backup_en
@ -146,21 +168,21 @@ class OuterMemorySystem(htif_width: Int)(implicit conf: UncoreConfiguration) ext
io.mem_backup <> mem_serdes.io.narrow
case class UncoreConfiguration(l2: L2CoherenceAgentConfiguration, tl: TileLinkConfiguration, nTiles: Int, nBanks: Int, bankIdLsb: Int, nSCR: Int)
case class UncoreConfiguration(l2: L2CoherenceAgentConfiguration, tl: TileLinkConfiguration, mif: MemoryIFConfiguration, nTiles: Int, nBanks: Int, bankIdLsb: Int, nSCR: Int, offsetBits: Int)
class Uncore(htif_width: Int)(implicit conf: UncoreConfiguration) extends Module
implicit val tl = conf.tl
implicit val (tl, mif) = (conf.tl, conf.mif)
val io = new Bundle {
val host = new HostIO(htif_width)
val mem = new ioMem
val mem = new MemIO
val tiles = Vec.fill(conf.nTiles){new TileLinkIO}.flip
val htif = Vec.fill(conf.nTiles){new HTIFIO(conf.nTiles)}.flip
val incoherent = Vec.fill(conf.nTiles){Bool()}.asInput
val mem_backup = new ioMemSerialized(htif_width)
val mem_backup = new MemSerializedIO(htif_width)
val mem_backup_en = Bool(INPUT)
val htif = Module(new HTIF(htif_width, CSRs.reset, conf.nSCR))
val htif = Module(new HTIF(htif_width, CSRs.reset, conf.nSCR, conf.offsetBits))
val outmemsys = Module(new OuterMemorySystem(htif_width))
val incoherentWithHtif = (io.incoherent :+ Bool(true).asInput)
outmemsys.io.incoherent := incoherentWithHtif
@ -170,21 +192,15 @@ class Uncore(htif_width: Int)(implicit conf: UncoreConfiguration) extends Module
// Add networking headers and endpoint queues
def convertAddrToBank(addr: Bits): UInt = {
require(conf.bankIdLsb + log2Up(conf.nBanks) < MEM_ADDR_BITS, {println("Invalid bits for bank multiplexing.")})
require(conf.bankIdLsb + log2Up(conf.nBanks) < conf.mif.addrBits, {println("Invalid bits for bank multiplexing.")})
addr(conf.bankIdLsb + log2Up(conf.nBanks) - 1, conf.bankIdLsb)
(outmemsys.io.tiles :+ outmemsys.io.htif).zip(io.tiles :+ htif.io.mem).zipWithIndex.map {
case ((outer, client), i) =>
outer.acquire <> TileLinkHeaderAppender(client.acquire, i, conf.nBanks, convertAddrToBank _)
outer.release <> TileLinkHeaderAppender(client.release, i, conf.nBanks, convertAddrToBank _)
val grant_ack_q = Queue(client.grant_ack)
outer.grant_ack.valid := grant_ack_q.valid
outer.grant_ack.bits := grant_ack_q.bits
outer.grant_ack.bits.header.src := UInt(i)
grant_ack_q.ready := outer.grant_ack.ready
outer.acquire <> Queue(TileLinkHeaderOverwriter(client.acquire, i, conf.nBanks, convertAddrToBank _))
outer.release <> Queue(TileLinkHeaderOverwriter(client.release, i, conf.nBanks, convertAddrToBank _))
outer.grant_ack <> Queue(TileLinkHeaderOverwriter(client.grant_ack, i))
client.grant <> Queue(outer.grant, 1, pipe = true)
client.probe <> Queue(outer.probe)
@ -219,12 +235,12 @@ class Uncore(htif_width: Int)(implicit conf: UncoreConfiguration) extends Module
io.host.debug_stats_pcr := htif.io.host.debug_stats_pcr
class TopIO(htifWidth: Int) extends Bundle {
class TopIO(htifWidth: Int)(implicit conf: MemoryIFConfiguration) extends Bundle {
val host = new HostIO(htifWidth)
val mem = new ioMem
val mem = new MemIO
class VLSITopIO(htifWidth: Int) extends TopIO(htifWidth) {
class VLSITopIO(htifWidth: Int)(implicit conf: MemoryIFConfiguration) extends TopIO(htifWidth)(conf) {
