Remove fsim, as it is the same as vsim, modulo CONFIG
This commit is contained in:
@ -47,7 +47,6 @@ before_install:
- make vsim-verilog -C regression SUITE=$SUITE TORTURE_CONFIG=default CHISEL_VERSION=$CHISEL_VERSION
- make fsim-verilog -C regression SUITE=$SUITE TORTURE_CONFIG=default CHISEL_VERSION=$CHISEL_VERSION
- make emulator-ndebug -C regression SUITE=$SUITE TORTURE_CONFIG=default CHISEL_VERSION=$CHISEL_VERSION
- make emulator-regression-tests -C regression SUITE=$SUITE TORTURE_CONFIG=default CHISEL_VERSION=$CHISEL_VERSION
@ -72,12 +72,7 @@ And to run the assembly tests on the C simulator and generate waveforms:
$ make -jN run-asm-tests-debug
$ make -jN run-bmark-tests-debug
To generate FPGA-synthesizable verilog (output will be in `fsim/generated-src`):
$ cd fsim
$ make verilog
Similarly, to generate VLSI-synthesizable verilog (output will be in `vsim/generated-src`):
To generate FPGA- or VLSI-synthesizable verilog (output will be in `vsim/generated-src`):
$ cd vsim
$ make verilog
@ -384,7 +379,7 @@ writeback stage. At cycle 485, there isn't a valid instruction in the
writeback stage, perhaps, because of a instruction cache miss at PC
### <a name="fpga"></a> 2) Mapping a Rocket core down to an FPGA
### <a name="fpga"></a> 2) Mapping a Rocket core to an FPGA
We use Synopsys VCS for Verilog simulation. We acknowledge that using a
proprietary Verilog simulation tool for an open-source project is not
@ -395,14 +390,13 @@ Verilog simulator. In the meantime, you can use the C++ emulator to
generate vcd waveforms, which you can view with an open-source waveform
viewer such as GTKWave.
So assuming you have a working Rocket chip, you can generate Verilog for
the FPGA tools with the following commands:
You can generate synthesizable Verilog with the following commands:
$ cd $ROCKETCHIP/fsim
$ make verilog
$ cd $ROCKETCHIP/vsim
$ make verilog CONFIG=DefaultFPGAConfig
The Verilog used for the FPGA tools will be generated in
fsim/generated-src. Please proceed further with the directions shown in
vsim/generated-src. Please proceed further with the directions shown in
the [README](
of the fpga-zynq repository.
@ -410,11 +404,11 @@ However, if you have access to VCS, you will be able to run assembly
tests and benchmarks with the following commands (again assuming you
have N cores on your host machine):
$ cd $ROCKETCHIP/fsim
$ make -jN run
$ cd $ROCKETCHIP/vsim
$ make -jN run CONFIG=DefaultFPGAConfig
The generated output looks similar to those generated from the emulator.
Look into fsim/output/\*.out for the output of the executed assembly
Look into vsim/output/\*.out for the output of the executed assembly
tests and benchmarks.
### <a name="vlsi"></a> 3) Pushing a Rocket core through the VLSI tools
@ -485,9 +479,8 @@ Towards the end, you can also find that ExampleSmallConfig inherits all
parameters from BaseConfig but overrides the same parameters of
Now take a look at fsim/Makefile and vsim/Makefile. Search for the
CONFIG variable. DefaultFPGAConfig is used for the FPGA build, while
DefaultConfig is used for the VLSI build. You can also change the
Now take a look at vsim/Makefile. Search for the CONFIG variable.
By default, it is set to DefaultConfig. You can also change the
CONFIG variable on the make command line:
$ cd $ROCKETCHIP/vsim
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
# Makefile for Verilog simulation w/ VCS
# Yunsup Lee (
# This makefile will build a rtl simulator and run various tests to
# verify proper functionality.
default: all
base_dir = $(abspath ..)
generated_dir = $(abspath ./generated-src)
mem_gen = $(base_dir)/fsim/fpga_mem_gen
sim_dir = .
