2012-10-02 04:30:11 +02:00
#include "htif_phy.h"
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <map>
#include "common.h"
#include "emulator.h"
2012-10-14 23:06:28 +02:00
//#include "mm_emulator.cc"
#include "mm_emulator_dramsim2.cc"
2012-10-02 04:30:11 +02:00
#include "Top.h" // chisel-generated code...
#include "disasm.h"
int main(int argc, char** argv)
int fromhost_fd = -1, tohost_fd = -1;
unsigned random_seed = (unsigned)time(NULL) ^ (unsigned)getpid();
uint64_t max_cycles = 0;
uint64_t trace_count = 0;
int start = 0;
bool log = false;
bool quiet = false;
const char* vcd = NULL;
const char* loadmem = NULL;
FILE *vcdfile = NULL, *logfile = stderr;
const char* failure = NULL;
// for disassembly
disassembler disasm;
char if_inst_str[1024];
char id_inst_str[1024];
char ex_inst_str[1024];
char mem_inst_str[1024];
char wb_inst_str[1024];
// used to register values from EX stage for trace
uint64_t mem_reg_raddr1 = 0, mem_reg_raddr2 = 0;
uint64_t wb_reg_raddr1 = 0, wb_reg_raddr2 = 0;
uint64_t mem_reg_rs1 = 0, mem_reg_rs2 = 0, mem_reg_inst = 0, ex_reg_inst = 0;
uint64_t wb_reg_rs1 = 0, wb_reg_rs2 = 0, wb_reg_inst = 0;
uint64_t id_icache_miss = 0, if_icache_req = 0, id_itlb_miss = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++)
std::string arg = argv[i];
if (arg == "-l")
log = true;
else if (arg == "-q")
quiet = true;
else if (arg.substr(0, 2) == "-v")
vcd = argv[i]+2;
else if (arg.substr(0, 2) == "-m")
max_cycles = atoll(argv[i]+2);
else if (arg.substr(0, 2) == "-s")
random_seed = atoi(argv[i]+2);
else if (arg.substr(0, 10) == "+fromhost=")
fromhost_fd = atoi(argv[i]+10);
else if (arg.substr(0, 8) == "+tohost=")
tohost_fd = atoi(argv[i]+8);
else if (arg.substr(0, 9) == "+loadmem=")
loadmem = argv[i]+9;
fprintf(stderr, "unknown option: %s\n", argv[i]);
demand(fcntl(fromhost_fd,F_GETFD) >= 0, "fromhost file not open");
demand(fcntl(tohost_fd,F_GETFD) >= 0, "tohost file not open");
if (vcd)
// Create a VCD file
vcdfile = strcmp(vcd, "-") == 0 ? stdout : fopen(vcd, "w");
fprintf(vcdfile, "$scope module Testbench $end\n");
fprintf(vcdfile, "$var reg 256 NDISASM_IF if_instruction $end\n");
fprintf(vcdfile, "$var reg 256 NDISASM_ID id_instruction $end\n");
fprintf(vcdfile, "$var reg 256 NDISASM_EX ex_instruction $end\n");
fprintf(vcdfile, "$var reg 256 NDISASM_MEM mem_instruction $end\n");
fprintf(vcdfile, "$var reg 16 NCYCLE cycle $end\n");
fprintf(vcdfile, "$upscope $end\n");
// basic fixed latency memory model
2012-10-14 23:06:28 +02:00
/*uint64_t* mem = mm_init();*/
uint64_t* mm_mem = dramsim2_init();
2012-10-02 04:30:11 +02:00
if (loadmem != NULL)
2012-10-14 23:06:28 +02:00
load_mem(mm_mem, loadmem);
2012-10-02 04:30:11 +02:00
// The chisel generated code
Top_t tile;
tile.init(random_seed != 0);
// reset for a few cycles to support pipelined reset
tile.Top__io_host_in_valid = LIT<1>(0);
tile.Top__io_host_out_ready = LIT<1>(0);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