val mem_backup_en = Bool(INPUT)
val in_mem_ready = Bool(OUTPUT)
val in_mem_valid = Bool(INPUT)
@ -234,6 +250,7 @@ class VLSITopIO(htifWidth: Int) extends TopIO(htifWidth) {
class MemDessert extends Module {
implicit val mif = MemoryIFConfiguration(MEM_ADDR_BITS, MEM_DATA_BITS, MEM_TAG_BITS, MEM_DATA_BEATS)
val io = new MemDesserIO(HTIF_WIDTH)
val x = Module(new MemDesser(HTIF_WIDTH))
io.narrow <> x.io.narrow
@ -251,18 +268,29 @@ class Top extends Module {
implicit val ln = LogicalNetworkConfiguration(log2Up(NTILES)+1, NBANKS, NTILES+1)
implicit val tl = TileLinkConfiguration(co, ln, log2Up(NL2_REL_XACTS+NL2_ACQ_XACTS), 2*log2Up(NMSHRS*NTILES+1), MEM_DATA_BITS)
implicit val as = AddressSpaceConfiguration(PADDR_BITS, VADDR_BITS, PGIDX_BITS, ASID_BITS, PERM_BITS)
implicit val tl = TileLinkConfiguration(co = co, ln = ln,
addrBits = as.paddrBits-OFFSET_BITS,
clientXactIdBits = log2Up(NL2_REL_XACTS+NL2_ACQ_XACTS),
masterXactIdBits = 2*log2Up(NMSHRS*NTILES+1),
writeMaskBits = WRITE_MASK_BITS,
atomicOpBits = ATOMIC_OP_BITS)
implicit val l2 = L2CoherenceAgentConfiguration(tl, NL2_REL_XACTS, NL2_ACQ_XACTS)
implicit val uc = UncoreConfiguration(l2, tl, NTILES, NBANKS, bankIdLsb = 5, nSCR = 64)
implicit val mif = MemoryIFConfiguration(MEM_ADDR_BITS, MEM_DATA_BITS, MEM_TAG_BITS, MEM_DATA_BEATS)
implicit val uc = UncoreConfiguration(l2, tl, mif, NTILES, NBANKS, bankIdLsb = 5, nSCR = 64, offsetBits = OFFSET_BITS)
val ic = ICacheConfig(128, 2, ntlb = 8, btb = BTBConfig(64, 2))
val dc = DCacheConfig(128, 4, ntlb = 8,
nmshr = NMSHRS, nrpq = 16, nsdq = 17, states = co.nClientStates)
val vic = ICacheConfig(128, 1)
val hc = hwacha.HwachaConfiguration(vic, dc, 8, 256, ndtlb = 8, nptlb = 2)
val ic = ICacheConfig(sets = 128, assoc = 2, ntlb = 8, tl = tl, as = as, btb = BTBConfig(as, 64, 2))
val dc = DCacheConfig(sets = 128, ways = 4,
tl = tl, as = as,
ntlb = 8, nmshr = NMSHRS, nrpq = 16, nsdq = 17,
reqtagbits = -1, databits = -1)
val vic = ICacheConfig(sets = 128, assoc = 1, tl = tl, as = as, btb = BTBConfig(as, 8))
val hc = hwacha.HwachaConfiguration(as, vic, dc, 8, 256, ndtlb = 8, nptlb = 2)
val fpu = if (HAS_FPU) Some(FPUConfig(sfmaLatency = 2, dfmaLatency = 3)) else None
val rc = RocketConfiguration(tl, ic, dc, fpu
//,rocc = (c: RocketConfiguration) => (new hwacha.Hwacha(hc, c))
val rc = RocketConfiguration(tl, as, ic, dc, fpu
// rocc = (c: RocketConfiguration) => (new hwacha.Hwacha(hc, c))
val io = new VLSITopIO(HTIF_WIDTH)

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@ -5,15 +5,16 @@ import Node._
import uncore._
import rocket._
import DRAMModel._
import DRAMModel.MemModelConstants._
class FPGAOuterMemorySystem(htif_width: Int)(implicit conf: UncoreConfiguration) extends Module
implicit val (tl, ln, l2) = (conf.tl, conf.tl.ln, conf.l2)
implicit val (tl, ln, l2, mif) = (conf.tl, conf.tl.ln, conf.l2, conf.mif)
val io = new Bundle {
val tiles = Vec.fill(conf.nTiles){new TileLinkIO}.flip
val htif = (new TileLinkIO).flip
val incoherent = Vec.fill(ln.nClients){Bool()}.asInput
val mem = new ioMem
val mem = new MemIO
val masterEndpoints = (0 until ln.nMasters).map(i => Module(new L2CoherenceAgent(i)))