output_dir = $(sim_dir)/output
CONFIG ?= DefaultFPGAConfig
TB ?= rocketTestHarness
include $(base_dir)/Makefrag
include $(sim_dir)/Makefrag
ifneq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),clean)
-include $(generated_dir)/$(MODEL).$(CONFIG).d
include $(base_dir)/vsim/Makefrag-verilog
all: $(simv)
debug: $(simv_debug)
rm -rf $(junk) simv* csrc *.key DVE* *.h *.a *.daidir $(generated_dir)
.PHONY: default all debug clean
@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
# Sources
# Verilog sources
sim_vsrcs = \
$(generated_dir)/$(MODEL).$(CONFIG).v \
$(generated_dir)/consts.$(CONFIG).vh \
$(base_dir)/vsrc/$(TB).v \
# C sources
sim_csrcs = \
$(base_dir)/csrc/vcs_main.$(TB).cc \
$(base_dir)/csrc/ \
$(base_dir)/csrc/ \
# Build Verilog
verilog: $(sim_vsrcs)
.PHONY: verilog
# Build rules
VCS = vcs -full64
VCS_OPTS = -notice -line +lint=all,noVCDE,noONGS,noUI -error=PCWM-L -timescale=1ns/10ps -quiet \
+rad +v2k +vcs+lic+wait \
+vc+list -CC "-I$(VCS_HOME)/include" \
-CC "-I$(RISCV)/include" \
-CC "-I$(realpath $(base_dir))/dramsim2" \
-CC "-std=c++11" \
-CC "-Wl,-rpath,$(RISCV)/lib" \
-CC "-include $(consts_header)" \
-e vcs_main \
$(RISCV)/lib/ \
$(sim_dir)/libdramsim.a \
+incdir+$(generated_dir) \
+define+FPGA \
+define+CLOCK_PERIOD=0.5 $(sim_vsrcs) $(sim_csrcs) \
+define+PRINTF_COND=$(TB).verbose \
+libext+.v \
# Build the simulator
simv = $(sim_dir)/simv-$(MODEL)-$(CONFIG)
$(simv) : $(sim_vsrcs) $(sim_csrcs) $(sim_dir)/libdramsim.a $(consts_header)
cd $(sim_dir) && \
rm -rf csrc && \
$(VCS) $(VCS_OPTS) -o $(simv) \
-debug_pp \
simv_debug = $(sim_dir)/simv-$(MODEL)-$(CONFIG)-debug
$(simv_debug) : $(sim_vsrcs) $(sim_csrcs) $(sim_dir)/libdramsim.a $(consts_header)
cd $(sim_dir) && \
rm -rf csrc && \
$(VCS) $(VCS_OPTS) -o $(simv_debug) \
+define+DEBUG -debug_pp \
# Run
seed = $(shell date +%s)
exec_simv = $(simv) -q +ntb_random_seed_automatic
exec_simv_debug = $(simv_debug) -q +ntb_random_seed_automatic
@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
#! /usr/bin/env python
# See LICENSE for license details.
# This is based off of reference-chip/vlsi/src/vlsi_mem_gen
import sys
import math
use_latches = False
module_template = '''module %s(
always @(posedge CLK) begin
mask_assert_template = '''
integer i;
integer j;
always @(posedge CLK) begin%s
assert_template = '''
for (i=0; i<%d; i=i+%d) begin
for (j=1; j<%d; j=j+1) begin
if (%sM[i] != %sM[i+j]) begin
$fwrite(32'h80000002, "ASSERTION FAILED: write mask granularity\\n");
def parse_line(line):
name = ''
width = 0
depth = 0
ports = ''
mask_gran = 1
tokens = line.split()
i = 0
for i in range(0,len(tokens),2):
s = tokens[i]
if s == 'name':
name = tokens[i+1]
elif s == 'width':
width = int(tokens[i+1])
elif s == 'depth':
depth = int(tokens[i+1])
elif s == 'ports':
ports = tokens[i+1].split(',')
elif s == 'mask_gran':
mask_gran = int(tokens[i+1])
sys.exit('%s: unknown argument %s' % (sys.argv[0], a))
return (name, width, depth, ports, mask_gran)
def gen_range(mask_index, mask_gran, max_width):
return '%d:%d' % (min(mask_gran*(mask_index+1),max_width)-1,
def gen_mem(name, width, depth, ports, mask_gran):
addr_width = max(math.ceil(math.log(depth)/math.log(2)),1)
mask_width = int(math.ceil(float(width) / mask_gran))
port_spec = ['input CLK', 'input RST', 'input init']
readports = []
writeports = []
latchports = []
rwports = []
decl = []
combinational = []
sequential = []
maskedports = {}
mask_asserts = ''
for pid in range(len(ports)):
ptype = ports[pid]
if ptype[0:1] == 'm':
ptype = ptype[1:]
maskedports[pid] = pid
if ptype == 'read':