htif_phy_t htif_phy(tile.Top__io_host_in_bits.width(), fromhost_fd, tohost_fd);
while (max_cycles == 0 || trace_count < max_cycles)
2012-10-14 23:06:28 +02:00
// fprintf(stderr, "trace count: %ld\n", trace_count);
2012-10-02 04:30:11 +02:00
// memory model
2012-10-14 23:06:28 +02:00
// mm_tick_emulator(
dramsim2_tick_emulator (
2012-10-02 04:30:11 +02:00
2012-10-14 23:06:28 +02:00
// fprintf(stderr, "trace count: %ld (after dramsim2_tick_emulator)\n", trace_count);
2012-10-02 04:30:11 +02:00
tile.Top__io_host_in_valid = LIT<1>(htif_phy.in_valid());
tile.Top__io_host_in_bits = LIT<64>(htif_phy.in_bits());
tile.Top__io_host_out_ready = LIT<1>(htif_phy.out_ready());
if (tile.Top__io_debug_error_mode.lo_word())
failure = "entered error mode";
if (log || (quiet && trace_count % 10000 == 0))
insn_t insn;
insn.bits = wb_reg_inst;
strcpy(wb_inst_str, disasm.disassemble(insn).c_str());
fprintf(logfile, "C: %10lld [%ld] pc=[%011lx] W[r%2ld=%016lx][%ld] R[r%2ld=%016lx] R[r%2ld=%016lx] inst=[%08lx] %-32s\n", \
(long long)trace_count, tile.Top_Tile_cpu_ctrl__wb_reg_valid.lo_word(), tile.Top_Tile_cpu_dpath__wb_reg_pc.lo_word(), \
tile.Top_Tile_cpu_dpath_rfile__io_w0_addr.lo_word(), tile.Top_Tile_cpu_dpath_rfile__io_w0_data.lo_word(), tile.Top_Tile_cpu_dpath_rfile__io_w0_en.lo_word(),
wb_reg_raddr1, wb_reg_rs1, wb_reg_raddr2, wb_reg_rs2, wb_reg_inst, wb_inst_str);
if (vcd)
tile.dump(vcdfile, trace_count); // dump all signals to vcd
#define dump_disasm(inst, name) do { \
insn_t insn; \
insn.bits = inst; \
std::string dasm = disasm.disassemble(insn); \
int namelen = strlen(name), pos = 0; \
char str[1 + dasm.length()*8 + 1 + namelen + 1 + 1]; \
str[pos++] = 'b'; \
for (size_t i = 0; i < dasm.length()*8; i++) \
str[pos++] = ((dasm[i/8] >> (7-(i%8))) & 1) + '0'; \
str[pos++] = ' '; \
memcpy(str + pos, name, namelen); pos += namelen; \
str[pos++] = '\n'; \
str[pos] = 0; \
fputs(str, vcdfile); \
} while(0)
dump_disasm(tile.Top_Tile_cpu_dpath__id_reg_inst_shadow.lo_word(), "NDISASM_IF");
dump_disasm(tile.Top_Tile_cpu_dpath__id_reg_inst.lo_word(), "NDISASM_ID");
dump_disasm(ex_reg_inst, "NDISASM_EX");
dump_disasm(mem_reg_inst, "NDISASM_MEM");
dat_dump(vcdfile, dat_t<64>(trace_count), "NCYCLE\n");
// delay values from ex stage for trace output on the following cycle
wb_reg_inst = mem_reg_inst;
wb_reg_raddr1 = mem_reg_raddr1;
wb_reg_raddr2 = mem_reg_raddr2;
wb_reg_rs1 = mem_reg_rs1;
wb_reg_rs2 = mem_reg_rs2;
mem_reg_inst = ex_reg_inst;
mem_reg_raddr1 = (mem_reg_inst >> 22) & 0x1f;
mem_reg_raddr2 = (mem_reg_inst >> 17) & 0x1f;
mem_reg_rs1 = tile.Top_Tile_cpu_dpath__ex_reg_rs1.lo_word();
mem_reg_rs2 = tile.Top_Tile_cpu_dpath__ex_reg_rs2.lo_word();
ex_reg_inst = tile.Top_Tile_cpu_dpath__id_reg_inst.lo_word();
if (trace_count == max_cycles)
failure = "timeout";
if (vcd)
if (failure)
fprintf(logfile, "*** FAILED *** (%s) after %lld cycles\n", failure, (long long)trace_count);
return -1;
return 0;