@ -32,21 +33,21 @@ class FPGAOuterMemorySystem(htif_width: Int)(implicit conf: UncoreConfiguration)
conv.io.uncached <> masterEndpoints.head.io.master
io.mem.req_cmd <> Queue(conv.io.mem.req_cmd)
io.mem.req_data <> Queue(conv.io.mem.req_data, REFILL_CYCLES)
io.mem.req_data <> Queue(conv.io.mem.req_data, tl.dataBits/mif.dataBits)
conv.io.mem.resp <> Queue(io.mem.resp)
class FPGAUncore(htif_width: Int)(implicit conf: UncoreConfiguration) extends Module
implicit val (tl, ln) = (conf.tl, conf.tl.ln)
implicit val (tl, ln, mif) = (conf.tl, conf.tl.ln, conf.mif)
val io = new Bundle {
val host = new HostIO(htif_width)
val mem = new ioMem
val mem = new MemIO
val tiles = Vec.fill(conf.nTiles){new TileLinkIO}.flip
val htif = Vec.fill(conf.nTiles){new HTIFIO(conf.nTiles)}.flip
val incoherent = Vec.fill(conf.nTiles){Bool()}.asInput
val htif = Module(new HTIF(htif_width, CSRs.reset, conf.nSCR))
val htif = Module(new HTIF(htif_width, CSRs.reset, conf.nSCR, conf.offsetBits))
val outmemsys = Module(new FPGAOuterMemorySystem(htif_width))
val incoherentWithHtif = (io.incoherent :+ Bool(true).asInput)
outmemsys.io.incoherent := incoherentWithHtif
@ -55,21 +56,15 @@ class FPGAUncore(htif_width: Int)(implicit conf: UncoreConfiguration) extends Mo
// Add networking headers and endpoint queues
def convertAddrToBank(addr: Bits): UInt = {
require(conf.bankIdLsb + log2Up(conf.nBanks) < MEM_ADDR_BITS, {println("Invalid bits for bank multiplexing.")})
require(conf.bankIdLsb + log2Up(conf.nBanks) < conf.mif.addrBits, {println("Invalid bits for bank multiplexing.")})
addr(conf.bankIdLsb + log2Up(conf.nBanks) - 1, conf.bankIdLsb)
(outmemsys.io.tiles :+ outmemsys.io.htif).zip(io.tiles :+ htif.io.mem).zipWithIndex.map {
case ((outer, client), i) =>
outer.acquire <> TileLinkHeaderAppender(client.acquire, i, conf.nBanks, convertAddrToBank _)
outer.release <> TileLinkHeaderAppender(client.release, i, conf.nBanks, convertAddrToBank _)
val grant_ack_q = Queue(client.grant_ack)
outer.grant_ack.valid := grant_ack_q.valid
outer.grant_ack.bits := grant_ack_q.bits
outer.grant_ack.bits.header.src := UInt(i)
grant_ack_q.ready := outer.grant_ack.ready
outer.acquire <> Queue(TileLinkHeaderOverwriter(client.acquire, i, conf.nBanks, convertAddrToBank _))
outer.release <> Queue(TileLinkHeaderOverwriter(client.release, i, conf.nBanks, convertAddrToBank _))
outer.grant_ack <> Queue(TileLinkHeaderOverwriter(client.release, i))
client.grant <> Queue(outer.grant, 1, pipe = true)
client.probe <> Queue(outer.probe)
@ -78,14 +73,16 @@ class FPGAUncore(htif_width: Int)(implicit conf: UncoreConfiguration) extends Mo
htif.io.host.in <> io.host.in
class ReferenceChip(htif_width: Int) extends Module {
import MemoryConstants._
import TileLinkSizeConstants._
class ReferenceChip(htif_width: Int)(implicit mif: MemoryIFConfiguration) extends Module {
val io = new Bundle {
val host_in = new DecoupledIO(new HostPacket(htif_width)).flip()
val host_out = new DecoupledIO(new HostPacket(htif_width))
val host_clk = Bool(OUTPUT)
val host_clk_edge = Bool(OUTPUT)
val host_debug_stats_pcr = Bool(OUTPUT)
val mem_req_cmd = new DecoupledIO(new MemReqCmd())
val mem_req_data = new DecoupledIO(new MemData())
val mem_resp = (new DecoupledIO(new MemResp())).flip()