port_spec += ['input [%d:0] R%dA' % (addr_width-1, pid)]
port_spec += ['input R%dE' % pid]
port_spec += ['output [%d:0] R%dO' % (width-1, pid)]
readports += [pid]
elif ptype == 'write':
port_spec += ['input [%d:0] W%dA' % (addr_width-1, pid)]
port_spec += ['input W%dE' % pid]
port_spec += ['input [%d:0] W%dI' % (width-1, pid)]
if pid in maskedports:
port_spec += ['input [%d:0] W%dM' % (width-1, pid)]
if not use_latches or pid in maskedports:
writeports += [pid]
latchports += [pid]
elif ptype == 'rw':
port_spec += ['input [%d:0] RW%dA' % (addr_width-1, pid)]
port_spec += ['input RW%dE' % pid]
port_spec += ['input RW%dW' % pid]
if pid in maskedports:
port_spec += ['input [%d:0] RW%dM' % (width-1, pid)]
port_spec += ['input [%d:0] RW%dI' % (width-1, pid)]
port_spec += ['output [%d:0] RW%dO' % (width-1, pid)]
rwports += [pid]
sys.exit('%s: unknown port type %s' % (sys.argv[0], ptype))
decl += ['reg [%d:0] ram [%d:0];' % (width-1, depth-1)]
decl += ['`ifndef SYNTHESIS']
decl += [' integer initvar;']
decl += [' initial begin']
decl += [' #0.002;']
decl += [' for (initvar = 0; initvar < %d; initvar = initvar+1)' % depth]
decl += [' ram[initvar] = {%d {$random}};' % ((width-1)/32+1)]
decl += [' end']
decl += ['`endif']
for pid in readports:
decl += ['reg [%d:0] reg_R%dA;' % (addr_width-1, pid)]
sequential += ['if (R%dE) reg_R%dA <= R%dA;' % (pid, pid, pid)]
combinational += ['assign R%dO = ram[reg_R%dA];' % (pid, pid)]
for pid in rwports:
decl += ['reg [%d:0] reg_RW%dA;' % (addr_width-1, pid)]
sequential += ['if (RW%dE && !RW%dW) reg_RW%dA <= RW%dA;' % (pid, pid, pid, pid)]
combinational += ['assign RW%dO = ram[reg_RW%dA];' % (pid, pid)]
for pid in latchports:
decl += ['reg [%d:0] latch_W%dA;' % (addr_width-1, pid)]
decl += ['reg [%d:0] latch_W%dI;' % (width-1, pid)]
decl += ['reg latch_W%dE;' % (pid)]
combinational += ['always @(*) begin']
combinational += [' if (!CLK && W%dE) latch_W%dA <= W%dA;' % (pid, pid, pid)]
combinational += [' if (!CLK && W%dE) latch_W%dI <= W%dI;' % (pid, pid, pid)]
combinational += [' if (!CLK) latch_W%dE <= W%dE;' % (pid, pid)]
combinational += ['end']
combinational += ['always @(*)']
combinational += [' if (CLK && latch_W%dE)' % (pid)]
combinational += [' ram[latch_W%dA] <= latch_W%dI;' % (pid, pid)]
for pid in writeports:
if pid not in maskedports:
sequential += ['if (W%dE) ram[W%dA] <= W%dI;' % (pid, pid, pid)]
for mask_index in range(mask_width):
rs = gen_range(mask_index, mask_gran, width)
sequential += ['if (W%dE && W%dM[%d]) ram[W%dA][%s] <= W%dI[%s];' %
(pid, pid, mask_index*mask_gran, pid, rs, pid, rs)]
mask_asserts += assert_template % (mask_width, mask_gran, mask_gran, 'W'+str(pid), 'W'+str(pid))
for pid in rwports:
if pid not in maskedports:
sequential += ['if (RW%dE && RW%dW) ram[RW%dA] <= RW%dI;' % (pid, pid, pid, pid)]
for mask_index in range(mask_width):
rs = gen_range(mask_index, mask_gran, width)
sequential += ['if (RW%dE && RW%dW && RW%dM[%d]) ram[RW%dA][%s] <= RW%dI[%s];' %
(pid, pid, pid, mask_index*mask_gran, pid, rs, pid, rs)]
mask_asserts += assert_template % (mask_width, mask_gran, mask_gran, 'RW'+str(pid), 'RW'+str(pid))
check_masks = '' if len(maskedports) == 0 else mask_assert_template % mask_asserts
return module_template % (name,
',\n '.join(port_spec),
'\n '.join(decl),
'\n '.join(sequential),
'\n '.join(combinational))
def main():
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
sys.exit('Please give a .conf file as input')
for line in open(sys.argv[1]):
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# The default target, which runs all regression targets.
