
133 lines
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2016-07-30 01:36:07 +02:00
// See LICENSE for license details.
package rocket
import Chisel._
import Util._
import cde.{Parameters, Field}
import junctions._
class Instruction(implicit val p: Parameters) extends ParameterizedBundle with HasCoreParameters {
val pf0 = Bool() // page fault on first half of instruction
val pf1 = Bool() // page fault on second half of instruction
val replay = Bool()
val btb_hit = Bool()
val rvc = Bool()
val inst = new ExpandedInstruction
require(coreInstBits == (if (usingCompressed) 16 else 32))
class IBuf(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule {
val io = new Bundle {
val imem = Decoupled(new FrontendResp).flip
val kill = Bool(INPUT)
val pc = UInt(width = vaddrBitsExtended)
val btb_resp = new BTBResp().asOutput
val inst = Vec(retireWidth, Decoupled(new Instruction))
// This module is meant to be more general, but it's not there yet
2016-08-02 23:52:55 +02:00
require(decodeWidth == 1)
2016-07-30 01:36:07 +02:00
val n = fetchWidth - 1
val nBufValid = if (n == 0) UInt(0) else Reg(init=UInt(0, log2Ceil(fetchWidth)))
val buf = Reg(io.imem.bits)
val ibufBTBHit = Reg(Bool())
val ibufBTBResp = Reg(new BTBResp)
val pcWordMask = UInt(coreInstBytes*fetchWidth-1, vaddrBitsExtended)
val pcWordBits = io.imem.bits.pc.extract(log2Ceil(fetchWidth*coreInstBytes)-1, log2Ceil(coreInstBytes))
val nReady = Wire(init = UInt(0, log2Ceil(fetchWidth+1)))
val nIC = Mux(io.imem.bits.btb.valid && io.imem.bits.btb.bits.taken, io.imem.bits.btb.bits.bridx +& 1, UInt(fetchWidth)) - pcWordBits
val nICReady = nReady - nBufValid
val nValid = Mux(io.imem.valid, nIC, UInt(0)) + nBufValid
io.imem.ready := nReady >= nBufValid && (nICReady >= nIC || n >= nIC - nICReady)
if (n > 0) {
nBufValid := Mux(nReady >= nBufValid, UInt(0), nBufValid - nReady)
if (n > 1) when (nReady > 0 && nReady < nBufValid) {
val shiftedBuf = shiftInsnRight(buf.data(n*coreInstBits-1, coreInstBits), (nReady-1)(log2Ceil(n-1)-1,0))
buf.data := Cat(buf.data(n*coreInstBits-1, (n-1)*coreInstBits), shiftedBuf((n-1)*coreInstBits-1, 0))
buf.pc := buf.pc & ~pcWordMask | (buf.pc + (nReady << log2Ceil(coreInstBytes))) & pcWordMask
ibufBTBResp.bridx := ibufBTBResp.bridx - nReady
when (io.imem.valid && nReady >= nBufValid && nICReady < nIC && n >= nIC - nICReady) {
val shamt = pcWordBits + nICReady
nBufValid := nIC - nICReady
buf := io.imem.bits
buf.data := shiftInsnRight(io.imem.bits.data, shamt)(n*coreInstBits-1,0)
buf.pc := io.imem.bits.pc & ~pcWordMask | (io.imem.bits.pc + (nICReady << log2Ceil(coreInstBytes))) & pcWordMask
ibufBTBHit := io.imem.bits.btb.valid
when (io.imem.bits.btb.valid) {
ibufBTBResp := io.imem.bits.btb.bits
ibufBTBResp.bridx := io.imem.bits.btb.bits.bridx + nICReady
when (io.kill) {
nBufValid := 0
val icShiftAmt = (fetchWidth + nBufValid - pcWordBits)(log2Ceil(fetchWidth), 0)
val icData = shiftInsnLeft(Cat(io.imem.bits.data, Fill(fetchWidth, io.imem.bits.data(coreInstBits-1, 0))), icShiftAmt)
.extract(3*fetchWidth*coreInstBits-1, 2*fetchWidth*coreInstBits)
val icMask = (~UInt(0, fetchWidth*coreInstBits) << (nBufValid << log2Ceil(coreInstBits)))(fetchWidth*coreInstBits-1,0)
val inst = icData & icMask | buf.data & ~icMask
val valid = (UIntToOH(nValid) - 1)(fetchWidth-1, 0)
val bufMask = UIntToOH(nBufValid) - 1
val xcpt_if = valid & (Mux(buf.xcpt_if, bufMask, UInt(0)) | Mux(io.imem.bits.xcpt_if, ~bufMask, UInt(0)))
val ic_replay = valid & (Mux(buf.replay, bufMask, UInt(0)) | Mux(io.imem.bits.replay, ~bufMask, UInt(0)))
val ibufBTBHitMask = Mux(ibufBTBHit, UIntToOH(ibufBTBResp.bridx), UInt(0))
val icBTBHitMask = Mux(io.imem.bits.btb.valid, UIntToOH(io.imem.bits.btb.bits.bridx +& nBufValid - pcWordBits), UInt(0))
val btbHitMask = ibufBTBHitMask & bufMask | icBTBHitMask & ~bufMask
io.btb_resp := Mux((ibufBTBHitMask & bufMask).orR, ibufBTBResp, io.imem.bits.btb.bits)
io.pc := Mux(nBufValid > 0, buf.pc, io.imem.bits.pc)
expand(0, 0, inst)
def expand(i: Int, j: UInt, curInst: UInt): Unit = if (i < retireWidth) {
val exp = Module(new RVCExpander)
exp.io.in := curInst
io.inst(i).bits.inst := exp.io.out
if (usingCompressed) {
val replay = ic_replay(j) || (!exp.io.rvc && (btbHitMask(j) || ic_replay(j+1)))
io.inst(i).valid := valid(j) && (exp.io.rvc || valid(j+1) || xcpt_if(j+1) || replay)
io.inst(i).bits.pf0 := xcpt_if(j)
io.inst(i).bits.pf1 := !exp.io.rvc && xcpt_if(j+1)
io.inst(i).bits.replay := replay
io.inst(i).bits.btb_hit := btbHitMask(j) || (!exp.io.rvc && btbHitMask(j+1))
io.inst(i).bits.rvc := exp.io.rvc
when (io.inst(i).fire()) { nReady := Mux(exp.io.rvc, j+1, j+2) }
expand(i+1, Mux(exp.io.rvc, j+1, j+2), Mux(exp.io.rvc, curInst >> 16, curInst >> 32))
} else {
when (io.inst(i).ready) { nReady := i+1 }
io.inst(i).valid := valid(i)
io.inst(i).bits.pf0 := xcpt_if(i)
io.inst(i).bits.pf1 := false
io.inst(i).bits.replay := ic_replay(i)
io.inst(i).bits.rvc := false
io.inst(i).bits.btb_hit := btbHitMask(i)
expand(i+1, null, curInst >> 32)
def shiftInsnLeft(in: UInt, dist: UInt) = {
val r = in.getWidth/coreInstBits
require(in.getWidth % coreInstBits == 0)
val data = Cat(Fill((1 << (log2Ceil(r) + 1)) - r, in >> (r-1)*coreInstBits), in)
data << (dist << log2Ceil(coreInstBits))
def shiftInsnRight(in: UInt, dist: UInt) = {
val r = in.getWidth/coreInstBits
require(in.getWidth % coreInstBits == 0)
val data = Cat(Fill((1 << (log2Ceil(r) + 1)) - r, in >> (r-1)*coreInstBits), in)
data >> (dist << log2Ceil(coreInstBits))