@ -96,13 +93,21 @@ class ReferenceChip(htif_width: Int) extends Module {
val nbanks = 1
val nmshrs = 2
implicit val ln = LogicalNetworkConfiguration(log2Up(ntiles)+1, nbanks, ntiles+1)
implicit val tl = TileLinkConfiguration(co, ln, log2Up(1+8), 2*log2Up(nmshrs*ntiles+1), MEM_DATA_BITS)
implicit val as = AddressSpaceConfiguration(PADDR_BITS, VADDR_BITS, PGIDX_BITS, ASID_BITS, PERM_BITS)
implicit val tl = TileLinkConfiguration(co = co, ln = ln,
addrBits = as.paddrBits-OFFSET_BITS,
clientXactIdBits = log2Up(1+8),
masterXactIdBits = 2*log2Up(2*1+1),
writeMaskBits = WRITE_MASK_BITS,
atomicOpBits = ATOMIC_OP_BITS)
implicit val l2 = L2CoherenceAgentConfiguration(tl, 1, 8)
implicit val uc = UncoreConfiguration(l2, tl, ntiles, nbanks, bankIdLsb = 5, nSCR = 64)
implicit val uc = UncoreConfiguration(l2, tl, mif, ntiles, nbanks, bankIdLsb = 5, nSCR = 64, offsetBits = OFFSET_BITS)
val ic = ICacheConfig(64, 1, ntlb = 4, btb = BTBConfig(4))
val dc = DCacheConfig(64, 1, ntlb = 4, nmshr = 2, nrpq = 16, nsdq = 17, states = co.nClientStates)
val rc = RocketConfiguration(tl, ic, dc, fpu = None,
val ic = ICacheConfig(64, 1, ntlb = 4, tl = tl, as = as, btb = BTBConfig(as, 8))
val dc = DCacheConfig(64, 1, ntlb = 4, nmshr = 2, nrpq = 16, nsdq = 17, tl = tl, as = as, reqtagbits = -1, databits = -1)
val rc = RocketConfiguration(tl, as, ic, dc, fpu = None,
fastMulDiv = false)
val resetSigs = Vec.fill(uc.nTiles){Bool()}
@ -144,11 +149,17 @@ class ReferenceChip(htif_width: Int) extends Module {
io.mem_resp <> uncore.io.mem.resp
import MemoryConstants._
class FPGATopIO(htifWidth: Int) extends TopIO(htifWidth)
class FPGATopIO(htifWidth: Int)(implicit conf: MemoryIFConfiguration) extends TopIO(htifWidth)(conf)
class FPGATop extends Module {
val htif_width = 16
implicit val mif = MemoryIFConfiguration(MEM_ADDR_BITS, MEM_DATA_BITS, MEM_TAG_BITS, 4)
val deviceWidth = ROW_WIDTH/mif.dataBits
implicit val mc = MemoryControllerConfiguration(deviceWidth, (if(deviceWidth == 4) 0 else log2Up(deviceWidth/4)), mif)
val io = new FPGATopIO(htif_width)
val referenceChip = Module(new Fame1Wrapper(new ReferenceChip(htif_width)))
@ -197,8 +208,8 @@ class FPGATop extends Module {
//dram model to outside memory connections
val host_mem_cmd_queue = Module(new Queue(new MemReqCmd, 2))
val host_mem_data_queue = Module(new Queue(new MemData, REFILL_CYCLES))
val host_mem_resp_queue = Module(new Queue(new MemResp, REFILL_CYCLES))
val host_mem_data_queue = Module(new Queue(new MemData, mif.dataBeats))
val host_mem_resp_queue = Module(new Queue(new MemResp, mif.dataBeats))
host_mem_cmd_queue.io.enq <> dramModel.io.mem.req_cmd
host_mem_cmd_queue.io.deq <> io.mem.req_cmd
@ -261,7 +272,7 @@ class Slave extends AXISlave
// write cr1 -> mem.resp (nonblocking)
val in_count = Reg(init=UInt(0, log2Up(memw/dw)))
val rf_count = Reg(init=UInt(0, log2Up(REFILL_CYCLES)))
val rf_count = Reg(init=UInt(0, log2Up(CACHE_DATA_SIZE_IN_BYTES*8/memw)))
require(memw % dw == 0 && isPow2(memw/dw))
val in_reg = Reg(top.io.mem.resp.bits.data)
top.io.mem.resp.bits.data := Cat(io.in.bits, in_reg(in_reg.getWidth-1,dw))

View File

@ -5,115 +5,42 @@ import uncore._
import scala.reflect._
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