regression: vsim-regression fsim-regression emulator-regression
regression: vsim-regression emulator-regression
# Regression targets for the various simulators.
%-regression: %-asm-tests %-bmark-tests
@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ include $(TOP)/Makefrag
rm -rf stamps $(abspath $(RISCV))
$(MAKE) RISCV=$(RISCV) -C $(abspath $(TOP)/vsim) clean
$(MAKE) RISCV=$(RISCV) -C $(abspath $(TOP)/fsim) clean
$(MAKE) RISCV=$(RISCV) -C $(abspath $(TOP)/emulator) clean
ifeq ($(SUITE),)
@ -91,22 +90,6 @@ vsim-bmark-tests: $(VSIM_BMARK_TEST_STAMPS)
vsim-regression-tests: $(VSIM_REGRESSION_TEST_STAMPS)
vsim-torture: $(VSIM_TORTURE_STAMPS)
FSIM_VERILOG_STAMPS=$(foreach config,$(CONFIGS),stamps/$(config)/fsim-verilog.stamp)
FSIM_DEBUG_STAMPS=$(foreach config,$(CONFIGS),stamps/$(config)/fsim-debug.stamp)
FSIM_NDEBUG_STAMPS=$(foreach config,$(CONFIGS),stamps/$(config)/fsim-ndebug.stamp)
FSIM_ASM_TEST_STAMPS=$(foreach config,$(CONFIGS),stamps/$(config)/fsim-asm-tests.stamp)
FSIM_BMARK_TEST_STAMPS=$(foreach config,$(CONFIGS),stamps/$(config)/fsim-bmark-tests.stamp)
FSIM_REGRESSION_TEST_STAMPS=$(foreach config,$(CONFIGS),stamps/$(config)/fsim-regression-tests.stamp)
FSIM_TORTURE_STAMPS=$(foreach config,$(CONFIGS),stamps/$(config)/fsim-torture-$(TORTURE_CONFIG).stamp)
fsim-verilog: $(FSIM_VERILOG_STAMPS)
fsim-debug: $(FSIM_DEBUG_STAMPS)
fsim-ndebug: $(FSIM_NDEBUG_STAMPS)
fsim-asm-tests: $(FSIM_ASM_TEST_STAMPS)
fsim-bmark-tests: $(FSIM_BMARK_TEST_STAMPS)
fsim-regression-tests: $(FSIM_REGRESSION_TEST_STAMPS)
fsim-torture: $(FSIM_TORTURE_STAMPS)
submodule_names = chisel2 chisel3 context-dependent-environments dramsim2 firrtl groundtest hardfloat junctions rocket torture uncore $(ROCKETCHIP_ADDONS)
# Checks out all the rocket-chip submodules
@ -159,21 +142,6 @@ stamps/%/vsim-debug.stamp: stamps/other-submodules.stamp $(RISCV)/install.stamp
+flock -x $(dir $@)/chisel-lock $(MAKE) -C $(abspath $(TOP))/vsim CONFIG=$* RISCV=$(abspath $(RISCV)) CHISEL_VERSION=$(CHISEL_VERSION) debug
date > $@
stamps/%/fsim-verilog.stamp: stamps/other-submodules.stamp $(RISCV)/install.stamp
mkdir -p $(dir $@)
+flock -x $(dir $@)/chisel-lock $(MAKE) -C $(abspath $(TOP))/fsim CONFIG=$* RISCV=$(abspath $(RISCV)) CHISEL_VERSION=$(CHISEL_VERSION) verilog
date > $@
stamps/%/fsim-ndebug.stamp: stamps/other-submodules.stamp $(RISCV)/install.stamp
mkdir -p $(dir $@)
+flock -x $(dir $@)/chisel-lock $(MAKE) -C $(abspath $(TOP))/fsim CONFIG=$* RISCV=$(abspath $(RISCV)) CHISEL_VERSION=$(CHISEL_VERSION)
date > $@
stamps/%/fsim-debug.stamp: stamps/other-submodules.stamp $(RISCV)/install.stamp
mkdir -p $(dir $@)
+flock -x $(dir $@)/chisel-lock $(MAKE) -C $(abspath $(TOP))/fsim CONFIG=$* RISCV=$(abspath $(RISCV)) CHISEL_VERSION=$(CHISEL_VERSION) debug
date > $@
# Runs tests on one of the simulators
stamps/%/emulator-asm-tests.stamp: stamps/other-submodules.stamp $(RISCV)/install.stamp
mkdir -p $(dir $@)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user