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// See LICENSE.SiFive for license details.
package freechips.rocketchip.util
import Chisel._
object ShiftReg {
/** Similar to Chisel ShiftRegister, but allows the user to
* specify a name and initial value. This is different from
* ShiftRegInit in that it allows the enable signal to be specified.
* Returns the n-cycle delayed version of the input signal.
* @param in input to delay
* @param n number of cycles to delay
* @param en enable the shift
* @param name set the elaborated name of the registers.
def apply[T <: Chisel.Data](in: T,
n: Int,
en: Chisel.Bool = Chisel.Bool(true),
name: Option[String] = None): T = {
// The order of tests reflects the expected use cases.
if (n != 0) {
val r = Chisel.RegEnable(apply(in, n-1, en, name), en)
name.foreach { na => r.suggestName(s"${na}_pipe_${n-1}") }
} else {
/** Returns the n-cycle delayed version of the input signal with reset initialization.
* @param in input to delay
* @param n number of cycles to delay
* @param init reset value for each register in the shift
* @param en enable the shift
* @param name set the elaborated name of the registers.
def apply[T <: Chisel.Data](in: T, n: Int, init: T, en: Chisel.Bool, name: Option[String]): T = {
// The order of tests reflects the expected use cases.
if (n != 0) {
val r = Chisel.RegEnable(apply(in, n-1, init, en, name), init, en)
if (name.isDefined) r.suggestName(s"${name.get}_pipe_${n-1}")
} else {
def apply[T <: Chisel.Data](in: T, n: Int, init: T, name: Option[String]): T = {
apply(in, n, en = Bool(true), name)
// Similar to the Chisel ShiftRegister but allows the user to suggest a
// name to the registers that get instantiated, and
// to provide a reset value.
object ShiftRegInit {
def apply[T <: Data](in: T, n: Int, init: T, name: Option[String] = None): T =
ShiftReg(in, n, init, en = Bool(true), name)
/** These wrap behavioral
* shift registers into specific
* modules to allow for
* backend flows to replace or constrain
* them properly when used for CDC synchronization,
* rather than buffering.
* The 3 different types vary in their reset behavior:
* AsyncResetShiftReg -- This is identical to the AsyncResetSynchronizerShiftReg,
* it is just named differently
* to distinguish its use case. This is a ShiftRegister meant for timing,
* not for synchronization.
* AsyncResetSynchronizerShiftReg -- asynchronously reset to 0
* SynchronizerShiftReg -- no reset, pipeline only.
abstract class AbstractPipelineReg(w: Int = 1) extends Module {
val io = new Bundle {
val d = UInt(INPUT, width = w)
val q = UInt(OUTPUT, width = w)
2017-08-25 02:18:04 +02:00
object AbstractPipelineReg {
def apply [T <: Chisel.Data](gen: => AbstractPipelineReg, in: T, name: Option[String] = None): T = {
val chain = Module(gen)
name.foreach{ chain.suggestName(_) }
chain.io.d := in.asUInt
2017-08-25 02:18:04 +02:00
class AsyncResetShiftReg(w: Int = 1, depth: Int = 1, init: Int = 0, name: String = "pipe") extends AbstractPipelineReg(w) {
require(depth > 0, "Depth must be greater than 0.")
2017-08-25 02:18:04 +02:00
override def desiredName = s"AsyncResetShiftReg_w${w}_d${depth}_i${init}"
2017-08-25 02:18:04 +02:00
val chain = List.tabulate(depth) { i =>
Module (new AsyncResetRegVec(w, init)).suggestName(s"${name}_${i}")
chain.last.io.d := io.d
chain.last.io.en := Bool(true)
(chain.init zip chain.tail).foreach { case (sink, source) =>
sink.io.d := source.io.q
sink.io.en := Bool(true)
io.q := chain.head.io.q
object AsyncResetShiftReg {
def apply [T <: Chisel.Data](in: T, depth: Int = 1, init: Int = 0, name: Option[String] = None ): T =
AbstractPipelineReg(new AsyncResetShiftReg(in.getWidth, depth, init), in, name)
// Note that it is important to ovveride "name" in order to ensure that the Chisel dedup does
// not try to merge instances of this with instances of the superclass.
class AsyncResetSynchronizerShiftReg(w: Int = 1, sync: Int = 3) extends AsyncResetShiftReg(w, depth = sync, name = "sync") {
require(sync > 0, "Sync must be greater than 0.")
override def desiredName = s"AsyncResetSynchronizerShiftReg_w${w}_d${sync}"
object AsyncResetSynchronizerShiftReg {
2017-08-25 02:18:04 +02:00
def apply [T <: Chisel.Data](in: T, sync: Int = 3, name: Option[String] = None): T =
AbstractPipelineReg(new AsyncResetSynchronizerShiftReg(in.getWidth, sync), in, name)
class SynchronizerShiftReg(w: Int = 1, sync: Int = 3) extends AbstractPipelineReg(w) {
require(sync > 0, "Sync must be greater than 0.")
override def desiredName = s"SynchronizerShiftReg_w${w}_d${sync}"
val syncv = List.tabulate(sync) { i =>
val r = Reg(UInt(width = w))
syncv.last := io.d
(syncv.init zip syncv.tail).foreach { case (sink, source) =>
sink := source
io.q := syncv.head
object SynchronizerShiftReg {
2017-08-25 02:18:04 +02:00
def apply [T <: Chisel.Data](in: T, sync: Int = 3, name: Option[String] = None): T =
AbstractPipelineReg(new SynchronizerShiftReg(in.getWidth, sync), in, name)