object TileLinkHeaderAppender {
def apply[T <: ClientSourcedMessage with HasPhysicalAddress, U <: ClientSourcedMessage with HasTileLinkData](in: PairedDataIO[LogicalNetworkIO[T],LogicalNetworkIO[U]], clientId: Int, nBanks: Int, addrConvert: Bits => UInt)(implicit conf: TileLinkConfiguration) = {
val shim = Module(new TileLinkHeaderAppender(in.meta.bits.payload, in.data.bits.payload, clientId, nBanks, addrConvert))
shim.io.in <> in
object TileLinkHeaderOverwriter {
def apply[T <: ClientSourcedMessage](in: DecoupledIO[LogicalNetworkIO[T]], clientId: Int)(implicit conf: TileLinkConfiguration): DecoupledIO[LogicalNetworkIO[T]] = {
val out = in.clone.asDirectionless
out.bits.payload := in.bits.payload
out.bits.header.src := UInt(clientId)
out.bits.header.dst := in.bits.header.dst
out.valid := in.valid
in.ready := out.ready
def apply[T <: ClientSourcedMessage with HasPhysicalAddress](in: DecoupledIO[LogicalNetworkIO[T]], clientId: Int, nBanks: Int, addrConvert: Bits => UInt)(implicit conf: TileLinkConfiguration) = {
val shim = Module(new TileLinkHeaderAppender(in.bits.payload.clone, new AcquireData, clientId, nBanks, addrConvert))
shim.io.in.meta <> in
def apply[T <: ClientSourcedMessage with HasPhysicalAddress](in: DecoupledIO[LogicalNetworkIO[T]], clientId: Int, nBanks: Int, addrConvert: UInt => UInt)(implicit conf: TileLinkConfiguration): DecoupledIO[LogicalNetworkIO[T]] = {
val out: DecoupledIO[LogicalNetworkIO[T]] = apply(in, clientId)
out.bits.header.dst := (if(nBanks > 1) addrConvert(in.bits.payload.addr) else UInt(0))
class TileLinkHeaderAppender[T <: ClientSourcedMessage with HasPhysicalAddress, U <: ClientSourcedMessage with HasTileLinkData](mType: T, dType: U, clientId: Int, nBanks: Int, addrConvert: Bits => UInt)(implicit conf: TileLinkConfiguration) extends Module {
implicit val ln = conf.ln
val io = new Bundle {
val in = new PairedDataIO(new LogicalNetworkIO(mType), new LogicalNetworkIO(dType)).flip
val out = new PairedDataIO(new LogicalNetworkIO(mType), new LogicalNetworkIO(dType))
val meta_q = Queue(io.in.meta)
val data_q = Queue(io.in.data)
if(nBanks == 1) {
io.out.meta.bits.payload := meta_q.bits.payload
io.out.meta.bits.header.src := UInt(clientId)
io.out.meta.bits.header.dst := UInt(0)
io.out.meta.valid := meta_q.valid
meta_q.ready := io.out.meta.ready
io.out.data.bits.payload := data_q.bits.payload
io.out.data.bits.header.src := UInt(clientId)
io.out.data.bits.header.dst := UInt(0)
io.out.data.valid := data_q.valid
data_q.ready := io.out.data.ready
} else {
val meta_has_data = conf.co.messageHasData(meta_q.bits.payload)
val addr_q = Module(new Queue(io.in.meta.bits.payload.addr.clone, 2, pipe = true, flow = true))
val data_cnt = Reg(init=UInt(0, width = log2Up(REFILL_CYCLES)))
val data_cnt_up = data_cnt + UInt(1)
io.out.meta.bits.payload := meta_q.bits.payload
io.out.meta.bits.header.src := UInt(clientId)
io.out.meta.bits.header.dst := addrConvert(meta_q.bits.payload.addr)
io.out.data.bits.payload := meta_q.bits.payload
io.out.data.bits.header.src := UInt(clientId)
io.out.data.bits.header.dst := addrConvert(addr_q.io.deq.bits)
addr_q.io.enq.bits := meta_q.bits.payload.addr
io.out.meta.valid := meta_q.valid && addr_q.io.enq.ready
meta_q.ready := io.out.meta.ready && addr_q.io.enq.ready
io.out.data.valid := data_q.valid && addr_q.io.deq.valid
data_q.ready := io.out.data.ready && addr_q.io.deq.valid
addr_q.io.enq.valid := meta_q.valid && io.out.meta.ready && meta_has_data
addr_q.io.deq.ready := Bool(false)
when(data_q.valid && data_q.ready) {
data_cnt := data_cnt_up
when(data_cnt_up === UInt(0)) {
addr_q.io.deq.ready := Bool(true)
//Adapter betweewn an UncachedTileLinkIO and a mem controller MemIO
class MemIOUncachedTileLinkIOConverter(qDepth: Int)(implicit conf: TileLinkConfiguration) extends Module {
val io = new Bundle {
val uncached = new UncachedTileLinkIO().flip
val mem = new ioMem
val mem_cmd_q = Module(new Queue(new MemReqCmd, qDepth))
val mem_data_q = Module(new Queue(new MemData, qDepth))
mem_cmd_q.io.enq.valid := io.uncached.acquire.meta.valid
io.uncached.acquire.meta.ready := mem_cmd_q.io.enq.ready
mem_cmd_q.io.enq.bits.rw := conf.co.needsOuterWrite(io.uncached.acquire.meta.bits.payload.a_type, UInt(0))
mem_cmd_q.io.enq.bits.tag := io.uncached.acquire.meta.bits.payload.client_xact_id
mem_cmd_q.io.enq.bits.addr := io.uncached.acquire.meta.bits.payload.addr
mem_data_q.io.enq.valid := io.uncached.acquire.data.valid
io.uncached.acquire.data.ready := mem_data_q.io.enq.ready
mem_data_q.io.enq.bits.data := io.uncached.acquire.data.bits.payload.data
io.uncached.grant.valid := io.mem.resp.valid
io.mem.resp.ready := io.uncached.grant.ready
io.uncached.grant.bits.payload.data := io.mem.resp.bits.data
io.uncached.grant.bits.payload.client_xact_id := io.mem.resp.bits.tag
io.uncached.grant.bits.payload.master_xact_id := UInt(0) // DNC
io.uncached.grant.bits.payload.g_type := UInt(0) // DNC
io.mem.req_cmd <> mem_cmd_q.io.deq
io.mem.req_data <> mem_data_q.io.deq
class ReferenceChipCrossbarNetwork(implicit conf: UncoreConfiguration) extends LogicalNetwork[TileLinkIO]()(conf.tl.ln) {
implicit val (tl, ln, co) = (conf.tl, conf.tl.ln, conf.tl.co)
val io = new Bundle {
val clients = Vec.fill(ln.nClients){(new TileLinkIO).flip}
val masters = Vec.fill(ln.nMasters){new TileLinkIO}
implicit val pconf = new PhysicalNetworkConfiguration(ln.nEndpoints, ln.idBits) // Same config for all networks
// Actually instantiate the particular networks required for TileLink
val acqNet = Module(new PairedCrossbar(new Acquire, new AcquireData, REFILL_CYCLES, (acq: PhysicalNetworkIO[Acquire]) => co.messageHasData(acq.payload)))
val relNet = Module(new PairedCrossbar(new Release, new ReleaseData, REFILL_CYCLES, (rel: PhysicalNetworkIO[Release]) => co.messageHasData(rel.payload)))
val probeNet = Module(new BasicCrossbar(new Probe))
val grantNet = Module(new BasicCrossbar(new Grant))
val acqNet = Module(new BasicCrossbar(new Acquire))
val relNet = Module(new BasicCrossbar(new Release))
val prbNet = Module(new BasicCrossbar(new Probe))
val gntNet = Module(new BasicCrossbar(new Grant))
val ackNet = Module(new BasicCrossbar(new GrantAck))
// Aliases for the various network IO bundle types
type FBCIO[T <: Data] = DecoupledIO[PhysicalNetworkIO[T]]
type FLNIO[T <: Data] = DecoupledIO[LogicalNetworkIO[T]]
type PBCIO[M <: Data, D <: Data] = PairedDataIO[PhysicalNetworkIO[M], PhysicalNetworkIO[D]]
type PLNIO[M <: Data, D <: Data] = PairedDataIO[LogicalNetworkIO[M], LogicalNetworkIO[D]]
type FromCrossbar[T <: Data] = FBCIO[T] => FLNIO[T]
type ToCrossbar[T <: Data] = FLNIO[T] => FBCIO[T]
@ -179,7 +106,7 @@ class ReferenceChipCrossbarNetwork(implicit conf: UncoreConfiguration) extends L
else doFIFOOutputHookup(physIn, physOut, logIO, outShim)
//Hookup all instances of a particular subbundle of
//Hookup all instances of a particular subbundle of TileLink
def doFIFOHookups[T <: Data: TypeTag](physIO: BasicCrossbarIO[T], getLogIO: TileLinkIO => FLNIO[T]) = {
typeTag[T].tpe match{
case t if t <:< typeTag[ClientSourcedMessage].tpe => {
@ -194,33 +121,9 @@ class ReferenceChipCrossbarNetwork(implicit conf: UncoreConfiguration) extends L
def doPairedDataHookup[T <: Data, R <: Data](isEndpointSourceOfMessage: Boolean, physIn: PBCIO[T,R], physOut: PBCIO[T,R], logIO: PLNIO[T,R], inShim: ToCrossbar[T], outShim: FromCrossbar[T], inShimD: ToCrossbar[R], outShimD: FromCrossbar[R]) = {
if(isEndpointSourceOfMessage) {
doFIFOInputHookup[T](physIn.meta, physOut.meta, logIO.meta, inShim)
doFIFOInputHookup[R](physIn.data, physOut.data, logIO.data, inShimD)
} else {
doFIFOOutputHookup[T](physIn.meta, physOut.meta, logIO.meta, outShim)
doFIFOOutputHookup[R](physIn.data, physOut.data, logIO.data, outShimD)
def doPairedDataHookups[T <: Data: TypeTag, R <: Data](physIO: PairedCrossbarIO[T,R], getLogIO: TileLinkIO => PLNIO[T,R]) = {
typeTag[T].tpe match{
case t if t <:< typeTag[ClientSourcedMessage].tpe => {
io.masters.zipWithIndex.map{ case (i, id) => doPairedDataHookup[T,R](false, physIO.in(id), physIO.out(id), getLogIO(i), ClientToCrossbarShim, CrossbarToMasterShim, ClientToCrossbarShim, CrossbarToMasterShim) }
io.clients.zipWithIndex.map{ case (i, id) => doPairedDataHookup[T,R](true, physIO.in(id+ln.nMasters), physIO.out(id+ln.nMasters), getLogIO(i), ClientToCrossbarShim, CrossbarToMasterShim, ClientToCrossbarShim, CrossbarToMasterShim) }
case t if t <:< typeTag[MasterSourcedMessage].tpe => {
io.masters.zipWithIndex.map{ case (i, id) => doPairedDataHookup[T,R](true, physIO.in(id), physIO.out(id), getLogIO(i), MasterToCrossbarShim, CrossbarToClientShim, MasterToCrossbarShim, CrossbarToClientShim) }
io.clients.zipWithIndex.map{ case (i, id) => doPairedDataHookup[T,R](false, physIO.in(id+ln.nMasters), physIO.out(id+ln.nMasters), getLogIO(i), MasterToCrossbarShim, CrossbarToClientShim, MasterToCrossbarShim, CrossbarToClientShim) }
case _ => require(false, "Unknown message sourcing.")
doPairedDataHookups(acqNet.io, (tl: TileLinkIO) => tl.acquire)
doPairedDataHookups(relNet.io, (tl: TileLinkIO) => tl.release)
doFIFOHookups(probeNet.io, (tl: TileLinkIO) => tl.probe)
doFIFOHookups(grantNet.io, (tl: TileLinkIO) => tl.grant)
doFIFOHookups(acqNet.io, (tl: TileLinkIO) => tl.acquire)
doFIFOHookups(relNet.io, (tl: TileLinkIO) => tl.release)
doFIFOHookups(prbNet.io, (tl: TileLinkIO) => tl.probe)
doFIFOHookups(gntNet.io, (tl: TileLinkIO) => tl.grant)
doFIFOHookups(ackNet.io, (tl: TileLinkIO) => tl.grant_ack)


@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 803308e917397776444c3e3696fbfacad709a1db
Subproject commit 240fdc0ef7e0735d1b31eb8b8c21fc11f1446a11